Harvard Library bibliography: Supplement (Harvard Library Bulletin, Volume 3.4) The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Carpenter, Kenneth E. 1993. Harvard Library bibliography: Supplement (Harvard Library Bulletin, Volume 3.4). Harvard Library Bulletin 3 (4), Winter 1992-93: 73-80. Citable link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:42663125 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA 73 Harvard Library Bibliography: Supplement This is a list of selected new books and articles of which any unit of the Harvard Library is the author, primary editor, publisher, or subject. The list also includes scholarly and professional work published by Library staff The bibliography for 1960-1966 appeared in the HarvardLibrary Bulletin, 15 (1967), and supplements have appeared in the years following, most recently in Vol. I (New Series), No. 4 (Win- ter 1990). The list below covers publications through mid-1992. Altenberger, Alicja. See under Monroe C. Gutman Library, Current Issues in Education:A Bib- liographicSeries. Amory, Hugh. "Fielding's Wife: The Formation of his Miscellaniesand the text of A Journey from this World to the Next," in The Papersof the BibliographicalSociety cifAmerica, Vol. 84, No. 3 (September 1990), pp. 265-283. (Hugh Amory is Senior Cataloger in the Hough- ton Library.) Andrews, Tamsey and Robert Tykot, eds. Sardinia in the Mediterranean:A Footprint in the Sea (Sheffield Academic Press, 1992), Vol. 3 in "Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeol- ogy." (A major publication on Sardinian history and archaeology representing the col- laborative efforts of 53 distinguished scholars from seven countries. Tamsey Andrews is a Staff Assistant in Widener Library; Robert Tykot is a graduate student in the Depart- ment of Anthropology.) Baker Library Guide (1992). (Updated and edited by Charlene Cunniffe, Reference Librarian in Baker Library at the Business School.) Beall,Jeffrey. "Describing the Foreign Language Skills of Catalogers in Academic Libraries," in Catalogingand ClassificationQuarterly, Vol. 14, No. I (1991), pp. 39-47. 0effrey Beall is a Cataloger in the Original Cataloging Section of the Monograph Division in Wid- ener Library.) Berlin, Charles, editor. Jewish Film andJewish Studies, Proceedingscif a conferenceheld at Harvard University on November 13-14, 1989 on the roleof Jewish film in teachingand researchin Jewish studies, 68 p. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Library, r99r. (By the fall of 1989, Harvard's collection ofJudaica videotapes had grown to over 1,000 titles. To celebrate this milestone, and to inform scholars of this new resource for scholarship, a conference was organized. Publication of the proceedings was made possible by the Sherman H. Starr Judaica Library Publication Fund in the Harvard College Library and by a grant from the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation. Charles Berlin is Lee M. Friedman Bibliogra- pher in Judaica and Head of the Area Studies Department in the College Library.) BibliothecaBibliographica Breslaueriana. 52-page pamphlet, with color plates on front and back cover, and 18 halftones. Cambridge: Harvard College Library, 1991. (A catalog of the exhibition of the same name, on display at the Houghton Library in February and March 1991. Contains a Foreword by Roger Stoddard, Curator of Rare Books in the College Library, and a detailed listing of73 items in the show. Publication was supported by the Microglyphics Fund.) Birladeanu, Ludmila. "Two Factors in Thermal Cis-trans Rearrangements of Pentaenes," in Journal cif the American Chemical Society, Vol. 113 (1991), pp. 4558-4563. (Ludmila Birladeanu retired at the end of 1991 as Supervisor of the Chemistry Library.) 74 HARVARD LIBRARY BULLETIN Boise, Jean with Donald Pfister. A Bibliographyof Taxonomic MycologicalLiterature 1753-1821 (Berlin and Stuttgart:]. Cramer, 1990). Oean Boise is Reference Librarian for the Botany Libraries; Donald Pfister is Asa Gray Professor of Systematic Botany and Curator of the Farlow Library and Herbarium.) Bond, W. H. Thomas Hollis of Lincoln's Inn, A Whig and His Books, 133 p., with frontispiece and 55 illustrations, hardbound. