2017 Entrance Charges for Main Italian Museums and Monuments

2017 Entrance Charges for Main Italian Museums and Monuments

2017 entrance charges for main Italian museums and monuments Groups Opening hours Closed Websites Notes -18 years Adults Students EU-citizens PIEDMONT Turin Egyptian Museum 15.00 4.00 1.00* Tuesday-Sunday: 09:00-18:30; Monday: 09:00-14:00 www.museoegizio.it * Students 6-14 years Royal Palace 12.00 6.00 6.00 9:00-19:00; Free entry first Sunday of each month Monday; 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 www.ilpalazzorealeditorino.it Ticket office closes 1 hour earlier Monday-Friday and Sunday: 09:00-20:00; Min. 15 persons; By booking only; Cinema Museum 8.00 3.00 3.00 Tuesday www.museocinema.it Saturday: 09:00-23:00 Lift not bookable: €5 students, €7 adults Tuesday-Thursday: 09:00-17:00; Prior booking required: school groups with minimum Royal Palace of Venaria 14.00 5.00 5.00 Saturday, Sunday and Holidays: 09:00-18:30 Monday; 25/12 www.lavenaria.it 18 students, adult groups with minimum 12 persons LOMBARDY Milan 7/12, 24-25-26/12, 31/12, By booking only for school groups; Scala Museum 5.00 3.00 3.00 09:00-12:30, 13:30-17:30 www.teatroallascala.org 1/1, Easter, 1/5, 15/8 Ticket office closes 30 min. earlier * Students 18-25 years; By booking only: for school groups Brera Gallery 10.00 7.00* free 8:30-19:15, Thursday: 08:30-22:15 Monday; 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 pinacotecabrera.org €10, for adult groups €10 per group + €2 per person Cathedral 3.00 2.00* 2.00 08:00-19:00 www.duomomilano.it * Students 6-12 years; Headphones compulsory Cathedral Roof / lift 13.00 7.00 7.00 09:00-19:00 www.duomomilano.it * Students 6-12 years; By booking only * Student groups with teachers and list of names from Sforzas Castle 5.00 free* free 09:00-17:30 25/12, 1/1, Easter Monday www.milanocastello.it the school; Booking not required. * By booking only: €2 per person + €5 per group. The Last Supper (Leonardo da Vinci) 10.00 free* free 08:15-19:00 Monday; 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 www.cenacolo.it Admission permitted for 25 persons at a time LAKE MAGGIORE Verbania March: 08:30-17:30; April-Sept: 8:30-18:30; 1 to 15 Villa Taranto 7.50 4.50 4.50 1/11 to 15/3 www.villataranto.it Min. 21 persons; Bookings not required for groups Oct: 09:00-16:30; from 16 Oct. to 1 Nov: 09:00-16:00 Bella Island 13.00 7.00 7.00 Min. persons: 18 adults, 13 students Madre Island 11.00 5.50 5.50 09:00-17:30 24/10 to 22/03 www.isoleborromee.it Bella Island + Madre Island * 17.00 9.50 9.50 * Ticket can be used only on a single day LAKE COMO Bellagio Villa Serbelloni 7.00 7.00 5.00* 17/3-5/11: 11:00-15:30 Monday and in case of rain www.giardinidivillamelzi.it * Students 7-13 years; Min. 20 persons; By booking only Villa Melzi 5.00 4.00 4.00 25/3-31/10: 09:30-18:30 1/11 to 24/3 www.giardinidivillamelzi.it Min. 20 persons Tremezzo 10/3-31/3: 09:30-17:00; 1/4-1/10: 09:00-19:30; 2/10- * with list of names on headed school paper; Villa Carlotta 8.00 4.00* 4.00 6/11 to 9/3 www.villacarlotta.it 5/11: 9:30-17:00; Nov. weekends and 8-10 Dec.: 10:00-16:30 Min. 20 persons VENETO Venice Basilica San Marco free free free 09:30-17:00; Sunday and Holidays: 14:00-17:00 12/3, 17/12 www.basilicasanmarco.it 1/4--2/11: prior booking advisable €2 per person Apr: 9:00-19:00; May to August: 8:30-21:00; Sept: 8:30- Belltower 4.00 4.00 4.00 12/3, 17/12 www.basilicasanmarco.it Min. 25 persons 20:45; Oct: 9:30-17:30; Nov to March: 9:30-17:30 Academy 12.00 free free Monday: 08:15-14:00; Tues-Sun:08:15-19:15 Mon. morning, 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 