РЕПУБЛИКА СРПСКА Геолошки МИНИСТАРСТВО ИНДУСТРИЈЕ, ЕНЕРГЕТИКЕ И РУДАРСТВА гласник 36 - РЕПУБЛИЧКИ ЗАВОД ЗА ГЕОЛОШКА ИСТРАЖИВАЊА Нова серија 4 REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, ENERGY AND MINING Herald GEOLOGICAL SURVEY geological 36 - New edition 4 ISSN 2233-1824 9 7 7 2 2 3 3 1 8 2 0 0 6 Зворник 2015 Zvornik МИНИСТАРСТВО ИНДУСТРИЈЕ, ЕНЕРГЕТИКЕ И РУДАРСТВА РЕПУБЛИКЕ СРПСКЕ РЕПУБЛИЧКИ ЗАВОД ЗА ГЕОЛОШКА ИСТРАЖИВАЊА РЕПУБЛИКЕ СРПСКЕ Зворник www.geozavodrs.com УРЕДНИЦИ АДАМ ДАНГИЋ, проф. др, Универзитет у Београду, Србија ДРАГАН МИТРОВИЋ,. дипл. инж., Реп. завод за геолошка истраживања РС, БиХ УРЕЂИВАЧКИ ОДБОР ДРАГОМАН РАБРЕНОВИЋ, проф. др, Геолошки завод Србије, Београд, Србија ДРАГО ТРКУЉА, проф. др, Универзитет у Бања Луци, Република Српска, БиХ СТЈЕПАН ЋОРИЋ, др, Геолошки завод Аустрије, Беч, Аустрија ДУШКО СУНАРИЋ, проф. др, Универзитет у Београду, Србија ЗОРАН СТЕВАНОВИЋ, проф. др, Универзитет у Београду, Србија РАНКО ЦВИЈИЋ, проф. др, Рударски институт, Приједор, Република Српска, БиХ БИЉАНА АБОЛМАСОВ, проф. др, Универзитет у Београду, Србија ТЕХНИЧКИ УРЕДНИЦИ: ЦВЈЕТКО САНДИЋ и АНДРИЈАНА СТЕВАНОВИЋ ШТАМПА: ВАДКОМ, Зворник, Република Српска ТИРАЖ: 300 примјерака ISSN 2233-1824 Ауторска права © 2015 Републички завод за геолошка истраживања Републике Српске и аутори РЕПУБЛИКА СРПСКА Геолошки МИНИСТАРСТВО ИНДУСТРИЈЕ, ЕНЕРГЕТИКЕ И РУДАРСТВА гласник 36 - РЕПУБЛИЧКИ ЗАВОД ЗА ГЕОЛОШКА ИСТРАЖИВАЊА Нова серија 4 REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, ENERGY AND MINING Herald GEOLOGICAL SURVEY geological 36 - New edition 4 Зворник 2015 Zvornik MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, ENERGY AND MINING OF REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA Zvornik www.geozavodrs.com EDITORS АDAM DANGIĆ, Prof. Dr., University of Belgrade, Serbia DRAGAN MITROVIĆ, B. Sc., Geological Survey of Republic of Srpska, RS, B&H EDITORIAL BOARD DRAGOMAN RABRENOVIĆ, Prof. Dr., Geolоgical Survey of Serbia, Belgarde, Serbia DRAGO TRKULJA, Prof. Dr., University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, B&H STJEPAN ĆORIĆ, Dr., Geolоgical Survey of Austria, Vienna, Austria DUŠKO SUNARIĆ, Prof. Dr., University of Belgrade, Serbia ZORAN STEVANOVIĆ, Prof. Dr., University of Belgrade, Serbia RANKO CVIJIĆ, Prof. Dr., Mining Institute, Prijedor, Republic of Srpska, B&H BILJANA ABOLMASOV, Prof. Dr., University of Belgrade, Serbia ТECHNICAL EDITORS: CVJETKO SANDIĆ and ANDRIJANA STEVANOVIĆ PRINTED BY: VADKOM, Zvornik, Republic of Srpska CIRCULATION: 300 copies ISSN 2233-1824 Copyrights © 2015 Geological Survey of Republic of Srpska and authors С А Д Р Ж А Ј / C O N T E N T Н а у ч н и р а д о в и / S c i e n t i f i c P a p e r s A. DANGIĆ MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY AND EPIGENESIS OF BAUXITES IN INNER DINARIDES A. ДАНГИЋ MИНЕРАЛОГИЈА, ГЕОХЕМИЈА И ЕПИГЕНЕЗА БОКСИТА У УНУТРАШЊИМ ДИНАРИДИМА .............................................................................. 1 R. CVIJIĆ, A. MILOŠEVIĆ ANALYSIS OF CENTENNIAL SYSTEMATIC GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION OF LJUBIJA ORE AREA Р. ЦВИЈИЋ, А. МИЛОШЕВИЋ AНАЛИЗА СТОГОДИШЊИХ СИСТЕМАТСКИХ ГЕОЛОШКИХ ИСТРАЖИВАЊА ЉУБИЈСКОЈ РУДНОГ РЕЈОНА ................................................... 