University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1977 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 9-16-1977 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 20, 9/ 16/1977 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1977 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 20, 9/16/1977." 81, 20 (1977). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1977/99 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1977 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I •\ "\·,, • I ' . ' Today; is the last day to d.-op . ' _._. - .,. · · '.J.;~~~ithouf paying o.- \~j· ettang .a g.-ade for the cour- , Friday~ Sttptembe~ . ~6, 1977 ftit~(~~c~\Wt7l Money Bill BY ROBERT R. LEE preparing to pass a reamended (on LOBO STAFF WRITER the floor) version of the bill, restor­ Wednesday's ASUMN Senate ing $350 to the appropriation1 when me~ting ended abruptly when Sen. the meeting was called for lack of Rudy Martinez walked out of· the quorum. I meeting, leaving the Senate without quorum, in order to prevent pa&­ After the meeting Martinez said, ; sage of an amended homecoming "Those cuts were passed l .appropriations bill. , unanimously by the Finance ) When Martinez walked out, the Committee. Seeing the money situ­ j senate was preparing to pass an ation as it is, and. since some of my constituents have approached me ·LOBO photo by Charlie Gercis appropriations .bill for the Student Homecoming Committee. In. saying that homecoming doesn't \The ASUNM Sena;e Worked on the homecoming appropriations bill before Sen. Rud~ Finance Committee, of which really mean that much to them, I Martinez's walk-out which halted final11ction on the bill. · Martinez is a memb<:r, the appro­ couldn't let that bill' pass." priation· had been· cut from For Fire Hazards, Remodeling- ... $1,261.50 to $511.50. The senate was When the 1:iill was introduced on the floor, Homecoming Committee Chairperson Carol Pavleich called these changes "drastic," and added that there is "too much alumni · Campus COnstruction Planned backing" as coptpared to "student input" for homecoming she said BY RACHEl,. DIXON this situation "gives the alumni LOBOStaffWrUer detection system to work; and the Corrections of the fire code The State Health Laboratory will more say'' in homecoming. University Architect Van Dorn remodeling of the old pharmacy standards will· include installing be remodeled this springAo house Hooker said four construction pro-· building. The ..state. heal.th. lap­ automatic fire-alar~ systems and the' department of sociology. The Pavletich said further that she jects are scheduled to begin at the . oratory remodelmg wall begm m the emergency lighting for the dorm- department is sharing a building would like to see at least $100 University, three of them to begin spring, . Ho~ker sa.i~. itories, assembly rooms and several . with economics department. appropriated for bands on the mall, in the next six weeks and the fourth The proJects wall be funded wath older UNM buildings, Hooker said. The waste system in the old phar- because ''this (kind of event) would to begin in the spring. $580,000, from the $17 Qlillion state The · lighting in the· centt:a.J macy building will be .replaced attract the interest of more ;·The three projects to begin. in the constructio..n. bond,. issue. The Zimmerman Library will be because acids have corroded the­ students" than·would certain other next six weeks are: correction of l]niversity was allotted $6,900,300 replaced because the present light- plumbing, Hooker said, homecoming events. fir~ code standatds irtseveral UNM to be· distributed over a five-year ing interferes with the. book detec- Laboratories will also be renovated th~ McLe~n, ~. • J buildings; replacement of the period, said . Howard· tion system. The interference can- in the building, which is under lhe (_ . _lighting .system in central' Ziinmer-· -· U~M .general arid. constructton not be ·corrected with an): _filters, direction of the l,>iology depart- After some discussion, Sen. Phjl 1' .Ill man. Library to allow· the· book accpuntant. Hooker .said. · · · n:tent. Hernandez ·moved to restore the $300 for prize money and to give the committee $100 for bands . When it became apparent that the " .Chimn,_ey motion would pass, Martinez left <..1 .. 'J the meeting before the vote could 'i be official1y announced. " ·sweeps i r Martinez said after the meeting that the Homecoming Committee ....,."1.-~t Return .-~<;J~·.-:~',. could approach PEC for live music \ I • on the mall, and added that he 1,. