•*•* Read-the Herald For Local News Th* Weather: Serving Summit For 62 fear* Fair tad wra*wb*t miklor to* day. Tomorrow, fair and warm. •r. Rain likely Saturday and i Sunday. 62nd Y«ar—No. 44 n«8T SECTION INMI Cbua Mastw at IB Two SecUoas SUMMIT, N. J., THURSpAY, APRIL 5, I9SI — M. J.. Uaaw ikikitl in S4AVEA* I CENT! Summit Area Now Dinner Tuesday VanTronk, McGrath, Gerity Get Has 133 Industries, To Climax YMCA t Utility Report Show Centennial Week Police Department Promotions The rapid pace of research «nd Climaxing the week of celebra- Police Sergeants Frank Van Tronk aff& David McGrath industrial growth in the Sununit.- tion of the YMCA's founding in were piocnoted to the rank of lieutenant by Common Coun. Sp.ringfield - Chatham area was North America in 1851, the Sum- cil on Tuesday night. At the same time, Patrolman George /^neauured yesterday by power con- mit "Y" expects a large turnout sumption figures showing for 1950 Gerity was appointed sergeant. Tuesday evening, April 10, when \ increases of 20 per cent over 1H9 members and friend* gather for Counacilraan Otto F. Taylor, president pro-tern of and 190 per cent since 1946. a special birthday party. The council, in a prepared state* •With nine newcomers laet year, featured speaker of the evening ment explained that estarnina,- there are now 133 enterprises fn Is Dr. Fred Holloway, president of tiorta were held by the- Kew Summit, New Providence, Spring- Drew University, who will talk Zahol iakin Co. Jersey State Association of field, Chatham, and Millburn clas- on "Youth Leadership In These Chiefs of Police for those eligible sified as industrial power users," Times." Rev. David K. Barnwell, Files Suit Over to be conjiidered^for positions of according to E. h. Huse, division D.D., will open the session with superior ©ffleerj^juid probationary power engineer for Jersey Central an invocation. patrolmen of th* Police Depart- Power & Light Co, "Last year the« Musical selections will be pre- Ciry tone Act ment. sented by the members of the Bell A» a result of that examination, Joc-al plants and laboratories' used Maxwell Lester/Jr. Suit ty the Zahodiakln EngT- 31 million kilowatt hours of elec- Laboratories Chorus whioh has neering Ovrp., River road and Mor- Council also named two proba- tric energy, nearly triple those used met for a number of years at the ris aveaue, against the City of tionwy pttrolmen, Richard Chu- doba and Ralph NoSting. by the 90 Industries operating In "Y" and wishes to use the occasion Summit o-ver an unusual coning this 18-equare-mlle region in 1946. Turnpike Fight as a tribute to the Association for ordinance variation established by Councilman Taylor's statement Average me per customer has gone its continued helpfulness. the Zoning Bojard In 1M2, has been also explained that "Tho*e superior up from 11$ to 232 thousand kilo- Girls from the YWCA are vol- filed in Superior Court, accord- officers promoted tonight were watt hours in four years." Delays Lester . unteering as hostesses for the re- ing to Inrorraiation received this Judged by ratinfa attained on Thus, between wars, nearby freshments which include the 100- vi'eek fsorw County Clerk Henry thase examinations together with plants that create product* and cendle birthday cake to be cut G. NtirNn'-s office. their length of service end recordL Re-Appointment during the proceedings. Under employ local people increased by The sorts in? dispute has been The appointment of Lieuten- one half, while their total use of The reappointment of former the direction of Harry Hanne- ant McGra-th fills the vacancy oc- Mayor Maxwell Lester to the New the -subject of debate In recent J*-!pLtivicity nearly tripled end, on ford, High School music master, EARLY DAYS OF the YJfCA, which |# currently Springfield avenue near the present Doyle Fumi- casioned by the death of Lieu* Jersey Turnpike Authority con- appeals «wd Involves property lo- the average, the activity of each two groups from the school band cekibratihg the 100th anniversary of the national tenant Martin and the appoint- tinued to hang fire this week when ture Co. Tha above building was vacated in 19121 cated at River road and the Turn- plant or laboratory haa doubled," will contribute numbers to theorganization, are recalled by the above photo of a ment of Lieutenant .Van Tronk protests against the Authority's program. following construction of its present plant built byj Pike cisrre-ntly occupied by the Mr Huse explained. former home of the Summit Y, located ai the corner Zahodia-klrs flrta, which was grant- provides the Police Department policy in rejecting open competi- A panel interview of young funds secured during a subscription campaign in 1 Nine Concerns Due Here of Springfield avenue and,Maple street, now occu- ed the variance in a residential with » Superior Officer in its In- tive bids were lodged Monday with adults, selected from the centen- "Not only that, but today pied by the Fanny Farmer fhop and otsher stores. 