Sailing Barge References CARR, Frank G.G. Sailing Barges Peter Davis, 1951. Page number for each barge mentioned. Bold numbers denote a photograph. A Adieu. 391, 412, 413 , 438 Adriatic, 396, 411, 439 Agnes, 235-36 Aidie, 98, 364, 370 , 371, 373 Ailsa, 371 Alacer, 232 Alan, 438 Alaric (ex-Shamrock), 392, 437 Alarm, see Veravia (ex-Alarm) Albert, 247, 254-55 Albion (Norfolk wherry), 191, 195, 199, 202 , 203 , 204-06, 313-14, 367 Alderman, 339, 363 Alert. 305 Alexandra, 57, 89, 239, 323 Alf Everard, 98-100, 244, 255-56 Alfred, 23 , 60, 261 Alfred and Elizabeth, 261 Alice, 324. 326 Alice May, 264. 439 Alice Watts, 131, 133-34, 136, 144 Alma, 213, 214 , 261 Alma (trow), 212 Alpha, 389 Amy Cecilia, xiv Anglia, 113 , 274, 293, 407, 418, 439 Anglo-Dane, 241, 323 Anglo-Norman, 91, 240 , 241 Data transcribed from hand-written documentation is always subject to errors and you are advised to consult the 1 original documents to confirm the accuracy of these records - www.bargemen.co.uk Anglo-Saxon, 241 Ann (model), 84 , 85 Annie Florence, 159 Annie Llovd, 239 Annie Maud, 175 , 183 Ant, 105 Ant (1819), 46 , 47 Antelope, 130 Arcades (ex-Olive Mary), 369 Ardeer, 264, 264 , 274, 280, 282 , 284, 397,405,418, 441 Ardwina, 321, 418, 439 Ariel, 129 Ark (trow), 210, 212 Ark Roval, 375-78, 377 Arrow, 263-65, 273, 313, 363, 418, 419 , 420, 438 Arrow (Cowes ketch). 229 Arundel Castle. 92, 304, 320 Ash, 254-57, 371 Ashingdon, 392, 398, 439 Asphodel, 279, 394, 405, 438, 441 Astrild, 394, 438 Athole, 148 Atlantic. 97 Atlas, 417, 417 Atom, 78 , 105 Audrey, 364, 394 Avon (Hat), 218 Azima, 392, 400, 436 Data transcribed from hand-written documentation is always subject to errors and you are advised to consult the 2 original documents to confirm the accuracy of these records - www.bargemen.co.uk B Band of Hope, 73 Bankside. 96. 370 Barbara Jean, 98, 99 , 364, 371-73, 372 Beatrice Maud, 255, 369, 371-73, 391, 397,407, 440 Bedford, 389 Bee, 106 Beltiiont (schooner barge), 156-57 Beric, 286 , 310, 391, 408, 412, 435 Bertha, 239 Bervl. 415 Bessie Hart, 237, 239 Betsey, 126 Bijou, 364 Black Swan (ex-Shamrock), 419 Blackfriars, 238-39 Blackthorn, 73 Blue Bell, 239, 311 Blue Mermaid, 102, 370, 391 Blue Ribbon, 73 Boaz, 148 Bolham (ex-Sarah Colebrooke), 353 Bona, 148 Bras de Fer, 97 Brian Boru, 417, 439 Bright Star (Hat), 220 Brightlingsea, 130. 134 Brilliant (billyboy), 164, 305-06 Britannia, 140, 141 , 335, 347, 347 , 349 British Empire, 391, 437 British Lion, 242, 320, 32 0, 363, 415 Britisher, 360, 360 , 370 Briton, 393-94, 437 Brothers, 73 Data transcribed from hand-written documentation is always subject to errors and you are advised to consult the 3 original documents to confirm the accuracy of these records - www.bargemen.co.uk C Cabby, 279, 369, 387, 391, 395-96, 398, 407, 422 , 423, 438 Calluna, 393-94, 393 , 395 , 438 Cambria, 9, 246-47. 250, 254-57, 259, 268. 391-92, 394, 400, 407-11, 409 , 410 , 411 , 432, 432 , 436, 438 Canterbury, 65 Carina, 393-94, 438 Catherine, 260 Cawana (yacht barge), 378, 382-83 Centaur (of Harwich), 233, 280, 293 , 391-92, 400, 420, 422-23, 428 , 429, 437 Centaur (of Rochester), 251—52, 350-51 Cereal, 415 Ceres, 231 Cetus, 416 Challenger, 91, 241 - 42, 244, 247, 255, 257, 260. 