The Beacon RARITAN WNSHIP Every Reader invites news articles and expressions of the Beacon should keep In mind that of opinions on timely subjects from our the advertisements carry as much readers. We welcome till ouch contri- "punch" as the news articles. Every butions and will publish them as far advertiser has a message for the read- a* possible. But, it ts yery important ers and uses this medium because he that alt correspondence be signed by knows the readera desire to keep the writer. abreast of every advantage as well as know what's going on. (and Woodbridge Journal) Fonis Office: ft Raritan Township Office: 465 New Brunswick Ave. T7ie Voice of the Raritan Bay District" Cor. Main St. & Route 25 VOL. VI. — No. 23. FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14, 1936. PRICE THREE CENTS The. TOWNSHIP FINDS 3 Mora Liquor Licenses; 2ND WARD DEMS Republican Chieftains to LUTHER AVENUE Commissioners Vote To BUS SERVICE TO RAMBLING Total Now Reaches 28 Meet In Huddle Tonight Reinew $35,000 In Bonds RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — RAHITAX TOWNSHIP. — RARITAX TOWNSHIP, — BETTER METHOD Charles E. Boland, Eric M. Han- PLAN FOR HUGEMatters pertaining to the com- SITE O.O, AUaritaS n Township Commission- BE CHANGED BY REPORTER sen, Ray Wilck and Einai Jen- ing presidential fall campaign ers, in regular session here sen sat in suspense Tues, nigrth will be the topic of discussion Tuesday night, unanimously -.Says-. TO SPEARTAXES at the town hall here while the when the Raritan Township PLAYGROUND LOT agreed, and voted so, to renew PUBLICSEjIVICE township commissioners hesi- JBING(HIOP_PARTY Republican Committee meets at five improvement and antici- Having duly qualified tated before acting:. Neverthe- TOWNSHIP HOLDS LIEN ON In the great school of ex- PLANS TO COLLECT RENT IN 1 JOSEPH LEVENDOSKE, OF the home of Commissioner Hen- pation bonds totalling §35,000 RE-ROUTING OF NO. 4 LINE less, plenary retail liquor li- ry H. Troger, Jr., on Wood- at the Perth Amboy National perience—and having at- RECEIVERSHIP-ALL censes were granted to them FORDS, IS GENERAL VALUABLE HOPELAWN WILL GIVE TOWNSHIP bridge avenue, tonight. The PROPERTY Bank. tained the final and su- UP TO COURT and now everything is fine. Bo- CHAIRMAN caucus is slated for 8 o'clock. BETTER SERVICE preme achievement of a land was given a permit for an The bonds are as follows: §5,- man—this Rambling Be- RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — establishment on Route 25, Han HOPELAWN.—What is expect- HOPELAWN—From all indica- 000 and §10,000 for Grand View RARITAN TOWNSHIP.— parter was this week There's only one way to collect sen for a place at 1247 Wood- ed to be one of the most outstand- tions at the present time it sp- avenue improvement; $18,000 The Public Service Co-Or- granted the Super-Super- taxes and that's to make up your bridge avenue and the latter ing social events of the year here pet:J s that recommendation pi on anticipation of water reven- dinated Transport Company lative Degree of Doctor mind and go get it. And, if you two, partners, for a place at 799 is the bingo party and dance spo:i- Committeemeri Charles J. Alex- ues; $10,000 on water exten- please, Raritan Township is going DOLL, 90 YEARS ander and James Schaffrick, to sions and $10,000 on No. 2 wat- was granted permission, by of Diapers and is entitled Amboy avenue. sored by the Second Ward Demo- to all the privileges of out after what is rightfully its cratic Association of Woodbridge to use the property on Luther ave- er extension. resolution, to re-route bus this honor (if any). own. So, look out, straggling tax- Township and scheduled for Thurs nue, adjoining Joseph Bagdi's ten- line No. 4 by the Commissioners payers, your government means day night, August 27, at the Vill- OLD, WINNER AT nis courts for a playground for of Raritan Township Tuesday o-O-o business. age Barn, Juliette street. Joseph the children of Hopelawn, will be night. The new set-up will lend to carried through. About that new "Edition" in this Because certain taxpayers, who Levendoske, of Fords, is general improve service between this mu- columnist's family,. Mayor Walter own property that is revenue pro- NEW WPA SET-UP chairman of the affair. Township Attorney Leon E. Mc- 75 REGISTER ATnicipality and Perth Amboy, a re- .C. Christensen of Raritan Town- ducing, fail to meet their obliga- Members of the committee in Elroy traced the property and has presentative of the utility com- ship sends the following clever tion either in full or partly, local charge report that many beautiful LILLIAN DOAK IS OWNER found that the lots in question pany pointed out. commissioners voted to seek