26878 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 1, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CELEBRATING 48 YEARS OF at the same time necessary. And he has done CONSUMERS ON HOLD: THE FUTURE COULD BE VISION AND VIGOR his part to insure that the United States re­ TODAY IF THE BABY BELLS WERE ALLOWED mained strong throughout a demanding time TO GROW UP HON. WM. S. BROOMFIELD in our history. (By Jerome Ellig) OF MICHIGAN JAMIE WHITTEN' vision has encompassed In the not-so-distant future, nearly every IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and elevated this whole Nation. This anniver­ household with telephone service could sary and this commemoration will not be the reach out and touch, and be touched by, Wednesday, November 1, 1989 last. He will continue to play a dynamic part in thousands of new consumer services Mr. BROOMFIELD. Mr. Speaker, on Satur­ the workings of this institution for many years through an inexpensive screen and key­ day, November 4, we will recognize another to come. board plugged right into the phone outlet. milestone in a remarkable public service Unfortunately, U.S. antitrust laws stand in career which spans over half a century. the way. My distinguished colleague from Mississippi, CONSUMERS ON HOLD The federal court supervising the 1984 breakup of AT&T effectively banned the JAMIE L. WHITTEN, celebrates 48 years as a local phone company from providing a vari­ Congressman. According to the records, he HON.THOMASJ.TAUKE ety of services made possible by advances in was elected to the Mississippi Legislature at computer and telecommunications technolo­ 21, and elected district attorney of the 17th OF IOWA gy: District, a circuit of eight counties, at the age IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Consumers who now fumble through of 23. thousand-page telephone books could view When JAMIE WHITTEN first came to Con­ Wednesday, November 1, 1989 the yellow pages on-screen and find business gress, Franklin D. Roosevelt was still in the Mr. TAUKE. Mr. Speaker, I have long been listings cross-indexed by dozens of different White House. We were finally emerging from concerned that the restrictions imposed on criteria. New businesses would not have to the Great Depression which tore at the will the seven Bell companies by the court presid­ wait for new phone books to be published and the very heart of America. In less than 2 ing over the AT&T divestiture case disserve before they could be listed. Big-city resi­ months America would enter the Second U.S. economic and technology interests. As dents would be spared the hassle of dealing with multivolume phone directories. World War. Those were incredible times. our economy transitions into the information Deaf people could use a screen and key­ It is Mr. WHITTEN who possesses our most age, virtually every sector will become in­ board to carry on private phone conversa­ complete institutional memory, extending back creasingly information-based. We will rely far tions. to 1941 . As the senior Republican in Con­ more heavily on telecommunications to be the Elderly people, shut-ins, two-career fami­ gress, I have seen a great deal of history engine of economic growth and productivity. lies, and others with limited mobility or unfold. Yet, I look back to my freshman term, And, since telecommunications equipment and time could compare prices for groceries and that was in 1957, and JAMIE WHITTEN was al­ services markets are becoming much more other goods, place orders, and have the ready a leading light on the Appropriations global in scope, it will be our ability to inno­ goods delivered without leaving home. Committee. vate superior technology in telecommunica­ Both businesses and labor unions could Respect is something which is hard to ac­ tions and related fields that will determine, to carry on detailed and regular communica­ tions with employees who choose to work at quire in the world of partisan politics, but once a large extent, our future competitiveness. home. it is achieved there can be no more effective The restrictions on the Bell companies essen­ Families buying homes could shop for the form of leadership. JAMIE WHITTEN'S leader­ tially warehouse over 60 percent of the U.S. best mortgage rates and apply instantly ship rests on this respect. He has built up a telecommunications industry's capital re­ without relying on a real estate agent. great amount of good will for close to five sources that could otherwise be used to fur­ Students, scientists, and other researchers decades. His old-fashioned hard work has ther our long term economic and technology could use an electronic screen to read books served this institution well. Again and again interests. located in libraries thousands of miles away. his leadership has produced appropriations For this reason, the judicial policy enforcing Many of these services, such as electronic