COMMITTEE REF: EX/09/18 NOTICE OF MEETING COMMITTEE : EXECUTIVE DATE : MONDAY, 20 AUGUST 2018 TIME : 18:00 PLACE : COMMITTEE ROOM 3 TOWN HALL, LUTON, LU1 2BQ COUNCILLORS : SIMMONS (CHAIR) HUSSAIN AKBAR A. KHAN BURNETT MALCOLM CASTLEMAN SHAW HOPKINS TIMONEY QUORUM : 3 MEMBERS Contact Officer: Matt Hussey (01582 546032) INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC PURPOSE: The Executive is the Council’s primary decision-making body dealing with a range of functions across the Council’s activities and services. This meeting is open to the public and you are welcome to attend. For further information, or to see the papers, please contact us at the Town Hall: IN PERSON, 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, or CALL the Contact Officer (shown above). An induction loop facility is available for meetings held in Committee Room 3. Arrangements can be made for access to meetings for disabled people. If you would like us to arrange this for you, please call the Contact Officer (shown above). NOTE: Members of the public are entitled to take photographs, film, audio-record and report on all public meetings in accordance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014. People may not however act in anyway considered to be disruptive and may be asked to leave. Notice of these rights will be given verbally at the meeting, as appropriate. Page 1 of 478 AGENDA Agenda Subject Page Item No. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE Committee Rooms 1, 2, 4 & Council Chamber: Turn left, follow the green emergency exit signs to the main town hall entrance and proceed to the assembly point at St George's Square. Committee Room 3: Proceed straight ahead through the double doors, follow the green emergency exit signs to the main Town Hall entrance and proceed to the assembly point at St George's Square. INTRODUCTIONS, PHOTOGRAPHY, FILMING & AUDIO RECORDING 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. PUBLISHED RECORD OF THE MEETING 1. 16th July 2018 SECTION 106, LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE ACT 1992 Those item(s) on the Agenda affected by Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 will be identified at the meeting. Any Members so affected is reminded that (s)he should disclose the fact and refrain from voting on those item(s). DISCLOSURES OF INTERESTS Members are reminded that they must disclose both the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and any personal interest that they have in any matter to be considered at the meeting unless the interest is a sensitive interest in which event they need not disclose the nature of the interest. A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest must not further participate in any discussion of, vote on, or take any executive steps in relation to the item of business. A member with a personal interest, which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member’s judgment of the public interest, must similarly not participate in any discussion of, vote on, or take any executive steps in relation to the item of business. Disclosable pecuniary interests and Personal Interests are defined in the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members and Co-opted members. Page 2 of 478 3. BUSINESS NOT COVERED BY CURRENT FORWARD PLAN: GENERAL EXCEPTION The Executive Leader to report on any business which it is proposed should be considered by the Executive following compliance with Regulation 10 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. 4. BUSINESS NOT COVERED BY CURRENT FORWARD PLAN: SPECIAL URGENCY The Executive Leader to report on any business which it is proposed should be considered following compliance with Regulation 11 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. 5. REFERENCES FROM COMMITTEES AND OTHER BODIES 1. REFERENCE FROM OVERVIEW AND 5 - 10 SCRUTINY BOARD MEETING -PILOT OF RED ROUTES IN LUTON (Report of the Service Director, Policy, Communities & Engagement) 6. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM SCRUTINY REVIEWS 7. PETITIONS BUSINESS ITEMS EXECUTIVE LEADER 8. APPOINTMENT OF REPLACEMENT MEMBERS ON THE 11 - 14 CORPORATE PARENTING PARTNERSHIP BOARD AND AIRPORT BOARD (Report of the Servcie Director, Policy, Communities & Engagement) CUSTOMER & COMMERCIAL (FINANCE) 9. TREASURY MANAGEMENT ANNUAL REPORT - YEAR 15 - 28 ENDED 31ST MARCH 2018 (Report of the Service Director, Finance & Audit) CUSTOMER & COMMERCIAL (HOUSING & ENVIRONMENT) Page 3 of 478 10. HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNTS BORROWING 29 - 34 (Report of the Service Director, Housing) 11. LUTON HOUSING STRATEGY - CONSULTATION DRAFT 35 - 136 (Report of the Service Director, Housing) PEOPLE (ADULTS) 12. REVIEW OF ADULT SOCIAL CARE SCALE OF 137 - 160 CHARGES FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Report of the Service Director, Adult Social Care) PEOPLE (CHILDREN'S SERVICES) 13. SURREY STREET PRIMARY SCHOOL - EXTENSION OF 161 - 194 AGE RANGE (Report of the Corporate