re- CALLS FOR 0. Kan.d valuable prizes have already have already been sold at tax sale congratulatory card: ceiverships on 11 property owners OF UNUSUAL AND The Tax Title Liquidating Co., of CLERK'S OFFICE However, before changes are been obtained by the club and made, the matter will be brought o-O-o in the Court of Chancery. will be awarded to the winners on RARE DOLL Teaneck, which has charge of This step, if okayed by the August 27. liquidating all Township tax liens before the Public Utility Board. If STORK FACTS: Storks court, means that Tax Collector OF RELIEF HEAD RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—A 90- [has found that the owners do not FOR ELECTIONS the alteration meets with the ap- ^_ One of the finest orchestras in pi oval of that body, schedules will Jsmes Kirkpatrick will have the M the county has been engaged to year-old crinoline doll, shown by care to redeem. It will be an easy NEW VOTERS URGED TO RE- are birds with big bills? ELY INFORMS TOWNSHIP Lillian Doak, was awarded a spe- matter to foreclose an the lien and then be drawn for the change. power to collect rents on the prop- furnish the music for dancing, GISTER BEFORE FALL Births should be reserved erties effected and charge such THAT ALL WPA JOB SEEK- cial prize at the doll show held, at turn the lots into a municipal play According to the Public Service while an entertainment program is ground. in advance ... A baby is rents against tax arrearages. ERS MUST BE CERTIFIED also being arranged. the Clara Barton playgrounds last RUSH-OCTOBER 6 Company, the new service will .not usually born on its birth- It is said that such routine is in LOCALLY Members assisting Levendoske Friday. The exhibit was a huge The Luther avenue site is the DEADLINE interfere with the present service day ... If the baby has red effect in several large municipali- include: success and drew, more than 100 most acceptable to the people of an Rute 4. On the other hand, it ties in the state. BONUS NOT CONSIDERED Frank Gregory, Albert V. Ander dolls into the show. Hopelawn, inasmuch as the lots WOODBRIDGE. — Al will mean the addition of other hair, that's "hair-red-ity" Following are properties listed However, according to the judg- are in tlie center of town. Anoth- "buses to augment the present num. Fat people are also son, Anthony Aquila, Charles J. though it is presidential year ber. In order to accomplish this, for non-payment of taxes: WOODBRIDGE—Wood- Alexander, Howard W. Fletcher, es, Mrs. Charles Boland, Mrs, Jos- er advantage is that Bagdi has and other municipalities are brought by the stork—not H. M. Froehlich, Thomas street, bridge Township has been Edward Seyler, Mrs. M. Skarzen- eph Kovacs and Mrs. Frank Kc- offered to donate the use of his however, extra buses will be tak- arrearage amounting to $3,541.78; designated as one of the 500- ski, Mrs. Stanley Smith, W. Har- vacs, the unusual and rare entry tennis courts and his empty build reporting a heavy early regis en off the run from Perth Amboy by a crane. ing on May street for the storage to Metuchen, the line which oper- 0-0-0 Mario DeAngeles, Woodbridge ave odd New Jersey municipali- ry Eurlock, Marie O'Brien, Mrs. H. of little Miss Doak was the .high- tratian, but approximately nue, $3,890.32; John O'Connor, ties to act as a public relief Kutcher, Mrs. Gertrude Ebner, light of the show. of equipment. 75 new voters have register- ates through Keasbey and the As soon as a psychoan- Germantown avenue, $622.66; Ste- It is estimated that over 150 Lafayette section of this township. agency to certify all persons who Daniel Zboyan, Joseph Elko, Mr. ed here to date with Town- The new schedule changes the alyst pronounces the new phen Gulyas, East street, $1,015.47 may be eligible for employment and Mrs. Albert Schicker, Fausta children and their parents parti- ship Clerk B. J. Dunigan. arrival a girl or boy, it is Marion E. Caster, Martin street, under the Works Progress Admin- Fimiani, Mary Van Decker, Made- cipated in and witnessed the beau- TROOPER DERR NABS ru,n so that buses go directly be- always weighed at once $688.38; Perrine and Buckalew, istration. John Omenhiser municip line Brodniak, Robert Reilly, Ray- tiful display of dolls,'Mrs. Chris- TWO LADS WANTED BY Persons calling at the clerk's tween Raritan Township and (doctors charge by the Oakland avenue, $804.15; H. G. al director of relief, said today thai mond Elliott, Leon Jeglinski, Mrs. tine Schumann and Walter Schu- office are of the independent type, Perth Amboy via Woodbridge ave- pound) The new Norton, Chestnut street, $1,112.91; he expects certification forms Anna O'Berc, Helen S.
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