The London Gazette. ^u&itofc hv &td|*giJy« From feiatUtDa** August 10. ro 'SueOi.o*? August 23. 171*}. Westminsier, August 10. An humble Address of the High-Sheriff,Deputy- Lieutenants, Justices ofthe Peace, Clergy snd Free­ IS M jesty came this Day.to thfl House of holders of th* County bf Radnor; presented to his Peers; and being in His) Royal Robes seated on the Tnrone, with the usual Solemnity, Sir Majesty by H-imphrey Howorth, Esq; orr whom H his Majesty at. the fame time was pleased to con-** Williim OMe-., Gentleman-Ulher of ch*. Black Rod, was sent with a Message from His Majesty to the House or fer the Honour of Knighthood he was introduced Commons, commanding their Attendance in tbe House by the Right Honouiable tbe Lord Coningsby, ol Peers. TheGommons being come thi her accordingly, Lord-Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the His aMajesiy was plcskd to give the Ro-yal Affent to County of Radnor. An AR sor enlarging the Fund of the Govertiour and An humble Addiesi, of the Mayor, Aldermen, Company of tke Bank of England reUting to Exchequer-Burgefles and Coffim nalty of Great Yarmouth in JSilli; And fir fettling an Additional Revenue rf One Hun thc County of Norfolkin Common-Council aflcm- dreti Ttocney Thous md Pounds per Annum upon his Ma­b'ed ; prelerrced to his Majssty by the Honourable jejiy during His Life for the Service of the Civil Govern­ Horatio Town friend and James Artii,, Es'irs; intro­ ment ; And for estatrlishing a certain Fund of Fifty Four duced by the Right Hon urable the Lord V if t^inc Thoufiad S.A: Hundred Pounds per Annum in order ta Townllicnd, one ofhis Majelty's Principal ecre- raise S tm not exceedhg Nir,e Hundred Ten Thousand taries of State. Pounds for tbe Sirvice of tl e Pnblick by Sale of An uuies An humble Address of the Mayor, Recorder, after t.. '• of Sir- Pounds per Ce it per Annum, r«- Magist ates and Common Couucfl of the Borough de "i ible by Pnrliarne t: A J fir satisfying an Arrear fir of Plimouth. in the County of Devon ; presented ,- d Hatcwialt sit blenh.-ti, incurred tvbilfl that to his Majesty by i'rancis Henry Drake, Esq; in­ ra lied ou .".t tie Expioce of Pier late MA) y troduced by the R ghe Honourable the Lord T ! Mart 'ry ) t id Jor oil r Flupoj s Viscount Townlhend, one of bis Majesty'i Prifici-*' pal Secretaries of State. - - r 1 1 • .mg me an, art ofi*i'd Pri- U-n'cb Addresseshis Majtsty was pleased to re.eivs tain caUed Eng nd mere K/-** U ' fir obliging on-annual -"•re grclcidufly. Account to be taken oj Trophy hloij t An. Ail fir tbe further Security of til Maj stfs Perfin Stockholm, August 2. O. S. The Prince of. and Government and the Succession of the Crown in the Hesse finding that the Country suffered much by Heirs ef the late Princess Sophia, being Protestants, ami jorkeepin g thc several Regiments which compose extinguistiing lhe Hopei ofthe Pretended Prince of \Valcs, and the Army encamped in one Body, has cantoned his Open and Secret Abettors. them all except three in different places at some A'l AH for the Attitind r cf Henry Viscount Bolid'jbrokc ef High Tnajbn, unleft he shall render himself to fustice by Leagues di ance, yet in such a manner that they a Day certain therein mentioned. maj* be drawn together in a short tme. His An AH for the Attainder of James Duke of. Ormond ii.ghness keeps ama ifoent Table in'theCamp, of High Treason, unless he shall render himself to Justice and has his Head-Quarter*, at aPlace called Finot?. by a Day certain therein mentioned. A Muscovite Galley which brojght Major-General An Ail to make an Afi of the Tenth Ttar of Her late Horn, formerly Governor of Narva, with seve­ Majesty intitled, An Acl for regulating, improving, and ral other Swedish Officers, Prisoner.