Director, People) PLACE & INFRASTRUCURE (PLANNING & TRANSPORT) 14. REMOVAL OF VEHICLES ILLEGALLY PARKED 195 - 214 (Report of the Service Director, Public Protection) 15. RED ROUTE - CONSULTATION REPORT 215 - 384 (Report of the Service Director, Public Realm) 16. ROAD SAFETY AUDIT POLICY 2018 385 - 430 (Report of the Service Director, Public Realm) PLACE & INFRASTRUCTURE (SAFER, STRONGER COMMUNITIES) 17. FOOD LAW SERVICE PLAN 2018-19 431 - 478 (Report of the Servcie Manager, Specialist Operations) 18. REGULATION 4 OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES (EXECUTIVE ARANGEMENTS)(MEETINGS & ACCESS TO INFORMATION)(ENGLAND) REGULATIONS 2012 To consider whether to pass a resolution under Regulation 4 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of the item(s) listed below as it is likely, that if members of the public were present during the transaction of the item(s), exempt information within the meaning of the Paragraph(s) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 indicated next to the item, would be disclosed to them. Note: Five days’ notice is hereby given of items to be considered in private as required by Regulations (4) and (5) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. Details of any representations received by the Executive about why any of the above exempt decisions should be considered in public: none at the time of publication of the agenda. If representations are received they will be published separately, together with the statement given in response. Page 4 of 478 Report For: Executive Item No: Date: 20 August 2018 Report Of: Service Director, Policy, Communities & 5.1 Engagement Report Author: Eunice Lewis-Okeowo Subject: Reference from the Overview and Scrutiny Board – PILOT OF RED ROUTES IN LUTON Lead Executive Member(s): Councillor Castleman Wards Affected: All Consultations: Councillors ☒ Scrutiny ☒ Stakeholders ☐ Others ☐ Recommendations: 1. That the Executive be advised that the Overview and Scrutiny Board is of the view that: a) The scheme outlined in the report of the Service Director, Public Realm on “Pilot of Red Routes in Luton” submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting on 2nd August 2018 will do absolutely nothing to deal with congestion in the town because it is not directed to roads where parking causes congestion. b) Resources should be concentrated on enforcement of existing regulations and to various roads where congestion is caused by parking. c) The Recommendations outlined in the report of the Service Director, Public Realm referred to at 1a) should be rejected. Background 2. At the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board (OSB) held on 2nd August 2018 a report of the Service Director Public Realm was considered entitled “Pilot of Red Routes in Luton”. The report requested the Board to endorse the following Recommendations to the Executive: • To implement the Town Centre pilot scheme with minor modifications based on the comments received by introducing an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). • To implement (old) Airport Way only part of the pilot scheme by introducing an ETRO. • To put the other schemes on hold while the issues brought up in the consultation are considered and implemented as appropriate. 3. The Council as Highway Authority has a duty under the Traffic Management Act 2004 to ensure expeditious movement of traffic (including pedestrians). Page 5 of 478 4. As part of this duty it has been proposed that a network of Red Routes is considered for implementation in Luton to reduce the amount of parking and stopping on strategic routes in Luton and thereby improve the movement of traffic. 5. On 5 March 2018 the Executive agreed to take forward three trial routes to (informal) public consultation which took place between 11th May and 8th June 2018. 6. The agreed trial routes are: • Kimpton Road and (Old) Airport Way to reduce the inconsiderate parking on the route to London Luton Airport from the Town Centre. • Dunstable Road (from Telford Way) to Birch Link, Leagrave Road and Marsh Road (to Three Horseshoes roundabout) to reduce the inconsiderate parking at these locations and improve bus punctuality on a key route from the north of Luton. • New Bedford Road, Wellington Street, Gordon Street, Upper George Street, Alma Link, Inkerman Street, Dunstable Road (to Telford Way) to reduce inconsiderate parking, reduce congestion and improve bus punctuality around the Town Centre. REPORT 7. The Board debated the proposals to introduce red routes in the identified areas of Luton as outlined in the report including the outcome of the public consultation and comments and views received from members of the public. 8. Some Members of the Board were in support of red routes for the purpose of managing and controlling congestion caused by parked vehicles but not in the areas where the proposed trials were being introduced as there were no parking problems.
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