B II INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME ON CHEMICAL SAFETY Environmental Health Criteria 169 Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonates and Related Compounds nder the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme, ernational Labour Organisation, and the World Health Organization Jr THE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA SERIES THE ENVIRONMEN a .1 ALT' flifE, SERIES (continued) Acetaldehyde (No. 167, 1995) Chloroflucmracarhons, fully haicmgeriated Radiofrequency and microwaves Actonitrsle (No. 154, 1993) (No. 113, 1999) (No. 16, 1981) Acroleiri (No. 127, 1991) Chlorofluomearbons, partially ha!ogenated Radionuclides, selected (No. 25. 1983) Acrylamide (No 49, 1985) (ethane derivatives) (No. 139, 1992) Resmetbrins (No. 92. 1989) Acr'ylonitrile (No. 28, 1983) (methane derivatives) (No. 126, 1991) Selected synthetic organic fibres Ad population, principles for evaluating ChJroform (No. 163, 1994) (No. 151, 1998), the effects of chemicals (No 144, 1992) Chlorophenols (No. 93, 1989) Selenrum (No. 68, 1986) Aldicarb (No. 121, 1991) Chromium (No. 61, 1988) Styrene (No. 26, 1983) Aidrin and dieldrin (No 91. 1989) Cresols (No. 168, 1995) Sulfur oxides and su,, pendprf particulate Allethrais (No. 87, 1989) Cyhainthrirs (No. 99. t990) matter (No. 8, 1979) Amitrole (No. 158, 1994) Cypernre!hrin (No. 82, 1989) Tecnazerre (Na 42. 1984) Arrirnonia (No. 54, 198(i) Cyperrnelhrin, alpha- (No. 142, 1992) Tetniibromobisphenol A and derivatives Anticoa9ulant rodenticidee DOT and Its derivatives (No 9. 1979) (No, 172, 1995( (No. 175. 1995) DDT and is derivatives - enuvirtsnrnontal Tetnachloroethylene (No. 31, 1984) Arsenic (No. 18, 1981) aspects (No. 83. 1989) Teiradifon (510 67, 1986) Asbestos and other natural mineral librs Delhamethdn (No. 97. 1990) Tetnamethrin (No. 98, 1990) (No 53, 1986) Diaminotoluerses (No, 74. 1987) Thallium (No. 182, 1995) Barium lNo 107, 1990) 1,2 Dich!üroeiha ire Thiocarbamate pesticiclnS: a general Benomyl (No. 148, 1993) (No, 62, 1987. 1st e(Iition) ifllroduction (No. 76, 1988) Berizene (No. 150, 1993) (No 176, 1995, 2nd edition) Tin and organotin compounds (No. 16, 1980) Beryllium (No. 166. 1990) 2 4'Dichloroptiammoxyacotir acid (2.4-0) Titanium (No. 24, 1982) Biomarkers and risk assessment: concepts (No 29. 1984) Tcnluene (No 52. 1986) and principles (No. 155. 1993) 2,4'Dichlnmophcnoxyacetic acid Toluerre diisocyarnates (No. 75. 1987) Biotoxins, aquatic (marine and freshwater) anvurcrrmagiital aspects (No. 84, 1989) Toxicity of chemicals (ParS 1). principles (No. 37, 1984) 1 .3-Dichloropropomse 1,2 .cticlmloropr0p5ne arid methods for evaluating the (No. 6, 1973) 8rominated diphertylolhers (No. 162 1994) and rmmixtlirCs (No 146, 1993) Tnxicokinetic studies, principles of 8utn!s four isomers (No. 55 1957) Dichiomeos {No. 79, 1988) (No 57, 1986) Cadmium (No 134, 992) Diethyldexyl plrttratate (No. 131. 19921 Tributyl phosphate (No 112, 1991) Cadmium - environmental aspects Dirnellroato (No. 90. 1989) Tributyltin compounds (No 116, 1990) (No. 135. 1992) DimnotliylformmIds (No 114, 199 I 'i Trichtorfon (No. 132, 1992) Camphechlor (No 45. 984) Dirnothyt suifsl (No. 48. 19851 1,1,1 -Trictiloroethane (No 136. 1992) Carbarnate pasticidos:.a gerrewl irrtroduction Disoasos Of suspected chemical etiology TflchloroethyrCrie (No. 50. 1985) (No 64, 1936) and lhir prevontrorm principles of TdCresyI phosphate (No. 110, 1990( Carbaryl (No 153, 1)194) stUdiOs isi (No 72 19871 Triphenyl phosphate (No ill, 1091) Carbondazirn (No. 149, 19g Dilhiocarbauriate pesticidos. ethylariollsioumea. Tris- and bis(2.3-dibromopropyt) phosphate Carbon cliulfide Nrb .1979) and propylenothiounea a qerreral (No. 173. 1995( Carbon m000j64 . 13, 1979) introd action (No 71), 1 988) Ultrasound (No 22. 10821 Carcinogens, summary report on the Eloctromagmmotrc frlda (No 137. 19921 Ultavuolel radiation :31fr evaluation of short.tenrr in Endosulfan (No. 40. 1984) (No. 14, 1979. 151 edition) lesls (No 47, 1985) S ndnirr (No 130, 1992) (No 150 1994. 2rrd edil:on) Ca rcinogel IS. SO mmii ry ru Ron 015 itO Eiivirc.'nrsierilat npicluirrmmology giridd inca on Vanadium (No 81. )988) Ovaluaticim of short-terre in von StUdIOS in (Na. 27. 1983) Vinnytiderre chloride (No. 1 OD, 1990) tests (No 109, 1990) Epichlorohydrirr (No, 33 I 984 Chlordnie (No. 34, 1984) Etlrylrmiur oslo IN). 