THAI NAMAI DIUS009873039B2 MAUNAWA NINI (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 ,873 ,039 B2 Kim et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Jan . 23 , 2018 (54 ) AUTOMATIC TRIGGER OF INTEGRATED 5 ,362 , 069 A 11 / 1994 Hall - Tipping GAME ACTIONS FOR EXERCISE AND 5 , 462, 504 A * 10 / 1995 Trulaske .. .. .. .. A61B 5 /0002 WELL BEING 482 /54 8 ,454 ,437 B2 * 6 / 2013 Dugan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. GO6F 19 / 26 463 / 22 (71 ) Applicant: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 8 ,956 , 228 B2 2 /2015 Shum et al . MACHINES CORPORATION , 2005 /0228692 A1 * 10 /2005 Hodgdon . .. G06F 19 / 3431 Armonk , NY (US ) 705 / 2 2006 /0229163 A1* 10 / 2006 Waters .. .. .. A63B 22/ 0605 ( 72 ) Inventors : Minkyong Kim , Scarsdale , NY (US ) ; 482 / 8 Min Li, Blacksburg, VA (US ) ; Clifford A . Pickover , Yorktown Heights , NY ( Continued ) (US ) ; Valentina Salapura , Chappaqua , NY (US ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Wo 1996 /005766 Al 2 / 1996 ( 73) Assignee : International Business Machines wo 2011020135 Al 2 /2011 Corporartion , Armonk , NY (US ) ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Boot et al ., Do action video games improve perception and cogni U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 146 days . tion ? , Frontiers in Psychology , Perspective Article , Sep . 13 , 2011 , ( 21) Appl. No .: 14 /805 ,108 pp . 1 - 6 , vol . 2 , Art . 226 . ( Continued ) ( 22 ) Filed : Jul. 21, 2015 (65 ) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner – Omkar Deodhar ( 74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Tutunjian & Bitetto , US 2017 /0021279 A1 Jan . 26 , 2017 P . C . ; Yeen C . Tham (51 ) Int . Ci. A63F 13 / 10 ( 2006 .01 ) A63F 13 / 00 ( 2014. 01 ) (57 ) ABSTRACT ( 52 ) U . S . CI. Methods and systems for triggering integrated game actions CPC .. .. .. .. .. .. .. A63F 13/ 00 (2013 .01 ) include monitoring a user ' s state during operation a video (58 ) Field of Classification Search game with one or more user state sensors. It is determined CPC . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. A63F 13 / 10 ; A63F 13 / 06 whether the user ' s level of activity is below a predetermined See application file for complete search history . activity threshold based on the monitored state considered over a period of time. If the user ' s level of activity is below (56 ) References Cited the predetermined activity threshold , a game sequence in the video game is triggered that involves physical activity on the U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS part of the user . 4 ,925 , 189 A 5 / 1990 Braeunig 5 ,001 , 632 A * 3 / 1991 Hall - Tipping . .. A61B 5 /02455 463 / 23 20 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets User fitness Processor Memory profile 102 104 database 106 Integrated User state game monitor interface 35108 110 Game action control system 100 US 9 ,873 , 039 B2 Page 2 ( 56 ) References Cited U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS 2010 /0137105 Al 6 / 2010 McLaughlin 2011/ 0086747 A1 4 / 2011 Broderick OTHER PUBLICATIONS Zapirain et al. , ICTs for Health and Wellbeing: Principles and Practice , OMICS Group eBooks, Feb . 2014 , pp . 1 - 11 . Sharek et al. , Measuring Video Game Engagement Through the Cognitive and Affective Dimensions, Sage Journals , Simulation & Gaming , Nov . 4 , 2014 , pp . 1 , sag . sagepub . com , 1046878114554176 . * cited by examiner atent Jan . 23 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 3 US 9 ,873 , 039 B2 User fitness Processor Memory profile 102 104 database = = =106 Integrated User state game monitor interface *108 E110 Game action control system 100 FIG . 1 U . S . Patent Jan . 23, 2018 Sheet 2 of 3 US 9 ,873 , 039 B2 Monitor user state 202 Determine period of inactivity 204 Inactive No longer than threshold time ? 206 Trigger game sequence 208 Monitor player activity level 210 Adjust game sequence based on monitored activity level Yes 212 FIG . 2 . U . S . Patent Jan . 23, 2018 Sheet 3 of 3 US 9 ,873 , 039 B2 Display 302 300 Processor Memory 306 308 Game Video action game data control 310 system 312 User Peripheral User state controller interface sensors 316 314 318 Video game console 304 FIG . 3 US 9 ,873 ,039 B2 AUTOMATIC TRIGGER OF INTEGRATED FIG . 1 is a block diagram of a game action control system GAME ACTIONS FOR EXERCISE AND in accordance with the present principles ; WELL BEING FIG . 2 is a block/ flow diagram of a method for game action control in accordance with the present principles ; and BACKGROUND 5 FIG . 