RIO GRANDE DELTA EXPOSITION-BROWNSVILLE-FEBRUARY 25,26, 27,28, 29, MARCH 1 j Pmpiat Machinery ! PIPE FITTINGS ... _ .. ; Many «aHoada In atock to fill F»irl»nki Mon* 1 % to It h. p. o,„ ««* I. tb. b..t Oil j | and Atlaa Engiow ^|] ,iHI| «|ia|*« and kind*. Wa Pa no pa. a. fai atock. Cantrifncal B are headquarter W. H. Potegaat Ca x j , u _ ““L'ZL?*" -—- Today s News in Today’s Paper Fall leased wire Associated Press news service -—- — ■■■ ii ■■■■■■■■ ■ .—.i ■■ji.j ,, —.... .--i VOL. XXX, Xo. 233 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 22,1924 SIX PAGES TODAY ESTABLISHED 1893 .'J AFTERNOON, "" * 1 1 * ■■ — — ■ — ■ —' -- —1 1 — ■■ — ---r— -■■■■■ mj-u-un-n.^ ‘‘ruwu^r r-n-‘-^ ->f-ij-i_t-xj-u-<j~,/-u-i -u-J-.-n-n-^- -'------------------ --------- --- I -- --- Commander States REBEL FORCES Legion WASHINGTON Abandonment Mellon Juggled Figures Where he wearied eye Whom envy dared not hate. paugherty may repose TAKE TOWN ON When gazing on the great. Bequeathed the name of Senate Leaders Cause to Defeat Soldier Bonus When* neither guilty glory glows Washington by --—-—---—-— Nor despicable state? To make men blush there wa» the republican party." John II. i.hiintt, Yes. fine the first, the last, the best. but one. States That Big Business is The t'incinnntus of the Lord PANUCO RIVER national commander «»f the Anieri<nn West, Byron of Tense Situation / its l.cgion. declared b*>re today in nn ud- Spending War Profits This morning, as wr listened to the cannon in Port Brown (looming its Today dti* s i « Aiiieri-au Legion represent!! customary salute in honor of the country's greatest hero, we thought. Oh Forces of General to Fight Against lives from mi them states. (By The Associated Martinez Obliga- that he might come amongst us today and leaeh his people, not only the Press) one htisitnss WASHINGTON, Feb. General refusal to retire Now Ten tions to Ex-Service Men “livery except t>ig fell lesson of his heroic struggle* for its independence, not only the record of 22.—Attorney Daugherty’s Only veterans < uin sal ion was an ! from office under fire led to an among Leagues pen obligation his gcniiiM which guidvd the republic in its first steps and huilded the foun- open disagreement republican party that was that chiefs as the senate to drive home the attack him, owing," h** said, addin? dation which has been reared the greatest nation of the world—hut today prepared upon From Tampico, Rebel tBv Th.- A sxfiatnl ■(' upon the railroads, war ’tune rmdraiinis and Chairman Adams of the republican national committee, revealed that he and WINSTON the lesson of his character, his virtues, his honesty, his faithful discharge SAI.FM. N. l\. KH*. JJ workers other committee officials with the that his *g hipynrd received large stun* of hi« duties to the who entrusted him with the agreed attorney general resignation tf Headquarters Report “MHInii jitt-td'** figuro* ami big bu*i people highest place! and rivil servin' re rived and without a investigation would be "absurd.” employes Someone has regretted that our schools are dismissed altogether on this thorough ••*•** a fi-w of it .. |i<>ar<l«-*i war ,s|hmi«I> '■till re rive At the same'time the leaders of the who believe Mr. FRONTERa, Tabasco, Feb. 22. f R:t- , Ix'imses. the to the republican senate, profit* to fijrlit against tin* of day and da.v devoted by the school children ordinary pleasures dia via. I p:i:^ag«* Daugherty should get out at once, with the democrats to at the head Dallas News to the As social* t’otnmiinder si id I'resident of a mere It would he better far were the schools in session at agreed place obligation* ubi It at** to ti* lo ijitimi holiday. Pres plinigi'tl of the committee which is to his official some other )—Further victories for the revo- Hardin? was indiieed to veto the com- least part of the day and the time devoted to patriotir exercises and the investigate acts, republican lutionists in brushes " than Senator Hrookhart of Iowa, one of the La Collette with the federals pen at ion hill by an a Hounding mls- studv of the life and character of him whose natal day we would honor. republican insurgent were claimed in an official statement group whose members repeatedly have attacked the attorney general. I «-ah illation.” The lesson of Washington—his heroism, his patriotism, his rugged honesty, of In the midst of activities of the de la IIeU rta force hist and the discussion, Senator Walsh, democrat, Montana, who has Federal Leader lie «|iioted which lie said ranis high character, should he taught in every school, impressed upon figures taken the lead in the oil issued last night by Otilio Gonzales, the mind and heart of American child. I prosecuting inquiry, ended a vacation in North Caro- I from II report hi Itepresfllliltive A every chief of the publicity department. hna, held a hurried conference with his colleagues and announced that unless I'iatt Andrew of Massachusetts, showing The country has come a long way from the days of Washington and | Cuatro an further evidence was he an Cienegas, Coahuil^ indus- men who forthcoming, opposed inquiry by the committee into that the government paid out in the Jefferson and Pranklin and Hamilton and the other magnificent j trial was to the in center, declared have been won other victories ] attorney general’* reported dealings Sinclair oil stock. year, the bonus toil first pas ed .