Animals and Medicine The Contribution of Animal Experiments to the Control of Disease JACK BOTTING To access digital resources including: blog posts videos online appendices and to purchase copies of this book in: hardback paperback ebook editions Go to: https://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/327 Open Book Publishers is a non-profit independent initiative. We rely on sales and donations to continue publishing high-quality academic works. Animals and Medicine The Contribution of Animal Experiments to the Control of Disease Jack H. Botting edited by Regina M. Botting http://www.openbookpublishers.com © 2015 Regina Botting This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). This license allows you to share, copy, distribute and transmit the work; to adapt the work and to make commercial use of the work providing attribution is made to the author (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Attribution should include the following information: Jack Botting, ed. Regina Botting, Animals and Medicine: The Contribution of Animal Experiments to the Control of Disease. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.11647/OBP.0055 Please see the list of illustrations for attribution relating to individual images. Whenever a license is not specified, images have been released under the same license as the book. Every effort has been made to identify and contact copyright holders and any omission or error will be corrected upon notification to the publisher. In order to access detailed and updated information on the license, please visit http://www.openbookpublishers.com/isbn/9781783741175#copyright Further details about CC BY licenses are available at http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0/ Digital material and resources associated with this volume are available at http:// www.openbookpublishers.com/isbn/9781783741175#resources ISBN Paperback: 978-1-78374-117-5 ISBN Hardback: 978-1-78374-118-2 ISBN Digital (PDF): 978-1-78374-119-9 ISBN Digital ebook (epub): 978-1-78374-120-5 ISBN Digital ebook (mobi): 978-1-78374-121-2 DOI: 10.11647/OBP.0055 Cover image: Pancreas and insulin (image B0007641). Wellcome Library, London, CC BY. All paper used by Open Book Publishers is SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative), and PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) Certified. Printed in the United Kingdom and United States by Lightning Source for Open Book Publishers Contents List of Illustrations vii Foreword xii Adrian R. Morrison Introduction xvii Regina Botting I. Treatment of Infectious Diseases 1. Smallpox and After: An Early History of the Treatment and 1 Prevention of Infections 2. Rabies 17 3. Lockjaw: Prevalent but Preventable 29 4. Pertussis Vaccine, Unfairly Maligned – At What Cost? 41 5. Vaccination: The Present and Future 51 6. The Conquest of Polio and the Contribution of Animal 57 Experiments 7. Diphtheria: Understanding, Treatment and Prevention 65 II. Development of Life-saving Procedures 8. Development of Dialysis to Treat Loss of Kidney Function 77 9. The Contribution of Animal Experiments to Kidney 87 Transplantation 10. Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Making Surgery on the Heart 103 Possible 11. Artificial Heart Valves: From Caged Ball to Bioprosthesis 115 12. Animals and Blood Transfusion 127 vi Animals and Medicine III. Drugs for Organic Diseases 13. Animal Experiments and the Production of Insulin 141 14. Animals and Humans: Remarkably Similar 155 15. Early Animal Experiments in Anaesthesia 161 16. The Control of Malignant Hypertension 167 17. Penicillin and Laboratory Animals: The Animal Rights Myth 177 18. The History of Thalidomide 183 19. Misleading Research or Misleading Statistics: Animal 199 Experiments and Cancer Research Index 211 List of Illustrations 1.1 Smallpox deaths in Sweden, 1774-1900. 6 1.2 Smallpox deaths in England, 1838-1900. 7 1.3 Smallpox incidence in Indonesia, 1966-1971. 10 1.4 Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), microbiologist. Wellcome Library, 12 London, CC BY. 2.1 Study of a rabid dog from an oil painting by J.T. Nettleship. 17 Wellcome Library, London, CC BY. 2.2 Slaying of a rabid dog. Wellcome Library, London, CC BY. 19 3.1 Incidence of tetanus per 1,000 wounded in the British Army, 32 1914-1918. 4.1 Studies on pertussis immunisation, 1937-1942. 43 4.2 Whooping cough notifications in England and Wales, 1940- 44 1990. 4.3 Whooping cough in Fiji, 1950-1980. 44 5.1 Hib meningitis in Helsinki. Actual cases, 1970-1990. 51 5.2 Decline of Hib Meningitis in USA children under 5 years, 52 1980-1993. 6.1 The iron lung before vaccination, 1952? Image in the public 57 domain. 6.2 Comparison of infant mortality rates and the incidence of 59 poliomyelitis. viii Animals and Medicine 6.3 Deaths from poliomyelitis in the USA, 1948-1967. Data 62 from Vital statistics of the USA; US Dept of Health, Educ. & Welfare. 