Planning StatementReport GVA 3 Brindleyplace Birmingham B1 2JB Army Basing Programme Garrison ‘Priority Works’ - Bulford 6 Single Living Accommodation Blocks and All-Weather 5-a-side Pitch March 2015 gva.co.uk Defence Infrastructure Organisation Planning Statement CONTENTS 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 2. The Application Site and Surroundings ....................................................................... 5 3. The Proposed Development ........................................................................................ 7 4. Relevant Planning Policy ........................................................................................... 10 5. Key Planning Issues .................................................................................................... 17 6. Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 28 Appendices Appendix I Wiltshire Council EIA Screening Opinion Appendix II LVIA Viewpoints March 2015 I gva.co.uk Defence Infrastructure Organisation Planning Statement 1. Introduction 1.1 This Planning Statement has been prepared by GVA for and on behalf of Aspire Defence Capital Works Ltd (Aspire) and the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) on behalf of the Secretary of State for Defence (“the applicant”). Its purpose is to set out the planning case in support of a detailed planning application submitted for six new Junior Ranks (JR) Single Living Accommodation (SLA) blocks and an all-weather 5-a-side pitch (‘the Proposed Development) at Bulford Garrison. Background 1.2 In March 2013, the Secretary of State for Defence announced the Regular Army Basing Plan. This set out the future laydown of Army units in the UK consistent with the Army 2020 (A2020) future operating model, including a greater concentration of the Army on the Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA). The Plan has since transitioned into a delivery programme known as the Army Basing Programme (ABP). 1.3 DIO has been liaising closely with Wiltshire Council since mid-2012 on preparing and planning for the increase in unit numbers (around 4,300 Service personnel) and associated unit moves (beginning in 2014, with the final moves planned during 2019). This has culminated in the preparation of the Salisbury Plain Masterplan, which provides an overview of the ABP proposals and identifies the additional infrastructure that is needed on SPTA. This will include the expansion of the existing Garrisons, additional training facilities, and new housing for service families. 1.4 The statutory bodies and other relevant stakeholders have been consulted at every stage of the Masterplan’s preparation, and a series of public consultation events have also been held. In July 2014, the Masterplan was endorsed by Wiltshire Council as a material consideration in the determination of a series of subsequent planning applications. 1.5 This application is one of a first tranche of applications pursuant to the Salisbury Plain Masterplan, which seek to secure planning permission for a series of ‘Priority Works’ within the existing Garrison sites in order to facilitate a number of early unit moves and March 2015 I gva.co.uk 1 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Planning Statement in-situ re-roles, and thus achieve the overall ABP delivery programme. Subsequent applications will be made for the balance of the ABP proposals. Land Ownership 1.6 The application site comprises a parcel of land within the boundary of Bulford Garrison, which is outlined in red on the submitted Site Location Plan. The total application site area is approximately 1.7 hectares. 1.7 All of the land comprising the application site is entirely within the ownership of the applicant. Accordingly, Certificate A has been completed. Form and Content of the Application 1.8 The application is submitted in detailed form and, in addition to this Planning Statement, comprises the following: Duly completed application forms and certificate; Application plans, including: - Site Location Plan - Existing Site Plan; - Proposed Site Plan; - Proposed Elevations; - Proposed Floor Plans; - Proposed Roof Plans; - Site Sections; Design and Access Statement; and Flood Risk Assessment. March 2015 I gva.co.uk 2 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Planning Statement Environmental Impact Assessment 1.9 A development of seven 3 storey SLA blocks on the application site has previously been ‘screened’ under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011. A copy of the Council’s formal Screening Opinion is provided at Appendix I. 1.10 The current proposals involve the development of six 3 storey SLA blocks and an all- weather 5-a-side pitch, as opposed to seven 3 storey SLA blocks. Nevertheless, it is considered that the Screening Opinion conclusion that the ‘Priority Works’ do not constitute EIA development remains valid, and therefore an Environmental Statement has not been submitted in support of this application. Consultation 1.11 The ‘Priority Works’ are consistent with the Garrison development proposals sets out in the Salisbury Plain Masterplan, which was subject to extensive stakeholder and public consultation throughout its preparation. This has involved: On-going engagement with Wiltshire Council; Early engagement with statutory bodies and key stakeholders, having particular regard to the sensitive environmental context of the SPTA; Initial public consultation on the scope of the Masterplan (Nov-Dec 2013); and Formal public consultation through a series of exhibitions and the provision of information through the gov.uk and Wiltshire Council websites (Feb-Mar 2014). 1.12 Accordingly, it has been agreed with Wiltshire Council that there is no requirement for the applicant to undertake additional pre-application public consultation in respect of this application. March 2015 I gva.co.uk 3 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Planning Statement Report Structure 1.13 Following this introduction, the remainder of the proposal is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the application site and its surroundings; Section 3 provides a description of the proposed ‘Priority Works’; Section 4 summarises the relevant planning policy framework; Section 5 considers the key planning issues raised by the development; and Section 6 highlights the reasons why planning permission should be granted. Contacts 1.14 Should you require any further information, please contact: Nick Harrison Director T 0121 609 8722 E [email protected] March 2015 I gva.co.uk 4 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Planning Statement 2. The Application Site and Surroundings Location 2.1 The application site comprises a single parcel of land within the boundary of Bulford Garrison. The Camp is situated to the east of Bulford village, approximately 7km west of Tidworth and 1km north of the A303, and is accessed off Marlborough / Tidworth Road, which bisects the site north to south. East Bulford (Kiwi and Picton Barracks) covers an area of approximately 71 hectares, and West Bulford (Ward and Wing Barracks) covers an area of approximately 45 hectares. The existing development comprises a mix of living, office, technical and training accommodation, together with ancillary buildings, hardstanding, parking and sports facilities. 2.2 The site was substantially redeveloped and modernised under the Project Allenby Connaught (PAC) PFI, although it’s use as a military establishment has been on-going since 1897. Surroundings 2.3 Bulford camp is located approximately 3km to the east of the Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site (WHS) in National Character Area 132 - Salisbury Plain and West Wiltshire Downs (NCA 132). This comprises an extensive open chalk plateau. Excluding the area to the south west of the Camp, toward Bulford village and Amesbury, much of the surrounding area is designated as a Special Landscape Area. 2.4 The topography to the north, south and west of the Camp is typical of the rolling landform found across much of the Salisbury Plain. By contrast, to the east is the dramatic escarpment of Beacon Hill, which rises to 204m AOD. The River Avon is located approximately 1.2km to the west of the Camp, and Nine Mile River (a tributary to the River Avon) is located approximately 100m to the northwest. To the south and immediately to the west are more gently undulating landforms. As a consequence of its location at the foot of Beacon Hill, the Camp is relatively sheltered and enclosed on the southern and eastern boundaries. March 2015 I gva.co.uk 5 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Planning Statement 2.5 Outside of the built up area of Bulford the landscape is predominantly rural, consisting of a mix of high quality arable fields, rough downland, calcareous grassland and woodland. Fields are generally bounded by hedgerows, which have gaps and support few hedgerow trees. 2.6 The Camp is situated on the southern flank of the valley of Nine Mile River, the ground within its boundaries rising from west to east - from 90m AOD to generally 130m (150m max) AOD - toward the ridgeline at 204m AOD (max). 2.7 The Camp itself is bounded to the north by the existing MoD Service Families Accommodation (SFA), related community facilities, Kiwi Primary School, medical and dental centre and sports facilities. Another small area of SFA bounds the site to the south west. Immediately to the west of the Camp, is the older, linear village
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