A JOURNAL OF UNOIpfffOKAJILE MMIRAl^^NE 1 0) I t >, *» s-a» « I a •J 4? -"i ft c OT (0 •o C !>• •S 3 (3 A 4) H •O 66-S" « g^- X R 3 - VO m W E ? ^ il 33 3 &t(3 " §382 •3 "£ IB jB 3 o^ s a =3 SCO c " 3 ^ a> "I g'a '^u°(Q>>^'^iS>3 5 «« ""' 5^ f*>*> oj 4) a OJ gx& 3i 23 c"- «2• . 5 ""S « m 0) O wo « pS 4) C TJ ^ 8- o o (u h •d C/^mft ofTke UnWehA ity dQmeAuS iaitd Unimv c <- F, H 5 >eS'3«B Sal's-- W ** C 5? fc CS ^ a*i J, .r< ^>.|f^5'^3^«* fan §1111 OJ o >> Q. ed , Tl n jf- I- y « •"0§ aJ o c M OJ" >. _ VoL XXIV; No. 5- FRlf)AY. MAY 1C1954 H Jl3 ** •*-* , .CO) •n lu b 2'S^S*''^ tu o B * 0(£j ii Registered at Of .C, Brisbane, tor M 3 (0 O-O o «S §l8£6S5 lljgllls-s 'W tranamlsslon by pot^t as a periodical. „ h O 0) o 82iESa?5 Mice & On With The Motley Men "Oh there's always UnL students to be done, to be done, Although monkeys, trumpets and " . And a policeman's lot is quite a happy one." racing proctors caused much amuse­ ment at Graduation Ceremony, a The hilarious Commeoi. Week, so recently passed, brought with it the passing oi one their comrades, the revellers, now small child, who was enjoying the very quiet, were surveyed by a group show immensely, caused equal oi the more gentle illusions oi this mortal coll. The late lamented is, namely, thot our great of belligerent coppers. The next amusement to those around her. and glorious police force was in operation lor the puWic benefit. The onesl of low students "culprit," arrested also for disorderly Vfhen a dignified officio! (here after the Graduation Ceremony frlghteningly declares the death- conduct, was about to stub out his anonymous) rose glorious in his red ciggie, when a bump from a col­ gown and hood to take his ofl^cial rpHB local press managed to malce towards the Albert Street, corner, was assured, "H won't show." league sent the cigarette flying to­ part in the ceremony the afore­ -'- tbe most of the affair, having one member of the party tjelng off Admittedly, Semper has this evid­ wards a minion of the law. This said infant screamed dellghtely, a field day with the names of stud­ the footpath and slightly on the ence from one of the victims and also was deemed sufficient cause "Look mummy, there's Santa Claus," ents and theh- charges. road. Next, a car-load of Keystone as such can only, at most, remain for arrest. Let it be a warning to Kops screamed to a halt Inches a Semper scream. all tram travellers who smoke in One downtown daily splurged the from the lone stroller, who, Ignorant story all over their bill-boards, but peak hour trams. Many people have expressed ap­ of the car's contents, turned on it THE STATUE SCENE preciation of tbe performance of on opening the paper, only a small and screamed indignantly; The only remotely justifiable par could be found on Page 3. Another student, later arrested our revered Chancellor in his try­ "What the hell do you think for disorderly conduct, was calmly arrest was that of the last student ing Commem. Week. In one week Because they have already received who, after sufficient provocation too much adverse publicity and be­ you're doing?'' walking with the masses, clutching bis name plate was pinched, a a statue which has for years re­ from a particularly belligerent ribald song was composed about cause identity is of no conse­ policeman, mentioned to a collea­ quence, we prefer not;to mention BLUE NOTES sided at Johns—a Ball souvenir, him, an amorphous statue was and no kin to the statue transferred gue that he was doubtful of the erected In his honour, and monkeys their names again, This apparently was enough pro­ policeman's lineage. He was forth­ vocation to set the constables from one theatre to another that disrupted his important speech at PURPLE NOTE same night by a fctoup of hooligans, with seized, his arm rammed up Graduation Ceremony. All this the screaming, and these were Joined behind his neck, and pushed and The whole affair began when a by another load of plain-clothes Doc. received with tolerant expres­ Iiaving already been accused of pulled (at great physical pain) into sions of amusement. On behalf of large and not too unruly bunch of gents who gave chase and caught the watch house, the "offender" (still not knowing and having denied the theft of many, many students this column revellers were strolling casually this objcci, our hero, seeing a down Elizabeth Street, having the reason for the hue and cry). would like to say, "Good on yer, They thereupon began bundling our bluecoat bearing down on him, PUNISHMENT FIT THE CRIME