31 B. ЈOLOVIĆ, A. STEVANOVIĆ, M. NOGIĆ INCREASED CONCENTRATION OF FLUORIDES IN GROUNDWATER OF SREBRENICA MUNICIPALITY – CAUSES AND POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF LONG-TERM CONSUMPTION Б. JОЛОВИЋ, А. СТЕВАНОВИЋ, М. НОГИЋ ПОВЕЋАН САДРЖАЈ ФЛУОРИДА У ПОДЗЕМНИМ ВОДАМА ОПШТИНЕ СРЕБРЕНИЦА – УЗРОЦИ И МОГУЋЕ ПОСЉЕДИЦЕ ДУГОТРАЈНОГ КОНЗУМИРАЊА ............................................................................................................ 79 C. SANDIĆ, N. LOVRIĆ, K. LEKA COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF HEURISTIC AND STATISTICAL APPROACH FOR THE LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY ASSESSMENT OF ZVORNIK TOWN Ц. САНДИЋ, Н. ЛОВРИЋ, К. ЛЕКА УПОРЕДНА АНАЛИЗА ДОБИЈЕНИХ РЕЗУЛТАТА ХЕУРИСТИЧКОГ И СТАТИСТИЧКОГ ПРИСТУПА ПРИ ПРОЦЈЕНИ СКЛОНОСТИ ТЕРЕНА НА КЛИЖЕЊЕ ПОДРУЧЈА ГРАДА ЗВОРНИКА ........................................................... 107 С т р у ч н и р а д о в и / P r o f e s s i o n a l P a p e r s Е. ДИВКОВИЋ-ГОЛИЋ, Љ. ГАЈИЋ ПОЈАВЕ КРИТИЧНИХ МИНЕРАЛНИХ СИРОВИНА НА ПРОСТОРУ РЕПУБЛИКЕ СРПСКЕ E. DIVKOVIĆ-GOLIĆ, LJ. GAJIĆ OCCURRENCE OF MINERAL RESOURCES IN THE AREA OF THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA .......................................................................................................................... 135 Геолошки гласник 36 – Нова серија 4 Herald geological 36 –New edition 4 (2015), стр. 1-30 (2015), pp. 1-30 Original Scientific Paper MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY AND EPIGENESIS OF BAUXITES IN INNER DINARIDES ADAM DANGIĆ University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining & Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia E-mail: [email protected] Аbstract. The karst bauxite province of Inner Dinarides (ID) at Balkan Peninsula (SE Europe) is characterized by bauxites of Cretaceous age which appear in few bauxite areas of which two – Vlasenica-Milići-Srebrenica (VMS), in NE Bosnia, and Grebnik, in SW Serbia, contain economically important bauxite deposits. In these two areas bauxites are characterized by similar types of occurrence, as fillings in depressions in karstified limestones, but there are some important differences in their mineral composition and geochemistry. In the VMS area, in some deposits bauxite is sporadically discolored and kaolinized around fissures. In the Grebnik area, close to some bauxite outcrops there are small deposits consisting of bauxite detritus mixed with terra-rossa. The mode of the occurrence and the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of bauxites in both areas indicate that they were formed by an in situ bauxitization that produced Al-monohydrate minerals - boehmite in the VMS area and diaspore in the Grebnik area. In the epigenetic stage the bauxite deposits at both areas were subjected to very specific alteration processes. In Grebnik, some of bauxite deposits have been outcropped and exposed to mechanical weathering. Bauxite detritus was mixed with terra- rossa material to form detrital fans which present a new type of secondary bauxite deposits – detrital bauxites with terra rossa (DANGIĆ & PODUNAVAC, 1998). In VMS, some bauxite deposits were locally subjected to kaolinization, an alteration process caused by Si-metasomatism in a very specific geochemical system of bauxite-groundwater interaction. Key words: karst