22009009 LLibertyiberty Games No. 30-31 - April 3-5, 2009 FFlameslames BaseballBaseball QQuickuick FFactsacts LIBERTY FLAMES (19-7, 7-1 Big South) GGeneraleneral IInformationnformation at NNameame ooff SSchoolchool ...................... LLibertyiberty UUniversityniversity CCity/Zipity/Zip .................................. LLynchburg,ynchburg, Va.Va. 2245024502 THE TRIBE OF WILLIAM & MARY FFoundedounded ....................................................................................11971971 (11-17, 3-6 CAA) EEnrollmentnrollment ........................................................................ 111,3111,311 April 7 NNicknameickname.......................................................................... FFlameslames MMascotascot ........................................................................................EEagleagle Plumeri Park - Williamsburg, Va. SSchoolchool ColorsColors ..........................RRed,ed, WWhitehite & BlueBlue AAfffi lliationiation ..................................................NNCAACAA DDivisionivision I CConferenceonference ............................................................ BBigig SSouthouth No. 25 GEORGE MASON PATRIOTS FFounderounder .................................................. DDr.r. JJerryerry FFalwellalwell (24-5, 7-2 CAA) CChancellorhancellor ..........................................JJerryerry FFalwell,alwell, Jr.Jr. April 8 VViceice CChancellorhancellor ..................DDr.r. RRonaldonald GGodwinodwin DDirectorirector ooff AAthleticsthletics................................ JJeffeff BBarberarber Raymond “Hap” Spuhler Field - Fairfax, Va. AAthleticsthletics DDept.ept. PPhonehone .......... ((434)434) 5582-210082-2100 The Games BBaseballaseball IInformationnformation HHeadead CCoachoach........................................................JJimim TTomanoman The Liberty Flames (21-8, 9-2 Big South) close out a seven-game road trip with AAlmalma MMaterater .......................... NN.C..C. SStatetate ((‘85,‘85, ‘‘95)95) two games this week. The Flames travel to Williamsburg, Va., for non-conference game RRecordecord aatt SSchoolchool ...... 556-34-1/Second6-34-1/Second YYearear against the Tribe of William & Mary (11-17, 3-6 CAA), Tuesday. The contest is scheduled CCareerareer RRecordecord ................................................................SSameame AAssistantssistant CCoachesoaches ...................................................................... for 7 p.m. at Plumeri Park. The following afternoon, Liberty will square off with the George .................... NNickick SSchnabelchnabel (East(East Carolina,Carolina, ‘00)‘00) Mason Patriots (24-5, 7-2 CAA). First pitch, Wednesday at “Hap” Spuhler Field is sched- ............................................ GGarrettarrett QQuinnuinn ((MaineMaine , ‘‘98)98) uled for 3 p.m. ................................................................................ JJeremiaheremiah BolesBoles DDirectorirector ooff BBaseballaseball OperationsOperations.............................. ..................................................BBillyilly DDanielsaniels (Liberty,(Liberty, ‘06)‘06) What to Watch AAssociatessociate AthleticAthletic TTrainerrainer ................................................ Liberty enters the week, off to the second best start in program history. The Flames ............................................................................ SScottcott LLawrensonawrenson have improved seven games over last season’s record through 29 games. HHistoryistory As a team, Liberty is hitting .329 and has two players hitting better than .400. With FFirstirst SSeasoneason ooff BBaseballaseball....................................11974974 eight hits in 15 at bats over the weekend, center fi elder Curran Redal begins the week hit- AAll-Timell-Time RRecordecord ........................ 9967-764-867-764-8 (.558)(.558) NNCAACAA TTournamentournament AppearancesAppearances ......................3 ting .412. He joins outfi elder Doug Bream, who sports a .444 average to lead the Flames, LLastast NNCAACAA AAppearanceppearance ......................................22000000 above the .400 mark. Bream leads the Big South Conference in the category. 22008008 OverallOverall RecordRecord........................................335-26-15-26-1 William & Mary went 3-2 last week, taking two midweek games from Richmond and a 22008008 ConferenceConference Record/FinishRecord/Finish ............................ game from Northeastern on the weekend. ..........................................................................................114-7/Second4-7/Second SStarterstarters RReturning/Losteturning/Lost..............................................33/6/6 Outfi elder Jeff Jones continues to lead the Tribe in batting average, with a .375 aver- PPitchersitchers RReturning/Losteturning/Lost ............................................88/6/6 age. The senior also leads the CAA in stolen bases with 18. Fellow senior Tyler Stampone LLetterwinnersetterwinners Returning/LostReturning/Lost........................ 111/91/9 has hit .424 over the last 10 games. The third baseman has collected a team-high 14 RBIs NNewcomersewcomers....................................................................................1199 over the span. SStadiumtadium George Mason begins the week, ranked nationally for the fi rst time in school his- HHomeome FFieldield ........................ WWorthingtonorthington StadiumStadium tory. The Patriots are ranked No. 25 by the Collegiate Baseball News and No. 30 by the CCapacityapacity ..................................................................................11,000,000 FFieldield DDimensionsimensions .......... 332525 ((LF),LF), 337575 ((LC),LC), NCBWA. George Mason leads the CAA after sweeping UNC Wilmington over the week- .................................. 339090 ((CF),CF), 337575 ((RC),RC), 332525 ((RF)RF) end. The Patriots will enter Wednesday’s game with a 20-game home winning streak, the nation’s longest. AAthleticsthletics CCommunicationsommunications IInfo.nfo. AAsst.sst. AADD - CCommunicationsommunications .......................................... Catcher Chris Henderson paces George Mason, with a .445 batting average. He is ....................................................................................TToddodd WWetmoreetmore one of six Patriots with an above .300 average. As at team, George Mason is hitting .310. SSIDID OOfffi ccee PPhonehone ........................ ((434)434) 5582-229282-2292 The 2008 All-East Region outfi elder Scott Krieger leads the Patriots with 37 RBIs and CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 8841-897441-8974 EEmailmail AAddressddress.............. ttwetmore@liberty.eduwetmore@liberty.edu 10 home runs. AAssoc.ssoc. DDirectorirector ..........................RRyanyan BBombergeromberger CCellell PPhonehone .......................................... ((434)434) 2221-557621-5576 Liberty’s Projected Starters EEmailmail AAddressddress...... rrbomberger@liberty.edubomberger@liberty.edu AAsst.sst. DDirectorirector ......................................VVincentincent BBriedisriedis No. Name Cl. Hgt. Wgt. BAvg. Other Stats CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 8841-083941-0839 29 Errol Hollinger (C) Sr. 6-4 210 .355 23 Runs, 20 RBIs, 8 2Bs, 7 HRs EEmailmail AAddressddress................vvebriedis@liberty.eduebriedis@liberty.edu AAsst.sst. DDirectorirector ........................................ PPaulaul CCarmanyarmany 10 Trey Wimmer (1B) Fr. 6-2 215 .361 18 Runs, 21 RBIs, 4 2Bs, 4 HRs CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 2221-557521-5575 19 P.J. Jimenez (2B) Jr. 6-0 170 .235 21 Runs, 9 RBI, 3 2B, 1 HR EEmailmail AAddressddress.......... ppjcarmany@liberty.edujcarmany@liberty.edu GGrad.rad. AAssistantssistant ............................JJenniferennifer SheltonShelton 1 Matt Williams (SS) Fr. 6-0 160 .284 33 Runs, 12 RBIs, 4 2Bs, 11 SBs CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((828)828) 6638-387638-3876 5 Tyler Bream (3B) Fr. 6-3 205 .356 24 Runs, 38 RBIs, 13 2Bs, 4 HRs EEmailmail AAddressddress............jjbshelton2@liberty.edubshelton2@liberty.edu 14 Doug Bream (LF) So. 6-3 210 .444 21 Runs, 26 RBIs, 10 2Bs, 5 HRs 6 Curran Redal (CF) Jr. 5-10 170 .412 29 Runs, 33 RBIs, 5 2Bs, 4 HRs BBaseballaseball ContactContact ....................RRyanyan BBombergeromberger AAth.th. CComm.omm. FFaxax............................ ((434)434) 5582-207682-2076 11 Casey Brown (RF) Jr. 5-10 190 .306 7 Runs, 4 RBIs, 5 2Bs, 2 HRs WWebsiteebsite ............................................LLibertyFlames.comibertyFlames.com 9 Jeff Jefferson (DH) So. 6-1 210 .341 24 Runs, 15 RBIs, 5 2Bs, 4 HRs Liberty University 2009 Baseball Head Coach Jim Toman Schedule Record: 21-8 Record at Liberty: 56-34-1 (Second Year) Big South: 8-2 Career Record: Same Feb. 20 vs. No. 6 Ole Miss # L/6-5 After a solid campaign in his fi rst year as Liberty’s head coach, Jim Toman enters his Feb. 21 at South Alabama # W/5-2 second season at the helm of the program. Feb. 21 at South Alabama # W/4-3 (10) Feb. 22 vs. Mercer # W/3-2 Last season, the Flames fashioned a 13-3-1 record in the month of May to fi nish the Feb. 24 at James Madison L/11-2 season with a 35-26-1 mark, making Toman the winningest fi rst-year coach in the pro- Feb. 25 at No. 1 North Carolina L/9-5 gram’s 35-year history. Toman guided the Flames to their third straight Big South Cham- Mar. 6 Temple W/12-2 pionship title game appearance,
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