<4>. -Sir? *• ' fv The Clinton Republican. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1903. WHOLE NO. 246' VOL. XLVII—NO. 4i». mil tlie matter to an architect and gain VARIOUS TOPICS. his advice. The whole question of light, TAXES RETURNED appearance, fire protection and economy VILLAGE ELECTIONS will la* duly considered. READY III TWO WEEKS FIGURE THAT $8,000 To Treasurer Morrison From Various j VERY DEMOCRATIC The Sad Case of HU Minch. Before^ casting your vote, first deter ­ Mr. Eli Minch, a rich bachelor, who mine what the needs of the school re­ Townships. died in New Jersey a short time ago, Would Defray Cost of New quire in order to keep St. Johns among Engineer Arnold Installing Went Wet at Elsie and at Clark Putt Only Republican claimed that he had never attended a the foremost educational towns in the circus; never played cards, checkers, School Building. state. The teachers and pupils need all Motors on Suburban Cars Each of the township treasurers ex­ Maple Rapids. Elected dominoes, baseball or shinny; never the supjxirt anti encouragment they can cept Ovid has given liis report to the skated with a girl; never went court­ get in order to carry on to a successful county treasurer of the amount of taxes ing, and never was in love. issue the great woi k of the public remaining uncollected. Bingham has STATEMENTS OF INTEREST schools. EQUIPMENT IS RECEIVED comparatively a small amount as re­ REPUBLICANS CARRIED OVID LOCAL OPTION AN ISSUE What did lie live for anywayf gards the whole amount to lx* collected, Poor Kli Minch! also as compared with last year’s returns, He never had the time to play. Itegui-ding Number of Pupils for The Inventor Will Carefully Test His List of the Successful Candidates He never loved a maiden fnir: which were $70.89 slate and $3H.89 Council Democratic tor the Fii-xt He uever rushed, on circus day. F.acli Teacher—Other Facts. R. C. BLANK NOMINATED System—“St. Johns ” Car Arrived. county tax. The returns this year are Is Given Below. Away from duty and from care. Time in Yearn. Poor Eli Minch ! $32.87 state and $23.36 county tax. Ho never hold a maiden ’s hand The school meeting for deciding the For School Commissioner on Demo­ The other townships w itli their n ELSIE. While gliding o'er an icy plain, One of the long expected motors turns are as follows: Noi tumbled with a maiden, and important question regarding the erec­ cratic Ticket. which will propel the new cars over The results of the village election One lone republican, Clark Putt, for Got up with her to try agaiu tion of a new school building will be State Tax County Tax Monday last was a surprise to most assessor, is all the republicans saved Vlas ! alack for Kli Mioch ! the tracks of the Michigan Suburban called at the engine rooms Monday eve Bath................ ............ $18 37 $9 80 everyone in the village. Although it from the democratic landslide on the At the democratic convention held at railway arrived in Lansing Saturday. Victor..................... • i 0 0 OO He just made money day by day, iiing, March 16. Duplaiu does not decide whet her it will be high village ticket Monday. Poor Eli M inch ! the court house Saturday flic townsliiiie Monday B. J. Arnold and an exjx*rt ......... 5 15 3 05 M Ml!Kli OK PUPILS TO THE TEACHER. electrical engineer from New Y’ork ar­ Dewitt 8 30 5 88 or low lxmds, it show’s which way the Who struck Hilly Patterson? When And let no dear one come to lay were fairly represented. They first Olive . 0 00 0 00 sentiment of the village is drifting. the smoke clean'd away the causes lead ­ Her cheek against his own and try rived in the city to install the motor in Gieeubush .. .......... 54 39 To get him wooded up to pay St. Johns 5.9 above the average of proceeded to the election of delegates to On account of E. V. Chase withdrawing ing up to the democratic victory were For grimeraoks that she wished to buy — forty Michigan towns. Sixty-eight attend the state convention which was one of the cars. The “Lansing” will Water! owu 0 00 0 00 probably be the first car to make the Riley ...... 13 86 9 76 from tlu* village ticket, N. G. Pearce discussed. Not one, but several causes Poor Kli Mincli ! pupils in the basement. Bengal 3 14 2 23 He ne'er bout o'er the checker hoard assembled at Detroit Tuesday, and the was placed in his stead. bad direct bearing on the result. A year The following figures set forth the result was as follows: Robert Hyslop, run, but as considerable experimenting Essex ... ..... 