Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1994 Daily Egyptian 1994 4-28-1994 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 28, 1994 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1994 Volume 79, Issue 143 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 28, 1994." (Apr 1994). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1994 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1994 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian S'Ju t h e rn Illinois Universi! y al Carbondale Thurschy, April 28. 1994, Vol. 79., o. 143, 20 Pages Student faces A stitch in time: Quilt moves on battery charge AIDS memorial brings due to run-in By TIM Mcilrath awareness, volunteers General Assignment Reporter By Aleksandra Macys Health Reporter An STUC studcn1 Monday "a.~ arrestcJ and charg~ with The name~ projcc1 AIDS Memorial Qui ll aggravated batt ery afte r h: panels were solemnl y fo lded and the event walk:ed into a unifom,cd SIUC ended Wednesday with the one AIDS group patrol offi cer near thi Wham ga.ining new volunto:rs. bnx1..cway. The Sou1hcm lllim~is Regional Effon f-o r Ma1thew R. Marvel. 2 1. a AIDS saw it"- bi gges~ recrui1ment ever of Junior in m'1rkcting. c;a id he \•olunteers a.t the event, Jccording to Kathie was rushing to class from Kullz. a mcmbcrof SIREA. Lawson to Wh :.am wh en he Kunz spoke Wednesday ni ght about the coll id ed with patrol o fficer growing need fo r services and volunlecrs in Grcgtlry "!" ravcl stcad. wh o Sou:he:n Ul incis. stopped Man·el and asked for SIREA ·s mission is 10 provide emotional his name and identi fication suppon and social services 10 persons with number. and then allowed him AIDS. to cducale the public about HN disease to go to class. and to orovidc assistance in the form of goods SIUC Police Administrative and Wices to v,.:ople with HIV disease. Assistant Dan Lane said Marvel Programs include case managemen~ support was arrested by SIUC police groups :ind a buddy program where a volunt= offlCCTS at 10:55 a.m. when he spends time with a person with AIDS. retur"... to the breezeway. He Kurtz said there an: currently 22 clients. one wa~ lcen to the Ja ckson of which is a female. Rosemary Simmons, left, a counseling County S heriff' s O ffice. in "Our dicnts have primarily been gay men." psycholo!)lst at SIUC, looks at one the iurphy boro. w:1nc he was Kurtz said. AIDS memorial quilt panels at the Newman fi ngerpri nted. photographed, She said with the spread of AIDS among and jailed. intravenous drug u~,.rs and heterosexuals. the Catholic Student Center Wednesday nlghL "(Marvel) hit (Travel tead) clientd e is ch.:oging. Toni Jntravala dance to "Somewhere Over with his left shoulder enough to .. Ifs everyone's di._"-CaSC now," she said. the Rainbow" during the closing ceremony l.nock him back"ards." Lane Kurtz said SIREA needs better outreach for quilt display programs. More than 40 programs throughou t the area.. better education people attended the closing ceremonies see ARREST, page 5 programs and bcuer home services. Wednesd2y night. As part of the ceremony, "The onl y oth.:r option (for a person wi th Kathi e Kurtz, of the Southern Illinois Gus Bode AIDS) if there i."' no fam il~ suppon. and many Regional Effort for A IDS, s poke to the ti~ there i~ noL. 1s a nun.ing home.·· she said. audience about the attention the names Beuer coordinated services and more project quilt has brought to SIREA. Kurtz volunl<.CI"\. she sajd. would help SIREA offer said the program brought t he b iggest response mon: quickly . number of new vol'Jnteer recruits ever for .. Ideally. each diem "ould have one ca.i.c the g•oup. ma11.i.gcr and one buddy:· she said. KUl1Z sak: althoogh "this area is scn:amm~ for ~~ · even thcY..c who do llOf volunt-xr can help Staff photos hy educating JXX!P1c about HIV and AIDS 1SSUCS. Gus says one t :,o many She said the quilt panels hdpc<] to raise badly by times late for ::iass, and needed a" arellCS.\ in th1~ area. Kuro said ,he Lthey'II call 11,e law on you. Seokyong Lee see AIDS, page 5 Political games part of life Shull's 9 election griev~ sent Columnist Ivins says cynical attitudes are killing American dream to USG senate for final ratification By iliarc Chase Despite Shull's appeals. the By Jamie Madigan example ?f how important 1hosc corporate special intcresK ·· General Assigrvnent Reporter U G election commissi01~ onl y Potrucs Reporter libcnics are. lvm.'