COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE MEMOIRES, PLAIDOIRIES ET DOCUMENTS APPLICABILITE DE LA SECTION 22 DE L'ARTICLE VI " .. , . DE LA CONVENTION SUR LES PRIVILÈGES ET IMMUNITÉS DES NATIONS UNIES INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE PLEADINGS, ORAL ARGUMENTS, DOCUMENTS . APPLICABILITY 01; ARTICLE VI, SECTION 22, OF THE CONVENTION ON THE PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNlTIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS Référence abrégée : C.I.J. Mémoires, Applicabililé de lu section 22 de l'article VI de la convention sur les privilPges et immunités des Nations Unies Abbreviated reference : 1. C.J. Pleadings, .4pplicability of Arficle VI, Section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Imrnunifies of the United Notions No de vente : ISSN 0074-4433 Sales number ISBN 92-1-070687-0 i l APPLlCABlLlTE DE LA SECTION 22 DE L'ARTICLE VI DE LA CONVENTION SUR LES PRIVILÈGESET IMMUNITES DES NATIONS UNIES APPLlCABlLlTY OF ARTICLE VI, SECTION 22. OF THE CONVENTION ON THE PRlVlLEGES AND IMMUNlTlES OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE MÉMOIRES. PLAIDOIRIES ET DOCUMENTS APPLICABILITÉ DE LA SECTION 22 DE L'ARTICLE VI DE LA CONVENTION SUR LES PRIVILÈGES ET IMMUNITÉSDES NATIONS UNIES INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE PLEADINGS. ORAL ARGUMENTS, DOCUMENTS APPLICABILITY OF ARTICLE VI, SECTION 22, OF THE CONVENTION ON THE PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS L'affaire de I'Aoolicabiliréde la section 22 de I'arricle VIde la convention sur I~sprivrlPgeset im;hunites des h'ations Unies. inscrite au r6le général de la Cour s<iu\ le numero 81, a fait l'objet d'un avis consuliatif rendu le 15 décembre 1989 (A~~licabilildde la section de I'arricle VI de la convention sur les orivil2~es ~~~rr~~ 22 - et imrnunirés des Nations Unies, C.I.J. Recueil 1989, p. 177). Le présent volume reproduit la requête pour avis consultatif, les documents. les exposes écrits et oraux et la correspondance relatifs a cette affaire. La Haye, 1992. The case concerning Applicabiliry of Arricle VI, Section 22, of rhe Conven- tion on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations was entered as No. 81 in the Court's General List and was the subject of an Advisory Opinion delivered on 15 December 1989 (Applicability of Article VI, Section 22, of the Convention on rhe Privileges and Immunities of the Unired Nations, I.C.J. Reoorts 1989. D. 177). ~hepresent- volume reproduces the Request for advisory opinion, the documents. the written and oral statements and the correspondence in the case. The Hague, 1992. TABLE DES MATIÈRES - CONTENTS Requête pour avis consultatif - Request for Advisory Opinion THE SECRETARY-CENERALOF THE UNITEDNATIONS TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE ~NTERNATIONALCOURT OF JUSTICE. .......... Annexes 1. A. 1989/75. Status of special rapporteurs ......... 1. B. 1989/75. Statut des rapporteurs spéciaux ........ II. Vote on amendment to tex1 on special rapporteur's status ... III. Vote on status of special rapporteurs ........... II. Vote sur l'amendement du texte relatif au statut de raooorteur. spécial ....................... III. Vote sur le statut des rapporteurs spéciaux. ........ Dossier transmis par le Secretaire gbnéral des Nations Unies (article 65, paragraphe 2, du Statut) - Dossier transmitted by the Secretary- General of the United Nations (Art. 65, para. 2, of the Statute) INTRO~UCTORYNOTE. .................. The request ..................... Framework of the Dossier. ............... Introduflion to Part 1: Materials relating to the proceedings leading to the request by the Council for au advisory opinion .... lntroduction to Part II: Materials relevant to the Convention on the Privileges and lmmunities of the United Nations ..... lntroduction to Part III: Materials relevant to the ~iatusof experts on missions. .............. : ..... Introduction to Part IV: General materials ......... Iniroduction to Pari V: Malerials relating io devclopments following the request by the Economis and Social Council for an advisory opinion CONTENTSOF THE DOSSIER(urider this heading are listed the titles of the documents reproduced, while the titles of those not reproduced are mentioned in the text) ........... Part 1. Materials relating to the proceedings leading to the request by the Economic and Social Council for an advisory opinion. Commission on Human Rights: fortieth session (Gcneva. 6 February-16 March 1984). ............. Report on the fortieth session: Chapter XXIV. Election of members of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimi- nation and Protection of Minorities. ......... Commission on Human Rights: forty-first session (Geneva, 4 February-15 March 1985). ............. Report on the forty-first session: resolution 1985/13. The role of youth in the field of human rights, particularly in X TABLE DES MATSRES - CONTENTS +'O@ achieving the objectives of the International Youth Year: Participation, Development, Peace .......... 