3 08 2 li Or mourned when faulty moves were will have to 1x3 done before making the Eagle .............. 7 31 5 13 The result of the vote was as follows: ago when Mr. Bullard was elected pres­ made correct status of the school from 1895 to H. J. Patterson, .1. Earle Brown, Geo. President trip to St. Johns, it is not thought the Wi-.-t pbalia 0 00 0 OO ident be nominated a number of demo ­ His only pleasure was to hoard 1903: S. (’orbit, Sjiencer M. Stillson, W. N. Dallas 0 00 0 00 N. G. Pearce, v ________ ..______ ________ y" crats for office, the council refusing to . And now beueaih the sod lie’s laid. car will leave t he city for several days. Lebanon 25 17 K. V Chase, c. ....................... 69 And no oue weeps for Eli Minch. A ve uumlier of Reddout, Theodore Hengesbach, C. J. Clark Pupils Rooms for pupils to The process of installing the new motor confirm the most important ones. Then' Chicago Record Herald. Weitzel and Thomas Eddy. J. M. Sheldon, v . ...... ....................... 9f> was some dissatisfaction alxiut this, even iu grades grades the teacher Thoughts were then turned toward a will lx! simple, as it has been ship])ed MAltltlAGKS. O. Q. Perrli among republicans, ll was then discov ­ *** Yr census Jan Jan May already connected with the tracks. Treasurer 1893 H98 No record 15 No record nominee for county school commission ­ J. E. Craven, v Gratiot County Herald: George 15 41.7 42.1 The forward truck of the car to lx* ered that the charter did not provide for 901 e'26 632 er. The rules of the convention were TOMPKINS-SILVERN AIL. L. Eddy, c........ 69 a village attorney, although the council W. Dewitt, of Atlas, aged 77, and 1897 883 No record 13 No record sus]tended and instructions were given used will be removed and the new Assessor — 1898 865 i.OO 629 13 44.1 48.3 Married, at fit*' home of Mr. and Mrs T. W. Snolliug. V .. has authority to employ council and pay Amelia A. West, of Hamilton, aged ’ 13 44.4 45.5 truck with motor substituted and weighs ............. ............... ............... 91 18 *9 834 577 591 that a ballot lx* cast for Robert C. L. Silvernail in Greenbnsh, March 4. at J. A. Eddy, r . 71 for same. Mr. Will H. Brunson, who had 72, are a blushing bride aud groom 1900 871 572 591 13 44 45.5 Blank, of Elsie, for commissioner. There seven tons. 46 1 12 o’clock, their only daughter, Edah Trustee < acted as village attorney for several Justice Beasley did the act Wednesday. 19P1 873 592 600 13 45.5 were no dissenting votes, and he was The new car “St. Johns ” has also ar­ L. C. Clar k, v.. 94 1902 890 542 566 13 41 7 43.1 rived in Lansing. It is of the same de ­ ftJ., to Mr. Raymond Tompkins, of Du- ............... 70 vears, and had been a most succesful This is the fourth trip for Dewitt, while 1 ><o. pres yr 567 13 43.6 declared nominated. one, so far as I lie village interests were Amelia confesses to one former husband. scription as the “Lansing ” car, de ­ plaiu. by Rev. McD. Howsare, of Maple 91 Average No. pupils to the teacher 43.8 45 1 Rapids, in the presence cf alxiut forty ..... ............. 70 concerned, rendered a hill for services When informed that the legal fee is Average No. pupils to the teacher for the scribed iu this paper a few weeks ago. ............ ............... $2, Dewitt claimed that he had never “It’s just up to Mr. Arnold to set guests. While strains of music were .................96 which was allowed but- President Bul­ last i years from reports of Supt. Public NOT SO WELL E. C. Crick, c 69 lard refused to sign the order as lie had paid but $1 apiece in all his numerous Instruction ....... 42.7 the car in motion, ” said Superintendent played by Miss Nellie Brokaw, the bridal Average for last 4 years of forty Michigan Johnston. A now system of compressed party descended the stairs and took declared the office vacant. Circulars marital experiences. towns from Bupts. reports ... 30.8 were issued and passed around at the John Hicks' Condition Is lit yarded air locomotion will propel the cars in their places in the parlor which hud *** The above table reveals the following city audit is this system that Mr. Ar­ been tastefully decorated in green and Village election Monday passed <>tf Table Company ’s factory saying that “By” Tripp made a queer bet, or as Serious. Mr. Richardson, republican candidate facts: nold Ls most anxious about as the nesv white.
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