- said her )Ob lets her 00 :m ruled on two of the griev4.~es "(Our freedom,) an: just given 10 1mportan1 public service - to The Undergraduate Student and sent lhc: election resu hs to In spnc of the cyml1,m people us at binh." she sa id. ··w e arc in satirize po litical figures and Government senate Wednesday the scruue for ratification. iccl towarn pohllcs. ai: r it1Zl'OS danger of le1ting the whok dre:!m pol icies. night ratified the results of the USG President Mike Spiwak hav~ a rcspons1b1hty ·o keep watch die - ou1 of cynteism ... " I think it's healthy.'' she said. "I USG elections that one candidate said i;rievances agains1 1hc over govemmeni's actions, politi• She said while her job gives her a Ihm, we should laugh at them all appealed this week. e lection process had al ready cal cnlumnist and author Moll y chance to make fun of poliL;,;,., she lhc time."' The electiot1 results that were been ruled on by the comm is• I\ m, said Wcdne;day. stil i believes in the basic ideas of At the same time. Ivins criticim! made official for the 1994-1 995 sion. and he urged senators to .. Poli11 cs in this country is the constitution. the trend toward usiog politically presidential olf10e of USG were ratify the results and get oo with '°mcthing you al l have a rcspon• "As cynical as I get I still believe oom,ct spea:h "'attack other JlCOl,lq. appealed by John Shull, presi­ facing more important problems i. 1bilitf lor:· she said. ·· 11 ·s aboul tha1 these tmlhs arr self.evident .. Meanness seems 10 have dential candidaie for the Progres­ concaning the srudcnt body. your life. o matter wha1 you do in and that all men - and wo.nen - become an institutional pan of sive P.uty last Thursday through S piwak said lhe clec1ion your life you arc always going to art. created equal." she said. po li tics," .5 he said. " Political a list -:,f nine grievances. process this year was the fairest be a citiu:n ;:i this country." Ivins urged the audience to fight correctn ss has become a son of Shull lost by nine votes last and most efficient polling Ivins sp->ke to a stan<hng room for r_fonn of political campaign club ,vith whiL:h one attack s a Wednesday 10 Edwin Sawyer method he has ever seen in USG only crowd Wednesday night in the funding. She said 60 ocrcent of all political opponent." prcsidc. ,i!ial candidate for the hislory. S1udcnt Center Auditorium. ~ing campaign funding c0mes from Ivins left the aud ieocc with one Unity Party and said campaign Senator Bill Boehm said Shull dry wit and true srarics 10 eotenain organi7l:d corpora,e special inraeslS. piece of advice: always have fun. rules were broken by mcmbm of is juslified in appealing the and inform the audience. '" II is noc a partisan issue:· she 10 "It 's imponara think about the Unity Party and tl<" !!Jen: ·NCrC e lectio n because he found h 1:1s said Americans should no1 said. ·· w e have a co!Jnlry of how to have fun while yau ·re errors in the polling proocss that problc:ns with the polling and d1 sn11ss the frt cdoms they wen· o rganized corpo rate special fac ing this nonsensr.:· she said. could have cost him the nine vOICS campaign processes aoc is trying born with. citmg lhc recent all •race interests. by organized corporate ··You' ve got 10 have fun while he rr .dcd to win the election. to deal with lhcm. elccuons in Sol!th Africa as an special interests and for organized you're fighting for freedom." Opinion Trashing the testers: Men's, Women's oat Regatta returns -5eepag£ 4 Enterta::'lmc.>f'lt Garbage can display Basketball Salukis to Campus Lake -See pall" 11 protests animal use gain 2 new players B Classified -see page 11 -See page 13 -Story on page 3 -Story Qr1 pape 20 Page 2 DailyEgyprilln Apnl 28. 1994 Newswrap '- world EAST TIMORESE REJECT INDONESIAN RULE - Dll..l, East Tamor - Dorr,mggus Pereira, a 28-ycar-old political prisoner. began shouting in l'MugllCSC as 8 group of visitors tcOtcrcd the prison courtyard. "Viva Tunor l..csh, C'Long live East Timer"),"' he yelled as =='--.....;;.~=-====e. prison officials lriod to husde him away from two dowi visiting rcpone,s. The scufllc April I 5 81 Becora Pr.son in this fomier Porwguese colony, which Indonesia seized in December 1975, came during a rare goven>.ment«gani7.ed press tour aimed at showing CC('!l()tnic progress in East Timor under Indonesian atfminisuation.
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