DmECTORY.] DURHAM. HURWORTH-OX-TEES. 203 from Stockton and 21 south from Durham, with a station - 5·45 p.m.; dispatched 5.20 p.m.; 2.2o on sundays. Croft called Croft Spa, on the main line of the North Eastern rail- is the nearest telegraph office way, in the South Eastern division of the county, south- INSURANCE AGENT.-Phamix Fire, G. Taylor western division of Stockton ward, petty sessional division, National School (mixed & infants), erected in 1831 & en- union and county court district of Darlington, rural deanery larged in 1877, is a building of stone, with ornctmental of Darlington, archdeaconry of Auckland and diocese of Dur- turrets at the north & south angles, for 220 children ; ham. The parishcomprisesthetownships of HURWORTH and average attendance, III; & is endowed with about £28 NEASHAM. The sewage of this village is conveyed across the yearly; George Taylor, master; Miss Kate Hawe, assist- river Tees and afterwards deposited on land on the Y orksbire ant mistress side of the river. by. mea~s of an iron pipe 300 feet .in length, Hurworth Place (or CROFT) is a village in this town­ supported on six hght 1ron columns, and erected m 1877-8 ship, situated at the north end of Croft bridge, 3 miles at a cost of £2,000, by the l.ate Lord Rokeb~ a:nd the rate- from Darlington and one from Hurworth, and opposite to pay~rs of. Hurworth. Th~ _river Tee~ here dtvided the two the village of Croft, in Yorkshire: it has rapidly increased in an~Ient ~mgdoms of Bermcm and Detra. Th~ church. ?f All size and population since the formation of the branch rail way. Samts, sttuated close to the ba~k ?f the Tees, IS an. edtti~ of I Croft bridge, across the Tees here, connects the counties of stone o~ the 15th century, conststmg of chancel wtth aisles, Durham and York, and is maintained at the joint expense of nave, atsles, transepts, north and south porches, :.estl1: and the two counties : south-east of Croft bridge is the bridge of organ an~ an embattled western tower, 'Wtth Pllli_ta- the North Eastern railway, erected in 1840 from designs by cles, cont~tnmg a clock and 6 bells.: the tower o?l~ remams Henry Walsh esq. C.E.; it consists of four beautiful oblique of the ancient church, the rest havmg b~en ~ebmlt m r83I-2 arches.. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 187o. Pilmore an~ restored (~bout 187o) ~nder the dtrectwn of Mr. J. P. Hall, the seat of Mrs. Alfred Backhouse, situated in an exten­ Pn~chett, architect, of Darhngton, at. a cost of £4,000: the sive park, about a mile from the village, is a fine specimen of chmr st~~;lls are of oak, and the pulpit and reredos .of Caen the Elizabethan style. Hurworth Grange, the residence of st?ne, With _marble shafts, .the .panels of the latter_bemg filled James Edward Backhouse esq. .J.P. and Hurworth House, With Venetu~n. glass mosatc: m the north porch ts a n;'o_nu· the residence of George John Scurfield esq. J;>.L., J.P. are in ment to Wdham Emerson, the celebrated mathemat!Cia?, this township. , born here May 14th, 1701; d. 26th Ma;v, 1782, and buried m PosT, M. 0~ & T. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- t~e church;y-ard: The church plate mcludes a new s~t of George Metcalf, postmaster. Letters arrive from Darling- silver, provided m 188g, at a eost of £roo, under the '!1l~ of ton at 6.45 a. m. & 5.20 p.m.; dispatched at 12. 10, 5.25 the late Robt. H. All~n esq. of Blackw.ell HaU, and ~onststmg & 7.30 p.m. ; sundays at 2.30 p.m · of 11; tlagon, two chahces, two patens and a~ ~~m~ dish. The INSURANCE AGENTs.-Caledonian Fire & Life, E. Stamper, re,sister ~ates from the year I559· The hvm~ IS a. recto_ry, Croft Flour mills ; & w. H. Pluse · average ttthe rent·c~arge £464! yearly ~alue £ 65°• mcluding The children of this place attend the schools at Croft or 75 acres of glebe, wtth house, m the gift of the Rev. R. H. Hurworth-on-Tees Williamson, of Whickham, and held since 1875 by the Rev. · John Irwin M. A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Here are Primi- Neasha.m is a village and township, 1 mile east from tive and Wesleyan Methodist chapels and schools .. 