2,000 May Walk foi The Weather THEDMLY FINAL Partly sunny today with chance of showers tonight and Red Bank, Freehold tomorrow. I Long Branch 7 EDITION REGISTER 48 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO.219 RED BANK, N.J. THURSDAY, MAY 10,1973 TEN CENTS New Questions Raised as Nixon Promises Justice for the Guilty WASHINGTON (AP) - expected and that the dinner In a Watergate development week, was said to have asked Nine months later, he was ar- Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D- President Nixon, in a speech might gross little more than earlier in the day, the director that Hunt receive agency as- rested in the break-in at Wash.. said "It is clear and to the party faithful and finan- half the $1.4 million usually of the Central Intelligence sistance. Democratic headquarters in shocking" that the agency cial backers, promises that raised in the off-year GOP Agency told senators that a the Watergate here. violated the 1947 National Hunt, a one-time CIA em- "the guilty will be brought to gala. trusted Nixon adviser, John Shortly after the Watergate Security Act by allowing itself ploye, has testified he took justice" in the Watergate D. Ehrlichman, smoothed the arrests, Schlesinger said, the to be used a a "costume Nixon may have alluded to. part in the Septmember 1971 scandal. But Senate testimony way for E. Howard Hunt to CIA gave an account of its house" by White House offi- the low turnout when he said, burglary of a Los Angeles about high-level involvement obtain CIA materials later dealings with Hunt to top Jus- cials involved in domestic, "I shall always remember psychiatrist's office in an at- in clandestine operations has used in an office burglary. tice Department officials and covert operations. this group tonight — remem- tempt to photograph the doc- raised new questions about CIA Chief James L. Schlesi- Karl J. Silbert, chief prose- ber that when the going got tor's files on Daniel Ellsberg, Sen. John L. McClellan, D- the strange goings-on. nger said the agency didn't cutor in the Watergate case. tough you hung in there. a defendant in the Pentagon Ark., chairman of the Senate Nixon told a $l,000-a-plate know what Hunt's mission It is not clear what was "The finest steel has to go papers trial. Appropriations Committee, in- Republican campaign dinner through the hottest fire. And was but that giving him the done with the information be- dicated he may expand his last night, "I can assure you let me tell you, this room is aid was ill-advised, even At the time, Hunt was work- fore the CIA's involvement probe into the affair. that we will get to the bottom full of the finest steel though Ehrlichman, who gave ing for the White House as a was disclosed by The New of this deplorable incident." tonight." up his White House post last "security-affairs consultant." York Times this week. See Nixon, page 2 The President said he was elected to build "a more peaceful world" and is deter- mined to go forward toward that goal. "We're going to make the Witness Says Sergeant Kicked next four years better than AP wirtpliolo the last four years," Nixon ^^^,_..IISES ACTION - President Nixon tells Re- told the kickoff fund-raising vpOblican campaign contributors last night in Wash- event for the 1974 congression- ington he will get to the bottom of the Watergate al campaign. But planners Recruit Who Died After March scandal and not let It keep him from making "the said the turnout was far below next four years better than the last four years." the number of contributors FT. DIX (AP) — An Army death of the 22-year-old re- said he assisted Ostergren for courtrnajtial has heard testi- cruit from Norwood, Mass. about 75 feet after Layton had mdnyThat Staff Sgt. John D. King testified that Layton kicked him. Jones said he Layton kicked a recruit who and Ostergren were behind learned of Ostergren's death collapsed during a rifle march him during the march when upon returning to the bar- See Mitchell, Stans here last January. he heard the sergeant cursing. racks. Set. Colia Kine testified that "I recognized Layton's The presiding judge, Col. he" saw Layton kick Pvt. John voice. I turned around and Os- Thomas J. Nichols, turned Ostergren at least twice while tergren was lying on the down a defense motion at the ordering him in abusive lan- ground. Sgt. Layton was start of the hearing for a Cited in Vesco Caseguage to get up. Ostergren standing over him kicking him change of venue for the court died a half hour later. in the side," said King, adding martial. NEW YORK (AP) - The nis arrest has been issued. The grand jury has