26 Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities: thirty-eighth session (Geneva, 5-30 August 1985) 28 Report on the thirty-eighth session: resolution 1985/12. Human rights and youth ................. 28 Relevant correspondence and communications between 18 March 1986 and 15 May 1987. ............... 29 Letter dated 18 March from Mr. Mazilu to the Centre for Human Riehts. ................. 29 Letter dated May 1986 from the Chief, Research, Studies and Prevention of Discrimination Section, Centre for Human Rights. to Mr. Mazilu ............... 29 Letter dated 5 June 1986 from the Chief, Research, Studies and Prevention of Discrimination Section, Centre for Human Rights. to Mr. Mazilu. ........... 30 Letter dated 8 October 1986 from the Chief, Research, Studies and Prevention of Discrimination Section. Centre for Human Rights. to Mr. Mazilu. ........... 30 A (sample) note verbale dated 9 January 1987 to Governments 31 Letter dated 15 May 1987 from the Research and Studies Unit, Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities Section, Centre for Human Rights, to Mr. Mazilu trans- mitting information received in response to the notes verbales of 9 January 1987. ................ 32 Economic and Social Council: organizational session for 1987 (New York), 3-6 February 1987). ........... 32 Decision 1987l102, Term of office of the current members of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, adopted on 6 February 1987. .. Commission on Human Rights: forty-third session (Geneva, 2 February-13 March 1987). ............. Resolution 1987/44. The role of youth in the field of human rights, particularly in achieving the objectives of the International Youth Year: Participation, Development, Peace, adopted on 10 March 1987 .......... Correspondence on 14 May 1987 ............ Letter dated 14 May 1987 from the Officer-in-Charge, Research, Studies and Prevention of Discrimination Section, Centre for Human Rights, to Mr. Mazilu ....... Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discriminalion and ProTectiori of Minorities: thirty-ninth session (Geneva, 10 August- 4 September 1987) ................. Summary record of the 5th meeting .......... Correspondence and communications between 10 August 1987 and 1 l February 1988. ............... Telex dated 18 August 1987 under the name of MI. Mazilu, addressed 10 the Chairman of the Sub-Commission .... Letter dated 3 November 1987 from the Under-Secretary- General for Human Rights 10 Mr. Mazilu. ....... Cable dated 17 December 1987 from the Under-Secretary- General for Human Rights to Mr. Mazilu. ....... Letter postmarked 25 December 1987 from Mr. Mazilu to the Under-Secretarv-General for Human Riehts Letter postmarked 29 December 1987 frok Mr. Mazilu to the Under-Secretary-General for Human Rights. ...... Cable dated 19 January 1988 from the Under-Secretary- General for Human Rights to the Acting Director, United Nations Information Centre, Bucharest. ........ Letter (undated) from Mr. Mazilu to the Under-Secretary- General for Human Rights transmitted by a letter dated 20 January 1988 from the Acting Director, United Nations lnlormation Centre, Bucharest. ........... Cable dated 21 January 1988 from the President of the United Nations Association of Romania to the Centre for Human Rights ..................... Letter dated II Febriiary 1988 from the Under-Secretary- General for Human Rights to the Acting Director, United Nations Information Centre, Bucharest. ........ Commission on Human Rights: forty-fourth session (Geneva, 1 February-il March 1988). ............. Report on the forty-fourth session: Chapter XXIV. Election of members of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, paragraphs 595-599 .................... Correspondence and communications between 5 April and 19 August 1988 ................. Letter dated 5 April 1988 from Mr. Mazilu to the Under- Secretary-General for Human Rights ......... Letter from Mr. Ion Diaconu dated 29 March 1988 to the Chairman of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities transmitted by a note verbale dated 8 April 1988 from the Permanent Mission of Romania Io the United Nations in Geneva. , . Letter dated 19 April 1988 from Mr. Mazilu to the Chairman and members of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. ...... Letter dated 19 April 1988 from Mr. Mazilu to the Under- Secretary-General for Human Rights ......... Letter dated 6 May 1988 from the Under-Secretary-General for Human Rights to the Permanent Representative of Romania to the United Nations Office at Geneva .... Letter dated 6 May 1988 from the Under-Secretary-General
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