- in Ruflia, encouraging of the Woollen Mantfiflure of Mix'd or Medleyirnde r pretence of exchanging them, has been Broad Clotb, and f r Iste better PXyment of the Poor em­ sitÆed with the whole Crew, by reason that ha­ ploy'd therein, mo e effeBual sor thi B nfit of Trade in ge ving cruised along the Coast some Days before, it oe al: And also t > render m r ejfclual ap AH of the Se-seemed as if the-said Galley cams to spy and gee tSemh Tear of Her said Maj sty's Reign, intirled. Au AH intelligence, rather than to exchange Prisouers. fir the better ascertaining tbt Lengths andUrfadths of WoollenThos e Officers report, thac the Czar has at least Cloth made in the Couniy ofY ark. 20000 Foot quartered in the Neighbourhood of An AH fir the better preventi ig Fresh Pish taken by Fo­ Abo, and th<u there are a greac number of Gal- reigners being imported into tbit Kingdom \ and for the Pre l'es, and several Men of War lying ready near firvation of the Fy ofBtsti, antl fir the giving Leave to im­ that Town, from whence they conclude tha*t the port Lobsters ar.d Turbets in Foreign Bottoms -, and for theMuscovite s will foon make some Descent, and iC better Preservation of Salmon within fiveral Rivers in that is believed their first Actempc will be upon the Part of this Kingdom culled England. Island of Gotlard. And to six Private gills. StralfUnd, August 6. O. S. On the 3d InstanC arrived keie Maj^r Bodenbroke, being dispatched Jt. James.'s, August 22. The fofloiving Addresses from the Swediih Fleet, with an Account of the have been presented to his Majesty. late Engagement at Sea; importing, that the Da­ An humble Address of the Lord-Lieuterant, nish Fleet having the Wind came full sail up with: Deputy-Lieutenants, Justices of the Peace, Cler­ the Swedes, who had disposed themselves in a gy, Gentlemen and Frseholders of the County of Line of Battle, and lay ready to receive them: Huntingdon; presented to his Majesty hy Robert The Fight began about t a Clo-ik in the After­ Pigott and John Biggs, Esqrs; introduced, by the noon, and laflel till near 8 at Night, when both Right Honourable the Earl of MancbeHer.. Fleets ceased cannonading, and the Danes return-* An humble Address of the Noblemen, JBarons, ed to the Coast of p.ugen, the Wind not serving and Gentlenpen of the Shire of ef Ayr; presented then to carry theqi homewards: About two Hours to his Majesty by John Montgomeru, Esq; intro­ after the Danes were gone, the Wind proving faii" duced by the B-ighc Honourable the Earl of Low- for the Coast of Sweden, the Swedish Fleet ex­ don. pecting {orrie Transports with Provisions front An humble Address of tbe High-Sheriff, Deputy- thence, took that Opportunity to go to meec Lieutenants, Justices of the Peace and Grand-Jury them. The said Major relates, that the Ship in ofthe County df Hereford '*, presented to his Ma*, which he was received, io her Ha\J above 20O jefty by Colonel Dansey, one of his Majesty'* Jtt- Cannon-ball; that the Swediih Admirals Lillie ctices of the Peace for that County, introduced. and HeneK -were killed, and ViCe-Admiral An- By th» Right Honourable the Lord Coningsby kerstierna wounded; and that the Fleet will return Lord Lieutenant and Custos-Rotulorum of, the1 hither as soon as the,5hipsare repaired, and the County of Hereford, and Col. Dansey iad the Hoi Sick arid wounded sof* which there was a greac oourto kist his Majesty's Hand. number*) disposed r1' .
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