The American Spiritualist. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN PHENOMENAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL. SPIRITUALIST PUBLISHING COMPANY Vol. IV: No 18. Q-, SEPTEMBER 9, 1871. SI,50 VOL ; SINGLE COPIES, Sc A DAUGHTER TO HER MOTHE R ON EARTH red excommunication. All honor to this second Pearychand Mittra, Calcutta, India, writes: BY WILLIAM BRUNTON. Luther, who, like the first, has bold and enthusiastic "Spiritualism has been and is my principal study, andl I Sweetest mother, dearest, truest, fondest, best, friendi. For many years he has been tfoe most dis- am quite wrapped up in it alone. The less sensuous we are, Oft I come to see you from my peaceful Rest; tinguished in the University of Munich. The pro the more we know of Spiritualism. The principle is divine, Oft I come to cheer you wheD beset with woe ; fessors in the ratio of sixty-three to five sKffoain Dr. and in the degree that we live the divine life, we come into sacred fellowship with the infinite Spirit. I shall be glad to Oft I give you courage, conquering the foe! Dollinger in this churchal revolt. The mweauent is Oft I come with assist G. C. Hay & Co. in the circulation of your Spirit- peace, and richest love impart; scholastic and patrician; the upper classes ®»d the Oft I como as life-blood beating in your ual publications." iheanrtl Court (Cath- Oft I come, as all my wishes fall to you, support the Doctor. The plot deepens; Baron Kirkup Casa Castagni, Florence, Italy, You that are my flower, and "hey the morning f£ew— olicism is in trouble. In a late official paper ifpam says: Thus our hearts as one forever must remain, Pope Pius IX, we find this, copying from the iEler- "Let me thank you for the Year-book of Spiritualism, Sharing heavenly sweets with earthly need and p&cn— enoe Nazione; t which I have received. I find a rich mine of fact and philos- Mother, darling, dearest, truest, fondest, best, s * The source of the right of the Koman Pontiffs'to1 ophy in the volume. Enclosed is a Spirit-photograph which Oft I come to seo you from my peaoeful Rest. depose Sovereigns and to release the people from the obliga- $you may re-produce if you choose. It is more distinct thae * * * tion of fidelity does not arise from infallibility, but from the t&ose I received from America. A young Sweetest mother, now your years advance apace, iuthority that has been given to the Vicar of Jesus Christ lady from Leghorn, Miss Paolina Carboni, is on a visit to my Taking you away from burial time and place, | upon earth and in heaven. When, in virtue of the public i&aflighter and has become a Medium. She sees, every even- Till the years enshroud them thick in mist and gl. >om ; ' law then in force, and of the understanding of the ing, v<When in the trance state, her sister, Annina, in company Till my home is nearer than my grave-yard tomb! Christian nations, the Popes were considered as the supre me judges of watfc.<BRir Spirit friends. The Spirit-picture 1 send you was an operator from Turin. The coloring is a *But if far from it why nearer still to me ?— I Olmstianity, they exercised also a civil jurisdiction over tetk<en>fry Italian * Spirit-photography of America. This is the Far from death to happy life where angels be ; prinoes and states. * It certainly is not the dog- step beyond the first ejfpariment of the kind that I have seen in Florence. Far from trouble mixed with trying strife and care, matic definition of the infallibility of the popes that would * * •:* believer in re-incarnation. Miss Near to consolation,and full reward of prayer; decide me to put in force those rights; and those who repre- I am no BlackweFi,*>l»hough a clever writer, gives no demonstration. 1 Far from old things dead and gone forevermore; sent their .exercise as the necessary consequence of such def- It does not . Near to new and bright things on our golden shore— initisn, certainly wish to excite the Sovereigns against the It is theory. »I do not trust to writing Mediums. ' identify the Sparits. Physical manifestations, with the intel- Mother dearest, years disturb not feelings mild, Iloly See. Others wish for explanations and elucidations re- ligence, prove immortality, and that is enough for me." * * 9 Years of parting leave me still your darling child. specting the dogmatic definition, as though it, [the infallibil- ity of the Pope,] were not sufficiently clear of itself. I cer- Prof. E. \Y. Palmer, St.' John> College, Cambridge, ^Sweetest mother, what a world we now enjoy, Lainly shall give none. The sense of the dogmatic definition writes under date of July 21st: IBearing precious sweets, through winter's fierce annoy; jf the Pontifical infallibility is to be found in the decree of "The doctrines