1876 THE CAMPUS 1912 OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE MEADVILLE, PA., JANUARY 27,1912 VOLUME XXX.—NUMBER 15. team 'was 'their grit in stinking to the After giving personal details of Roe- tand's life, Professor Delamarre took EXCELLENT SERMON ENTERTAINING FARCE game and 'fighting as long as they did. PRESIDENT CONFERS As for ,Allegheny it might 'be said WITH FRATERNITY MEN up in order the 'works of the poet. ON DAY OF PRAYER WITH GENEVA TEAM that a more clever exhibition of pass- Rostand, is above all a lyric poet, per- haps the greatest today. He belongs ing and of team 'work has seldom 'been Fraternities Have Been Asked to Dr. John Willey of Pittsburg Preaches Campus Humorist Gives an Account seen on the local floor. As usual Cap- in many ways to the Romantic •Schcol in the Chapel Last Prepare Written Statements of of 1830, and in his control of the of Recent Game. tain Hawk was everywhere on the Their Attitudes and Plans. Thursday. floor, passing, shooting and guarding (French language is second only to in fine style and at, the same time Victor 'Hugo. As to Chantecler, he "Well," said Captain Louie to his A second meeting of the representa- says that the play defies translation. The annual day of Prayer for Meth- annexing thirteen +baskets. Nichols men as they stood with arms wrapt tives of the serveral fraternities, who 'Being essentially lynic, many passages odists was observed on last Thurs- neck, also played well, getting twelve bas- fondly around each other's with Dr. era'wford are considering fall flat in their English form. Al- day, January 25. On that day there kets to ;his credit and at the same time (before the 'blowing of the whistle • an enormous preventing .his man from scoring. prcposed changes In the present sys- 'though the play has and were no college classes and a special which was to start the game with success, Prof. Delamarre thinks that Mates was also very much in evidence tem of rushing and 'bidding Freshmen, service was held in the Chapel at Geneva on Friday evening, Jan. 19, in fifty years it will almost be lorgot- "my hearty's, we've got to play the giving at times an almost perfect ex- was held in the President's office on ten o'clock in the morning, at which hibition of (passing. He also contri- ten. In the first place the role of game of OUT lives this evening if we Monday morning. M this 'time the Chantecler was written for a certain time the Rev. John Willey, pastor of bu•ed 'six baskets. Ramsey, who took want to keep the score close with plane and opinions of the different great actor, Coquelin. 'Certain pas- the 'Christ M. E. church of Pittsburg, Thomas' place for this game, •played this Geneva aggregation. You know fraternities were presented an'd dis- sages are intended to bring out this preached an excellent sermon. The a whirlwind game at ieuard and also they've been claiming the champion- cussed at length. •No definite conclu- actor's personality. This one fact is scripture selection was read by the contributed six baskets. "'Chuck" ship of the league already and they've s:on as to the 'plans to be accepted, a death Iblow to the principal person- Rev. Mr. Williamson of the Stone Dotterrer was once more in front of predicted all sorts of awful things for was made but the men were asked to age. In the second place the many church and prayer was offered 'by the everything that tried to get past him, us this evening. Now, my men, for have the 'matter more fully discussed allusions to contemporary persons will Rev. G. 'F. Oliver, D. D., pastor of breaking (Lep a number of shots. Both the honor of the old college and for by their fraternities and then to send call for commieotraries which will place the Fourth Street IM. E. Church of Graham and Lindiberg. who .got into the sake of that recorkl we're goin' to to the President a written statement It beyond the 'interest of the average Wheeling, W. Va. the game near the end, gave good' ac- make this year, we've got to beat this of the attitude of each chapter no later reader. Finally, the central thought Dr. Willey chose his text from John counts of themselves and showed too bunch tonight, if its only by one point. 