AH Philosophy Part 115 - k The Avalon Hill Game Company is deluged with helshe can submit hislher game. Sadly, we can- a veritable flood of game submissions weekly; the not. Most established game publishers have long circumstances of our schedule is such that we since ceased dealing directly with the public- simply do not have the time nor the manpower to primarily for legal reasons. Virtually thousands of even begin to sift through them all. Furthermore, people fancy themselves as game designers and like most game publishers these days, we have earnestly believe that their creation is extremely found it expedient to rely primarily on our own innovative, interesting and fun. It is hard for them personnel for the bulk of our design needs. Con- to accept that not everyone shares their enthu- sequently, do not be surprised if we decline your siasm for their product or that their "original" idea Rind offer to evaluate your game. We realize that has been used before. These disappointed folk are we may be turning down the next Monopoly or then predisposed to believe that their "idea" has %vial Pursuit but circumstances and nearly 30 been "stolen" whenever a similar approach or years in the game business have taught us that game subject hits the market-even though that this is the best course for us to follow. concept may well have been on the company's Inevitably the next question from the rejected designer is whether we could suggest where Continued on Page 12, Column 1 BASIC FIGHTER MANEUVERS 5 The Key to Victory in FLlGHT LEADER By Gary C. Morgan THE TROUBLE WITH ANGELS 13 More Aircraft for FLIGHT LEADER By Craig Taylor IN DEFENSE OF NIPPON 14 Three New Japanese Fighters for DAUNTLESS By Leighton Kato 15th AIR FORCE 16 A Variant for B-I 7 By Lawrence Cirelli HITLER IN MONTE CARL0 19 Effects of Research in HIlZER'S WAR By Steve Estvanik THIS IS NO DRILL 22 Historical Views and Variants for VITP By David Porter STAFF BRIEFING 24 An Interview with S. Craig Taylor By Rex A. Martin HITLER'S HANDBOOK 27 THIRD REICH Commentaries By Scott D. Sabol SHADOWTITAN 32 A Solitaire System for TITAN By Brett Murrell REFITTING 35 A Better LUFTWAFFE By Michael Anchors FILLING THE SKIES 37 The Woes of B-I 7 Addiction By Rex A. Martin ASSAULT ON A QUEEN 39 Cellular Destruction in SST By Wesley Doody THE FIVESECOND GAME 41 RICHTHOFEN'S WAR, The 2nd By Richard Burley BASIC FIGHTER MANEUVERS The Key to Victory in FLIGHT LEADER By Gary C. Morgan Captain Gary Morgan, besides being the designer Basic Fighter Maneuvers enable the pilot to gain PRINCIPLES OF MANEUVER of FLIGHT LEADER and other games on modem an energy and position advantage which will place air combat, is himselfa serving jet-jockey currently his aircraft into weapons parameters and allow him Given the basic objectives and an overview of on ,duty in Germanyjlying a "Wild Weasel". He to employ ordinance. Defensive BFM does just the what BFM is, let's examine the possible spatial rela- should know whereof he speaks when he seeks to opposite, improving the defender's chances of sur- tionships between two aircraft, and how they iden- introduce our readers to the mystical world of high- vival. The weapon to be used ultimately determines tify the appropriate maneuvers to execute at the right tech air combat. the degree of BFM needed for the kill. BFM is not time. These spatial relationships are characterized composed of autonomous, specific maneuvers each by geometry in the form of angles and circles. FLIGHT LEADER was designed to accurately taken to a conclusion. Air combat is a fast and fluid Position geometry is defined by aspect angle, simulate the arena of tactical air combat. By situation, based on observation, prediction, move- angle-off (for heading crossing angle), and range. adhering to the basic physical laws coverning the ment, and reaction to the other jet's maneuvers until Aspect Angle (see Figure 1) is the angle drawn to flight performance of modern jet aircraft, a play- a kill or separation results. Thus, BFM is a blend- the attacker, regardless of his heading, from an able, yet highly realistic wargame evolved. Whether ing of move/countermovebased on continuous reas- origin directly behind the target. An attacker directly you are playing the Basic Game or integrating many sessment of the changing tactical situation. During on a target's nose is at a 180 degree aspect angle, of the Optional Rules into the Advanced Game, you a dogfight you are always transitioning between while an attacker directly behind the target is at 0 find yourself in a tactical air combat laboratory, various BFM moves. degrees aspect. A position anywhere else around faced with and required to solve the same problems a target will be at an aspect angle between these two