HISTORIC TORQUE The Official Journal of the Historic Racing Car Club (Queensland) Inc COMING EVENTS: DECEMBER 2015 HRCC Try,Train,Test / SuperSprints Morgan Park 20-21 February See hrcc.org.au for event information December: no General Meeting scheduled Next GENERAL MEETING: Monday 18th January 2016, VCCA Clubrooms (1376 Old Cleveland Rd, Carindale) Meeting starts 7:30pm February General meeting: Monday 15th February 2016, VCCA Clubrooms (1376 Old Cleveland Rd, Carindale) Meeting starts 7:30pm General Meetings for March, June and September will be held at Shannons, all others at VCCA, Carindale HRCC TTT & Sprints Weekend February 20th & 21st 2016 The best valued weekend racing found anywhere in Australia - make sure you support your club. $220.00 for both day's - tell me where you get better bang for bucks !! You are invited to enter HRCC’s TTT & Sprint Weekend meeting, to be held on 20th & 21st February 2016 at Morgan Park Raceway, WARWICK Queensland. This will be a great way to start the new year's racing calendar, with a low keyed friendly weekend of motor events and catching up with old friends and creating new friendships. All types of cars are welcomed to the event, with a maximum of 120 cars for Saturday and 110 for Sunday Sprints. So get your entry in early to secure a place. Saturday TTT (TRY, TRAIN, TEST): starts with 8.00am driver briefing 6 x Groups having 4 x 15minutes sessions and a possible passenger ride at end of day. Refreshments with officials at 4.50pm at Canteen. Options for groups are; Testing/Practice (Open Wheelers, Sports Cars, Big Tin Tops & Little Tin Tops) Training Experienced (2 people in car, both must have CAMS licence) Training New (see Invitation & Supp Regs on www.hrcc.org.au) Note: Canteen will not be open on Saturday so bring your own food and water. Canteen Open on Sunday morning for breakfast and Lunch No Practice on Friday before the event Contact WDSCC for carports and camping.(see Supp Regs) Scrutineering and Sign-on will commence Friday from 1.00pm & Saturday from 7.00am Sunday Sprints: starts with compulsory driver briefing 8.15 am 11 Groups of 10 cars scheduled. Sign-on & Scrutineering from 7.00am Sunday Transponders for Sunday Sprints available from tower from 4.00pm Saturday Drivers briefing at 8.15am and 1st group on track by 8.45am Will continue running groups throughout day and look at finishing by 3.30pm Entry is by CAMSEventEntry (go to www.hrcc.org.au and follow prompts, please read the invitation and Supp Regs carefully). Entries are filling fast so don’t delay! Queries: Benn Gregory, [email protected], 0418746673 President’s Annual Report 2015 page 3 CAMS NEWS including tyres, fuel, apparel page 7 HRCC’s PROVISIONAL CALENDAR FOR 2016 page 6 Huge thank you to Ian Welsh (Shifting Focus Photography) for his ongoing work on the HRCC Website.. Check it out! www.hrcc.org.au 1 Contributions forfor upcomingupcoming issuesissues of of the the Club’s Club’s monthly monthly Newsletter Newsletter are are encouraged encouraged and and may may be besent sent to: to: The TheEditor, Editor, HRCC HRCC Newsletter, Newsletter, P.O.Bo P.O.x Box353 Red353 RedHill Qld Hill 4059,Qld 4059, or email or email [email protected] [email protected] ContributionsContributions for for upcomingupcoming issuesissues of the Club’sClub’s monthlymonthly NewsletterNewsletter are are encouraged encouraged and and may may be be sent sent to: to: The MSEditor, Word HRCC documents Newsletter, as attachments P.O.Box 353 and Red separate Hill Qld digitaldigital 4059, pics or email attached [email protected] asas jpegjpeg filesfiles wouldwould bebe mostmost helpful.helpful. Deadline:The Editor, Last HRCC day of Newsletter, the month. P.O.Box 353 Red Hill Qld 4059, or email [email protected] MSMS Word Word documents documents as as attachments attachments and and separate separate digital digital pics pics attached attached as as jpeg jpeg files files would would be be most most helpful. helpful. Disclaimer:Deadline: HRCC.Qld Last day accepts of the nomonth. responsibilityresponsibility forfor thethe resultsresults of of contributors’ contributors’ advice, advice, nor nor does does it itnecessarily necessarily endorse endorse any any ser services/products/goodsvices/products/goods offeredofferedDeadline: byby advertisers.advertisers. Last day It Itis of isa therequirementa requirement month. that that all articlesall articles publ publishedished are accompaniedare accompanied by the by name the nameof the author.of the author.Opinions Opinions expressed exp inressed the newsletter in the Disclaimer: HRCC.Qld accepts no responsibility for the