Primaries almost certain Army accuses doctor E. Hartford for two Republican slots of wrongful tests Zone champs ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 4 Warm tonight; Manchester. Conn. cloudy Tuesday Monday, August 6, 1984 — See page 2 Single copy: 25C Hatirbralpr Hrrald *' <t, Soviets claim U.S. blocking arms talks By Louise Branson seem to be saying, it is just a few A senior U.S. official said United Press International millimeters. But what is the real Reagan had "m oved virtually situation? it is the same fake," the within a m illim eter” of adopting editorial said. the language of the joint statement X MOSCOW — The Soviet Union proposed by the Soviets. The texts accused the United States today of blocking talks on space weapons It repeated charges that Presi­ put forward by each side were not despite Washington’s claims it is dent Reagan continues insisting on released. just “ millimeters” away from an two conditions that Moscow found Pravda charged that “ Washing­ >/■ unacceptable: ton does not at all want to prohibit agreement that would allow the negotiations to begin. • that the talks be broadened to space weapons. They are preoccu­ include the Geneva nuclear arms pied with a very different thing and "The U.S. administration con­ negotiations the Soviets walked out scurry to unfold a large-scale tinues to stick to its absolutely of when NATO began deploying program to develop such negative position on the talks,” the U.S. cruise and Pershing missiles weapons.” official Pravda newspaper said in an editorial, adding that "th is in Western Europe, and It accused Reagan of engaging ip , -t ( position makes talks on space • that Washington refuses to an irresponsible and unseemly "T- agree to a moratorium on the propaganda show aimed at con­ impossible.” development and testing of all vincing the American public as the Pravda said, "During the past space weapons from Sept. 18, the November presidential elections few days the U.S. administration day the talks would begin in approach that he favors arms has been bending over backwards to create the impression that it Vienna. limitation. Last week the Soviet Union The Pravda editorial was the shows ‘flexibility’ and that it demanded that Washington issue a latest in a series of Soviet charges virtually agrees with the objec­ joint declaration to establish the and U.S. countercharges that the tives and subject of the talks on moratorium and limit the negotia­ other side is making the talks space. tions to space weapons. impossible. “ If there is any difference, they UPl pho lo Investigators probe the site in Somers another is listed in critical condition at Mandatory seat belt bills where two escaped convicts were Johnson Memorial Hospital in Stafford. cornered on a cul-de-sac by state Another escapee remains at targe from police. One convict was killed and the Tennessee State Prison. likely to become hot topics By United Press International officials, doctors and law enforce­ Fletcher, safety belt coordinator ment officials will meet in Maine for the National Highway Traffic State police Legislation requiring adults to later this month to discuss ways Safety Administration’s New Eng­ wear seat belts in their cars may such a law can be promoted and land regional office in Cambridge, be the hot topic of conversation in drafted. Mass. New England later this year, Burton Nichols, program man­ New York became the first state ager for the New Hampshire for other escaped convict where arguments could be made in in the country to enact an adult Highway Safety Agency, says he several state legislatures and seat belt law on July 12. The law, other public forums. expects seat belt legislation will be serving a life sentence for shooting which takes effect next Jan. 1, SOMERS (UPl) - Police surgery forchest wounds Prentice discussed at a regional meeting of a police officer. requires drivers, adult front seat searched today for a heavily had been sentenced to 30 years for Legislators in Massachusetts the New England governors’ high­ "W e’re suggesting residents re­ . armed robbery. passengers and any passenger armed Tennessee convict who.se and Rhode Island will re-introduce way safety representatives in the main in their homes," Perry said, The trio had robbed a hank, under age 10 to wear a seatbelt or colleagues were gunned down in a bills for mandatory seat belt u se' fall. face a $50 fine. highspeed shootout and warned "especially tho.se with children.” kidnapped two people, stolen a this summer and fall. A Connecti­ Perry said it was particularly Manual