ISSN 2372-2517 (Online), ISSN 2372-2479 (Print) METALEPTEAMETALEPTEA THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ORTHOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY TABLE OF CONTENTS President’s Message (Clicking on an article’s title will take you By ALEXANDRE V. LATCHININSKY to the desired page) President [email protected] [1] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ear fellow Orthopterists, [2] SOCIETY NEWS [2] 13th International Congress of dear friends, Orthopterology in Agadir, Morocco by A. IDRISSI The spring progresses [3] The 2018 Theodore J. Cohn Research Grants Funded by M. LECOQ in the Northern Hemi- [4] Global Locust Initiative: hopping off to D sphere, and the Orthop- a great start! by A. RIVERS, R. OVERSON & D A. CEASE tera season is unfolding. It’s time to [5] Nicaragua prepares for management plan collecting trips or, in the case of of the Central American locust pest species, management operations! (Schistocerca piceifrons piceifrons) by M. POOT-PECH In fact, in many areas of Caucasus and Central Asia anti-locust treat- [7] REGIONAL REPORTS ments are in full vigor. It looks like [7] North and Sahelian Africa by I.H. MAIGA, S.G. NDOYE & M.A. OULD BABAH EBBE 2018 will be quite a locust year. I am happy to report that the [8] T.J. COHN GRANT REPORTS preparations for the 13th International [8] Paling in comparison: The role of sex and temperature in melanin-based immune Congress of Orthopterology, which function in Teleogryllus oceanicus by R.L. will take place in Agadir, Morocco, EHRLICH & M. ZUK on March 24-28, 2019 have made a [11] Bio-ecological studies on Bufonacris Cohn Research Grants are announced claraziana (Acridoidea: Tristiridae) and substantial progress. The Congress (see page 3). Congratulation to all the susceptibility to the biocontrol agents website Paranosema locustae and Beauveria bassi- young orthopterist awardees! Also, http://www.ico2019morocco.com/ ana by Y. MARIOTTINI you’ll find scientific reports of previ- [15] Complex mechanoreceptor organs of is operational now; please visit it for ously awarded Ted Cohn grants. the New Zealand ground weta, Hemiandrus all sorts of information about this pallitarsis (Anostostomatidae) by J. STRAUß On April 12-14, 2018, a Global exciting event. The Congress program Locust Initiative (GLI) was launched [18] CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES contains a plethora of scientific ac- from Arizona State University in [18] Convergent evolution on the gravel tivities (see page 2). Also, there is an plains of southern Africa by W. AUGUSTYN Tempe, AZ. The event attracted par- & A. ELLIS intriguing Locust Opera performance ticipants from all continents except [20] Locust book brings Locust Opera to planned! You can find more informa- Africa by M.A. OULD BABAH EBBE Antarctica. Participants had the op- tion about the Opera in the regional [21] An expected journey by P.G.B. SOUZA- portunity to meet and network with DIAS representative’s report on page 20. a diverse set of global stakeholders, Once again, I would like to thank all [26] MEETING REPORTS share their research through talks and members of the Organizing Commit- [26] VII Brazilian Symposium of Orthoptera posters, engage early with an up and by P.G.B. SOUZA-DIAS, N. SZINWELSKI & M. tee (President Prof. Amina Idrissi) for coming initiative, and help shape the FIANCO their hard work preparing our next future direction of this new initia- Congress, which, by the way will be [29] PHOTO HIGHLIGHT tive through workshop and synthesis [29] Green fool grasshopper by D.A. held on the African continent for the discussions. To learn more about this WOLLER first time in the history of our Society. exciting event please see page 4. In this issue the results of the [30] EDITORIAL competition for the 2018 Theodore J. Volume 38 (2) / May 2018 1 METALEPTEA 13th International Congress of Orthopterology “Challenges in front of climatic and environmental changes” Agadir, Morocco: March 24-28, 2019 By AMINA IDRISSI President Local Organizing Committee of ICO 2019 [email protected] e are delighted Five plenary lectures will be given: Eleven symposia have been orga- to invite you to nized: the 13th Interna- 1. Desert locust management: a suc- tional Congress of cess story Thami Ben Halima, Past 1. Orthoptera Conservation Orthopterology, FAO-CLCPRO Secretary, Morocco 2. Forecasting Locust Risks W that will be held 2. Speciation phenotypes, genomics, 3. Orthopteran Physiology W and mechanisms of diversification in 4. Sexual selection in the Orthoptera in Agadir – Morocco, from the 24th to th the Orthoptera Kerry Shaw, Cornell 5. Evolution, diversification, and bioge- the 28 of March 2019. The Congress University NY USA ography of Orthoptera website is now open at http://www. 3. Desert locust temporal and spatial 6. Evolutionary transcriptomics and ico2019morocco.com/ where you