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1990. (This book contains the first comprehensive catalog ofThomas Hollis's emblematic bind- ing tools and a discussion of the several binders who worked for him. It also explores other activities that are less well-known: his patronage of writers, printers, publishers, and artists, and his work as a designer of books and medals. This study encourages a re- evaluation of Hollis's influence in the Age of Enlightenment and the Age of Revolu- tion. W. H. Bond is Librarian of the Houghton Library, Emeritus.) "Breaking new ground for the Harvard College Library: An interview with Richard De Gennaro," in re:sources, A Newsletterof the Committee on UniversityResources, Vol. 2, No. 2 (March 1992), pp. 2-3, 8-9. (This interview with the Roy E. Larsen Librarian of Har- vard College is a highly readable, succinct yet comprehensive account of the College Library's future plans.) Carpenter, Kenneth. "Keeping Widener Library from Bursting: or, Managing Growth and Space," 21 pp., pamphlet (Cambridge: Harvard University Library, 1992). (Kenneth E. Carpenter is Assistant Director for Research Resources in the University Library.) For publications edited by Kenneth E. Carpenter, see entries under "University Library." Christo, Doris Hedlund. See under Monroe C. Gutman Library, Current Issuesin Education:A BibliographicSeries. The Countway Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Fall 1992). (A new quarterly publication of the Countway Library of Medicine and the Boston Medical Library, which intends to pro- vide library users with information on new services, policies, and activities.) Daniels, Mary. "Things, Things, Things: The AA Tin a Mixed Format Archival Collection," in Art and ArchitectureThesaurus Bulletin, No. 19 (1991). (Mary Daniels is Special Collec- tions Librarian at the Frances Loeb Library of the Graduate School of Design.) de Lorenzo, David with Sanford Fox and John Laub. Pioneersin Criminologyand Criminaljus- tice: Sheldon and Eleanor Toureff Glueck (Cambridge: President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1992), 64 pp., with color cover and 13 halftones. (David de Lorenzo is Curator of Manuscripts in Special Collections at the Law School Library; Sanford Fox, who wrote the Introduction, is Professor of Law at Boston College Law School; and John Laub, who contributed an essay, is currently a Visiting Scholar at Radcliffe College's Murray Research Center.) Dennis, Rodney and Elizabeth Falsey, eds. Marks in the Fields:Essays on the Uses of Manuscripts (Cambridge: The Houghton Library, 1992), 200 pp., 40 plates. (Rodney Dennis is Curator of Manuscripts, Emeritus in the Harvard College Library.) Elliott, Clark A. "Comment on the Archival Profession," in AmericanArchivist, Vol. 53, Sum- mer 1990, pp. 376-377. (A brief discussion of possible future directions of the archival profession. Clark A. Elliott is Associate Curator for Archives Administration and Re- search in the University Archives.) Elliott, Clark with Margaret Rossiter, eds. Scienceat Harvard University: HistoricalPerspectives (Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press; London and Toronto: Associated University Press, 1992). (This book was named by Choice magazine as one of the outstanding academic books of 1992. Margaret Rossiter is Professor of the History of Science at Cornell.) Emerson, John. "Jean Chardin," in EncyclopaediaIranica, Vol. V (1991-1992), pp. 369-377. Oohn Emerson is Persian Language Specialist in the Middle Eastern Division, Area Stud- ies Department, in Widener Library.) Falsey, Elizabeth. See entry under "Dennis, Rodney." HarvardLibrary Bibliography: Supplement 75 Five Centuriesof Books and Manuscriptsin Modern Greek. Exhibition catalog, 96 p., with 72 illus- trations, many in two colors. Cambridge: Harvard College Library, 1990. (Catalog of an exhibition at the Houghton Library, 4 December 1987-17 February 1988. By Evro Layton, with an introduction by Margaret Alexiou; Roger E. Stoddard edited the text and pictures. Evro Layton is former Greek Book Selector in the College Library; Mar- garet Alexiou is George Seferis Professor of Modem Greek Studies; Roger E. Stoddard is Curator of Rare Books in the College Library.) Flaherty, Marcella. See under Monroe C. Gutman Library, Current Issues in Education:A Bib- liographicSeries. Friends of the Harvard College Library. Calendar of Events (Fall 1991, Spring 1992, and Fall 1992). Gabriel, Joseph. "Getting Down to Business-The Business of Acquisitions," in ALCTS Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 8 (1991). Ooseph Gabriel is Head of Technical Services in the Gutman Library.) Global Views Monthly, August 1990. A popular magazine published in Taipei, Taiwan. Con- tains three articles on Harvard libraries: an article about the history and development of the Harvard College Library; an interview with Eugene C. Wu, Librarian of the Har- vard- Y enching Library; and an interview with Sidney Verba, Carl H. Pforzheimer Uni- versity Professor and Director of the University Library. With photos of Mr. Wu and Professor Verba, the Harvard-Yenching Library, and the interior of the Tozzer Library. Graham, Barbara. "Firmitas, Utilitas, et Frugalitas:
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