COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA lltgislntiu.e llnurunl. Session 1957. 142nd of the General Assembly. Vol. 35. HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1957. No. 1. SENATE Bless our Country, 0 Lord; prosper the Commonwealth and bring peace among the nations, we pray in the name TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1957, 12:00 o'clock, m. of the Prince of Peace and the Master of Men, even Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. This being the day and hour fixed by the Constitution for the meeting of the General Assembly, the Members of PRESENTATION OF ELECTION RETURNS the Senate, together with the Senators-elect, chosenat The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the Sergeant-at­ the last general election held on November 6, 1956, as­ Arms of the Senate. sembled in the Senate Chamber. The SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. Mr. President, I have the The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant-Governor Roy E . Fur­ honor to introduce the Secretary of the Commonwealth, man) called the Senate to order at twelve o'clock m. the Honorable James A. Finnegan. The PRESIDENT. Will the Secretary of the Common­ PRAYER wealth come to the Bar of the Senate? The Chaplain, Rev. ROBERT H. STEPHENS, D. D., Mr. FINNEGAN. Mr. President, I have the honor to Pastor of Market Square Presbyterian Church, Harris­ present the official returns of the general election held on burg, offered the following prayer: November 6, 1956, at which certain members of this body were elected, as well as the official returns of the election Let us pray. of the Auditor General and State Treasurer of this Com­ 0 God, Who in Thy providence hast led us down the monwealth. pathway of the years until we now stand in this place at The PRESIDENT. Thank you, Mr. Secretary. this hour, we bless Thee for Thy never failing mercies and Thine all encompassing goodness to us and to our land. ELECTION RETURNS FOR AUDITOR GENERAL AND When we look back with eyes of faith, we can see Thy STATE TREASURER LAID ON THE TABLE hand in our destiny. How great Thou art and how good Thou hast been to us, 0 God most holy. The PRESIDENT. The returns of the election for Auditor General and State Treasurer of the Commonwealth of While others have been called out of the marching Pennsylvania are laid on the table. columns of humanity and have passed into the land beyond the sunset, Thou hast kept us here and brought RETURNS OF ELECTION OF SENATORS us to this hour, for Thou hast work for us to do and a pur­ pose for us to fulfill. To that purpose we would dedicate The PRESIDENT. The Chief Clerk will r ead the returns ourselves this day, and for that work we ask Thy strength of election of Senators, and the Clerk of the Senate will and Thy guidance. As we enter this New Year, we would act as tellers. enter it with renewed faith in Thee; we would reverence .Thy power, worship Thy wisdom, adore Thy justice, be FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT gladdened by Thy love and directed by Thy spirit. Look now, we beseech Thee, upon this Senate assembled Anthony J. Joseph A. County Di S!lvestro Mina and upon each of these Senators individually. As they D. R. face magnificant opportunities and mountainous problems, help them to know they need not face them alone; that Phlladelph1a . .. .. .• . 57,949 36,430 they ought not, that they dare not, if they are to be worthy of their high calling. Give them humility that looks to Thee in faith, courage that faces hard duty un­ flinchingly, patience when the going is hard. Give them THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT strength to work as if they would live forever. Give them grace to live as if they would die tomorrow. Give them Peter J . George H. love that is patient and kind, County Camiel W!lson that is not arrogant or boast­ D. R. ful. In all things may they find in Thee a h elper Who never fails, that they may serve the people worthily Ph1ladelphla ................ .. 15,62!7 9,245 and well in this high calling. 2 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE. January 1, FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT TWENTY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Israel Harry Aaron Martin L . Frank County Stiefel Rubin County Murray Flynn D. R. D. R. Philadelphia ......... ....... ... 28,577 17,573 Luzerne ...... ...... .......• ..•... 40,075 38,911 TWENTY-THIRD SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT SENATORIAL DISTRICT Charles D. Albert E . Charles R . Edward T. County Armstrong Madigan County Welner Quinn D. R . D. R. -----·- Bradford ................. ......... 6,239 14,290 Susquehanna .. •..... Philadelphia . .. .. .. ...... .. ...... ... ... 5,111 9,669 48,045 18,510 Wyoming .•.... ......•• . .• . .. •..... 2,450 5,427 Totals 13,800 29,386 NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT TWENTY-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Charles J . G . Robert County Hepburn, Jr. Watkins James w. James S. D. R. County O'Mara Berger D. R. Delaware .......•..... .. ..... .. •. 84,382 137,985 McKean .. ..... .. ......... ... 5,738 13,833 Potter ...... ..... ...... .......... 2,486 4,004 Tioga . ... ...•.... .... ......•.. • 3,556 tll,341 Totals ............. • . ..... · ... · · · · 11.780 29,008 ELEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT TWENTY-SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Frank W. Thomas P . Darlington County Ruth Stults Hoopes, Jr. D. R. Soc. George A. Samuel B. County Deitrick Wolfe D. R. Berks 50,004 47,936 611 Northumberland ...... .. .