results of contributors’ advice, nor does it necessarily endorse any services/products/goods arenewsletterDisclaimer: not necessarily are HRCC.Qldnot necessarilythose of acceptsthis those Club, ofno it sthis Officersresponsibility Club, orits itsOfficers Editor. for or Comments/opinionsthe its Editor.results Comments/opinionsof contributors’ made by the madeadvice, Editor by are northe also Editordoes not arenecessariit alsonecessarily notly thosenecessarily ofendorse the Clubthose any or of its offered by advertisers. It is a requirement that all articles published are accompanied by the name of the author. Opinions expressed in the Officers.thetheservices/products/goods ClubClub Itemsoror itsits Officers.Officers.originating ItemsItems fromoffered originatingoriginating the newsletterby advertisers. fromfrom maythethe newslettenewslette beIt isreprinted a requirementr may but be acknowledgement reprinted that all but articles acknowledgement would published be appreciated. are would accompanied be appreciated. by the name of the author. newsletter are not necessarily those of this Club, its Officers or its Editor. Comments/opinions made by the Editor are also not necessarily those of PublishedOpinions photographs expressed in are the the newsletter property areof the not photographers necessarily those and mayof this not Club, be reproduced its Officers withoutor its Editor. their permission. Comments/opinions made by the Editor are the Club or its Officers. Items originating from the newsletter may be reprinted but acknowledgement would be appreciated. HHRalsoR notCC necessarily(Q) IIn thosenc ofC thelu Clubb Oor itsff Officers.icer sItems (2 originating0144)): from theWWe newsletterebsit maye: bewwww. reprintedww. hbutr acknowledgemcc.org.enta uwould be HPresidentHRappreciated.RCCCC (( Q Q)) IInncc CCAlanlluu Steelbb OO (Deidre)ffffiicce errss (( 22001164)): : W Weebbss0421iittee 349:: wwww. 950w [email protected] PresidentPastPresident President AlanPeterAlan SteelSteel Mohr (Deidre)(Deidre) (Jan) 0421not0421 available 349950349 950 [email protected]@[email protected] Vice Pres. / Newsletter Peter Walsh (Mary) 07 33498000 0419 778007 [email protected] SecretaryPast President CoreyPeter MohrHutson (Jan) 07 39016277 04150412 505564 010706 [email protected][email protected] Secretary vacant enquiries to: 0419 778007 [email protected] Treasurer:Secretary JohnCorey Tupicoff Hutson (Monica) 07 337239016277 6941 04080415 197505 344010 [email protected]@[email protected] Treasurer: John Tupicoff (Monica) 07 33726941 0408 197344 [email protected] NewsletterTreasurer: / Vice Pres: PeterJohn TupicoffWalsh (Mary) (Monica) 0707 33493372 80006941 04190408 778197 007344 [email protected]@bigpond.com Committee: Peter Gilbert (Sandra) 0408 742737 [email protected] MembershipNewsletter / Vice Pres: ChrisPeter FryWalsh (Barbara) (Mary) 0707 46373349 21908000 04500419 741778 107007 [email protected]@bigpond.com Committee:HRCC (Q) Inc CJohnlu Kingcottb Of (Helen)ficer s ( 2014) : Webs0438ite 886053: www. [email protected] Committee:Membership RichardChris Fry Harris (Barbara) 07 32694637 20942190 04080450 173741 731107 [email protected]@tpg.com.au Committee:President vacantAlan Steel (Deidre) 0421 349 950 [email protected] Committee: JohannRichard KoelmeyerHarris 07 3269 2094 04180408 144173 853731 [email protected][email protected]@bigpond.com Committee:Past President vacantPeter Mohr (Jan) 0412 564 706 [email protected] Committee: MiltonJohann Brennan Koelmeyer 07 3491 9535 04020418 784144 808853 [email protected]@[email protected] StateSecretary Council Delegate Corey Hutson Fred Sayers (Del) 07 39016277 04270415 577198505 010 [email protected]@gmail.com SocialCommittee: Co-Ordinator: RussellJohn Torr Beckman 04580427 733668 074677 [email protected]@yahoo.com.au MembershipTreasurer: (Temp) John Tupicoff (Monica)John Tupicoff 0707 337269413372 6941 04080408 197344197 344 [email protected]@bigpond.com Historic Commissioner (Qld) Alan Don (Jill) 07 3366 4358 0401 952448 [email protected]@hotmail.com SocialStateNewsletter Council Event / ViceCo-Ordinator: Delegate Pres: FredPeter Sayers Walsh (Del)(Mary) Russell Beckman 07 3349 8000 045804270419 733074577198778 007 [email protected]@bigpond.com MembershipState Council Delegate ChrisFred Sayers Fry (Barbara) (Del) 07 4637 2190 04270450 577198741 107 [email protected] ClubClub MerchandiseRegalia Officer Officer vacant This could This be couldyou??? be you??? ClubCommittee: Photographers: Richard Harris Ian Welsh at Shifting07 Focus3269 2094 0408 173 731 [email protected]
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