FOROFHETAL USB ONLY Supplementaltothe 304thMl Bn PeriodicNewsletter SampleOverview: alQaida-Like Mobile Discussions& PotentialCreative Uses By 304th Ml Bn OSINTTeam October16, 2008 This is a draft FOUOproduct The above examplesof Nokia Map Functions are displayed in a Pro Islamic State of lraq (aI Qaida) Discussion thread at http ://www,muslm.nethb/showthread.ohp ?o= I 797473 with sofruare description and download instructions. Posting date March 24, 2008. FCIROFFrcIAL USE O}TLY Overview Terroristsand personssympathetic to terrorismrecommend a varietyof differentmobile to webtechnologies, software, and Voiceover InternetProtocol (VolP)r for theirmobile phoneuse. Someof the tacticsare old,some of the tacticsare stillemerging, and some tacticsmay emerge from hacker, activist, and criminalnon-terrorist use. This paper brieflycovers a few examplesof terroristuse and potentialuse of mobileto web and webto mobiletechnologies and tactics from an opensource perspective. The paper includesthe followingfive topics: Pro TenoristPropaganda Mobile lnterfaces, Mobile Phone GPSfor Movements,Ops, Targeting,and Exploitation,The MobilePhone as a SurueillanceTool, VoiceChangers for Terroist Phone Calls,a Red Teaming Perspectiveon the PotentialTerroristUse of Twifter,and a sampleof softwarethat is recommendedon one proterrorist website for mobilephone activities. There are numerouspossibilities that are not coveredin this paperdue to time and research constraints.For example, Google Earth, Mobile GPS Mashups2 and MobilePhone NumberSpoofing techniques are not addressedin this paperbut are certainlyworth OpenSource Intelligence (OSINT) consideration and probably deserve a paper(if not a book)unto itself. Pleasenote the followingcaveats to this article.The first limitationis the discussed technologieswere not independently verified in a redteaming scenario, so it is unclear whethersome of the discussedtactics and methodologieswould actually work. For example,extremist suggestions to includeintegrating a mobilephone camera into a missilewarhead seem highly improbable. Second, a majorityof the informationwas extractedfrom al Qaida-likewebsites from uncollaboratedpostings made by terrorists, personssympathetic to terrorism,or honeypots3. Third, the researchused to generate this paperwas conductedfrom open sources only and has not beencompared and/or contrastedwith informationin non-opensource (classified) venues. Fourth,each topic is merelyan introductioninto the subjectand deservesfurther research and contemplation. Fifth,the authoris nota linguist,but usedrudimentary Arabic language skills and the Googletranslating toolto extractwebsite context. Finally,the potentialfor use of certain webto mobiletechnologies and tactics is dependentupon the mobileservice available in differentstates and regions.For example, terrorists could theoretically use Twitter social networkingin the an operationtool. However,it is unclearwhether that same theoreticaluse would be availableto terroristsin othercountries and to whatextent. Whatdid becomeclear from conducting research on thistopic is thatthere are numerousdifferent tactics, tools, and softwareservices that can be usedby terroriststo conductactivities that go wellbeyond the originalintent of the mobilephone voice communicationsand that these burgeoning capabilities are available for OSINT exploitation.Further, there may be a possibilityto profilea portionof particularcyber 1Prior August2007 304'n Ml Bn OSINTTeam Research Article 'Terrorist and ExtremistUse of VoiceOvei InternetProtocol" is availableon the 3O4thMl Bn OSINTTeam INTELINK U pageat https://www.intelink.qov/inteldocs/view.php?fDocumentld=10699(lf you do not haveaccess to rNrrErNkuanowouro ir- 2 t HoneyPot is definedas something(example a website)that is set up in orderto allureselect audiencemembers so thatthey may be trackedand monitored. FCIROFHCIAL IJSEONLY terrorist-likegroups and their audiences based on the particular set of softwareand phonesthat the group recommends from OSINT exploitation. Tableof Contents PRO TERRORIST PROPAGANDA CELL PHONE INTERFACES................ ..............2 CELL PHONE GPSFOR MOVEMENTS. OPS.TARGETING & EXPLOITATION........................3 MOBTLE PHONE SURVEILLANCE............. .........................4 VOICE CHANGERS FOR TERRORIST TELEPHONE CALLS?....... ...........................5 POTENTIAL FOR TERRORIST USE OF TWITTER: A RED TEAMING PERSPECTM...........7 SAMPLE OF OTHER MOBILE PHONE TOPICS & SOFTWARE RECOMMENDATIONS..........9 Pro Terrorist Propaganda Cett ptrone Interfaces The mobilephone provides an activeoutlet for terroristpropaganda. Currently there are thousandsof multimediaclips (audio, video, photo, Power Point, text, PDF)that may be up loadedto mobilephones from multiple websites and multimedia bunkers. In addition, mobilephone texting appears to be consistentlyand possibly increasingly popular amongpro terrorist audiences (just as it is with non-terroristaudiences). Some terrorist organizationsare furtherbranded by a specificcell phoneinterface, which makes the actualphone a pieceof propaganda.Following are two examples: Army of the MujahedeenCell Phone Interface(Advertized celPhone screen Appearance) 293031 t 2 3 iil $l.Qlert;fJr 10 rl,&jmtjt r$Jd',tz rq{{:r.d;e 22 23 24 dzd'+fi:ri'}s m r 23456t8 lslamic State of lraq Cell Phone Interface (Advertizedcett Phone screen Appearance) a FOROFFIC}AL IjSE ONLY The softwarefor the above interfacesis advertizedas beingavailable for downloadon selectextremist websites, such as .a;5:*l .,:LJL" a-,1 Cell PhoneGPS for Movements,Ops, Targeting& ,ri . Exploitation ii Ji Nokia6210 Navigatorand other F -i Fil rI J. -L"1' s :._*'r )r-a' ;1+- ;. !*; GPScell phone services could ';ts_'-r be usedby ouradversaries for travelplans, surveillance and targeting. Followingis an exampleof one IlrI E extremistdiscussion thread Source: Arabic DiscussionForum http://llvan.oro/vb/showthread.pho?t=5844 surroundingthe use of Mobile (From Google Search Result Descriplion:"Make your love for God, Eid and PhoneGPS (there are multiple satisfaction and your obedience and Mwalatk and Zkirk and lslamic Jihad .... postingson thisissue which Sailing fast and easy navigation system with A-GPS maps and the application paper of Nokia Maps." couldbe a untoitself.) On Compare the previoustext with a vendo/s write-up"Sailing fast and easy May3, 2008a discussiontopic navigation sysfern with A-GPS and Nokia Maps application maps. Find your wasposted in the proterrorist destination on foot or in the car with a compass for navigation Sena. Take forumal Hebashat pictures and video through the use of high-quality 3.2-megapixel camera with defunct) flash The advantage Panoramic 240 x 320QVGA See maps, pictures and videos on the screen QVGA stunning 2.4-inch size and the quality of 320 x 240 on thetheoretical use of Nokia Browse the Internet, send e-mail your uploaded content quickly connect via GPSfor "Specialist use in high-speed3.5G '' Marksmanship,Border Crossings,and in Concealment of Supplies."The followingthree Graphicswere associatedwith this posting. I@ Oneresponse to the W topicthread was that city imagesand pictures werenot adequate becauseadditional information,such as geo- coordinates,was needed for desertsand forests (non-urbanareas). A laterposting in thethread discussedthe pros and consof GPSunder the title"An lntensiveCourse in the Useof LG PSVGPS" (Reference screen capture on nextpage) which briefly covered some of the benefitsand detriments of usingGPS. The articlementioned the useof geocoordinates for bordercrossings, item concealment, andfor identifyingenemy locations. The article also mentioned that GPS would be usefulfor identifyingterrain and natural resources, such as water. In addition,the article mentionedthat attained enemy GPS can be usefulforinformation exploitation. FORCIFFrcI,{t TJSE- ONLJ .HfK epi Jtr,:-t .i itrs.;rrr :ri.*i stris-;.+tt jl+ilr ciiF:&it rJ+lt !lJL1 iit Ji!Lr..&Lolrri& .s f,Jla'ji *r.rfi:,,.!*r:, r$iit"r;f,:ff -: -rr',*,"irl ;::lil ":; ,.t' t u t tu t 6 ; t. :r $ Ji b,rP,.ri !r,, dr d,n#L Lt' rr .-, tl rb.r; &!, qn -J ;-FI'Jpr u &Jr r :r r+ &L.r! it r l,r'.. >3 rd -p Jb J d JJ J F.b :!; Ja J$ ? J,qs.oL: *t.eli'P r+ tlu ts,errrrgllsir4,Jir-4r-lJ-strracr*'tl,J'&.:$Jtrj .4trr F & JP ve fr.,i! gr!& U {& Jb vr : ir J* i{i "An Intensive Course in the f r.r.j, F ji +Ji.l t.i rr, i 4, r.ri J Jr ir ri'F, s JL.i- *;1;,,;J:.i Useof LG PSV GPS" ', d l..* r ,ry, ::ut* o,'6dte " l!!l-lt{ t\.! ti":itiitiiiitiii/" ir,atin i. i,tAtrtrit&ni -'& '' .sR','.}J-.Iu1!sli'."'w*FsnH}jMd&<4lll,q'"'* 3.n l,ffit*. r"!@- ( J;!)'.-.Ly'rb.!lrlv{t: s- elr Jt* 6s osi! o2: Frt ryy'lni,t/g An al Qaida-like Social Networking Pagein Maktoobblog, www.shhidallah.maktoobblos.cont/l213376 that recommendsthe "An Intensive Course in the Use of LG PSV GPS' Mobile PhoneSurveillance On September6, 2008an individualusing the pseudonymof "Volcano"provided a theoreticaldiscussion in the MujahedeenArmy of lraqEnabling lslamic Mobiles forum,,on the useof mobilephones for target surveillance and attacks.Under the categoryof basicsurveillance, "Volcano" recommended using the phone/videocamera for monitoringenemy activities and operations in theater.Of uniqueinterest is that"Volcano" posed severaltheoretical examples of howto usethe mobilephone video and camera options in tandemwith conducting attacks. For example,"Volcano" suggested that one could use the mobilephone for remote surveillanceto
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