'fhe Hurworth and 4 south-east from Darlington, pleasantly charities are of about £6 yearly value. There is a Young situated on the north bank of the Tees, which may b~'Cro3seu Men's Club and Reading Room. The Temperance Hall is here by a broad and safe ford. Here is a Methodist New of brick, in the Gothic style, and was erected in .1864 from Connexion chapeL Here was once a Benedictine nunnery, designs by G. G. Hoskins esq. architect. The rector of Hur- founded by Lord Dacre, before 1203, some remains may yet worth Church row, and Richd. Heber Wrightson esq. J.P. of be traced in a field near the ford at the west of the village. Cusworth Park, Doncaster, Yorks. are lords of the manor; Neasham Hall, the residence of Wm. Forbes esq. is pleasantly and George John Scurfield, jun. esq. E. Lloyd Pease esq. R. situated on an eminence near the river, and cummands H. Wrightson esq. Messrs. E. W. and J. H. Collier, Mrs. dehghtlul views over the picturesque country by which it is Alfred Backhouse, Pilmore Hall, and Jas. E. Backhouse esq. surrounded. Neasham Abbey, the property and residence of Hurworth Grange, Thomas Loiselure Wilkinson esq. aud of Thomas Loiselure Wilkinson esq. is situated about r mile the Rev. Robert Hopper Williamson M.A. of Whickham, from Hurworth. Joseph Tyndall Sawrey Cookson esq. of Gateshead, are the principallandownel"s. The Hurworth Fox- Broughton Tower, Broughton-in-Furness, and Rowland hounds, a subscription pack, is one of the oldest in England, Cresswell Ward esq. are the principal landowners. The W. Forbes esq. master: this village has special attractions chief crops are fruit, vegetables and some land in pasture. for hunting men. The soil is of varied description, some A pack of otter hounds are kept here, T. L. Wilkinson esq. parts of the parbh being light and gravelly and the other a being the master. The area is 1,575 acres; rateable value, strong clay. The chief crops are pasturage, wheat and turnips. £2,81o; the population in r88r was 421. The area of the township is 2,355 acres ; rateable value, PosT OFFICE.-Gny Warwick, postmaster. Letters through £n,62o; and the population in z88x x,5I9. Darlington, arrive at 7.20 & dispatched 5 p.m.; on sun- Sexton, Thomas Gaines. days at 2 p.m. Hurworth is the nearest money order office; Croft the nearest telegraph office PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, National School (mixed), erected in 1867, for 120 children; . Hurworth.-Mrs. Mary Webster, postmistress. Letters average attendance, go; Miss Mary Smith, mistress through Darlington. Deli\·eries commence 7.30 a.m. & · Railway Station, William Milsom, master Lucas Mrs. Hawthorn cottage Appleby John, joiner .H urworth-on-Tees. Pease Joseph Albert J.P. Old hall Baines Thomas, boot & shoe maker PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Robertson George BanksMargt. (Mrs. ),aprtmnts. Diana ter Alderson Thomas Robinson l\liss Bell AnneJa ne( Mrs. ),farmr.CreeBeck ho Appleby Joseph Robson John, Sunnyside Brittain John, farmer, Cross Bank hill BackhouseJas.Ed wd.J.P.H urwrth.grnge Russell James Brodie Brown Jane (Mrs.), apartments Ba.ckhouse Mrs. Alfred, Pilmore hall Scurfield Lieut.-Col. George John M. A., Chisholm William M.D.surgeon,& medi· Baigent Thomas G D.L., J.P. Hurworth house cal officer & public vaecinator, Bur­ Barker Mrs Scurfield Geo. John, jun. Hurworth ho worth district, Darlington union Bell Miss, Lancaster house Sergent William Clarkson Joseph B. grocer Brown Robert Allison, Newbus grange Snowdon Miss Coope Henry, builder Chisholm·William M.D Swettenham Richard Paul Agar (H.M. Cooper Mary Ann (Mrs.), cowkeeper Cobb Mrs inspector of schools), The Manor ho Crisp J n. market gardnr. Strawberry cot Coiling Robert Thompson James Curry William, farmer, land agent, Crowe John, 2 Lambton terrace Tweedy George valuer & arbitrator, Low hail Curry William, Low hail Walker Charles Edward M.B Davison John, ·painter & decorator, Cuthbertson Henry, Rose villa ·walker Mrs Clematis cottage Dyson George, The Hall Wilkie Mrs Davison 'fhomasin (Mr8. ), grocer &c Eales Miss, Ivy cottage Wilkinson John, West view Dougill Haxby, farmer, H urworth moor Elwen Thomas Hall, Eden villa Wilson William, x Lambton terrace DrydenJohn, farmer, Skipbridge Ernerson Jonathan, Chatwin house Wiun Mrs Eden Thomas, boot & shoe maker Feetum Mark Wood Thomas Etheringllon Thos. saddler & harnes~ ma Gaylor Henry Young Misses l<'inlay Mtchael, tailor Gaylor Samuel, Rose cottage Young Mrs Fishburn Ma.rgt.(Mrs.),grocer & hosier Glaister Joseph Wm. Cleveland house COMMERCIAL. Gaines Thomas, sexton Hodgson Mrs. 3 Lambton terrace Alien Joseph, Emerson inn Garbutt John, tailor Hodgson Mrt~ • .Newton Allison John, farmer & market gardenr Garbutt William, tailor & draper Hodgson Richard Allison John, jun. butcher Gascoigne Charles, druggist &c Irwin Rev. John M.A. Rectory Andrew Richard, Otter & Fish inn Goldsbrough Robert, paint-er &e Kydd Mrs Appleby Henry, carrier Harrison Timothy,. joiner .
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