facing real-world jet fighter pilots. The proof of extremes. Angle-off (see Figure 1) is simply the FLIGHT LEADER as a game system, correctly angle defined by the intersection of the headings of replicating the environment of jet-to-jet air combat, OBJECTIVES OF BASIC FIGHTER both aircraft. Angle-off in FLIGHT LEADER will lies in its successful simulation of Basic Fighter MANEUVERS always be 0,60,120 or 180 degrees, due to the hex Maneuvers, or BFM-the fighter pilot's "toolbag". grid. Range is the three-dimensional distance Correct employment of BFM in the game will net 1. Allow the attacker to gain and maintain adequate separating the two aircraft. Ideal position is look- the player the highest degree of success-either by energy to permit future maneuvering potential ing up the enemy's tailpipe at zero degrees aspect minimizing tactical mistakes, or by maximizing the against opposing aircraft. and angle-off, and perfect missile or gun range de- potential available in his forces, bo;h to achievekills 2. Gain and maintain nose-tail separation (your air- pending on your weapons. and insure survival. Some tactical principles can be craft's nose behind the other aircraft's tail) against Turn circle is defined by the size of the turn radius learned from reading the FLlGHT LEADER game the opponent. Maneuvers allow the pilot to posi- (hexagonal turning pattern or turn mode in FLIGHT rules and designer's notes. Beyond this basic tion himself behind the bandit with energy to enable LEADER) and the rate of turn (number of one- guidance, however, the gamer must rediscover the him to stay there. hexside turns during movement). The turn circle tactical lessons formulated over the past seventy varies with the intensity of the turn involved (the years by actually playing the game and learning from 3. Permit maneuvering into a vulnerable cone from G-forces used) and airspeed. Examination of the turn his mistakes. Since the average gamer doesn't have which ordnance may be employed. mode schedules in FLIGHT LEADER show the access to fighter pilot tactical training manuals, I 4. Finally, and fundamentally, to kill the enemy. variation of turning capabilities between aircraft by have the opportunity through this forum to To do this, the pilot must recognize his, weapon's G available, as dictated by movement allowance paraphrase the BFM texts, and help improve your parameters and fire once he arrives in them. If he (airspeed). When attacking a turning defender, the play of FLIGHTLEADER. Much of what is included can't employ ordnance in the reasonable Pk (Prob- attacker must reach the defender's turn circle to start in this article is aimed at the Advanced Game, which ability of Kill) shot, he must re-position until he can. solving the geometric problems of aspect and angle- is most like the real thing. If you are not yet play- If the re-position is not possible or advisable tacti- off. If an attacker maneuvers prior to reaching the ing the Advanced Game, keep these concepts in cally, he must separate (i.e., disengage)prior to defender's turn circle, he may sacrifice any angular mind for the future. losing his position of advantage. advantage he had prior to the maneuver. Once he Figure 1: Position Geometry Angles Figure 2: Pursuit Curves arrives at the defender's turn circle, the attacker has above. If performed correctly, the target never sees three possible pursuit courses to use-lead, lag or the attacker, who gets a picture-perfect heat missile MAINTAINING NOSEITAIL pure pursuit (see Figure 2). shot, or tracking gun shot. For the attacker inside ADVANTAGE Lead pursuit involves pointing to a position out the target's plane of turn, his lateral options are Suppose you find yourself flying in the same ahead of the target, better known as "cutoff' (to limited to the three pursuit courses of lead, pure, direction as a bandit off your left or right wing. As "cut him off at the pass"). Lead pursuit will reduce and lag-none of which solve all of the geometric an example, let's say he is off your right wing, at range to the target quicker than any other course, problem. The answer in this case is to go out of the your 9 o'clock. You can turn left, turn right, or go and if used outside the defender's turn circle, will defender's plane of motion, for vertical turning straight. If you turn right, you are dead. He will minimize the time the defender has to generate room. also turn right, and using the lateral turning room aspect and angle-off. If used inside the defender's Use of the vertical against a turning bandit offers between you will be behind you in your blind cone turn, it will close the range but will increase the the attacker two options: going high or low.
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