320 Chance, 106 Charles, 235-36 Charles Allison, see Gwynronald (ex-Charles Allison) Charles Hutson, 391 Charles Napier, 232 Charlotte, 60 Cheryl, 264 Cheshire, 389 Cheviot, 73 Chieftain, 366 Chiltern (1888), 73 Chronicle, 416 City of London, 97 City of Rochester, 237 Clara, 250, 266, 392, 437 Clyde. 103 Clymping, 122, 123 , 148 Cock of the Walk, 131, 146, 147 , 301, 304 Colne, 416 Colonia, 402 , 404, 437 Comrade, 181 , 183 Data transcribed from hand-written documentation is always subject to errors and you are advised to consult the 4 original documents to confirm the accuracy of these records - www.bargemen.co.uk Conqueror, 260 Constance, 219 Consul, 233 Convoy, 391, 397 Coot, 389 Cornucopia (Norfolk wherry), 204 Coronation, 249 Corsair, 394 Creeksea, 254 Curlew, 389 Cygnet, 11 , 285 Cymric, 122 D D.E.F., 105 D'Arcy, 262, 391 Daisy (yacht barge), 384 Daisy Little, 250 Dannehrog, 149 , 424, 435 Dartford (1888), 73 Davenport, 91, 110, 227, 300, 304, 334 , 335, 340, 344 Dawn, 280, 379, 392, 421-23, 437 Decinia, 394 Defiance, 239, 331 Despatch (Norfolk wherry), 204 Diana, 148 Dinah (barge yacht), 263-64, 384 Dione (barge yacht), 264 Dipper, 263-64, 381 Discovery, 432 Dolgwandle, 148 Dorcas, see also Squeak (ex-Dorcas), 103 Doreen (ex-Susti) (barge yacht), 385 Doris, 364. 371-73 Dorothy, 258 Dovercourt, 130, 134 Data transcribed from hand-written documentation is always subject to errors and you are advised to consult the 5 original documents to confirm the accuracy of these records - www.bargemen.co.uk Dreadnought, 255, 267-72, 274, 279, 405, 408, 441 Duchess, 371, 374 Dunkirk, 349 Dunstable, 250, 290 Durham, 389 E E. K. Muspratt (Hal), 220-21 Earl of Essex, 237 Eastern Belle, 92, 146, 306, 307 , 320 Eastwood, 331 Edgar Scholey, 416 Edith, 254, 379, 400, 437 Edith (trow), 213 Edith and Hilda, 269, 405, 418, 441 Edith Mary, 92. 266, 280 Edith May, 284, 288-89, 294 , 296, 390 , 394 , 405 , 412 , 418 , 440 Edme, 401, 429 Edward VII, 252 Edwin, 103. 239 Eldred Watkins, see Revival (ex Eldred Watkins) Electric, 97 Eliza Smeed, 154 Elizabeth, xiv , 74 Elizabeth (flat), 218, 220 Ella, 196 Ellen Smeed (schooner barge), 154 Elsie, 304 Emerald, 228 , 314 Emily, 261, 390 Emily Lloyd, 149 Emily Smeed (barquentine barge), 154 Emma. 103-05, 141, 235, 260, 302, 348, 366 Ena, 289, 364, 371-72, 412, 422, 424, 439 Enchantress, 366 Enterprise (schooner barge), 148, 158, 159 Data transcribed from hand-written documentation is always subject to errors and you are advised to consult the 6 original documents to confirm the accuracy of these records - www.bargemen.co.uk Eric, 148 Ernest Piper, 439 Essex Farmer, 261 Estelle, 416 Esterel, 365, 393, 437 Esther, 266, 400, 437 Esther Smeed (barque barge), 153-155 Ethel, 99 , 284, 293 , 391, 391 , 408, 424, 435 Ethel Ada, 262, 275-76, 392, 405, 418, 429, 437, 441 Ethel Everard, 98-100, 370 , 371-72 Ethel Maud, 260, 290, 407, 429 , 437 Eureka, 362 Eustace Carev (flat), 220 Eva, 245 Evening, 365 Excelsior, 239, 298, 298 F Factor, 261 Fairv, 328 Faith Robey, 386 Falconet, 392, 417-18, 417 , 437 Fame (trow), 210 Fanny Jane, 212 , 213 Farmer's Boy, 211 Favorite, 74, 110 , 331, 332 , 333, 362, 416 Federation, 438 Felix, 289, 391, 435 First Attempt, 103 Five Sisters, 416, 418-19 Fletcher (Hat), 221 Fleur-de-lis, 262 Flower of Essex, 127 , 129, 333 , 347 Formosa, 323-24 Fortis, 244, 247, 257, 401, 439 Fortuna, 160-61 Data transcribed from hand-written documentation is always subject to errors and you are advised to consult the 7 original documents to confirm the accuracy of these records - www.bargemen.co.uk Four Brothers, 378 Foxhound, 241, 244,326 Francis, 78. 