3940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. ~fAR O H 16, By 1\Ir. SABATH: A bill (H. R. 10920) for the relief of N. Dak., urging the revival of the United States Grain Corpora­ William Chinsky ; to the Committee on Claims. tion and a stabilized price for farm products; to the Committee By 1\.Ir. TAYLOR of. Tennessee: A bill (H. R. 10921) granting on Agriculture. a pension to Frank McCoy ; to the Committee on Pensions. 4630. Also, petition of F. H. Schroeder and 21 other , of Bald- · Also, a bill (H. R. 10922) granting a pension to Polly Nelson; win, N. Dak., urging the revival of the United State Grain Cor­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. poration and a stabilized price on farm product ; to the Com­ Also, a bill (H. R. 10923) granting an increase -of pension to mittee on Agriculture. James B. King ; to the Committee on Pensions. 4631. Also, petition of J. F. Vavra and 65 others, of Stanton, N. Dak., urging the revival of the United State Grain Corpora­ tion and a stabilized price for farm products ; to . the Committee PETITIONS, ETC: on Agriculture. Under clnuse 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid 4632. By Mr. TEMPLE: Petition of R. 1\f. Foster, of Racine, on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: Beaver County, Pa., with reference to the bill providing for a 4612. By Mr. CRAMTON: Petition of John McCartney and bureau of civil aeronautics; to the Committee on Interstate and other residents of Mayville, Mich., protesting against the pas­ Foreign Commerce. sage of any of the so-called Sunday observance bills for the 4633. Also, resolution of the Chamber of Commerce of Beaver District of Columbia; to the Committee on the District of Co­ Falls, Pa., relating to the question of the elimination of tax· lumbia. exempt securities; to the Committee on Ways and Means. 4613. Also, petition of George Newberry and . other residents 4634. By Mr. TINKHAJ\.f: Resolution adopted at a regular of Mayville, Mich., protesting against the passage of House bill meeting of the South Boston Citizens' Association, urging the 9753 or any other similar bill; to the Committee on the District immediate pa sage of the fivefold plan of readjustment ·of Columbia. for World War veterans; to the Committee on Ways and 4614. Also, resolution of the Volunteer Welfare Association, Means. of Marine City, Mich., supporting the purchase by Henry Ford of the Muscle Shoals project; to the Committee on Military SENATE. Affairs. 4615. By 1\Ir. CULLEN: Resolution passed by the State execu­ THURsDAY, March 16, 191£ ~. ti-ve committee of the American Legion, Department of New York, urging the passage of the American Legion fivefold op­ The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., offered the following tional plan of adjusted compensation·; to the Committee ou prayer: Wars and .1\feans. Our great and gracious God, we come this morning appalled 4616. By l\1r. DYER: Resolution adopted at a regular meeting by Thy greatness but wooed by Thy graciousne . · We are as­ of Local No. 106 of the Glas Bottle Blowers' Association of the sured that whatever need may be pressing upon us, Thou art United States and Canada, favoring the passage of the Hill bill willing to supply our needs and out of the fullness of Thine (H. R. 9691) ; to the Committee on Ways and Means. heart to meet every necessity of life in all its plans and pur­ 4617. By l\fr. GALLIVAN: Petition of Simmons College, of poses. Grant that our land may become more and more eminent Boston, Mass. opposing pendiag legislation to impose duty on as the land who e God is the Lord. We ask everything in the the importation of foreign books; to the Committee on Ways name of Jesus Christ. Amen. and Means. 4618. By Mr. HAYS: Petition of H. B. Wimmer and 22 other The reading clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the pro· citizens of Dougla County, Mo., protesting against the passage ceedings of the legi lative day of Thursday, March 9, 1922, of the following pending legislation: House bills 4388 and 9753 when, on request of 1\fr. JoNES of Wa hington and by unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the Jour­ and Senate bill 1948 ; to the Committee on the District of Co­ nal was appro\ed. lumbia. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. 