1910. The building contained a swimming pool district fts>r the operation of a vestigation Department. the Senate judiciary committee. nial consultations now meeting The above building was opened in 1893 alter the in winter was covered with flooring to provide gyrri war plant engaged during the last "Th« appointment of Sergeant JCP&L is scheduling large-scale The hearing will be continued under the auspices of the "Y," will <l]ower service to nine additional Y had maintained rootru ft« Railroad avenue and facilities. in «p«eciavl engineering. Gerity fills the vacancy occasioned next Monday. provide another feature In the pro- by the promotion of Sergeant Mc- customers in this immediate area The ordinance provided *pe- The protestors called for open gram, six young men and women Grath." witnin the next eighteen months. have been asked to share opinions j ciftcally tbat the variation would competition instead of the policy of Department Eligible* Listed Thffe added power load alone Is ex- awarding a cost plus fixed fee con- "information, please" style, with $10 Million Home i termina.tc whim the firm gave up pected to total at least 3,100 kllo- tract for construction of some fifty Allan R. Devenney, secretary of < the plant, unions the Summit ton- By resolution. Council estab- watts, a capacity large enough to buildings along the 118-mile super- the "Y" acting as microphone In- j ing boart f*lt the new owner lished a list of members of the serve all 5,000 of Summit's dwelling highway. terviewer. Master of ceremonies Project Scheduled ! would mt&t the same rigid sped- Police Department eligible for ad- nm|p—apartments and homes. Of ! ficationa, vancement to superior officers, Mr. Lester, who Is treasurer of for the evening will be Bryant W, (Continued on page 17) based on the March 24 examina- the Authority, was re-named by Griffin, chairman of the Centen- Jtantt&ty IB, the complaint tions, which will remain in effect Governor Driscoll and was thenial Week committee. Other For Pni Property states, It** Zshodlakin concern for two year* from Tuesday night. first member of the Turnpike body YMCA officers will take part in Houses ranging in prices from asked pcrcnlsalon to have the vari- Listed as eligible! for lieutenant Community Concert to have his term expire- Hence he the program. 128,000 to $35,000 are planned for ation eonttlnucdi In the name of 1 are Sergeants William Behre, Ed* was the target for the protesting the Country Club section of Short the Kellesc Corporation, but the Open house In the "Y" building ward Trayford and John Sayre, contractors as the other members Hills, it Waa announced yesterday Summit toning board turned It will be observed. The public ii and for sergeants: Patrolmen Campaign «nd of the Authority are not up for by Harry A. Taylor, president of down. Kellex u a co-plaintiff in cordially Invited to attend. Martin Keating, Frederick Flem- reappointment this year. Prank H. Taylor * Son, Inc., East the currerat suit, ing and Joseph Fuichetto. and Only Policy Under Fire Orange and MilJbuin realtors, Reason Successful Richard V- Stein, couniel for the probationary patrolmen (In effect However/those(objecting to to* ^VU! handle the managing and plaintiffi, \t «»klt»g that the ton- The Community Concert Amty- lor one year): Cfearles C&rbone and Senate confirmation of Mr. Lester's Hickok Endorses *• i^T«ncy# of the nropertv, ing Tbowtir* action be reversed or, . latiort clos*ed ita second eariroll- f Mario FormicrwUa. reappointment stated that th# ob- fwhicjj U a part of the Pruflentlai !n the ' sJteriuative, that th« re- ment campaign Saturday with • Council him introduced an or- jections were based solely on Mr. tract acquired for a suburban alm: ntji In tile ordinance be re- budget which will enable the Se- Carr, Scheldeler shopping ceater and home develop- moved ai unlawful, dinance at first reading to pro- Lester'* participation in the Au- vide for th* appointment of a lections Committee to guarantee thority's policy making acts. They ment four excellent musical presents* The architectural planning of Last fa Ji 2aJiodlakin appealed Deputy Municipal Court were not aimed at his general Freeholder Team its tax «»;3e*sm«nt to the Union tiona during the coming season. the houses will be of the aemi- qualifications, they said. Ernr^t Hickok, president of Richard C. Alkenhead County Board of Taxation on the Meanwhile, it was announced by ranch and two #tory type, which The protesting contractors are: Summit's City Council, today Is- ground It 310 longer wan operating the association's treasurer, H.
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