St Louis High School Christmas Newsletter 2019 Nuachtlitir na Nollag Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year to everybody in the St Louis High School community. As we come to the end of this term, we reflect not only on the term gone by but on the whole year, 2019. We thank everybody for their help and support. We reflect on the many successes and joys the school has experienced. Unfortu- nately many members of the school community experienced bereavement dur- ing the course of the year and we offer you our prayers and thoughts at this time. We also remember Ms Geraldine McDonagh who passed away on New Year’s Eve 2018 and especially remember her family as her first anniversary approaches. We wish everybody in the school community a blessed and peaceful Christmas and every happiness in 2020. P a g e 2 St Louis High School The RTÉ Youth Assembly on Climate A c t i o n those selected and worked climate justice were carried alongside other young people across the world, triggering to form proposals of radical a cataclysmic response and feasible climate action. from world leaders. Finally, Our final ten proposals, which it appeared, those in power can be viewed on the RTÉ were ready to listen. website, were presented to Richard Bruton, the Minister In the months that fol- for Education and Environ- lowed, youth activists ment and Tijjani Muhammad- worked with RTÉ and the Bande, President on the UN Houses of the Oireachtas to Earlier this month, TIME in ongoing protests against General Assembly. organise a Youth Assembly, magazine awarded their their country’s rising pub- focused solely on climate Young people have historically acclaimed title of Person lic transport costs, and in and environmental issues, been messengers of hope and of the Year to Greta Thun- Hong Kong, youth activists which would bring together optimism, and young Irish berg, the revolutionary are fearlessly leading pro- 157 young people from climate activists feel equally environmental activist and democracy demonstra- around Ireland to represent driven to act, in the belief that founder of the Fridays for tions. their schools and communi- the future can and should be Future movement. In Ireland, our younger ties in constructive debate better than the present. In It seems a fitting way to generations have been on the issue. order to achieve this, howev- end 2019, a year defined equally compelled to activ- er, our government and repre- On 15 November, just a by civil disobedience and ism, striking from school to sentatives have a large part to number of weeks after stu- youth mobilisation. In the call the older generations play. dents had taken to the United States, high-school to action in combating the streets outside Dáil Éireann If you share our hope then students are rallying for climate emergency. On 20 in protest, the doors of please show your support for increased gun control and September of this year, parliament were opened, the Youth Assembly’s pro- young African-American over 20,000 young people enabling them to convert posals online; confront your men and women combat across Ireland demonstrat- local representatives about their fears and hopes into violence perpetrated by ed in solidarity with the 7 their promises to deliver cli- action. I was fortunate police forces against their million school strikers mate action and continue to enough to be one among own communities. In Chile, worldwide. Their cries for demonstrate; lift up your own voice, and the voices of oth young people are engaged ers. In the words of Greta Thunberg: “No one is too small to make a difference.” - Eve Shannon (5th Yr) P a g e 3 Atelier français Ici à St Louis, les étudiants en se- paroles à l’avance et notre com- étudiantes se sont bien amusées conde et en première avaient de la préhension et prononciation s’est pendant cet atelier français. Quelle chance de profiter des cours de bien améliorées par conséquence! belle expérience culturelle et in- chant en français grâce à un groupe structive! On en a beaucoup de musiciens français qui nous ont profité! On a commencé par des exercices rendu visite il y a quelques vocaux, suivi des chansons fran- Merci à Madame Murphy et Mad- semaines. çaises traditionnelles comme ‘Tous ame Carragher pour l’organiser! les garçons et les filles’ (interprété Tout le monde a déjà préparé des par Coeur de Pirate) et ‘La chansons en classe et certaines Seine’ (par Vanessa Paradis). élèves très douées pour le chant étaient choisies comme solistes. Il va sans dire que toutes les Nos profs nous ont aidées avec les All set for the Christmas Break after a long, eventful term for 3rd Ys th This term has been ever so something of great value Also a great project is com- the school on the 13 of Decem- exciting and full of fun for which we can take away ing into action by the class ber. rd us, 3 years at St. Louis with us and apply to our of 3i. As part of 3i’s CSPE It has been a great term for us, High School. schoolwork and our Junior course we have decided 3rd years at St. Louis High school. Cycle Profile of Achieve- that we want to build a bee We’ve had so many differ- We are grateful and thankful for ment. garden in the school as it is ent opportunities to get all that had been provided to us inevitable that the bee pop- involved in school life and this term on the behalf of all the ulation is rapidly declining: rd engage with the events and 3 years. In October, we also had the “About 40% of the US' hon- activities organised by our great opportunity to gather ey bee colonies died be- Have a great Christmas and a teachers, peers and others. as a year group in the tween October 2018 and happy new year! In September, we were school hall to partake in a April 2019, according to a fortunate enough to re- retreat. During this retreat recent study” via business ceive and participate in a we got to know the people insider. Our class wants to By Aobh Counihan and Georgia- talk led by Ray Langan who in our year better, how to be held accountable for our Lee Donegan discussed his workshop work better in teams ,about actions and our impact on “Rayse the game”. making moral decisions, the environment so in or- During this talk we took mindfulness and self com- der to do so, we want to away with us several signifi- passion. build a bee garden to give cant and important tips and more and more bees This was a great resource as tricks in order to make our homes and to conserve it allowed us to take with us year doing the Junior Cycle their habitat. We will be a more positive approach Profile of Achievement fundraising for the raw ma- to our daily tasks and en- (JCPA) less stressful. We terials and essentials need- counters with our teachers, both agree that this was a ed to build this bee garden peers, family and friends. huge success and that the by hosting a bake sale in school provided us with CHRISTMAS POETRY CORNER My Christmas Poem The whole family, Christmas Time Gathered together, happily. Christmas time is finally here, With mince pies and mulled wine, I've been waiting for this all year. And the tree smelling of pine. I wake up early and get out of bed, my family follow me to open presents. They are stacked up under the tree, I open them up and smile with glee. Mam is stressed, Next I get dressed and do my hair, With turkey grease on her Christmas I go downstairs and see my brother playing with his dress. toy reindeer. I see my grandparents in the living room, From outside we hear the choir, While my mam and dad cook the dinner. As we sit by the fire. We sit at the table and begin to eat, the smell of turkey dances around the house. We finish dinner and get dessert, it's as big as the dinner and stuffs us up. Christmas is full of Traditions, We stay around the table to talk and laugh, never running out of things to say. Like the tree is full of decorations. The family decide to go out in the snow, it's getting a bit dark so the street lamps start to glow. We make snow angels and have a snowball fight, Us kids in our Christmas socks, until it's pitch dark and we have to go. Watching a Christmas special I go to my room to get some sleep, falling into a Christmas dream that is deep. And Top of The Pops. Thank you and have a good Christmas holiday, Geraldine Whelan (1st Yr) My little sister feeding the dog Brussel sprouts. This is what Christmas is all about! Evie McQuillan (1st Yr) Marshmallows as White as Snow Decorating the tree, Of course, the Christmas kind of tree. Lights as magical As a hot chocolate in the winter The marshmallows as white As the snow that I wished for,A whole day gone because of shopping, But at the end I still get the magical drink, With what looks like snow The snow I wished for. Natalia Mieczkowska Christmas Market As the cold harsh winter sets in, Our hearts get filled with the Ginger orange flame that is Christmas. The wooden stalls that are now set up Are filled with the love of all eternities.
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