4619. By 1\fr. KISSEL: Petition of the National Cloak & Suit Co., of New York .City, N. Y., urging the reduction of t3J'es and A message from the House of Representatives, by 1\Ir. Over­ opposing the bonus bill; to the Committee on Ways and Means. hue, its enrolling clerk, announced that the House had agreed to 4620. Also, petition of the TI'illiams Plinting Co., of New York the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing City, N. Y., opposing the enactment of a bonus hill; to the Com· votes of the two Houses on certain amendments of the Senate mittee on Ways and Means. to the bill (H. R. 9981) making appropriations for the Execu~ 4621. Also, petition of James Thompson, of Tulsa, Okla., urg­ tive and for sunary independent executive bureau , board , com­ ing the enactment of legislation for the relief of ex-service men; mi sions, and offices for the fi. cal year ending June 30, 1923, and to the Committee on Ways and Means. for other purposes, receded from its disagreement to the amend­ 4622. By Mr. LINEBERGER: Petition of William A. Frye, ments of the Senate numbered 2, 19, and 36, insisted upon its · of Long Beach, Calif., and se\eral hundred others, urging that disagreement to the amendments of the Senate numbered 21, 28. the Towner-Sterling bill be reported out of committee and en­ 29, 31, and 35, and agreed to the further conference requested acted at an early date; to the Committee on Education. by the Senate on the disagreeing -vote of the two Houses 4623. Also, petition from citizens of Los Angeles County and thereon, and that Mr. WooD of Indiana, Mr. WASON, and Mr. the Ministerial Union of Los Angeles, numbering 16 signed pages, HARRISON were appointed managers of the conference on the requesting the President of the United States to extend what­ part of the House. · e\er protection and help may be necessary to make Armenia a The me sage al o annoURced that the House disagreed to the self-supporting and self-protecting nation; to the Committee on amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 9606) to authorize Foreign .A.ffail'S. the Secretary of the Interior to exfend the time for payment of 4624. By Mr. MALONEY: Resolution adopted by the city charges due on reclamation projects, and for other purpo es ; council of the city of Lawrence, Mass., indorsing the legislation requested a conference with the Senate on the disagreeing votes for ex-service men and urging its immediate passage; to the of the two Houses thereon; and that Mr. KINKAID, Mr. SINNOTT, Committee on Ways and l\fe~ms. and Mr. HAYDEN were appointed managers of the conference on 4625. By l\1r. MEAD : Petition of Federal Employees' Union the part of the House. No. 4, of New York City, urging the adoption of Senator PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. LoDGE's amendment to the second deficiency bill, relative to Mr. KELLOGG. I present the memorial of Harold L. Wood reimbursement of the members of the staffs of the Immigration and sundry other citizens of St. Louis County, Minn., remon~ Service; to the Committee on Approptiations. strating against the enactment of legislation providing for com­ 4626. By Mr. PERKINS: Petition of the National Society pulsory Sunday observance in the District of Columbia. I ask United States Daughters of 1812, for the preservation of old that the memorial be printed in the RECORD , without the signa~ Fort McHenry ; to the Committee on Military Affairs. tures, and referred to the appropriate committee. 4627. By 1\fr. SINCLAIR: Petition of Melvin Torpen and 12 'fhere being no objection, the petition was referred to the others, of Scranton, N. Dak., urging the revival of the United Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be States Grain Corporation and a stabilized price for farm prod­ printed in the RECORD, as follows: ucts; to the Committee on Agriculture. PETITION TO CONGRE SS. 4628. Also petition of William F. Anhalt and 33 others, of To the lronorable the Senate and House of Representati-r: es of the United Westby, Mont., urging the revival of the United States Grain States: · Corporation and a stabilized price for farm products; to the· Believing (1) in the separation of church and state; (2) That Congress is prohibited by the first amendment to the Con­ Committee on Agriculture. stitution from enacting any law enforcing the observance of any rell- · 4G29. Also, petitions of R. H. Randall and 11 others, of For­ gious institution, or loGking toward a union of church and state, or of/ tuna, N. Dak., and C. B. Olson and 16 others of Marmon, r~ligion and civil government; , 1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE. .3941 (3) That any such legislation is opposed to the best interests of both Mr. LADD presented the petitions of n. I. Emerson and 16 church and state; and . d others, of Drady and vicinity ; Billie H. Evasdenk and 81 others, ( 4) That the first step in this duecbon 1s a dangerous step an should be opposed by every lover of liberty ; . of K~ef and vicinity ; and George Rose and 28 others, of Ellen­ We the undersigned adult residents of St.
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