Hatfield & District Group Parish Council Minutes of the one hundredth and forty fifth Ordinary Meeting of the Hatfield & District Group Parish Council held remotely on 20th January 2021 at 7.00pm. Under the Coronavirus Act 2020 which came into force on 4th April 2020 the regulations enable all local authorities to meet remotely. HM Ministry of Housing Communities & Local Government Chief Executive The Chairman welcomed everyone to the zoom meeting. He said that Agenda item 4.2 To Note To receive views of Local residents on Parish Matters (10 minutes) is usually where members of public are given the opportunity to inform the PC of their concerns/views, and they still will be invited to do so. Any members of public wishing to express opinions pertaining to item 6.3 (land at Brockmanton) will be invited to do so then. If members of public raise their hand, they will be individually given the opportunity to speak. Present: Chairman CJ Price CS Hadley TJ Brooke MW Thomas AM Lewis RM Hanson Also in attendance: SD Hanson (Clerk) 10 members of the public Ward Member John Harrington 1. Apologies. All Present 2. Declaration of interest and written applications for dispensations MT pecuniary interest 6.1 (signed the book) 204051 - Land at Uphampton Farm, Docklow, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 203956 - Land adjacent to Tan House Cottages, Pudleston, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 CP Non pecuniary interest in item 6.3 neighbour (Signed the book) Illegal caravan and various buildings East side of bridge, on Brockmanton to Hamnish road 3. It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the meeting held on 25th November 2020 (previously circulated) The minutes were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 4. Open Sessions To receive a brief verbal report from: 4.1 Ward Councillor John Harrington 4.1.1 Public Health England continue to roll out the Covid 19 vaccine. Hereford is ahead of the game. There has been a total of 185 deaths in Herefordshire, 43 deaths were in the last 7 weeks. 4.1.2 Highways: At HC meeting on 02.02.21 the Council are proposing to cancel the Western by Pass Scheme 4.1.3 BBLP: Locality Stewards are due to come under Herefordshire Council’s control 4.1.4 Phosphorous issue is still ongoing. All parties concerned were trying to find a resolution. The members discussed this problem thoroughly 4.2 To Note To receive views of Local residents on Parish Matters (10 minutes) (see 6.3) 4.3 Pudleston Village Hall 4.3.1 When the Custodial Trusteeship etc. was clarified the PC would minute, record and file information for future reference. The Chairman of the Village Hall committee was invited to speak and he told the meeting: 4.3.2 The last PVH event organised, had been in Autumn 2020, it had been a great success. Secure Covid 19 restrictions had been in place. 4.3.3 New Audio and Visual equipment were being installed at the Hall. 4.3.4 “The Book Stall” was up and running, compliments had been paid on the good service. 4.3.5 The Village hall was a useful hub for the distribution of fruit and vegetable to local parishioners. They could order fruit and veg and have it delivered by volunteers on Thursdays and have fish delivered on Fridays CH said it was an excellent service, which was much appreciated. The Parish Council gave a vote of thanks for all PVH efforts and time. 5. Finance 5.1 Treasurer’s Account Balance Reconciliation at Bank Statement £18746.20 5.2 Cheques passed for payment Clerks Wages £**** (534) 0 PAYE Expenses £38.38 (535) SLCC Subscription £112.00 (536) 5.3 The members were in favour of the Clerk’s resubscription to SLCC Resolved. 6. Planning John Harrington wanted to leave PC meeting at 7.30pm to attend Humber Ford and Stoke Prior PC meeting. The Chairman suggested bringing item 6.3 forward, CP had earlier declared a non-pecuniary interest, and left the meeting. The Vice Chairman AL chaired the meeting 6.3 The Chairman had received several complaints from local residents regarding the east side of the bridge on the Brockmanton to Hamnish Road. A mobile home, stables and other buildings had been erected all without correct planning permission. Members of public were invited to speak: they all said the field/land had been recently bought and since then, various buildings had sprung up on the site. All without planning permission. One member of public likened it to a shanty town. Hard standing for some of the buildings had also been laid. There were no services to the field and there were also grave concerns about any sewerage from the property and the effect it would have on the brook running beside it. A member of public told the meeting he had personally contacted the Enforcement Officer who had visited the site three times. It was felt that the landowner had acted illegally and was in breach of the planning laws