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. ~. (t:J.PI)-As fuei prices conJinue to didn't see the reasoning behind \ ' \i ~ soar and more Florida homeowners $300 for prizes." ., 1j• turn to ·fireplaces to ward off the These line items on the Home­ !) winter chill, chimn'ey sweeps are ,I~ making a comeback. coming appropriation bill were "A lot of people are. burning changed by the Finance Committee: small packs of coal or wood llow· to -Ballr:oom rental, $15, deleted. · cut .down on their fuel bills," Said -Computer (to count Geoffrey Hensh~w, 37; a native·of Homecoming Queen election votes), $13-5 deleted. I~ Manchester, England, and a • chimney sweep for the past 15 -.13ands (to play 011 the mall), $250, deleted. · " ... • >1 ,_. i ~a~. ''And now they're building new . -Tee shirt promotion, $100, deleted.· houses with chimneys, giving people an option to heat . their -Prize money (for entertain­ · homes with oil or use the ment night), $300, cut to $50 and changed to read "for trophies.'' fireplace;" he said. course, there are not "Of, as In other business; the senate many 'homes with chimneys . in heard from Tom Goodgame, Florida as there are'up north. But TIIections ~omniission chai'rperson. even here more people are building chimneys in their h.omC:s or using Goodgame ·said the run-off previously unused chim~eys.''. UNM. Press Publishes Henshaw, who work'S for a election scheduled for Wednesday Jacksonville Beach home cleaning will be run under essentially. the .firm, learned the chimney 'SWeep's sarne regulations as the spring trade from · his great uncle in Books of Regional Favor election. Goodgame also said there England. will be a meeting for anyone in- · terested in being a poll-worker } The charge for cleaning a ByPAULSCHE_RR what large publisher WOI,lld print . "We publish books which have Monday at 7 p.m. in room 250-D of chimney-· ·can run up to LOBO Staff Writer "A Guide to New Mexico great regional appeal,but wouldn't theNewMexicoUnion. $'50~'idepel1ding~on the size and Tucked away on the second floor­ Mountains''? sell outside New Mexico," she said, • · type of chimney,'' Henshaw said. It ofthe journalism building. is a spa­ "The University press network mentioning "A Guide To New . .can take from one til three hours. cious suite of clean, brighf' offices grew up as an ansWer to the big 'Mexico Mountains" as a good The senate also confirmed these .·. · Instead of boosting· a srnail boy which house the UNM Press. The houses,"· said Hugh Treadwell, example. Another, HSeve.n Families ·persons as committee members: . W,ith a brush'up the chimney from atmosphere inside is quiet,. ef­ director of the UNM Press since in Pueblo Pottery," put together by - 'below---the practice ·in the old ficient, and businesslike. The UNM May, 1973, and a former editor of the MaxwelL Museum of Anthro­ days--Hensaw uses a heavy brUsh Press is a business, a publishing Knopf-Random House's college pology, is one of the press's best Nancy Howell, Popular cequiped with attachable. extension . company, and though the 30 books dept. "We make available material sellers. Of the 10,000 copies in Entertainment; Michael VigH, Intramural and Recreation Board; published per year by the pre~s that' simply could not be made spring, 7,500 have. beensold •... ·rods. ·if Thomas Hysom, General Honors might be pale in volume to t~e btg availab.le otherwise.'' . Opening a copy of Publishers Count:il; Ann Fiorelli, Curricula ·. Besides the distinctive tools ofhis houses in New York, the quahty of That material is . described .as Weekly to the current best-seller Committee; George Allen, Student : Wide, the be~rded Henshaw usually its products and the market it serves "scholarly" by Lois Bursack, ad­ list, Bursack runs her finger tinder­ Standards <tJid Grievance Com­ is. dressed in one of the. symbols of· are·equally as viable. vertising manager: "We serve your neath the figures for the number of mittee; and Timothy ·Francis, his job-a top hat, It adds a bit, of Think of it this way: 11 The Joy of academically respectable markets,'' I cont. on page 31 Campus Planning Committee. :~ color to the jol'l,'' he said.· • · Sex" may sella million copies, but she said. ,. ' ' ~Calls for People's Verdict· '"d - - - ' Interest Sparks (JQ"' liS \l1,(!)~(1lJJ COPIES ."'w -t . ' . • UNM Press .I:> Overnight ~ ·Bert Rebuts C_harges ~~-~·~ Firewood -Guide ::; A new co.nsumer guideboo!<, a fireplace is the single most 3If2cea 3::: -..~ proof that he did not withhold "Heatil)g With Firewood," was "My conscience is clear," lle said ,inefficient method of heating still in n~- WASHINGTON (UPI)-Calling in a forceful and sometimes angry information on his financial deal­ introduced Thursday at an open 4"sameday 0 ~ cations and fulfilling the need for use today, losing 90 per cent of its 2 for a ''people l(erdict." Bert Lance 90 minute statement to the Senate ings from the Senate during his .
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