CASE STUDY FILE BASELINE STUDY REPORT (BSR) OF IACOBDEAL QUARRY Activity 3.1 (Environmentally Friendly Practices) Final Version October 2010 DISCLAIMER FOR CASE STUDY REPORTS The present report was prepared in the framework of the project SARMa – Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management, which is co-financed by the EU within the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme. The information reported is accurate according to the best knowledge of the authors and is the sole responsibility of the authors of this report. The publication reflects the views only of the authors; and therefore the rest of project partnership and the South East Europe Programme Managing Authority cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. - 2 - DELIVERABLE SUMMARY PROJECT INFORMATION Project acronym: SARMa Project title: Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management Contract number: Starting date: 1. 5. 2009 Ending date: 31. 10. 2011 Project website address: www.sarmaproject.eu Lead partner organisation: Geological Survey of Slovenia Address: Dimičeva ulica 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana Project manager: Slavko V. Šolar E-mail: [email protected] DELIVERABLE INFORMATION Title of the deliverable: Activity 3.1 Baseline study report of Iacobdeal Quarry WP/activity related to the WP3 / Activity 3.1 Environmentally friendly extraction practices deliverable: Type (internal or restricted or Public public): Location (if relevant): - WP leader: Institute of Geology & Mineral Exploration, Greece Department of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Activity leader: Grete, Greece Participating partner(s): FGG Author(s): Mihai Marinescu E-mail: DELIVERY DEADLINES Contractual date of delivery to the JTS: Actual date of delivery to the JTS: - 3 - BASELINE STUDY REPORTS (BSR) OF IACOBDEAL QUARRY 1. Description of location Geographical data/coordinates The area of the Iacobdeal deposit is a south-western branch of the Macin Mountains, which are part of the higher unit of North Dobrogea, limited by the Danube and the Peceneaga – Camena fault. The Iacobdeal quarry carries out their activity on the right bank of Macin channel, east from the Turcoaia village, Tulcea County. Administrative and legal framework (e.g. permit process for extraction) The perimeter of the Turcoaia - Iacobdeal quarry is located on the territory of the Turcoaia village, Tulcea County. The Iacobdeal quarry represents the perimeter for exploitation of the mineral resources (granite) created under Exploitation License no. (no data), issued by the National Agency for Mineral Resources (N.A.M.R.). Exploitation license no. (no data) was obtained under article 46 from Mines Law no.61/1998 by the SC TARMAC ROMANIA SRL Bucharest. The availability of the exploitation license is (no data) years starting with signing date (no data). Demographic issues The population is aging and declining. Young people go to cities in search of jobs. Infrastructure The access to the area is by using the Macin – Tulcea – Constanta National Road and the Danube, on the Turcoaia – Macin – Braila route. Land use planning (e.g. spatial relation to protected areas) The quarry area lies within ROSPA0073 Macin-Niculitel site and is limited to west by ROSCI0012 Bratul Macin. Presence of integrated land-planning framework seeking to balance competing interests between national and local levels, and between quarrying and conservation. No Biodiversity features The Iacobdeal quarry is in the ROSPA0073 site which is important for monitoring the breeding population of the species: Falco cherrug Coracias garrulus Ciconia ciconia Accipiter brevipes Burhinus oedicnemus Oenanţe pleschanka Circaetus gallicus Buteo rufinus Emberiza hortulana Caprimulgus europaeus Hieraaetus pennatus Lullula arborea - 4 - The ROSPA0073 Macin-Niculitel site is important for the following species migration period: Ciconia ciconia Accipiter brevipes Circaetus gallicus Buteo rufinus Hieraaetus pennatus Lanius collurio Gyps fulvus Ficedula parva Galerida cristata Lullula arborea Falco vespertinus Neophron percnopterus Pandion haliaetus Nycticorax nycticorax Ciconia nigra Himantopus himantopus Haliaeetus albicilla Recurvirostra avosetta Tringa glareola Pelecanus onocrotalus Pelecanus crispus Ardea purpurea Plegadis falcinellus Platalea leucorodia Chlidonias hybridus Pernis apivorus Anţus campestris Aquila pomarina Aquila heliaca Aquila chrysaetos Aquila clanga Circus macrourus Circus aeruginosus Falco peregrinus Milvus migrans Phalacrocorax pygmaeus Egretta alba The ROSCI0012 Bratul Macin site is characterized by: Habitat types: 3130 - Oligotrophic to mesotrophic standing waters with vegetation of Littorelletea uniflorae and/or Isoëto-Nanojuncetea; 3140 - Strong oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation