4 July 2021 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Weekly Bulletin for the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Wheeling, West Virginia Vol. 10, No. 31 Saint Joseph Cathedral Parish is called to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a community. We are committed: to our urban neighborhoods, to being the Cathedral of the Diocese, and to fellowship, formation, sacrament, and prayer. This Week July 4 - 11, 2021 A Prayer for Our Government SUN Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time by Archbishop John Carroll 4 Independence Day (Sat) 6:00 pm Mass for Fred & Clara Shutler We pray, O almighty and eternal God, 8:00 am Mass for the Parishioners who through Jesus Christ 10:30 am Mass for Our Nation has revealed thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of your mercy, that your Church, MON Saint Anthony Zaccaria; being spread through the whole world, 5 Saint Elizabeth of Portugal may continue with unchanging faith 12:05 pm Mass for Ken Shores in the confession of your name. We pray O God of might, wisdom and justice, through whom authority is rightly administered, TUE Saint Maria Goretti 6 laws are enacted, and judgment decreed, 12:05 pm Mass for Gregory Sheldon assist with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude the president of these United States, that his administration may be conducted WED Weekday 7 in righteousness and be eminently useful 12:05 pm Mass for Most Rev. Richard V. Whelan to your people over whom he presides; - Anniversary of Death (1874) by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion; by a faithful execution of the laws THU Weekday 8 in justice and mercy; 12:05 pm Mass for Dr. Edward Thomas Nagem and by restraining vice and immorality. Let the light of your divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress, FRI Saint Augustine Zhao Rong & Companions 9 and shine forth in all the proceedings and laws 11:15 am Confessions framed for our rule and government, 12:05 pm Mass for George Bridges so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge; and may SAT Optional Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary perpetuate to us the blessing of equal liberty. 10 9:00 am Mass for James Evangelist We recommend likewise, 5:00 pm Confessions to your unbounded mercy, 6:00 pm Mass for Sr. Mary Florence Burke all our brethren and fellow citizens throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge SUN Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11 and sanctified in the observance 8:00 am Mass for Katie Fahey of your most holy law; 10:30 am Mass for the Parishioners that they may be preserved in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give; vvvvv and after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admitted to those which are eternal. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. Amen. 2 The Cathedral Courier July 4, 2021 June 11, 2021 The Catholic Spirit 5 New to the Parish? Directives ... Are you new to the Parish? Has your address or phone number Cont’d from Page 4 chalice should be used for the dea- changed? Are you a Catholic wishing to return to the Church? con to partake of the Sacred Cup; this additional chalice is not el- We would love to hear from you! Contact or stop by the Parish evated during the Per ipsum. *For the distribution of Holy Offices to find out more information on how to become a Communion, it is still required that all priests, deacons, and Ex- member of the Cathedral Parish. traordinary Ministers of Holy Communion wash and sanitize their hands before distributing communion. If the size of the con- gregation warrants and the layout of the building permits, additional communion stations should be uti- lized where a deacon or an Extraor- Traveling this Summer? dinary Minister of Holy Commun- ion may also distribute commun- Take an hour, even on vacation, to attend Mass where you can ion. Two lines in the center of the church (or to other Communion remember to thank God for your blessings and to seek his divine stations) may now be used by the faithful to come forward to receive protection for you and your family. There is a great website, the Eucharist. A small table with a corporal, purificator, and a hand www.masstimes.org, that can help you to locate the nearest disinfecting product, must be used at each Communion station. In ad- Catholic Church and the times for Mass while traveling. dition, the priest or communion minister must practice appropriate sanitizing of their hands after EACH and EVERY communicant who receives on the tongue or if the priest/minister’s hand has sub- stantial contact with the commu- Online Giving nicant’s hand. The distribution of the Sacred Cup to the laity remains The Cathedral of Saint Joseph offers Online Giving, a web-based suppressed until further notice. Self-communicating and/or in- electronic contribution application that is safe and secure. This tinction is not permitted in any form. However, when a large site allows you to set up automatic contributions and change number of priests are con-celebrat- ing at a Mass, it may be advisable to the timing or the amount of your gift at any time. You may make make use of intinction for the cler- gy’s reception in that particular cir- pledges and manage your contributions to the pledge amount, cumstance. *The above guidelines and re- and you may make one-time donations. quirements for the public celebra- tion of Mass should continue to be To sign up for Online Giving, visit our parish website at followed for funeral Masses, wed- dings, baptisms, and other sacra- www.saintjosephcathedral.com and follow the “Giving” tab. This ments. *Confirmation – The Office of website will walk you through the process. Worship and Sacraments will send specific guidelines to the respective parishes that are scheduled to cele- brate the Sacrament of Confirma- tion. *Our parishes and communities Bishop LiftsCONFIRMATION Dispensation SCHEDULE from Spring Obligation2021 need to be vigilant in adhering to Offertory all of the protocols for the good to Attend Mass on Sundays & Holy Days and safety of everyone so that our Bishop Mark E. Brennan, Celebrant churches may remain open for Bishop Mark BrennanSt. Anthony, Fairmont has –lifted Friday, June the 11 at dispensation6:00 p.m. of the Collection public worship and so that parish- ioners feel comfortable to attend, Sunday and Holy Days Mass obligation. and continue attending, Mass and June 27, 2021 other liturgical services. When broadcasting services or posting In his Letter to the Faithful of the Diocese released on June 2, Envelopes: $1757 pictures on the internet, social FOLLOW US ON media or other means, we must Loose: $192 demonstrate our adherence to all Bishop Brennan said: "The precept to take part in Sunday or of the guidelines so that our ac- Online: $513 tions match our directives. holy day Mass is serious. It means that healthy persons with the ability to go to Mass should do so. While the precept is seri- Thank you for your support! ous, the Church has always been mild in its application. Among @wheelingcathedral Bishop Mark E. Brennan many situations that could impede your going to Mass, you may be taking care of a sick person or fear bringing home an infection from Mass; you may be traveling a long distance on Sunday (perhaps 100 miles); you may be required to work on Sunday and no local Mass fits into your schedule. In these and similar situations, you are excused from taking part in Mass. But sitting at home watching a live-streamed or televised Mass, when you are healthy and could easily go to Mass, is not suffi- cient to fulfill the Sunday Mass obligation. Those who ignore or scoff at this obligation are certainly not respecting God nor honoring the Lord Jesus. Going to Mass in-person is simply better. We should be with our fellow Catholics to hear the Word of God proclaimed. We can only receive Jesus Christ in the Eucharist by being at Mass. The Lord himself said, Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them [Matthew 18:20]. We are not isolated individuals, but members of a people and that becomes more real to us when we are together." Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 3 It’s all so ordinary that we can easily Everyday Stewardship miss it. The seagulls hunting and Recognize God in our diving for mollusks at the beach offer Ordinary Moments a display of determination and preci- sion as they gather their food for the Prophet. There’s a heaviness to day. It’s simply what these creatures this word. It’s weighted down with do. Yet, there’s a magical artfulness and meaning. We think of prophets skill to their work that speaks volumes and we think of Charlton Heston about the One who breathed life into with wild hair and a booming voice, their being. This is pretty much the way reaching out his hand to work it is with God’s presence. God comes in wonders of nature by the grace of common ways through common things and ordinary people. Sadly, we are so God. We think of prophets and we like the Gospel. It doesn’t dazzle us with engulfed in our little worlds of order think of ancient Biblical history — extraordinary things but simply chal- and ideas to notice the beauty and someone far away, someone so lenges us to take a different look at our wonder of it all.
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