"WE ARE 'DE GREATEST" tory. they relinquished only momentari-, as the Wildcats crept back. With played a fine game. But VMI w«f Cagers Win The game see-sawed during the ly near the end of the game. I under one minute remaining Fred not about to turn tail. Down the early moments as both teams By half-time VMI had increased Hetzel was fouled. Two free throws court they roared. The seconds fought an even match. With the its lead to a 9 point margin and later Davidson held the lead 81-80. ticked off. Blair shot—missed but Wildcats leading, 32-28, the Key- left the floor at the break with At this point the Keydets could out of nowhere leaped 6-2 Charlie SC Tourney dets caught fire with eigftt big the score standing 54-45. | have folded—lesser teams would Schmaus. He batted the ball—it points, while holding the Wild- During the second half the ten- ' have — and still returned home was in! VMI led 82-81. by JIM STOKE, Sports Editor cats scoreless, to assume a lead sion mounted higher and higher secure in the knowledge they had Twelve seconds remained. David- Barracks went wild; in the Char- son quickly brought the baU to lotte coliseum the silence was deaf- mid court and called time. Seven ening; on the playing floor Barry seconds remained on the clock. Teague lay prostrate with frustra Davidson set up its play. The tion and grief. ball whipped in to Barry Teague, Those were the scenes last Fri- he passed to Hetzel, who' sur- day night when the surprising, rounded by the entire Keydefi fighting Keydets of VMI toppled team, was forced to pasS baclc Davidson in the semi-finals of the to Teague. A quick shot by Tea- Southern Conference Tourney at gue rimmed the basket. The buz- Charlotte, N. C., in their drive to zer sounded. It was over and VMI the conference championship. had stunned the basketball world. This was a victory that stunned Bill Blair led the Keydet stdr- the entire basketball world. The ers with 27 points, followed by highly partisan Davidson crowd in Schmaus with 16. Hetzel poured. Charlotte found it hard to be- 41 through the hoop for David- lieve; the nationally ranked Wild- son. cats, favorites in the tourney, wfere done for the year and the fantastic Saturday evening, the Keydets, Keydets were on the roat! that bone-tired, but ready to play TJtis- would lead after Saturday's vic- ketball. put the frosting on the tory over George Washington, to cake with a 61-56 victory over the Philadelphia and a game with the Colonials of George Washington. Ivy League champions. The finesse of Friday evening The Keydets were fabulous. was gone, but the desire remain^ Many adjectives have been applied ed. Led by high - jumping Charlie to the Cinderella team in the Schmaus. who was all over the newspapers this week, but there is court, VMI fought off a deter- none that can describe their per- mined G. W. team to take the formance any better — they were game and the championship of the fabulous! Southern Conference for the first: THEY ARE THE GREATEST! Pictured above is Never losing their poise, they most pleasant part of this team picture is the time. fought all the way to the final tap- the victorious VMI basketball team that won the trophy they received for being the champions. It was a game of desire. Down in that gave them the 82-81 vic- Southern Conference Tourney at Charlotte. The (Continued On Page 8) Volume LIII Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, March 6, 1964 Number 20 purpose and machinery of goveni- Harrison. Legislature Is mental groups and activities. The group was introduced to the The first full day of the trip State Senate. The Senate gave a IRC UN Conference was spent in the General Assembly. very warm welcome; in fact, it Scrutinized Starting at 0900 ,the members met went so far as to pass a resolu- with Mr. J. Randolph Tucker Jr., tion commending the VMI basket- During the period 1-3 March, 27 VMI Board of Visitors member ball team and Coach Miller ott Held In New York members of the VMI Political and former member of the legis- winning the Southern Conference Science Society were in Richmond lature, who outlined the functions Basketball Championship. VMI's representation at confer- ings and plenary sessions. These to visit the General Assembly and and operations of the State Senate, After being introduced to the ences dealing with international re- meetings should prove education- to observe other governmental House of Delegates, and other House of Delegates, the members lations continues this March 5-8, al and fruitful for the delegates agencies and activities. This tour state agencies and courts. listened to a period of debate when six cadets will attend the in their attempts to introduce re- was