species of Chara; - 5 - 3270 - Rivers with muddy banks with vegetation of Chenopodion rubri and Bidention; 62C0* - Pontosarmatian steppe; 6430 - Communities skirt with tall higrofile grasses from the plains level to the mountain and alpine; 6440 - Alluvial grasslands with Cnidion dubi; 6510 - Low-altitude grasslands (Alopecurus pratensis Sanguisorba officinalis); 92A0 – Forests with Salix alba and Populus alba Species of amphibians and reptiles: 1188 - Bombina bombina; 1220 - Emys orbicularis; 1993 - Triturus dobrogicus Fish species: 1130 - Aspius aspius; 1149 - Cobitis taenia; 2511 - Gobio kessleri; 1145 - Misgurnus fossilis; 2522 - Pelecus cultratus; 1134 - Rhodeus sericeus amarus Plant species: 1428 - Marsilea quadrifolia Operational status (e.g. active or abandoned, legal or illegal) Active and legal 2. Geological setting and resources Type of aggregates (e.g. crushed rock or sand or gravel composition) According to the physical and mechanical features, the Iacobdeal granite is classified, pursuant to the regulations in force, into: - heavy rocks (density ranging from 2.65 to 2.78 g/cm3) - very little porous rocks (porosity ranging from 1.19 to 4.50 %) - very little absorbing rocks (water absorption at normal pressure and temperature ranges from 0.07 to 0.61 %) - high mechanical strength rocks (143 to 255 N/mm2) - rocks resistant to mechanical shocks (4.4 to 10.9 N/m2) - low wear rocks (0.028 to 0.056 g/cm2) Type of aggregates: crushed rock. From the analysis of the quality parameters the fields of use for the resources/reserves in the Turcoaia – Iacobdeal deposit result: - rubble stone - crushed stone - chipping and other varieties needed for wearing courses, road repair works, foundations and reinforcement. Structural geology conditions - 6 - The granite deposit is located on the top of the Iacobdeal hill and it extends in the east-west direction for approximately 3.3 km, and in the nord-south direction respectively for approximately 1.1 km. The Macin Mountains in the western area of North Dobrogea consist of Paleozoic formations, partly metamorphosed, displaying volcanic granite structures that appear as hillocks and ridges, both covered by Quaternary deposits composed of a loess layer approximately 40 m thick. The Paleozoic is made up of: 1. the series of Mesozoic and Cambrian crystalline schists, represented by amphibolic schists, mica schists with muscovite, biotite and quartzite; 2. the series of quartzitic phyllite, represented by alternating weakly sericitic phyllite and quartzite, chloritic and sericitic phyllite, assumed to belong to the Ordovician. 3. the series of the Lower Devonian, composed of quartzitic sandstone, limestone, and clay and slate schists. 4. the Carapelit formation, belonging to the Permo-Carboniferous period, made of a conglomerate horizon and a phyllite and gauwache horizon, is inconsistently placed over various horizons of the Paleozoic. The Quaternary is represented by loess deposits placed on a pre-existing relief and it covers large areas. Volcanic rocks: Both the Devonian, as well as the “Carapelit Strata” are crossed by granite intrusive rocks, sometimes accompanies by porphyry separations; the petrographical diversity is assumed to be due to the magmatic differentiation. The magmatic rocks in the Macin Mountains include the carapelit varieties as the following are deemed to be: 1. the ones before the deposition of the carapelit formation, as the following are deemed to be: - the biotite gneissic granite in Gavaran, Vacareni, Pricopan, Mircea Voda, Hamcearca and Balabancea; - the massive granite in Luncavita, Gilmele and Coslungea; 2. the ones after this formation, as the following are deemed to be: - the Greci granite with leucocrate minerals, quartziferous diorite, gabbro, granodiorite, granite and porphyry; - the Turcoaia-type alkaline granite, developed in south-west of North Dobrogea into alkaline porphyry, exemplified by the laccolithic massive in Turcoaia – Iacobdeal – Iglicioara, on the Piatra Rosie Hill, on the Cerna Valley, on the Sacar Bair and Ciucurova Hills. Porphyry formations are developed on the Iglicioara Gill, Manole’s Hill and in Cirjelari, flanking the alkaline granite structures. According to their colour, the porphyry formations are classified into two types: black, found in the Iacobdeal massive. red, found on the Iglita Hill, Manole’s Hill and in Cirjelari. The Macin Mountains have an anticlinal structure, with tight faulted folds, crossed by intrusive formations; here a western anticline structure is distinguished, the Mengina anticline line followed from Macin to Mircea Voda, with the Macin borders - 7 - as axis and an eastern anticline structure, noticing also the Taita synclinal line, between Bugeac
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