bauxites, mineralogy, geochemistry, genesis, epigenesis, bauxite kaolinization, detrital bauxites, Inner Dinarides 1. INTRODUCTION In the western parts of Balkan Peninsula there are numerous karst bauxite deposits and occurrences localized in two bauxite provinces - the External Dinarides (ED) and Inner Dinarides (ID) (BÁRDOSSY, 1982; GRUBIĆ, 1975). In the ED bauxites appear in a series of stratigraphic levels, from the Triassic to Eocene. On the other side, in the ID all bauxites are of Cretaceous age. In ID there are two 1 Геолошки гласник 36 – Нова серија 4 / Geological Herald 36 – New Edition 4, 2015 important bauxite areas: Vlasenica- Milići-Srebrenica (VMS), in Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Grebnik, in Serbia. In these areas bauxites deposits similar geological but differ in mineralogical and geochemical features and epigenetic alterations. Bauxites in the VMS are of boehmite-hematite composition. Some deposits are characterized by a local epigenetic kaolinization of bauxite (DANGIĆ, 1983; 1985a). Bauxites in Grebnik are of diaspore-hematite composition. Around some bauxite outcrops there are accumulations of bauxite detritus with terra-rossa, which represent a new type of secondary bauxite deposits – detritic bauxite with terra-rossa (DANGIĆ & PODUNAVAC, 1998; 2000). The paper presents geological, mineralogical and geochemical features of bauxite deposits in the VMS and Grebnik areas and discusses their genesis and epigenetic changes. 2. GEOLOGICAL FEATURES The ID bauxite province extends in NW-SE direction, from the south edge of the Pannonian Basin through NE Bosnia and Herzegovina and West and SW Serbia. In the ID there are 4 bauxite provinces (from NW to SE): (1) Poćuta, (2) VMS, (3) Zlatibor and (4) Grebnik (Figure 1). The VMS and Grebnik bauxite areas contain economically very important bauxite deposits; the other two areas are with deposits of little importance (DANGIĆ, 1985а; DANGIĆ&GORDANIĆ, 1994; GRUBIĆET ALL., 1988; JANKOVIĆ, 1990). Figure 1. Geologic sketch map showing positions of bauxite areas in the Inner Dinarides karst bauxite province. ED= External Dinarides. ID= Inner Dinarides: 1- Poćuta area. 2-VМС area. 3- Zlatibor area. 4- Grebnik area. Слика 1. Геолошка прегледна карта са локацијама бокситних области у бокситној провинцији Унутрашњих Динарида. ED= Спољашњи Динариди. ID= Спољашњи Динариди: 1-Поћута. 2-ВМС. 3- Златибор. 4-Гребник. 2 Dangić: Mineralogy, geochemistry.../Дангић: Минералогија, геохемија... The VMS area (in the older literature: Vlasenica area) is located in the Republic of Srpska between the cities of Milići,Vlasenica and Srebrenica. Bauxite deposits appear in a zone of NW-SE extension, 30 km long and 4 km wide, which is located along the contact of middle Triassic limestones with Paleozoic slates and sandstones (Figure 2). In this zone there are a large number of bauxite deposits of different sizes, located in the karst depressions in Middle Triassic limestones and covered by Upper Cretaceous limestones and/or a series of Neogene (?) conglomerates, sands and clays (RANKOVIĆ, 1973). The bauxite bodies are shaped as beds, lenses and pocket fillings, and some of them are as thick as over 40 m (Figure 3). The deposits vary in size, from a few tens of thousands to
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