$1111. shared in the building of the republic. It ha* great captured by Donaciano Murtirfcz. That matter, he indicated, could well he left for examination by the special t jmi.oihi more tIn*it th<- sinre then and ha*, gained renown repeatedly for its prowess of arms. Its legal requirement committee authorized Vera Cruz, on the Panuco heroes to the record under the resolution by Senator Wheeler, democrat, Mon- oil the war debt and ended with a ha I history has added many names of true patriots and ten a liver, league frohm Tampico, also tana, for sweeping inquiry into Mr. —,n,.-- --,r.,.ir_„_ .Hire of Jjsl7ti.tnai.itai to its credit. which began at Lexington. It has added the record of two presidents, at ras taken by forces under administration of the de- revolutionary least, that deserve to stand on that height whereon we have enshrined the Daugherty's \ irneral Martinez and Diaz Leon, accord “This year," lie continued, “when the of figure of fieorge Washington—Abraham Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson. partment justice. bg to reports fr' m division commander adjusted «ompeusation issue again eatne ] A favorable on this America is still It still has itt* its its states- report resolution I to the great. heroes, great men, osc r, Moran. The fifliting stark- d at front. Secretary Mellon <ould no was ordered the audit committee and j men, its men of science and of letters, its industrial g« muses, who stand by h iir«-i the RECORD TRUCK o'clock in the morning and continued disguise ronditioti of the | its in the senate is in the forefront of the world's history. adoption expected cveral hours. The defending fin- treasury, o he tomes mil with a slogan.; troop Vet the American have need to grapple to their hearts the Monday. ‘no tax rut the bonus This today people lly surrendered. if passes.* Mr. himself created a stir lesson of Washington. The nation has been convulsed with shame and mor- Daugherty was the I Repots received yesterday from cleverest polite al trick of the in the senate chamber at tification over the exhibition of treachery in high places, which has develop- by appearing (Panuco,Oaxaca we* to the effect that feder- age. the ex- of SHIPMENT FROM session. He ed one of the most sordid tragedies that ever occurred in the beautiful opening today’s were als met and defeated with heavy Mellon i‘il a redue- that a month he had “S«Tfinr,v |ir<»|«> j capital which Washington himself laid out with proud and loving hands. plained ago prom- casualties a* Las Ce las, north *tf Oax- tion of (O.l a Hl.lXNt if n,. bonus ised Senator Olfio, passed. It is with consolation and that the country rests its eyes today Willis, republican, aca. was to j hope General Romero reported it ml lie added to that l*y saying that $ that he would listen to the upon the picture of Washington, as the shining example of those high vir- reading by have advanced from Ignacio Mejia, Oax- taxes would go ami ! the senator of fare- probably tip prevent tue* which a today Washington's VALLEY should he in man who holds of TODAY exemplified every place puhlir aca, and to have "entered Tchuacan, any red net ions for year to come. We well address. trust. If Americans are hut (rue to hi* memory, if American children are ‘ Puebla, after annihilating the garrison ittve ligated Ids figures and found that A number of senators shook hands hut taught to honor surh character and such achievement as his. instead of there. he had estimated the > ost f«*r the first t the mere feat of arrumula!ing vast wealth, there will be less possibility in with the attorney general, who took a Two Solid Generals and Belt ram Trains, Drawing Loyo reported four years. We told him about that.! seat in the rear of the chamber on the future of the country being disgraced as it has been so lately through false they had defeated federals under Gen that the bowing adjusted outpensati«n servants and of wealth.
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