been The trial enters its second that he saw Layton kick Os- Coyle argued that it was New York Times says it has The $200,000 donation was working against a Friday day today. It is expected to tergren at least twice. clear from his questioning of learned that former Attorney received by the Nixon cam- deadline — the date pre- last about three days. Under cross-examination by prospective jurors that "a Gen. John N. Mitchell and for- paign finance committee in viously set by U.S. Attorney King was the first prose- John Coyle, a civilian at- majority of them have been mer Commerce Secretary Washington April 10, three Whitney North Seymour Jr. cution witness against Lay- torney for Layton, King de- exposed to newspaper reports Maurice H. Stans are to be in- days after the 1972 campaign for his departure to private ton, 34, a Vietnam veteran nied being upset because Lay- which gave them the impres- dicted today in connection contribution disclosure law practice. from Enfield, Conn., who is ton had been assigned to as- sion there is a cause and ef- with a federal investigation of took effect. Another $50,000 In the SEC case, the first accused of maltreating Os- sist him in conducting the fect relationship between the financier Robert L. Vesco. gift from Vesco was made half of a preliminary suit tergren by kicking and ver- drill. alleged mistreatment and the Mitchell was the director of public. seeking to freeze Vesco's as- bally abusing him during the Pvt. Emerrett Jones, a death of the recruit." the Committee to Re-Elect All $250,000 was returned to sets until the full case comes' Jan. 15 march. member of the company that The judge ruled that the de- the President until last July. Vesco last January, two to trial was completed last An Army autopsy failed to made the march, corrobo- fense failed to prove that such Stans was President Nixon's months after the SEC suit was Tuesday. determine the exact cause of rated King's testimony and an atmosphere of prejudice chief fund raiser. filed. On May 2, the Justice existed,that it was impossible The federal indictment is Department charged the con> to get a fair-trial. understood to charge that Mit- mittee with failing to report A prospective juror, Maj. chell and Stans accepted a the contribution. Chester Broonke, was ex- $200,000 secret cash contribu- Disclosure of the cash con- Hospital Stays Firm cused when he said he had tion from Vesco in return for tribution came to light in a surmised from newspaper re- an effort to influence an in- disposition by Harry L. Sears, ports that Ostergren's death vestigation of him by the a former Republican leader of stemmed from the alleged Securities and Exchange the New Jersey Senate, who kicking. Commission, the Times said. said he asked Mitchell to help On Abortion Service Coyle submitted that a gov- The Times said, Vesco, who arrange a meeting with Wil- ernment "is required to allege is out of the country, would be liam J. Casey, then chairman FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - Charles R. Valentine, Our fuse to change its policies for- the most serious offense for Freehold Area Hospital plans bidding abortion. indicted as well. of the SEC. Lady of Mercy Catholic which it has evidence." He »F> Wir«ptiolo A federal grand jury empa- In May, Casey and G. Brad- no formal response to a state- Church, Englishtown; Rev. The only area hospital that told the court he didn't want it LEAVES COURT — Staff Sgt. John D. Layfon and neled two months ago ques- ford Cook, then chief counsel ment from six area pastors Albert W. Gibson, Hope Lu- has said it won't perform to appear that Layton was his wife Nancy leave court martial building dur- tioned both Mitchell and Stans of the SEC and now its chair- protesting the hospital's deci- theran Church, Freehold abortions is Point Pleasant being granted a favor. ing first day of trial in Ft. Dix yesterday. Layton in an investigation of whether man, met with Sears to dis- sion to permit abortions. Township; Rev. Thomas F. Hospital. The case is being prose- is charged with maltreatment and misconduct the unreported cash gift from cuss the SEC investigation. Jack DeCerce, hospital ad- Dentici, St. Robert Bellar- The pastors in their release cuted by Capt. William C. We- stemming from a Jan. 1973 incident in which a Vesco was related to the SEC Cook testified before the ministrator, said that the mine Catholic Church, Free- noted, "It has been our privi- ber. basic trainee died. investigation. grand jury last month, Board of Trustees stands on hold Township; and Rev.
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