•...•.•... 23,216 22,206 Snyder .. .•.•............. .... ... 2,726 6,240 Union .... ...... ................... 2,620 5,771 THIRTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Totals 28,562 34,2111 Lee Edward J. TWENTY-NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT County Work Kessler D. R. 10 Lancaster .... ... •.. ..... ..•. ... 18,953 44,225 Schuylkill ... ~~~~~ ...............l --W-~--~-~-:-~-.~-l-al --~-a-~_i_~-7-~.-21-0 FIFTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT THIRTY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT Henry E. M. Harvey Joseph J. Geo. N. County Hamer Taylor County Mcintosh Wade D. R . D. R. Dauphin Cumberland . ......... .....•. •. .•• . 15.926 26,671 36,923 52,126 Juniata .... .... ....... •. .... · · · 3,103 3,830 Mifflin ..... .. .... •.. ....• .... 5,658 7,858 Perry . ......... ....... ..... -4,0ltl- 6,713 SEVENTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Totals 28,768 45,07a THIRTY-THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT Irvin B . Thomas A. County Kauffman Ehrgood D. R. Charles M. Douglas H. Lancaster 10,213 21,393 County McGee Elllott Lel9anon 12,721 19,941 D . R. 7,433 10,892 _T_o_t_a.ls__ ·_·_·_ · _·._ ._·_· ._._·_· _· ._._·_· ._ ._· _·._. _·_ · ._._____ 22_._93_4 __ ___4_1._3 _34 ~:~~in .. :: : :: : :: :: : : : : : :: :: ::: :: : : 12,373 17,66 -- 9 Totals 19,806 28,561 NINETEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT THIRTY-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Clarence A. Thomas P . Jean B . County Kulp Hamey Darlington D. R. Ind. Cllester ... ........ ....... 20,668 41,676 4,199 . .•. ~~~~~~ . .... .......... __ Cambria l--ii-o_a~-~-~-:-a-. 2-1_J Em_w_!_J_~_e:-F-:49-4 1957. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE. 3 THffiTY-SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Twenty-third District - Albert E. Madigan .Twenty-fifth District - James S. Berger Francis J. Arthur E. Twenty-seventh District - Samuel B. Wolfe county Mottey Kromer D . R. Twenty-ninth District - Paul L. Wagner Thirty-first District Indiana ... .. .................. ..... 12,227 16,998 - George N. Wade Je1ferson •.... • ..• , . ..... • ........ 7,845 11,647 Thirty-third -- -- District - Douglas H. Elliott Totals ..... ... ........ .. .... ... ... 20,072 28,645 Thirty-fifth District - Ernest F. Walker Thirty-seventh District - Arthur E. Kromer THIRTY-NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Thirty-ninth rnstrict - John H. Dent Forty-first District - Albert R. Feehan Forty-third District - Joseph M. Barr John R . Carl M. Dent I Anderson Forty-fifth District - Frank Kopriver, Jr. D. R. Forty-seventh District - John Carl Miller Westmoreland ~~~~~ ............... I 76,035 62,108 Forty-ninth District - C. Arthur Blass FORTY-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION OF OATHS OF OFFICE The PRESIDENT. The next Harry F. Albert R . order of business will be the County Pepper Pechan administration of the oaths of office to the newly elected D . R. Senators. Armstrong . ...•.. ....... .. ..... 13,119 19,292 The oath of office will be administered Butler .... ......... .. ............... 16,387 22,995 to the Republican Senators-elect by the Honorable William H. Neely, Presi- Totals -- -- ········ ··· ···· ········ ····· 29.500 42.2817 dent Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. The oath of office will administered to the FORTY-THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT be Democratic Senators-elect by the Honorable Eustace H. Bane a former Memeer of this Senate and now Judge of Joseph M. James F. Barr I Coyne the Court of Common Pleas of Fayette County I County. D . R. The Chair invites the Honorable William H. Neely to Allegheny .. ........................ 42,460 29,719 the rostrum and the Republican Senators-elect who are to be sworn in by Judge Neely will present themselves in FORTY-FIFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT front of the rostrum. (Oath of office administered accordingly.) Frank The PRESIDENT. The Chair now invites the Honorable I H. A. Beggs I Kopriver, Jr. R. Eustace H. Bane to the rostrum and the Democratic ... .. .. Snb?e: Allegheny ~~~t-~. 2.230 120,418 Senators-elect who are to be sworn in by Judge Bane will present themselves in front of the rostrum. FORTY-SEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT (Oath of office administered accordingly.) The PRESIDENT. The Chair wishes to thank Judge John Carl J. Frank Neely and Judge Bane for administering the oaths of County Miller Kelker D. R. office. Beaver ... .......................... 41,108 33,162 NOTIFICATION OF SPECIAL CEREMONY Lawrence ................ ............ 22,435-- 21,676-- Totals ············ ···· ····· ···· ··· 63,543 54,838 The PRESIDENT. The Chair wishes to announce at this time that the oath of office was administered in the Senate FORTY-NINTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Chamber to the Honorable George J. Sarraf of the Thirty- eighth Senatorial District, and the Honorable Thomas J. Kalman, of the Thirty-second Senatorial Albert P. c. Arthur District, at a Vicks I Blass Special Ceremony D. R. on the seventeenth day of December 1956. Erie 40,237 47,055 ......... ~~~~~ ... ............I The transcript of these proceedings will be entered in the Legislative Journal as a Supplement.
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