the clerk was asked to contact the Enforcement Officer again, on behalf of the PC and their parishioners. The members were also concerned that this could cause a precedence for similar developments to be built on land within the group area, causing further breaches to the Planning Law. The Ward Member said he would also investigate on behalf of the members of Public and Councillors. Ward Member John Harrington left the meeting at 7.30 pm MT had declared a pecuniary interest on items 204051 & 203956 and left the meeting CP returned to Chair meeting 6.1 Consider comments on the following planning applications for determination by Herefordshire Council 204051 - Land at Uphampton Farm, Docklow, Leominster, Herefordshire Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 171806 (Proposed residential development of 6 dwellings, improvements to existing agricultural access, provision of orchard strip, foul drainage treatment plant No Objections NOTE: In the application 171806/O dated 24/06/17 The Parish Council had commented: they fully support this application for 6 3 /4-bedroom houses. They feel it would be a favourable addition to the village. However, they would like it Noted that the sewage should drain North as specified on drawing K5030. Also, that the site be restricted to 6 houses only. 203956 - Land adjacent to Tan House Cottages, Pudleston, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 0RA DESCRIPTION: Reserved matters following outline approval (180117) for 3 detached houses with garages No objections NOTE: In the application 180117/0 dated 12/02/18 The Parish Council commented they Supported the application raising the following points 1. The soakaway from the bio disc draining into the field, which is waterlogged in winter. Any excess run off water may acerbate the problem further. 2. The percolation test regarding the site was carried out in July the PC would welcome results of a January, February or March test to ascertain results 2.1 The PC commented on 12/02/18 it has been bought to their attention that comment 2 is inaccurate. The percolation test had been carried out 20/10/2016 and not 19/07/17 3. There are serious concerns regarding the road adjacent to Tan House Cottages and the proposed application. The road is in poor condition from excess water partly caused by blocked drains and ditches. It is felt that the road needs serious maintenance and renovation with regard to this before extra traffic is introduced on to the road. Councillor M Thomas returned to the meeting 204473 - Nunnery Cottage, Brockmanton, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0QX DESCRIPTION: T1 - remove dying Horse Chestnut. T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 reduce lower lateral limbs by approx. 3m NO OBJECTIONS 204333 - The Clerks Croft, Westwood Lane, Hatfield, HR6 0SQ DESCRIPTION: Proposed outdoor riding arena with sand and fibre surface and timber post and rail fencing for domestic use of the applicant NO OBJECTIONS 204331 - Land at Barnfield Farm, Pudleston, Nr Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0RB Proposed demolition of an existing barn and its replacement with 2 detached residential units with associated domestic curtilage including car parking and drainage infrastructure 5 Councillors supported application: 1 Councillor (TB) objected. Comment: “The PC support this application but not unanimously” 6.2 To Note Planning Applications Approval/Refusal by Herefordshire Council 6203337 - Fairview Caravan Park, Hatfield, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0SD DESCRIPTION: Proposed works to large sycamore double stemmed from the base, high potential to split out in winds or as time goes forward. Signs of disease and being right next to caravans/property would highly recommend taking out. GRANTED Councillor T Brooke left the meeting at 7.52 pm 7. Highways 7.1 JH and the locality steward were looking into the problems at Golderfield road at land opposite Whyle house and further along by the stream by Rosedale. MT said the road was in a bad condition and deteriating daily. The clerk said she would contact Locality Steward & JH again. The Leyster Clerk had confirmed that the border between Pudleston and Leysters was in the dip by Rosedale 7.2 The white give way blocks on the road had been reinstated by the Church Although not added by the turn onto Golderfield Lane. 8. To Note: 8.1 The future of rubbish and recycling in Herefordshire 8.2 Future of Mobility: Rural Strategy- Call for Evidence consultation 8.3 HALC Training courses 8.4 Additional information on attached sheet (see below) 8.5.1 Public Rights of Way – Dedicated Locality Steward Part of the duties of the Locality Steward team 8.5.2Change of Locality steward (Remains Colin Smith) 8.6 Census 2021 8.7 Items on loan i.e.
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