www.gallerieaccademia.org By booking only: €1.50 per person, for students €7 per group Doge’s Palace and Correr Museum 19.00 12.00 12.00 Doge's Palace: 08:30-17:30; Correr Museum: 10:00-18:00 25/12, 1/1 www.visitmuve.it Earphones to be paid directly at €5 per person Scuola Grande di San Rocco 8.00 3.00 free 09:30-17:30 25/12, 1/1 www.scuolagrandesanrocco.org Min. 20 persons; Ticket office closes 30 minutes earlier Murano’s Glass Museum 12.00 4.00* 9.50 Nov-March: 10:00-17:00; Apr-Oct: 10:00-18:00 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 www.museovetro.visitmuve.it * Students with list of names on headed school paper Burano Lace Museum 5.00 3.50 3.50 Nov-March: 10:00-17:00; Apr-Oct: 10:00-18:00 Monday; 25/12, 1/1 www.museomerletto.visitmuve.it Ticket office closes 30 minutes earlier Verone Arena Amphiteatre 7.50 1.00 1.00 Tues-Sun: 08:30-19:30; Monday: 13:30-19:30 www.arena.it Min. 15 persons; Ticket office closes 1 hour earlier Juliet’s house 4.50 1.00 1.00 Tues-Sun: 08:30-19:30; Monday: 13:30-19:30 Monday morning; 1/1, 25/12 casadigiulietta.comune.verona.it Min. 15 persons; Ticket office closes at 18:45 Vicenza 15/3 to 31/10 - Villa: 10:00-12:00 15:00-18:00; Price for admission to gardens on Tues., Th., Fr. and Sun. La Rotonda 5.00 5.00 5.00 Monday, 25/12, 1/1 www.villalarotonda.it Gardens: 10:00-12:30 14:30-17:00 Visits inside the villa only Wed. and Sat., €10 per person BRENTA VILLAS Strà Villa Pisani 7.50 5.00 free Apr-Sept: 09:00-20:00; Oct: 09:00-18:00; Nov-March: 09:00-17:00 Monday, 25/12,1/1, 14/8 www.villapisani.beniculturali.it Prior booking advisable: fee €1 per person Mira Villa Barchessa Valmarana 7.00 5.00 5.00 1/3-5/11: 10:00-18:00; 6/11-31/12: 10:00-16:00 25/12 www.villavalmarana.com Min. 15 persons Villa la Malcontenta 8.00 8.00 8.00 April to 31/10 Tuesday and Saturday: 09:00-12:00 www.lamalcontenta.com Min. 20 persons; Booking required 15 days before EMILIA-ROMAGNA Ravenna Sant’Apollinare in Classe Basilica 5.00 2.50* 2.50 Mon-Sat: 08:30-19:30; Sun. and Hol.: 13:00-19:30 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 www.turismo.ra.it * Students 18-25 years; Ticket Office closes 30 min. earlier With 9.50 euro (8.50 euro for students) ticket following monuments can be visited: Galla Placidia, Archibishop’s M. Booking required for the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia from 1/3-31/10: 09:00-19:00; Sant’Apollinare Nuovo Basilica, 9.50 8.50 8.50 25/12, 1/1 www.turismo.ra.it 1/3 to 15/06 with supplement of €2 pp. Free admission for 1/11-28/2: 09:30-17:00 Neonian Baptistery, San Vitale children under 10 years.Ticket Office closes 15 minutes earlier TUSCANY Florence * Students 18-25 years; Booking fee €4 pp; Uffizi Gallery 8.00 4.00* free 08:15-18:50 Monday; 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 www.polomuseale.firenze.it Supplement during temporary exhibitions Academy 8.00 4,00* free 08:15-18:50 Monday; 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 www.galleriaaccademiafirenze.beniculturali.it * Students 18-25 years; Booking fee €4 pp 1st and last Mon. in month * Students 18-25 years; Booking fee €3 pp; Boboli Gardens 7.00 3.50* free 08:15-sunset www.polomuseale.firenze.it 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 Last admission 1 hour before closing Giotto’s Belltower 15.00 15.00 15.00 08:15-19:00 25/12, 1/1, Easter, 1st- Tues. in month www.ilgrandemuseodelduomo.it Children under 6 years free 1st - 3rd and 5th Mon. Booking fee €3 pp; Medici’s Chapel 8.00 4.00 free 08:15-17:00 2d and 4th Sunday in month; www.bargellomusei.beniculturali.it Ticket Office closes 40 min. earlier 