made as a part of the Socie- Following a guided tour of the and then departed to check on 37th National Model General As- solutions in the General Assembly ty's long-term plan of visiting state newly renovated Capitol Building, various committee hearings. sembly of the United Nations in expressing their own grievances. and national governments in order Mr. Tucker introduced the mem- On March 3, after a visit to the New York. This Assembly, spon- The plenary sessions will be held to gain a better knowledge of the bers of the Society to Governor (Continued On Page 7) sored by the Collegiate Council in the General Assembly Hall at for the United Nations, will be the UN, where the resolutions will attended by some 80 colleges be disposed of, and elections of of- across the country, each one rep ficei-s to the General Assembly resenting a country of its choosing will take place. which is a member of the United There are six committees form- Nations. ed to consider resolutions and pos- VMI's delegation, consisting of sibly initiate resolutions on their George Rapport, Parker Duncan, particular topics of discussion. Lyman GofT, Bob Hughes, John These committees include: politi Chisholm, and Bob Walker, will cal, embracing charter revision, represent Austria. To assist the the Congo, Malaysia, and outer delegations in planning their reso- space; economic, includin g the lutions and determining the poli UN World Trade Conference, and cies they will follow, each delega- other matters of international tion will be briefed by the mem- trade; Social and Humanitarian, bers of the delegation to the UN considering racial discrimination, from the country which the col- and apartheid; Colonial, dealing lege represents. Preparatory to with any countries which are un- attending the Assembly, VMI's happy with their colonial status; delegation, as did others, wrote the legal, taking up peace through embassy of the country they will world law, and codification and de- represent and received material velopment of world law; and Spe- concerning the country's feeling-; cial Political, dealing with the con- on matters before the UN at pres troversial subjects of disarmament ent aJid action taken by the res- and the test ban treaty. pective countries both in the UN The delegates will hear the Am. and unilateraly on pressing world bassador from Cyprus speak along problems. with other members of the UN There will be three general serving in different phases of UN types of niiH-t ngs for the delegates work. THE VMI International Relations Club is being Walker, Parker Duncan, Bob Hughes, Lymaii to attend at the .\ssembly. name- Making use of the facilities of represented at the Model United Nations General Golf, John Chisholm, and George Rapport. Iv: bloc meetings, committee meet- (Continued on Page 8) Assembly la New York by (left to right) Bob B S K E T B A L CO-CAPTAIN BOBBY WATSON holds the spoils of the South- L ern Conference Tourney high above his head as he leads his teammates to the cheer rally held in their honor. Holding the bas- ketball over his head is Charley Schmaus, whose tip-in beat David- IS son in the second game of the tourney. N A VERY FRIGHTENED looking Princeton Tiger receives the word from VMI cadets that he will be the next to fall to the red- hot Keydet basketballers. VMI plays Princeton Monday night at G the Palestra in Philadelphia in the Regional Round of the NCAA tournament. J V CARPER'S BARBER SHOP 1910 Memorial Ave. Roanoke, Va, EVERY POSSIBLE vantage point was taken by cadets when they welcomed the team back Sunday, Even Limits Gates were pressed into service, so that some members of the Corps could view the festivities better. verm New Market, Va. Clarkson & Wallace, Inc. MEMBERS of the pep band add their musical support to the Real Estate and Insurance NL TTALL S cheer-rally. The pep band will be on hand Monday night in Area Code 703 Warm Springs & Millboro Philadelphia to help cheer the team on. W A I N W R I G H T Virginia REALTY COMPANY MARKET Realtors THE SOVTHERy INN Virginia Beach, Va. "Good Things To Eat" EVERETT WADDEY CO. MAKE US YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOE Phone EL 34965 Richmond, Va. The College Inn RICHMOND, VA. Gooil Food Engineering Supplies At Reasonable Prices 'Ready As Every To Serve • STEAKS • CHICKEN • SANDWICHES You and Please You' F. C. AMRHEIN & SONS • SODA FOUNTAIN 32 Kirk Ave. Flue Italian Food Roanoke, Va. LyriC Home of the "Muzzi-Boy" DIAL DI 3-5147 Alexander • Beetle Fri., Sat, importers & retailers finest gentlemen's apparel ladies' sportswear MELifL^ ANTK.ONY SIMONPIETRI'S MEflCOUM JPEAiONS 31st STREET VIRGINIA BEACH.
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