A REVIEW OF POLITICAL PARTIES MANIFESTOS POLITICAL PARTIES, POLITICAL CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL !"/544(%!54(/2 GOVERNANCE IN UGANDA !RTHUR "AINOMUGISHA IS A $IRECTOR OF 2ESEARCH AND (EAD OF THE 0EACE AND #ONFLICT 0ROGRAMATTHE!DVOCATES#OALITIONFOR$EVELOPMENTAND%NVIRONMENT!#/$% (EIS POLITICAL PARTIES, POLITICAL CHANGE AND ALSOAPART TIME,ECTURERINTHE0EACEAND#ONFLICT3TUDIES0ROGRAM -AKERERE5NIVERSITY ASWELLASA6ISITING,ECTURERAT-BARARA5NIVERSITYOF3CIENCEAND4ECHNOLOGY-534 IN THE&ACULTYOF$EVELOPMENT3TUDIES"EFOREJOINING!#/$% HEWORKEDASA#IVIL3OCIETY ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE IN UGANDA &ELLOW WITH THE )NTERNATIONAL 0EACE!CADEMY )0! A .EW 9ORK BASED PUBLIC POLICY A Review of Political Parties Manifestos RESEARCHTHINKTANK(EHASCARRIEDOUTSEVERALRESEARCHESANDCONTRIBUTEDARTICLESINA NUMBEROFPUBLICATIONSONPEACE SECURITYANDENVIRONMENTALGOVERNANCE.OTABLEAMONG HISPUBLICATIONINCLUDE4HE2OLEOF#IVIL3OCIETYIN0EACE"UILDINGINTHE'REAT,AKES 2EGION #ONSTITUTIONAL2EFORMSAND%NVIRONMENTAL,EGISLATIVE2EPRESENTATIONIN5GANDA A Review of Political Parties Manifestos 4HE4ORTUROUS0EACE0ROCESSIN.ORTHERN5GANDA 4HE0OLITICAL%CONOMYOF3MALL!RMS 0ROLIFORATIONINTHE(ORNOF!FRICA4HE#ASEOF.ORTHERN5GANDAAND3OUTHERN3UDAN "AINOMUGISHAHOLDSA-ASTERS$EGREEIN0EACE3TUDIESFROMTHE5NIVERSITYOF"RADFORD 5NITED +INGDOM AND A "ACHELORS $EGREE IN -ASS #OMMUNICATION FROM -AKERERE 5NIVERSITY 5GANDA (E IS CURRENTLY PURSUING A $OCTORAL $EGREE IN 3ECURITY AND $EVELOPMENTATTHE5NIVERSITYOF,ONDON5+ 7HILE THE DISCOVERY OF OIL RESOURCES PRESENT AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ENDING THE MISERY OF POVERTY IN 5GANDA UNLESS PRUDENT AND DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE OF THE OIL RESOURCES IS PURSUED IT MAY BECOME A CURSE AND NIGHTMARE FOR THE CURRENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS 4HE SILENCEBY0OLITICAL0ARTIESONGOVERNANCE ESPECIALLYOFREVENUESHARINGSHOWSTHAT 0ARTIES HAVE NOT PRIORITIZED NATIONAL RESOURCESINTHEIR0OLITICALAGENDAS Arthur Bainomugisha h/IL IS A COMMON HERITAGE OF !FRICA .EVERTHELESS ASPECTS OF THE OIL )NDUSTRY ARE DELIBERATELY CONCEALED IN MYSTERY KEY FACTS ABOUT OIL ARE OFTEN TREATED AS STATE SECRETSxxx"UILDINGTRANSPARENTANDACCOUNTABLEh0ETRO STATESvFOCUSEDONREDUCING POVERTYANDBUILDINGVIABLEPOST OILFUTURESISONEOFTHEKEYCHALLENGESFACING!FRICAINTHE ST #ENTURYv "OTTOM OF THE BURREL !FRICAS /IL "OOM AND THE POOR! REPORT BY4HE #ATHOLIC2ELIEF3ERVICES#23 ACODE Policy Research Series, No. 16, 2006 !DVOCATES#OALITIONFOR$EVELOPMENTAND%NVIRONMENT Arthur Bainomugisha 0LOT+ANJOKYA3TREET +AMWOKYA 0"OX +AMPALA 4EL &AX % MAILLIBRARY ACODE UORG ACODE ACODE UORG 7EBSITEHTTPWWWACODE UORG ACODE Policy Research Series, No. 16, 2006 A REVIEW OF POLITICAL PARTIES MANIFESTOS POLITICAL PARTIES, POLITICAL CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE IN UGANDA A Review of Political Parties Manifestos Arthur Bainomugisha ACODE Policy Research Series, No. 16, 2006 A REVIEW OF POLITICAL PARTIES MANIFESTOS taBLE OF CONTENTS ___________________________________________ Acknowledgements............................................................. IV LIST OF ACRONYMS................................................................. V EXECUTIVE sUMMary.............................................................. VI 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................1 2. RESEARCH mETHODOLOGY................................................ 3 3. THE RELEvaNCE OF GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE TO UGAN- Da aND WHy POLITICAL PARTIES MUST BE CONCERNED...... 3 3.1. The Envronment drves the economy and sustans the rural poor voters.......................................................................... 3 3.2. The cost of envronmental degradaton affects the poor rural vot- ers dsproportonately .................................................. 6 3.3. Envronment and Natural Resources Securty Nexus.............. 6 4. CONCEPTUALIZING THE fUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL parTIES iN a DE- MOCRACy aND uGANDA’s eXPERIENCE.............................. 9 4.1. Protecton of ndvdual freedoms.................................. 12 4.2. Artculatng and aggregatng the nterests of socety............ 12 4.3. Socal Integraton functon........................................... 12 4.4. Poltcal Party Manfestos and the Envronment................. 13 5. THE NaTIONAL RESISTANCE MOVEMENT (NRM) PARTy aND THE ENVI- RONMENT.............................................................. 13 5.1 Case 1: Encroachment on South Busoga Forest Reserve.......... 15 5.2. Case 2: Degazzettng of Butamra Forest Reserve n Jnja dstrct, Kagoma County............................................................... 18 5.3. Stoppng of NEMA Encroachers Evctons n Wetlands n Kabale Ds- trct......................................................................... 20 5.4. Case 3: Quest to establsh a Golf Course n Queen Elzabeth Natonal Park by Madhvan Group of Companes................................... 