w^6mwm^^^m'^y^iss^^-i; .j-i^£i£:iJ-::/:rf^;, '^/mysm^^'W^^^^'^^' S-^5A#?)^^ TRIB. FANATIC {^(g)\^lEMlBlEl^ Sp //^^@ PHILIP MORRIS challenges any other leading brand to suggest this test ^ rHluP MORRIS- Just '<»<= "^1,. \ light up ° """' .o.„J.y let tte smoke *e .hrough your nose. Easy, , Krand Do exactly the VS 2Uc>t up your P--^^'^^^^^^^^ that bUe, thct sting? ^"' KutPHiUPMo^^'' Other brands merely "^-^^^ ;;"f ,„ ^.^ fi- ,onrsdl '% tl ftsrAOUSMSV~ -^ovffAfOOrcAAS NO CIGARETTE r^i^^Pt!^: SfM* HANGOVER r««««9 means MORE SMOKING PLEASURE! PHILIP MORRIS The Scholastic MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, Nov. 4 — white —St. Charles Borromeo. 2nd or. of Octave of .A.11 Saints, 3rd or. of Sts. Vitalis .and .Agricola, 4th or. of the Rosary, 5th or. for Peace. Sunday, Nov. 5—green—23rd Sun. after Pent. 2nd or. of the Octave of All Saints, 3rd or. of the Rosary, 4th or. For Peace. ^Monday, Nov. 6 — white — Day within the Octave of .'Ml Saints. Mass of the Feast. 2nd or. of the Holy Spir­ it, 3rd or. for the Church, 4th or. For Peace. ^Tuesday, Nov. 7 Same as pre- ceding. Wednesday, Nov. 8—white—Octave of .'\11 Saints. Mass as on the Feast. 2nd or. of the Four Crowned Martyrs. It's Arrow Thursday, Nov. 9—white—^Dedica­ tion of the .\rchbasilica of Our Lord. for Comfort! 2nd or. of St. Theodore, Credo. If you want your underwear really comfort­ able you'll want Arrows. Arrow shorts have Friday, Nov. 10—white—St. Andrew no binding center seam, and are generously -'\vellino. 2nd or. of St. Trypho and cut. Form-fitting Arrow "Guards" and under­ shirts are made of fine quality cotton yams. his companions, 3rd or. For Peace. See your Arrow dealer! Arrow Shorts ^1.25 up T-Shirts H.OO " A Requiem or a Votive Mass is per­ Athletic Shirts 850 Arrow "Guards" 93«i mitted. ALRROWSHIRTS & TIES UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS Make GILBERT'S your ARROW headquarters /If GILBERT'S Wait till you see the date I got for 813-817 MICHIGAN STREET Effie ... He looks like he just stepped out of a men's fashion magazine. Open evenings until 9 o'clock Nov. 3, 1950 perfect form...from any angle Flowers h WUHams ORCHIDS and GARDENIAS Specializing in Corsages WILLIAMS, The Florist 219 W. Washington Phone 3-3149 •Jast West of the O'ivcr" We carry a large showing of fine Watches and Jewelry . We maintain a complete new Van GIVE Watch and Jewelry Repair Service. tailored gabardine in front, knitted comfort in back, completely ivashable Scoring an ace for service with its fine-woven Van Gab gabardine front... its knitled-for- action back and waist. The new Van G-i-v-e* mi gives you smart looks ... many color comljina- 111 SOUTH MICfflGAN STREET tions . g-i-v-e-s with every movement. New low price, §4.95. *Reg. T.M. Pat. Fend. Aquinas Library 0 Van Heusen and REG. T. M. ''the world's smartest''' shirts Bookstore PHILLIPS.JONES CORP., NEW YORK 1, N. Y. yOUR CATHOLIC SHOPPING CENTER IN SOUTH BEND Make GILBERT'S 110 E. USalle your VAN HEUSEN headquarters Choose your VAN HEUSEN /-/ from the complete selection in the Men's Shop at GILBERT'S First Floor open evenings until 9 o'clock ofSfmih^md 813 - 817 S. Michigan Street The Scholastic bring it up. In fact, this whole piece is pretty simple, but don't get irritated be­ cause the floor is crowded. All you have to do is close your eyes, get a tight, but not too tight, grip on your partner and go whirling and stomping around like a frenzied dinasour, bumping into as &m 'M^^ j/^^^wmMff many other couples as you can. We have never tried this yet, but it must be fun since just about everybody that bumps into us at dances smiles, laughs, and gets a real kick out of it. Top of the Week Transit Bus schedule. Some Republicans November comes in bright and promis­ are supporting the Fair Deal, some Dem­ ing . ocrats are acting like disciples of Taft, Bottom of the Week and some Dixiecrats are even running . and with it the thought of Miid- Spirit Plus again. Some people never leam. semesters and a one-day Thanksgiving The spirit on campus last week re­ holiday. minded us of V-J day without the liber­ Some Suggestions tine kissing and amiable incandescence of John Barleycorn. Things really reach­ This week's Junior dance in the Navy DR. ROBERT F. LUCAS ed some sort of peak on Thursday night barn and the forthcoming Sophomore Co­ General Dentistry when the ND vigilantes hopped in their tillion, Law Ball, and K. of C. dance Diseases and surgery of mouth and jaws trusty jeeps and rode the range and only emphasize