'than the thrst day of the second semes- is nit of universal interest. A suc- 7:17 which reads "If any man will do that 'the 'team is not to suffer from Now 'Chuck" old man, you know how ter. During the first week of the new ceeding gen.eratiiOn will still read His will, he shall know of the 'doc- lack of good substitute men. near they come to getting us in foot- term another 'meeting of the •eipres- ELlugo but 'wonder at the enthusiasm of trine." '1-his line of thought, in brief, Lineup : ball and you've just got to get every- entatives will be called after the dif- the people of today for Chantecler. was as follows: ALLEGHEN,Y GENEVA thing that comes near you tonight. ferent plans have been 'discussed and Personally Professor Delamarre pre- This is a tremendous thesis and is 'Mates-Lindberg..R. F Nelson Mates, you and Nick '11 have to go a acted upon by the 'Faculty and at 'this fers a 'less known pay of Rostand, worth a 'few moments of your care- Nicholls L F Dodds lot faster now than you ever did and time something more Idefinite La Princesse iLointaine, which he ful thought. Obedience is the order Hawk, 'Capt. ..... (Patterson Ramsey 'we're counting on you to be accomplished. thinks will secure Rostand a foremost of the universe. The universe is bal- Dotterrer-GrahameR G • ' 'Stauffer scare 'em to death 'with that bulldog Although no authoritative state- place among 'French writers. anced because the universe is obed- Ramsey IL G 'Downey grip of yours. Now then, my boys, ment can be made as to the attitude Cyrano de Bergerac, he says, owes ient. The same principle obtains in Field Goals—Hawk 13, Nicholls 12, right. at them." of the fraternities as a whole at this ites, great success to the time of its the animal kingdom. The animals Mates 6, Ramsey 6, Nelson 2, Patter- And then it started. Yes, it was to time, the sentiment expressed at production. 'It fulfilled 'the desire of obey the voice of instinct and the son, Stauffer 2. Fouls, Hawk 2, 'Pat- have been a hard game an fact af- this meeting seemed to 'be 'in favor the Fiench nation when the military voice of instinct is the voice of God. terson 3. ter their game with Tech, Geneva of the half year "spike" provided the prestige was at its heght. It came Now, Obedience is the order of the had been 'heralded as the team that details could be satisfactorily ar- also at a time when the stage was universe because in obedience is the would beat Allegheny for the cha•- Entries in Wakefield ranged. One definite statement that surfeited with problem @lays. 'Hence, only assurance of success. This prin- pienshiip this year and those who can be made +however is that some the ephemeral character of the 'popu- eiple obtains in every 'walk of l.fe. were brave enough to come out to Eight Men to Contst for Prize—The radical change from the 'present •sys- larity of Cyrano id-e Bergerac. Franklin obeyed a tremendous law of witness that awful catastrophe vent Subjects. tem will be made. The fraternities electricity and discovered a wonder- away feeling that the scribes from seem to be united in the opinion that ful truth of electricity. Agassdz was accustomed to say as he tramped (Pittsburg have yet somewhat to learn The Wakefield Oratorical contest, something must be done to 'remedy Duzer Du Plans -ful and really, through the fields with his class of of the game. It was al the first oratorical event scheduled the conditions (which now exist among almost 'too easy. it eas a very enter- students of geology "Before we study for this college year, will be held the Freshmen and the upper classmen Arrangements Being Made for Com- the rocks, let us ask direction of taining farce and, had it not been for in the Chapel on Thursday evening, as 'well, during the opening weeks petition for Parts in the "Com- the mental effort necessary to keep February 8 at eight o'clock. All ar- of school. It is felt that if a few minor edy of Errors." Him who made the rocks." So, is Obedience taught in all the common- the score, it might have been classed rangements have been completed by details can 'be arranged that the pro- as a good comedy. Such, in short, pose'di'plans will remedy this evil. Un- place's of life. If you would master the committee of the oratorical At a meeting of DuzerOu held on is -whet the much advertised game association and already one of the doubtedly the next year will see a the mysteries of nature, you must Tuesday afternoon, definite arrange- with Geneva proved to be. judges has been secured to judge on change in the present system_ obey the laws of nature. Whether it was 'that the reputa- delivery. One judge on thought and Among other things which were ments for the conducting of tryouts And so the Master says that if tion of their rivals 'was having a bald, composition has sent his report to brought up at this meeting, in the to 'be begun immediately after exami- there 'be the will to perform, there effect upon them, or that the loqu- Professor Swartley and it is probable line of changes was a suggest:on that nations, were made.
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