55 5905) Chlordec.orse (No 43, tY{14( Eslror'ily lovi inoqirlirrl:y (ELF) finids ChJorinL and hydrogen cbJorid (No. 35, 19841 (No. 21, 1982) Fenatrothiorm (No. 133. 191)2) Chloiofjonzsims other than Ferrvalnrate (No 95, 1990) hexachlorohenzone (No 128. 1991) F luc rime amsi fluorides (No. 36. 19191 To obtai,r further copies of monographs in this series, please write to the Office of Disir/bofion C o.'rsnuei I ill eric' of F 51)5 and Sais, World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (Fax No. 41-22-7914857) This report contains the el1ccti ye views of an in- ternational group of experts and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the United Narions Environment Progranirne. the Inierna- ti onal I _abour ) real) sat on or lie World lien] th Oran 75111011. Environmental Health Criteria 169 LINEAR ALKYLBENZENE • SULFONATES AND RELATED COMPOUNDS First draft prepared at the National Institute / 01 Health SLenecsH okyo. Japan. and the ( () Published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation, and the World Health Organization World Health Organiiation Geneva. 1 996 The International Programme on chemical Safety (IPCS) is a joint venture of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International LabourOrganisation, and the World I Icalth Organizatiors.The main objective of the IPCS is to carry out and disseminate evaluations of the effects of chemicals on human health and the quality of the environment. Supporting activities include the development of epidemiological, experimental laboratory, and risk-assessment methods that could produce internationally comparable results, and the development of manpower in the field of toxicology. Other activities carried out by the IPCS include the development of know-how forcoping with chemical accidents, coordination of laboratory testing and epidemiological studies, and promotion of research on the mechanisms of the biological action of chemicals. WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonates and Related compounds. (Environmental health criteria ; 169) 1.A]kane sulfonates - adverse effects 2.Environrnental exposure 3.Guiddlines I.Scries ISBN 92 4 157169 1 (NLM Classification: QU 98) ISSN 0250-863X The World I lea Ith Organization welcomes requests for permission to reproduce or translate its publications, in part or in full. Applications and enquiries should be addressed to the Office of Publications, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, which will be glad to provide the latest information on any changes made to the text, plans for new editions, and reprints and translations already available. World Health Organization 1996 Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. l'RI'TIl) IN lINI r'l) CONTENTS WHO TASK GROUP ON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA FOR LINEAR ALKYLBENZENE SULFONATES AND RELATED COMPOUNDS.....................................................................................................I NOTE TO READERS OF THE CRITERIA MONOGRAPHS .......................3 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA FOR LINEAR ALKYLBENZENE SIJLFONATES AND RELATED COMPOIJNDS ..........4 OVERALL SUMMARY, EVALUATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................. 7 1.1 Identity and analytical methods............................................... 7 1.2 Sources of human and environmental exposure ................... 8 1.3 Environmental concentrations.................................................. 8 1.3.1 Linear alklylbenzene sulfonates ................................. 8 1.3.2 a-Olefin sulfonates and alkyl sulfates ....................... 9 1.4 Environmental transport, distribution, and transformation. 9 1.4.1 Linear alklylbenzene sulfonates ................................. 9 1.4.2 c-Olefin sulfonates ...................................................... 10 1.4.3 Alkyt sulfates ....................................................... ... ..... 10 1.5 Kinetics....................................................................................... 11 1.6 Effects on experimental animals and in vitro test systems .. 11 1.7 Effects on humans ..................................................................... 12 1.8 Environmental effects ............................................................... 13 1.8.1 Linear alklylbenzene sulfonates ................................ 13 Aquatic environment
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