235 Fred Everard, 98-100 Frederic, 97 Frederick, 239 Friendship (schooner barge), 149. 153, 156 , 157-58, 160 G G.A.M.C., 375 G.C.B., 435 Gamma, 389 Gannet, 261 Garfield, 102 Garibaldi. 153 Garson, 130, 131 , 133 Geisha, 393, 394, 438 Gem of the Ocean, 134, 137, 304-05 General Askwith, 405 General Jackson, 264 Genesta, 146, 247, 252, 290 George, 213, 235, 249. 381,405 George and Alfred, 261 George and Eliza, 399, 438 George Smeed, 154, 392, 400, 437 George Smeed (barquentine barge), 154 Georgina, 74 Gertrude May, 371 Gippeswic, 148 Gipping, 264, 405, 418, 441 Giralda, 89, 242, 243, 250-54, 251 Gladys (Cranneld), 281 , 290, 295 , 391, 409, 412, 424, 426 , 435 Gladys (Goldsmith), 263-64, 415 Gladys (Shrubsall), 440 Gleaner (Norfolk wherrv), 192, 194 , 196-97 Glencoe, 417, 436 Data transcribed from hand-written documentation is always subject to errors and you are advised to consult the 8 original documents to confirm the accuracy of these records - www.bargemen.co.uk Glenmore, 265 , 266, 436 Glenway, 371, 387, 432, 440 Glenwood, 406 Globe, 371 Gloriana, 131, 134-35 Godwit, 241 Gold Belt (ex-Orion), 264, 391, 416 Golden Eagle, 254 Golden Hope, 375 Goldfinch, 122, 133-34, 383 Gonda, 415 Good Templar, 415 Grace, 416 Gravelines I (ex-Hilda), 439 Greenhithe, 158, 258, 391-92, 436 Greenhithe (schooner barge), 158 Gregory, 260—61 Greta, 241, 326 Growler (barge yacht), 386 Guiding Star (flat), 220 Gundulph, 241 Gwalia, 379 Gwynronald (ex-Charles Allison), 440 H H.A.G., 371, 436 H.K.U. (ex-Jewish), 371 Hamlet, 331 Hannah (trow), 213 Harold, 141-15, 264, 418 Harold Margetts, 255, 255 , 257, 380, 415 Harry, 74 Harwich, 130, 134, 145 Haste Awav, 362 Havelock, 327 Haughty Belle, 89, 242, 257, 380 , 380, 382 Data transcribed from hand-written documentation is always subject to errors and you are advised to consult the 9 original documents to confirm the accuracy of these records - www.bargemen.co.uk Hector, 324 Henry, 235, 263-65, 392,415, 419 Henry and Annie, 261 Henry and Jabez, 416 Herbert, 105 Herbert (jigger-Hat), 219 Herbert Gordon, 381 Hero (model), 93, 94 Heron, 389 Hibernia, 416 Hilda, see also Gravelines I (ex Hilda), 300 Hilda (Norfolk wherry), 204 Hydrogen, 243, 360-61, 367 , 369, 392, 397, 399, 412, 412 , 423, 440 I Ibis, 237 Ida, 134, 233 Imperial, 244, 252, 363 Intrepid, 348 Invicta, 153, 238-39 Iota, 263-64, 389, 415 Ironsides, 96 , 231, 232 , 288, 288 , 290, 296, 321, 363, 408, 422-23, 427 Isabella, 74 Ivernia, 233, 349-50 Ivie (Humber sloop), 185 I.B.W., 371 Data transcribed from hand-written documentation is always subject to errors and you are advised to consult the 10 original documents to confirm the accuracy of these records - www.bargemen.co.uk J Jabez, 130 James, 261 James and Ann, 398, 437 James Piper, 416 Jane, 262 Jane and Sarah, 261 Jane Peake, alias Sarah Colebrook, 356 Jenny Morgan (Norfolk wherry), 201 Jessie, 74 Jewish, see H.K.D.
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