E1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2007 improving the condition of his fellow man for and more states are threatening to do so. lips penned his war memoir entitled, ‘‘You’ll Be nearly 50 years. These states impose a higher sales tax on na- Sor-ree!’’ f tionally distributed DBS subscribers than they Madam Speaker, the recognition of Dr. Sid- do on cable or other types of video providers. ney Phillips in ‘‘The War’’ documentary is an POPCORN WORKERS LUNG The legislation that I am introducing today appropriate time for us to pause and thank DISEASE PREVENTION ACT will ensure fair taxation to all consumers, and him—and all of the soldiers who fought in I hope to conduct hearings and request a SPEECH OF World War II. They personify the very best GAO study of this issue. America has to offer. I urge my colleagues to HON. BETTY McCOLLUM The State Video Tax Fairness Act of 2007 take a moment to pay tribute to Dr. Phillips OF MINNESOTA would prohibit discriminatory taxes against any and his selfless devotion to our country and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pay-TV service and apply the non-discrimina- the freedom we enjoy. tion principle to taxes on both services and Wednesday, September 26, 2007 equipment. f The House in Committee of the Whole State revenues would not be impacted. The House on the State of the Union had under Act would allow states to tax pay-TV providers IN HONOR OF THE 125TH ANNIVER- consideration the bill (H.R. 2693) to direct or their subscribers, provided that such taxes SARY CELEBRATION OF HOOPER, the Occupational Safety and Health Admin- are applied equally to all such services, includ- WA istration to issue a standard regulating ing cable and DBS. worker exposure to diacetyl: Consumers Union and Media Access Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Chair- Project, in separate letters submitted to this HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS man, I rise today in support of the Popcorn record, point out that artificial cost increases to OF WASHINGTON Workers Lung Disease Prevention Act. the consumer imposed on one category of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bronchiolitis obliterans frequently referred to service provider can undermine the consumer as popcorn lung is a serious and debilitating benefits of competition. A discriminatory sales Thursday, September 27, 2007 lung disease, which has resulted in severe ill- tax placed on one type of provider but not an- ness and even death of workers in popcorn other is such an artificial cost. Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Madam and flavor production. This irreversible disease National Taxpayers Union, in a letter sub- Speaker, I rise today to honor the town of has been linked with exposure to the artificial mitted to this record, points out that, at the Hooper, WA, as they celebrate their 125th an- butter chemical, diacetyl. However, despite very least state and local governments should niversary this year. This town has come a long this knowledge, the Occupational Safety and not discriminate among products or services way since four McGregor brothers, John, Ar- Health Administration (OSHA) has not issued by disadvantaging one with heavier taxes. Dis- chie, Peter and Alec, established the a single regulation for diacetyl. In fact, OSHA criminatory sales taxes against DBS sub- McGregor Land & Livestock Company in Hoo- has not issued a single worker safety standard scribers set a dangerous precedent for picking per over a century ago. Hooper joins a long in the last 7 years, except for one ordered by and choosing winners and losers in a market- list of small communities in Washington State a court. place based on who receives the most favor- that have found a way to strive and succeed This legislation requires OSHA to issue an able sales tax treatment, rather than who pro- over the years through the trials and tribu- emergency standard within 90 days to mini- vides the best value to consumers. lations of an ever changing agriculture indus- mize worker exposure to diacetyl in popcorn I urge my colleagues to join me as cospon- try. and flavorings manufacturing plants. It also re- sors of this legislation. Through the efforts of the community, Hoo- quires OSHA to develop a permanent and f per has come to symbolize the importance of more comprehensive standard within the next working together to restore and preserve a 2 years to regulate diacetyl exposure in all COMMENDING SIDNEY PHILLIPS, rich history. The citizen’s commitment to revi- workplaces. OF MOBILE, ALABAMA, FOR HIS talizing the buildings and grounds of the area The Popcorn Workers Lung Disease Pre- SERVICE DURING WORLD WAR II is outstanding. Seeing refurbished early 20th vention Act is supported by a wide range of century buildings like the Hooper Hotel, Hoo- organizations including the Flavor and Extract HON. JO BONNER per Store, and U.S. Post Office conjures Manufacturers Association, the AFL–CIO, the OF ALABAMA memories of simpler times in Washington American Society of Safety Engineers, and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES State’s history when rough herdsman, sea- American Industrial Hygiene Association. Thursday, September 27, 2007 sonal workers, and aspiring immigrant farmers All workers have the right to a safe and would come out west in search of the Amer- healthy workplace. I urge my colleagues to Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, it is my ican Dream. pleasure to rise today to recognize Dr. Sidney join me in voting for H.R. 2693. The legacy of these brave individuals will Phillips of Mobile, Alabama, for his coura- f echo for centuries. Due to the hard work and geous service during World War II. At just 17 diligence in breaking out land and experi- INTRODUCTION OF THE STATE years of age when the Japanese attacked menting with agriculture methods in this part VIDEO TAX FAIRNESS ACT OF 2007 Pearl Harbor, young Sidney Phillips signed up of the country, we now enjoy one of the most for the Marines. successful agriculture industries in the nation. After training, Pvt. Phillips was assigned to HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. More than 120 families in Whitman County H Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines Regi- OF MICHIGAN alone have farmed and ranched here for a ment, 1st Marine Division, and taught to oper- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES century or more. Whitman County is the lead- ate the 81 mm mortar. He went overseas in ing wheat producing county in the United Thursday, September 27, 2007 the spring of 1942 first to New Zealand, and States; the Hooper area contributes greatly to Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, I rise then to the Solomon Islands that August this impressive statistic. today to introduce the State Video Tax Fair- where he participated in the landings on Gua- ness Act of 2007. This legislation will ensure dalcanal. He survived four months of combat What a thrill it must have been to enjoy the that video competition remains robust, states on the island and fought in many battles, in- company of nearly 400 past and present resi- retain the ability to raise revenue through cluding the Battle of the Tenaru. dents of Hooper during their celebration in Au- sales taxes, and, most importantly, consumers At the end of 1943, he was sent to New gust. I am certain we will all be in awe as the are not harmed. Guinea for training and participated in the in- beautiful restoration continues in Hooper. This Discriminatory sales taxes harm consumers. vasion of Cape Gloucester, on the western tip town has been a diamond in the rough for It is well-established that robust competition of New Britain. In 1944, he was sent back to Whitman County since 1882. for substitutable products generally benefits the United States for the V–12 naval officer Madam Speaker, I rise today to congratulate consumers by yielding lower prices and great- training program. He was still in training when the town of Hooper and people who have er quality. the war ended, and was able to return to Mo- made it such a wonderful part of Washington A number of states, however, have enacted bile. State history over the years. I invite my col- what may be deemed to be discriminatory His story is told in the Ken Burns’ documen- leagues to join me in honoring the community sales taxes on DBS service, with no burden or tary series ‘‘The War.’’ He is now a retired of Hooper, WA as they celebrate 125 years to- a lesser burden placed on cable subscribers, physician living in Theodore. In 1997, Dr. Phil- gether. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:32 Sep 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.011 E27SEPT1 cnoel on PRODPC60 with REMARKS_CN.
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