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 Pisa Leaning Tower 18.00 18.00 18.00 By booking only €2 pp; Ticket Office closes 30 min. earlier Cathedral free free free times and closing days to check on the website www.opapisa.it Ticket Office closes 30 min. earlier Graveyard and Baptistery 7.00 7.00 7.00 Ticket Office closes 30 min. earlier Tel. 00 39 0541 363.210 - Fax: 00 39 0541 363.245 or 00 39 0541 770.721 - e-mail: [email protected] Museums and monuments Groups Opening hours Closed Websites Notes -18 years Adults Students EU-citizens Siena * Children under 11 years free; Booking fee € 1.00; Cathedral 5.00 5.00* 5.00* Winter: 10:30-17:30, Summer: 10:30-19:00 www.operaduomo.siena.it Supplement for periods when the floor is uncovered; Ticket office closes 30 minutes earlier Tues.-Sat.: 08:15-19:15; *Students 18-25 years; Ticket office closes 30 minutes National Art Gallery 4.00 2.00* free 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 www.pinacotecanazionale.siena.it Mon, Sunday & Holidays: 09:00-13:00 earlier UMBRIA Assisi Saint Francis’ Basilica 2.00 2.00 2.00 Winter: 08:30-18:00, Summer: 08:30-18:50 25/12, 1/1 www.sanfrancescoassisi.org Prior booking advisable; Headphones included Weekdays: 06:15-12:40 14:30-19:30 www.porziuncola.org Santa Maria degli Angeli Basilica free free free Holidays: 06:45-12:50 14:30-19:30 Perugia National Gallery 8.00 4.00* free 08:30-19:30; Monday 1/4-31/10: 12:00-19:30 Monday; 25/12, 1/1 www.artiumbria.beniculturali.it * Students 18-25 years LAZIO Rome * Students 18-25 years; By booking only: € 2.00 per Coliseum 12.00 7.50* free 08:30-sunset 25/12, 1/1 www.coopculture.it person, headphones included Roman Forum and Palatine Admission included in ticket for Coliseum 08:30-sunset www.coopculture.it By booking only: €15 for school groups max 50 students By booking only; Booking fee € 4.00 per person; Vatican Museums 16.00 4.00 8.00 09:00-16:00; last Sunday in month: 09:00-12:30 Sunday and Holidays www.museivaticani.va Headphones compulsory € 1.50 per person * Students 18-25 years; Student groups: by Booking Caracalla’s Thermes 8.00 4.00* free 09:00-sunset 25/12, 1/1 www.coopculture.it only, max 30 persons Pantheon free free free Mon-Sat: 09:00-19:30; Sunday: 09:00-18:00 25/12, 1/1 www.pantheonroma.com Sant’Angelo Castle 14.00 7.00* free 09:00-19:30 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 castelsantangelo.beniculturali.it * Students 18-25 years * Students 18-25 years; Villa Borghese 13.00 6.50* free 09:00-19:00 Monday; 25/12, 1/1 www.galleriaborghese.it By booking only: € 2.00 per person Tivoli Villa d’Este 8.00 4.00* free 08:30-sunset Monday; 25/12, 1/1 www.villadestetivoli.info * Students 18-25 years; By booking only * Students 18-25 years; Booking compulsory from Hadrian’s Villa 8.00 4.00* free 09:00-sunset 25/12, 1/1 www.villaadriana.beniculturali.it 1/3 to 31/10 for school groups € 1.00 per student Ostia Archaeological excavations 8.00 4.00* free 08:30-sunset Monday; 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 www.ostiaantica.beniculturali.it * Students 18-25 years CAMPANIA Naples By booking only: €5 for school groups, €20 for adult National Museum 12.00 6.00 free 09:00-19:30 Tuesday; 25/12, 1/1 www.coopculture.it groups, maximum 45 persons; Supplement during temporary exhibitions By booking only: €5 for school groups; €20 for adult Capodimonte Gallery 8.00 4.00 free 08:30-19:30 Wednesday; 25/12, 1/1, 1/5 www.coopculture.it groups max 30 persons Pozzuoli Sulphur vents 6.00 5.00 5,00 Nov-March: 08:30-16:30; Apr-Oct: 08:30-19:00 www.solfatara.it Min.

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