Otto" visited a well-known vaudeville dumped the statue and ran. He theatre, where they were welcomed hero into the car. He, naturally The whole effort on the gen­ enough, began to resist. was caught and charged with— and invited to sing a ditty for an wait for it—disorderly conduct. darmes' behalf shows a calculated enraptured audience. The re­ Police still have the statue. attempt on their part to deter stud­ Have you seen the new bicycle markable thing is that the following On the way to the watchhouse, racks behin'd St, Lucia's main en­ the gendarmerie, apparently fear­ ents from ever partidpatlng in events climaxed possibly the dullest WHERE THERE'S SMOKE light-hearted Commem. activities. trance? What'll they think of Graduation night ever. ing their victim would fall asleep, next—hitching posts? kept him awake by pummelling After assembling outside the Certainly, the actual alleged charges Anyway, the revellers wandered him at .short intervals where, he watchhouse, in order to bail out against any one of the students did not justify an arrest. It is obvious tliat the police, particularly the Saddest people at Commem. Cele­ young flatfoots desbrous of promo­ brations were the Med. Ills, who tion, determined to make arrests, spent the time telihig all and sun­ on any pretext whatsoever. dry of their woes. Due to the press of examinations these boys By all means, constables, pro- (who once won the Oscar) were . tecl. the community from wrong­ unable to enter a float in the pro­ doers,' but HoiJi imagine a blue cession,, althougli one of their uniform with a number on the number biade u; valiant appearance epaulettes proclaims the right to drugging a symbolic toy Inick. arrest and brutally treat anyone Not only that, but the gentlemen at all. in question received small-pox vac­ cinations 10 days before Commem. FOOTNOTE: Whilst the be­ For the benefit of the ignorant, the haviour of students during Com­ effects of vaccin;.tion reach thei;* mem. Week was not particularly peak in 10 days. reprehensible, it could not have' been worse than that of the large and very flat-footed policeman who A new shadow has arisen over bullied and punched the dawdling the question of who's going to re­ Engineers' Dragon down Alice move the Chancellor's statue. Street during the procession, mut­ Council have been threatened with tering: a bill of £14 for the removal of last year's footprints from the "Come on, you ," tower. Perhaps the reddest ears of the week belonged to a Dramatic OBITUARY Society usher. At the society's per­ formance in tlie Orchestral Shell a few seats had been provided for official guests. This gent distin­ Pictured above is prominent guished himself by shunting the male student rescuing friend Police Betray Students invited parents of one of the per­ formers from the official seats out from the "riolent riot outside the Another example of Police illogicality was afforded dur­ on to the cold, wet grass in the Watch-house on Graduation ing Commem celdbralions. outer darkness. At the Commem. Procession of the police." night. We hold back tbe names Committee students were assured Since the terms of the Royal cf students pictured for secur­ that floats on the Petrov case Commission had not at that time Quotable quote for this week would not be banned for political been defined, there seemed few from Admiral Ilalsey; ity reasons. reasons. reasons for objection. "You can't find brotherhood at Procession Convenor, B. M. at the end of a bayonet; you can't Conaty, stated: "This is the meet­ What harmful effect any Petrov floats would have had on the popu- raise living standards by destroy­ ing at which floats are accepted or ing altogether the means of living." (Authorised by Lex JoUy, c/o refused. The acceptance of Petrov latB, Semper has not been able to determine. The glib reason—"sub U.Q.U,. George St., Brisliane, and floats meant that many people went to a great deal of trouble and ex­ judice," does not explain all by any printed by Coronation Printery, 583 pense only to have their time and means. ZELL RABIN, Dip. Phys. Ed. Orators at the Debating Society's Wynnum Rd.. Brisbane^. money wasted by the unmerciful parUament received a pleasant slashing of their floats at the hands For some years, the columns of surprise if they took time off to this paper have been carrying ihe climb the stairs to the Public Positions written thoughts of one, Zell (short Gallery, The scene, which from for Zealot) Rabin.
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