6.4 Deaths from poliomyelitis in England and Wales. Data from 62 A.M. Ramsey and R.T.D. Emond, Infectious Diseases, London: Heinemann, 1978. 6.5 Polio in Latin America, confirmed cases per year, 1969-1989. 63 Data from Medical & Health Annual, 1991, Chicago: Encycl. Britannica Inc. 7.1 1909 photo of Emil von Behring (1854-1917). Wellcome 67 Library, London, CC BY. 7.2 Effect of antitoxin on case mortality. 68 7.3 Diphtheria death rate in New York, 1920-1930. 71 7.4 Incidence of diphtheria in Birmingham (children 5-14 years), 72 1920-1935. 7.5 Diphtheria death rate in Great Britain, 1925-1955. 73 8.1 Kidney dialysis machine. © Science Photo Library, all rights 84 reserved. 9.1 Alexis Carrel, 1912 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine. 88 Wellcome Library, London, CC BY. 9.2 Carrel’s vascular anastamosis. From A. Carrel (1902), ‘La 89 Technique operatoire des anastomoses vasculaire et la transplantation des visceres’, Medecine de Lyon, 98, 859. 9.3 Sir Peter Medawar, painting by Sir Roy Calne. All right 92 reserved 9.4 The first long-surviving dog, Lollypop, treated with the 97 immunosuppressant azathioprine following a kidney graft. All right reserved 9.5 A donor human kidney is perfused with saline prior to 99 transplantation. © Science Photo Library, all rights reserved. 9.6 Surgeons performing a kidney transplant operation. 99 © Science Photo Library, all rights reserved. List of Illustrations ix 10.1 The recently transplanted heart of a baby boy, showing 107 the tubing still connecting it to the heart-lung machine. © Science Photo Library, all rights reserved. 10.2 Heart-lung machine. © Science Photo Library, all rights 108 reserved. 10.3 Effect of additives on recovery of rat heart from ischemia. 110 Data from D. Hearse (1988) ‘The protection of the ischaemic myocardium: surgical success v clinical failure?’, Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 30, 6, 381. 10.4 Hypothermia and ischaemic injury. Data from Hearse (1988). 111 11.1 Diagrams from: ‘On Breathlessness, especially in relation to 116 cardiac disease?’ An address given by Lauder Brunton to the Willesden and District Medical Society and published in The Practitioner in June, 1905. Image in the public domain. 11.2 Surgery to replace a mitral valve. © Science Photo Library, 120 all rights reserved. 11.3 Artificial heart valves were successfully developed in 121 animals. 11.4 The tilting disc aortic heart valve, with the tilting action 122 shown in cross sectional profile. Picture courtesy of Medtronic, all rights reserved. 11.5 Tilting disc aortic heart valve. © Science Photo Library, all 122 rights reserved. 12.1 Engravings showing transfusion in the neck and leg of a dog, 128 from animal to man, and from man to man, by J. S. Elsholtz, 1667. Wellcome Library, London, CC BY. 12.2 Attempt at blood transfusion from lamb to man, depicted in 129 an illustration dating from 1705. Wellcome Library, London, CC BY. 12.3a Drawing of Blundell’s impellor. Wellcome Library, London, 132 CC BY. 12.3b Blundell’s apparatus in use. From J. Blundell (1828). 132 ‘Observations on the transfusion of blood’, The Lancet, 2, 321. Wellcome Library, London, CC BY. x Animals and Medicine 12.4 Today, the storage and transfusion of sterile compatible 137 blood or blood constituents is a routine and life saving procedure. © Science Photo Library. 13.1 Photo of Frederick Banting, Charles Best and the dog 146 Marjory, an early depancreatised dog treated with insulin, 1921. Wellcome Library, London, CC BY. 13.2 The effect of Collip’s highly-purified extract on the first 147 patient to be successfully treated. Data adapted from F. Banting, C. Best, J. Collip, et al. (1922), ‘The effect produced on diabetes by extracts of pancreas.’ Transactions of the Association of American Physicians, 1-11. 13.3 Photographed in 1922, this diabetic girl, aged 13, weighed 148 just 45lb before treatment with insulin. A few months later she had made a dramatic recovery. Wellcome Library London, CC BY. 14.1 Aspirin causes birth defects in rats, but not in people. 158 15.1 Watercolour of Henry Hickman by Richard Cooper, painted 162 in 1912. Wellcome Library, London, CC BY. 15.2 Drawing of Sir James Young Simpson and friends by 164 unknown artist, representing Simpson’s discovery of the anaesthetic properties of chloroform in humans. Wellcome Library, London, CC BY. 16.1 Deaths from hypertensive disease. Annual deaths per 171 million population. Data from Paton et al. (1978) Highlights of British Science, Silver Jubilee Exhibition, Royal Society, and Compendium of Health Statistics, 8th edition, 1992 (Office of Health Economics). 16.2 Treatment of malignant hypertension with ganglionic 172 blocking drugs. Comparison between 140 treated and 105 untreated patients, percent surviving against time after diagnosis. Data from Paton et al. (1978). List of Illustrations xi 17.1 Effect of penicillin in normal and germ-free guinea pigs.
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