professed by Spiritualists, are, as you are iBearing good in now, and promise far before; the Council, and is so simple and obvious as to need no com- aware, by no means new. tl find them prevailing m Arabic, Yielding plenteous peace that grows from more to more.. ment." Persian and Turkish literature,.during and long before the What a world for us and those we count as dear, The only growing Church in America, as a dis- middle ages. They appeal- to me a very natural outcome of Rounding earth through space to perfect spirit-sphere I tinct organization is the Roman Catholic. Papists the craving of man for a knowledge -of the unknowable, and One by one your friends, like stars, do melt away; lo-day rule New York, politically. Remember the their appearance, therefore, is-only what might be expected.'' Day by day you merge the fading into Day— July riots. This University geutlejaan does mot, at present, Sweet the blessing crowning gleams of life to be ; THE PENTATEUCH AND TAT.MUP. profess to be even interested in Spiritualism. He Heart to heart embracing all our family. in Syria, and other parts of Comfort darling mother, yours this region blest, As soil to vegetable, as father to son, so stands spent much of last year This is yours and ours bestowingpeace and rest. the past to the present. Babylon, Nineveh, Jerusa- the East. Boston, Mass. lem, were once mighty cities, and anything to-day, Mr. W. D. JVIeers, Dunedin, Ontago,New Zealand, be it half-defaced coin, broken monument, or scraps writes : Lstters from "Over the Waters." of musty manuscript, throwing light upon their ear- "When I am entranced by Spirits I am perfeotly uncon- Spiritualism is. When ly history is intensely interesting. Who hat not scious. Oh, how blessed this letters NUMBteR Three. articles printed in English journals upon Spiritual mani- read of the colleges, astronomical charts,hanging gar- and feiitatiomsare copied into our New Zealand papers, they cre- Jesus villified and slandered ; Jesus charged with dens and mystic theologies of the Babylonians. Hi- ate a deep interest. We wont good test Mediums in this dis- wi ae-bibbing, blasphemy and seduction, was so poor eroglyphic inscriptions have given us golden hints tant country- As it is, the work is going on." th; it "he had not where to lay his head." English .of their quite forgotten glories. Babylon was the Baboo Hfeena Benarkee, Bombay, India, writes: bis bops profess to be his humble followers ; and yet cradle and the nursery of the Talmud—the Talmud "T went the.either day to see the great god Juggernaut. It are clothed in costly robes, and lay their heads in ,of Babylon,containing a vast etore-house of antiqui- was--the festiwol i mean—very much like an "English Fair," clu irchal nests well-feathered with the gold and sil- ties of which the world knows comparatively noth- so my English ifriitads tell me, only there were less drinking isin«-t "a semblance of immorality" at this or ver of earth. From the English clergy list before ing. Few read Hebrew. The Talmudic writings booths- There similar festivals, asitihe Christians of the West have reported. us, we learn that the "Right Honorable and Mo»t in the have for many weary centuries remained Our people live upon grains, vegetables, fruits, and not as Reverend" Archbishop of Canterbury has $75,000 hands of Rabbis, and in Continental libraries. But sensual as the Western natives, themselves being witnesses. per year; the Archbishop of York $50,000 per year; the Rev. Dr. Margoliouth, whose life has been devo- Many y oung meu 'Of imy country are studying tne English the Bishop of London $50,000 per year; the Bish- ted to the critical study of Hebrew and Rabbinical language^. Spiritualism.isnatural to the Hindoo mind. Our to those op "of Winchester $52,500 per year ; the Bishop of literature, in connection with the scholarly Ilershon, eacred lit erature is full of it, though often enigmatical acquainted with our (gast history. I was taught from a Durham $40,000 per year, with many others whose is about to publish a work entitled the "Pentateuch not child that Spirits, good aad bad, were continually with me, salaries are nearly as large, and who sit—a portion or Scriptures According to the Talmud," with a pre- I i and I frequently had proofs of this by open vision. But of them at least—as representatives in Parliament. fix in the form of an introductory essay, upon the am sorry to say (here is much superstition at present, mixed This, be it remembered, is "Church and State" relig- rise, progress and development of pseudo-canonical up with pure Spiritualism '<in my country," ion ; and this is the real thing aimed at in the effort books of the Jewish nation.
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