3 is a block diagram of a game system in accordance Technical Field with the present principles. The present invention relates to exercise gaming and , more particularly , to automatically triggering in - game DETAILED DESCRIPTION actions based on biometric information . Description of the Related Art 10 Embodiments of the present invention provide the ability Obesity is a significant health threat in the United States to detect a user ' s physical, mental, and /or emotional states and around the world . Nearly 78 million adults and 13 and to trigger integrated game actions that encourage physi million children deal with the health and emotional effects of cal activity based on those detected states . The integrated obesity . One tool for combatting obesity is exergaming ( a game action is designed to seamlessly integrate with the portmanteau of “ exercise ” and “ gaming " ) , which refers to 15 game experience , so that it does not feel out of place to the video games that incorporate forms of exercise . Exergaming user . In this way, the present embodiments provide adaptive relies on technology that tracks body movement or reaction . responses to the users ' needs, even if the users do not However , despite the availability of exergaming , many recognize those needs themselves . games either do not incorporate such features or do so in a Referring now to the drawings in which like numerals manner that is poorly suited to effective exercise . Further - 20 represent the same or similar elements and initially to FIG . more , existing systems lack the ability to respond directly to 1 , a system 100 for controlling game actions is shown . A a user' s physical , emotional, or mental states . user fitness profile database 106 is stored in a memory 104 to store user fitness and health information . This database SUMMARY 106 may be used to suggest game sequences that are best A method for triggering integrated game actions includes 25 suited to the user ' s particular fitness needs. For example , if monitoring a user ' s state during operation a video game with the user has knee pain , this fact would be stored in the one or more user state sensors. It is determined whether the database 106 and could be used to select game sequences user ' s level of activity is below a predetermined activity that will avoid provoking further knee injuries or which may threshold based on the monitored state considered over a even provide therapeutic benefits . A user state monitor 108 period of time. If the user ' s level of activity is below the8 30 monitors the user ' s current physical and cognitive state . The predetermined activity threshold , a game sequence in the user' s physical state may include a level of activity (mea video game is triggered that involves physical activity on the sured by , e . g . , the user ' s heart rate ) or mental state ( e . g . , part of the user . anxiety , drowsiness , etc . ) and may be performed by one or A method for triggering integrated game actions includes more sensors that may include accelerometers, biometric monitoring a user' s state during operation a video game with 35 sensors , biofeedback sensors , brainwave sensors, heart rate one or more user state sensors . It is determined whether the monitors , etc . The user state monitor 108 can be integrated user ' s level of activity is below a predetermined low activity with a controller for a video game system , such that the user threshold based on the monitored state . If the user ' s level of need not use a separate peripheral device . activity is below the predetermined low activity threshold Measurement of a user' s cognitive state may come in two for a predetermined period of time, a game sequence in the 40 forms: static and dynamic ( e . g . , real time) . In the static case , video game is triggered that involves physical activity on the game users may fall into a variety of demographics , from part of the user and a difficulty of the game sequence is set young to old , from sick to healthy . A user may have certain in accordance with the user' s level of fitness . The user ' s state dispositions , tendencies , behaviors , and conditions . For is monitored during the game sequence . The level of diffi example , a child with autism may have different needs and culty is adjusted after triggering the game sequence based on 45 tendencies to exercise in response to different pieces of the user ' s monitored state during the game sequence . integrated game content for aiding physical and mental A system for triggering integrated game actions includes activity . For example , a person who can focus strongly or one or more user state sensors configured to monitor a user ' s needs to increase cognitive “ tone ” may find it useful to have state during operation of a video game. A game action the integrated game content be a combination of physical control system includes a processor configured to determine 50 activity and mental activity ( e . g ., jumping on red rocks , but whether the user ' s level of activity is below a predetermined not green rocks ) . Meanwhile , a person with anger control activity threshold based on the monitored state considered difficulties may benefit from game content that is temporar over a period of time and , if the user ' s level of activity is ily less violent in content but still conducive to exercise . This below the predetermined activity threshold , to trigger a sort of static cognitive state may be supplied as a profile by game sequence in the video game that involves physical 55 a user, parent, teacher, or caregiver, or may be inferred by activity on the part of the user .
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