21 5.5 Falure by the NRM Government to put nto place Stra- tegc Envronmental Polces: A Case of the Sols Pol- cy........................................................................... 22 6. FORUM FOR dEMOCRATIC cHANGE (FDC) aND THE ENVIRONMENT .. ................................................................................ 23 6.1. Mnng................................................................... 24 6.2.Toursm................................................................ 24 7. UGANDa PEOPle’s cONGRESS (UPC) aND THE ENVIRONMENT..... 25 7.1. Management of the Envronment................................... 25 7.2. Management of Natural Resources.................................. 25 A REVIEW OF POLITICAL PARTIES MANIFESTOS 7. 2.1. Management of land........................................ 25 7. 2.2. Management of Water...................................... 26 7.2.3. Development of Agrculture, Fsheres and Anmal Industry.......................................... 26 7.3. Fsheres........................................................ 27 7.4. Forestry......................................................... 27 7.5. Management of Mneral Resources......................... 27 7.6. Energy.......................................................... 28 8. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY(DP) aND THE ENVIRONMENT............. 31 8.1. Energy and envronment, Transport and Regonal Development........................................ 31 9. RECOMMENDATIONS aND Way FORWARD.............................. 35 10. CONCLUSION............................................................... 37 REFERENCES................................................................ 39 PUBLICATIONS IN THIS SERIes............................................ 42 A REVIEW OF POLITICAL PARTIES MANIFESTOS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In a multparty democracy poltcal partes are expected to one of the key power centers n polcy and decson makng over the management and utlzaton of the envronment assets. It s envsaged that poltcal parties will have significant influence on the autonomy and authority of the Parlament and ndvdual legslators. As such, the effectveness of Parlament and ndvdual Members of Parlament to effectvely brng a wde range of publc polcy ssues ncludng envronmental ssues s lkely to depend on the polcy programs of poltcal partes. In order to ensure that envronmental ssues are not eclpsed by other cvc matters, t s mportant that they become part and parcel of the campagn agendas of poltcal partes as artculated n ther electon manfestos. Ths way, the voters n partcular and the ctzens n general who are dsproportonately affected by the contnung envronmental degradaton can be able to demand for effectve representaton and accountablty from these nsttutons based on ther electoral promses. Ths paper therefore provdes a detaled revew and analyss of the scope of coverage and senstvty of envronmental and natural resources ssues as artculated n poltcal party manfestos of poltcal partes whch partcpated n the February 2006 electons. Ths paper bulds on our earler research on legslatve representaton and the envronment and the role of Specal Interest Groups n the Sxth and Seventh Parlament n representng the envronment nterests of ther consttuences. These studes were made possble by a generous grant from the Unted States Agency for Internatonal Development (USAID) through the World Resources Insttute (WRI). We are therefore ndebted to Jon Anderson of USAID and Peter Vet of WRI for not only supportng our work on legslatve representaton and the envronment but also for provdng nput nto the analytcal aspects of the work beng undertaken. Our work n ths area has benefited from several other research projects including the Integrated Envronmental Polcy Advocacy and Montorng Intatve supported by the Department for Internatonal Development (DFID), and Communty Based Property Rghts and the Envronment supported by the Ford Foundaton. The nvaluable contrbuton of these partners to our research and advocacy agenda s therefore acknowledged. The author is also grateful to the entire research team at ACODE specifically to Godber W. Tumushabe for the ntellectual oversght provded n the course of conductng ths study as well as Flugenco Kaso who s a Research Assocate, for hs research support. v A REVIEW OF POLITICAL PARTIES MANIFESTOS LIST OF ACRONYMS ACODE Advocates Coalton for Development and Envronment CMC Common Man’s Charter CP Conservatve Party DLB Dstrct Land Board DP Democratc Party FDC Forum for Democratc Change GDP Growth Domestc Product HEP Hydro Electrcty Power MPs Members of Parlament MW Mega Watts NEA Natonal Envronment Act NEMA Natonal Envronmental Management Authorty NFA Natonal Forestry Authorty NRA Natonal Resstance Army NRM Natonal Resstance Movement PEAP Poverty Eradcaton
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