the fact that a great Extraction of teeth—x-ray diagnosis all-night shifts of Dillonites stood guard many of our readers need advice on the 702 J. M. S. BUILDING over everything, including Badin Bog, problem of going to, being at, and rs- So. BEND By appointment PH. 4-5661 for no earthly reason except to guard covering from ND dances. nomething. This first rule is very simple. Get a The Friday night pep rally's bonfire girl. Dancing by yourself can cause a FINE REPAIRING was the brightest thing on campus since few ugly comments and it's no fun at the Main Building burned down in the all to step on your o^vn feet. Nationally Advertised 1800's. A South Bend fire truck stood Rule two is almost as simple as the Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, about 50 yards from the infex-no with first. Get some one who can't dance. You Gift Items motor running and hoses dry and we will probably be surprised, but this rule think the fire-eaters enjoyed the blaze can do more for your evening's enter­ •vw • almost as much as the co-editors of the tainment than anything else. If you just ^&J •Juggler, who were roasting marshmal- have to dance, you can ahvays do that, wlarvirL^ J EWELE=?S .^H ]ows. but it's not worth it, especially at the When the crowds came Saturday they Palais Royale. 126 N. Michigan St., South Bend, Ind. wondered if the Laundry was on strike Rule three is so simple, we hate to because of all the dirty linen hanging out of hall windows. A couple of Lansing residents took a look at the sign on the site of the forthcoming Fred J. and Sally Fisher Memorial Residence Hall and 1^ Biofi fuUiifi/^ ufi (food timeAJ said, "Guess these Notre Dame folks are tired of building their halls on top of learn to dance the George DQVXS way the ground." RATES NOW A couple of erstwhile ND rooters after IN EFFEa watching the game with their friends "2 for 1" Johnny Walker and somebody's Grandad . two can learn to dance for the cost of one stumbled out of Gate 14 and sobbed, "Al­ the GEORGE DAVIS way and save 50%. Call most had 'em." And the funny thing is 3-8229 for free trial lesson. we almost did. DANCE FIESTA Political Potpourri Every Thursday, 9 p. m. Tuesday is election day and the polls All Notre Dame students all over the nation will be busier than invited to attend our friendly ever before deciding if Harry Truman's socials. No charge. 81st Congress is all those nasty things the Republicans keep saying they are. SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST DANCE STUDIO The Democrats will be out to prove that they can win an off-year election without rallying behind their president, probably the wisest thing the Democrats did since they had Roosevelt. This year's political struggle is about 106 W. MONROE corner Michisan SOUTH BEND Dial 3-8229 as confusing as a Northern Indiana Nov. 3, 1950 Vol. 92 November 3, 1950 No. 9 NOVEMBER 3 COLFAX (through Nov. 8)—Doris Day, who is destined to be a Disce Quasi Semper Victurus musical star for a long time to come, co-stars with Gordon MacRae in Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus Tea for Tivo (Legion of Decency Eating A-2), a snappy and snippy technicolor tune-fest. Gene Nelson offers fine support and proves he's a top rate dancer to reckon with. Founded 1867 AVON (indefinite run)—Clark Gable is at his best in To Please a Lady (A-2) and he finds a perfect foil in his leading lady, Barbara Stan- wjj^ck. The pic's background is auto racing—^midget, stunt and the big stuff. There are plenty of exciting racing shots with a bang-up finale Entered as second class' matter at Notre Dame, filmed last Spring at the Indianapolis 500. Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage, Section 1101, October 3, 1917. Authorized June 23, 1918. PALACE (through Nov. 8)—Dark City (B) has only one claim to distinction—^the introduction of Charlton Heston, an actor who has strong potentialities. The co-feature is The Laivless (A-2), one of the minor pics put out on the anti-discrimination problem but, nonetheless, one of the best products. Revolving around the friction between the Editor Mexicans and the citizens of the West, it has MacDonald Carey and Gail Russell as its stars. KENNETH A. THOHEN '51 Associate Editors NO\nEMBER 4 WALTON R. COLLINS '51 CLEVELAND—Those Middies will sink—^just wait and see. JOHN H. lANOWSH '51 -WASHINGTON HALLr—Reliable John Ford comes through with an­ JOHN I. POWERS '52 News other good 'Western.
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