population and phase dynamics. genomics in orthopteroid insects can find information about the confer- Challenges associated with climate 7. Effects of climate and environmental ence venue, lodging, programs, tours, and environmental change Ahmed change on Orthoptera registration and society awards. Hassanali, University of Nairobi, 8. Communication and Behaviour of The overall theme of the congress Kenya (or Magzoub Bashir, Univ. of Orthopteran Insects will be to address the Challenges in Khartoum, Sudan) 9. Locust and Grasshopper Manage- front of climatic and environmental 4. Speciation mechanisms of East ment and control African Orthoptera Claudia Hemp, 10. Bioecology of North African Orthop- changes. Plenary lectures, symposia, University of Wuerzburg, Germany tera and workshops have been organized 5. Evolution of New Zealand Orthop- 11. Population and landscape genetics/ to let orthopterists exchange ideas and tera Steve Trewick, (Massey Univer- genomics of Orthopterans advances under this overall theme. sity, New Zealand) Volume 38 (2) / May 2018 2 METALEPTEA Three workshops will be offered: Registration information: 1. OSF and Taxon Works (1) Registration Fee:: Maria Marta Cigliano, Museo de La $350 USD for participants Plata, Argentina $150 USD for accompanying persons 2. Global Locust Initiative $100 USD for students Arianne Cease, Arizona State Univer- sity, USA (2) Bank account number 3. CLCPRO Regional Research Plan Mohamed Lemine Hamouny, SWIFT code : BCPOMAMC CLCPRO/FAO, Alger IBAN : MA 101 010 2111608934080005 61 Some important dates: Banque Populaire Centre Sud Agence : Ait Souss, Av. Moulay Ab- • Deadline for Abstract submis- dellah, 80 000 Agadir, Morocco sions: September 30, 2018 • 13th International Congress of Or- thopterology: March 24-28, 2019 The 2018 Theodore J. Cohn Research Grants Funded By MICHEL LECOQ Chair, Theodore J. Cohn Research Fund Committee [email protected] ear fellow Orthopterists, temporal dynamics of orthopteran • Jacob Wilson (USA) - Effects of ma- assemblages in response to a motor- ternal age on male offspring. Nineteen research pro- way. posals have been submit- • Oto Kaláb (Czech Republic) - How The committee wishes to congratu- ted this year, issued from heavy transmitters can be used on late all the candidates, selected or not, small ground dwelling Orthoptera D 11 countries (Brazil 2, for the quality of their projects and D species? wish them every success in their re- Cameroon 5, China 1, Croatia 1, Cuba • Federico Marangoni (Italy) - Genetic 1, Czech Republic 1, India 1, Italy 1, diversity in populations of Anon- search work. Available funds did not Mexico 1, New Zealand 1, and the conotus italoaustriacus Nadig, 1987 allow us to support all of the projects U.S.A. 4). This is new evidence of (Orthoptera) in north-eastern Italy. submitted. We encourage unsuccess- the continuing interest in our grants • Jorge Humberto Medina Durán ful applicants to submit new propos- supporting students and young scien- (Mexico) - Coevolutionary patterns als to the next call in early 2019. tists. The Committee selected eleven between the lubber grasshopper Over the last 6 years, we have re- projects receiving a total of $16,284 genus Taeniopoda (Caelifera: Roma- ceived a total of 98 research proposals USD. Below is the list of the success- leidae) and its protozoan parasites from 27 countries from all continents: (Eugrearina: Apicomplexa). ful candidates (by alphabetical order) Africa (10), Asia (10), Australia & • Nakano Mari (New Zealand) - Male New Zealand (8), Europe (24), North and the title of their research project: mate choice in the stick insect Cli- tarchus hookeri: sexual vs. partheno- America (30), Central America (6), • Daniela Santos (Brazil) - Are the genetic females. and South America (10). Of this total, phallic complex of Pygmy grasshop- • Dale Broder (USA) - Exploring a 52 projects (or 58%) were selected by pers (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Tetrigi- novel cricket song in the field: who our Committee and received $69,405 dae) useful in taxonomy? can hear it and what do they like USD. However, nearly 30% of the • Christel Wandji (Cameroon) - Re- about it? proposals were received from U.S. sponse of grasshoppers’ communi- • Bert Foquet (USA) - A field study of students. We strongly invite more ties to forest destruction and habitat phase transition in the Central Amer- conversion in the savanna-forest MSc students, PhD students, and ican locust Schistocerca piceifrons. post-docs from around the world to transition zone in the center region • Mounica Kota (USA) - Signal Loss submit their research proposals for the of Cameroon. and Compensation in Teleogryllus • Fran Rebrina (Croatia) - Spatial and oceanicus. next call in early 2019. Volume 38 (2) / May 2018 3 METALEPTEA Global Locust Initiative:
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