bills on time and under budget. As someone them is in need of comprehensive review by directions and shopping, are already avail­ able in other countries. Some are also avail­ who shares the ideals of cooperation, perse­ the Congress. The court policy is based on able in the United States-to anyone who verance, and fiscal responsibility, I count antitrust concerns alone. These concerns, wants to invest a few thousand dollars or so myself lucky to have served alongside JAMIE however, were always highly theoretical in in a personal computer, modem, and soft­ WHITTEN for more than 30 years. During some nature and are even less relevant today be­ ware, then spend aggravating hours figuring very hard economic times, the American farm cause of regulatory checks and balances in out how to use all three. The National Tele­ has had a needed champion in JAMIE WHIT­ place at the FCC and the various State public communications and Information Adminis­ TEN. The environment and public works utility commissions. tration reports that approximately 1 million projects have also received strong encourage­ To help my colleagues sort through the anti­ individuals and businesses subscribed to ment under his chairmanship. He represents trust considerations that have served as the such services in 1987. But the average person who cannot afford a personal com­ the positive things our Federal dollars can basis for imposing the restrictions on the Bell puter has little hope of obtaining these serv­ achieve through jobs, infrastructure improve­ companies, I submit for the RECORD an article ices unless Congress or the courts lifts re­ ments, and economic safeguards. JAMIE by Jerome Ellig of citizens for a sound econo­ strictions that prevent local phone compa­ WHITTEN reminds us that the needs of a my entitled "Consumers on Hold: The Future nies from getting into this business. Member's district and the needs of the coun­ Could Be Today if the Baby Bells Were Al­ Companies currently offering "videotex" try as a whole often go hand in hand. lowed to Grow Up." Legislation I have co­ services (information services involving tele­ There are few instances where history sponsored, which would conditionally free the phone lines and video screens> include Lock­ touches our lives in a truly remarkable way. Bell companies from these restrictions, is now heed, Mead, IBM, Sears, J.C. Penney, Dow JAMIE WHITTEN's career is one of those in­ pending before the Telecommunications and Jones, and several major airlines. Many vi­ deotex customers are large businesses, stances. As a Congressman, he has grappled Finance Subcommittee, on which I serve. I am which have little trouble buying computers with great issues during the administrations of hopeful some version of the bill dealing with and other necessary equipment. Households 1O Presidents. He has seen this Nation and these most important policy issues will be re­ that subscribe have a median annual income the Federal Government experience profound ported out soon to the full Energy and Com­ of $50,000, according to the Videotex Indus­ change, change which often was painful, but merce Committee. try Association. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. .. .. " . ' ~- .. November 1, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 26879 For most Americans, videotex remains phone companies, is not politically feasible. checks by independent auditors, it can pre­ only a dream, because District Court Judge Fortunately, neither is it necessary. For the vent such fraudulent accounting. But even Harold H. Greene, in his continuing control same reason that cellular telephone carriers this intense scrutiny would not be needed if of AT&T's breakup, is stymying develop­ have been reducing the costs of telephones, state regulators would change the way they ment of a market information services. the Baby Bells would be eager to provide vi­ regulate the Baby Bells. If cross-subsidiza­ The 1984 breakup of AT&T radically re­ deotex hardware if they could offer their tion is the worry, regulators could put caps structured the nation's telecommunications own information services. In addition to the on telephone rates, rather than picking industry. To settle an antitrust suit by the profits they would get from selling these some acceptable percentage of profit. This federal government 10 years earlier, the services, they would save the huge costs of would give the companies an incentive to monolithic Bell System was separated into printing telephone books. Indeed, the Baby cut costs to increase their return, rather AT&T and 22 local telephone companies, Bells are lobbying in Washington these days than to pad their expenses. most of which were organized into seven re­ not for subsidies but simply for permission Price caps are used extensively in Eng­ gional Bell operating companies.
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