EE• 'S C "LETE TELEVISION PROG' AMS THE The Showcase diforials olumn Comment ditor Speaks omplete hort Story TV Shows This Week MAY' 12, 1957 VOL. XXIX, No. 19 '-z. AT YOUR SERVICE... All the Time ! When you wont a dependablefuel Eor cooking,for hot water, for re- [rigeration,and for clothesdrying, you want gas!And Public Service i• onthe job 24 hours a day to bring you the dependableservice .l• the clean,blue gasflame! .THEBIG AND LITT•Haledon PAL openedits LittleLeaflue seas6nbefore a large crowd. Ceremoniessaw .player Norman Seespresenting the ..ballto Mayor ])ave Brown. Standing.next to PUBLIC $ERVI mayor are James Sees, PAL secretary. ! ß ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:: i:.::::: ::::?::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ?:::::':'-?:•::.:::- :;::f:::i i :: ;•::'::'.½:•:: i:.'i•..... '-! ::i........ :::::::i:.½.?:.:. :..:::.?;):::-11.: :i::-.:::.::i::i:::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::!:::: ß- ".:' .," "" .................... :.................... ":'-L..:GETTING' THE HELEN MORGAN STORY -, • •!!:i:!:,.•!!._•:i'....::i::::i:•:..:.-./.:•i:::::.-:.:i...'•i:: ' : ' . ' '?::!:!•i:iii:i:i½i:::'!'.'-:-.,,.:!:•::i ............. ::.::i:i½i:ii?•iii•ii::•li.::•i•:.....> :_.":::.i :;.i - ß ß ' ,..:: '.'.<!i!!i:i:i•i;i-'?"-'.':': .:.:..... ß :. •!:::i'i;i' ] i:F' '"-::-::•:!:i' ' .. • . 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Morgan, the torch-singing star of the Roaring Twenties, direcfiy from Helen's mother, Mrs. Lulu Morgan, for CBS Television's Playhouse 90" BIG LEAGuERsMayor Joseph F. l•yan prepares to throw the dramatization, '•Helen Morgan," Thursday, May 16. Polly, who will pla• first ball opening Totowa's Little ,League baseball ;season at the the title role, was chosenby Mrs. Morgan to portray her famous daughter PAL baseball field, Union Blvd.-and Shepherd'.s Lane. Left to in this fascinatingand tragic story of a great star who outlived her popU- 'right axe Leo,nard Warren, Ronald Mizzone, Emil ;Trione, Mayor larity. Sylvia Sidney,Hoagy Carmichael,Rozmie Burns and Reginald Byan,' Emanueel Lagos, John Martello and Frank Filillelli. Denny are also in the east. -'.'L('.'- Published Weekly by THE CHItOhrlCLE COMI'AlqY 170-172 Butler Street . P•ster•on, New Jersey LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARItlLI•, Managing •iltor Bntmr•l as Second Class matter Auwust 3&, 19•, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. M•y 5, 1957 -- Vol. XXIX, No. 18 Single Copy 5 Cents .-•' -- 22 $3.00 a Yesr By Mall :.:.::::::::::: CONTENTS .:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ß ß ::.:.::: :::.-..::...............:.:. FEATURES _J Complete Short Story 14 "FOUR WOMEN IN ,BLACK"---Here .are the "Four Women in Black" who s•t•rred t• •he adventure. drama on CBS Television's "Playhouse 90" 'Thursday, April 25. (Top left and right) tlelen Hayes, Katy Jurado, (bottom.) Janice Rule and Narda Onyx st•r as four .nuns •vho, .in 1870, brave, hunger, thirst, and Ind'mn at- t•cks in order to cross the desert •nd found a hospital in Tucson, Ariz. The .•ial, hour-and-one-half program was filmed on !oc•. DEPARTMENTS tior• at iTucson. Ralph •VIeeker and Lit• Milan xvere also in the stsrring cast• Books 'n Stuff 5 Opportunities Unlimited Editorials The Editor Speaks Column. of Comment The Showcase __ 10 Complete Television Program for the Week ___11, 12, 13 COVER PICTURE- •This Sund•y 'rs Mother's Day. All kinds of tributes .will be ::Imidto ..Morn • is the.sweetheart-of the Family. l•emember .: .'her this Sunday and give her hours of incomImr•ble pleasure POS:T36 HONORSCOMMANDE•H•rry Zax, depaxtmentcom- mander of New J ,r•y, J 'wi.•h XVar ¾etera•ts,was feted •t • '.110r it is her day of the year. The nicest •md most thoughtful testimonialdinner at i:e!!erman!l:tll un{h-rthe auspicesOf Kauf- 'gift in the whole world is to remember your mother this .man-HarrisPost 36,.JX•%.Iz•ft to riLht r • JulesFeinberg, 'toast. master; Mrs. Anna NaPl•'n, district N •w ler-.y, president;Zax Stmday. "Theres' nobody like MOM." HernmnB•!d'mger, command 'r !xttffnmn-Ilarri.,, Post 36; Judge WHliam IApkin• pabstdelmrtment conmmnder of' New 'Jersey. L TkeCHRONICLE P^-•E THREE ß .,z...•,%" / '" e ... <...•,'/,/,.. .... • . , .///• '(./.,., ./j/l///, .... ,/• .///,./,.////,.. ., //,>/,///,.//,/////////////////•ii i __lZ ,///////,///1////i i11_ .• ,- HITE and SHA, UGER, I ½ COO1) NA•I• TO ICEME,IB•R ... • •or •ß FURNITURE ,I • .. IAvtn l?,oom Bed 1•,o m Dinin GO ß RUGS ND C RP TS SPECI LT¾• Q ALI'• , nd LO PRI -- 37 Y e•rb -rvLn• the •ubl - i' ' •' 435•TRAiGI .qT. HJ..]880 I'ATEP•N, •. • - _ Cornr½ial Pring MRS.JOHNJ. DOOLEY '• MILS. ANGELO IANNACCONE Bless'edSacrament R.C.• Miss Louise Wesdorp, daugh-' Church was the set-ting for a • / ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wes- pretty wedding when Miss Nancy - 170-17 '• B I,ER ST. LA 5-2741 ATERSON dorp, 150 Woodcliff Ave., Singac, N•grotto was united in marriage; and Angelo Iannaccone, son of wi:th John J. Dooley. The bride Mr. and Mrs. Emil Iannaccone, 48 is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Paters6n .Ave., were married Sun- :Salvatore Negrotto of 233 East day a't 4 p.m., in St[ Michael's Twenty-fourth St. The parents R. C. Church. The Rev. Armand of the bridegroom are Mr. and Conti performed the ceremony. A Mrs William F. Dooley of 447 reception was held in the PIaza Totowa Ave. ballroom. The Rev. Thomas Trapasso The bride wore a gown-of ny- F.erformed tha ceremony which lon tulle and Chantilty le•Ce trim- was followed by a recep'ion at •rned.with appliques and ruffles. the C ifton Casino, Clifton. Her fingertip. veil was attached The ,bride wore a gown of net to a seed Pearl crown and she and
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