seat belts have been residents of central Connecticut dozen cars as well as weapons cut lawmaker says she will spon­ ironic that police did not recognize "Other states, as they deliberate required in American passenger “ to remain in their homes.” while avoiding a massive manhunt sor that state’s first adult seat belt Mays when he was involved in a an adult seat belt law, will be cars since 1968. It was 10 years Trooper ^George Perry said in the five weeks since their statute "so we can air its pros and verbal disturbance Saturday night e.scape. taking a hard look at New York later when Tennessee became the officials were confident Lohman cons in a public hearing." in a Howard Johnson’s in Hartford. next year in terms of compliance first state to require child- Mays, 41, believed to be armed Mays, who was also serving a life There were no arrests made. A coalition of state and federal and enforcement,” said Arthur restraint devices, followed quickly with an M-1 rifle and handguns, term for armed robbery and Prentice and Hart.sock were cut by Rhode Island. was still in the state because he shooting a police officer, was last down in a hail of gunfire a short was positively identified in Hart­ seen with Prentice and Hartsock in time later after a highspeed cha.se Fletcher said he believed Rhode ford earlier by a police officer who Georgia. But police said he was Police overcome hijacker along Route 89 near the Massachu­ Island is also the New England did not know he was an escaped believed to have been in the setts border. Prentice was killed state with the best chance of convict. Somers vicinity at the lime of the MARSEILLE, France (UPl) — and Hartsock was critically ations at the Marseille airport, a requiring an adult seat belt law. "W e’re looking for him," Perry shootout. A gunman today hijacked an special 10-man police team "M y sense is that Rhode Island is said. "H e is armed and extremely wounded. Authorities said they were con- Algeria-bound cargo plane with six dressed as airport personnel en­ in the forefront among the New dangerous.” A 14-year-old girl riding in a centrating their search on the people aboard and demanded to go tered the plane and overcame the passing car was struck in the arm England states, simply because a Mays was not involved in Sun­ Springfield, Mass., area about 10 to San Francisco, but was overpo­ hijacker, police said. 1983 bill passed its Senate (and day’s gun battle that injured three as the convicts fired wildly at miles north of Somers, and in rural wered by airport personnel when Initial reports said the man had pursuing police. Bullets also died in a House committee last officers and a teenage girl caught western Connecticut. the DC-8 returned to the Marseille surrendered. year and this year) followed in the crossfire. Mays, William struck another car, but the driver Police said Prentice and Harf. airport for refueling, police said. Authorities said the German­ closely by Maine, then Connecticut Prentice, 29, and Michael Hart- was not injured, police said. sock arrived in Somers about 11:30 None of tho^'six people taken speaking man apparently stowed and Massachusetts,” he said. sock, 28, all escaped from a Police found a cache of auto­ a.m. EDT Sunday and drove hostage aboard the plane, which away on the plane, which belonged There appears to be no serious medium security pri.son in Orly, matic weapons and military rifles through town several times in a red was loaded with 35 tons of concrete to the French SFAIR air freight adult seat belt efforts in New Tenn. July 1. in the pair’s truck. and white Ford pickup before construction material, were in­ company, and took it over at 2:40 Hampshire and Vermont. New Perry said 25 troopers with HarLsock, who was serving two stopping to ask state trooper David jured in the the third international a.m. EDT, an hour after takeoff Hampshire passed its first child- bloodhounds and assisted by helic­ life terms for the ice pick murders Waddell for directions. hijacking in the past nine days, from the Mediterranean port city restraint law last year, aDd the of an elderly couple, was listed in opters were scouring the rural "H e was su.spicious. and when police said. of Marseille en route to Djanet in same regulation just went into Somers area and neighboring critical condition today at a nearby After about four hours of negoti­ southern Algeria. effect in Vermont July 1. Massachusetts for Mays, who was hospital where he underwent Please turn to page 10 Game-designers bring fantasy to life in Manchester And every Friday night starting at 7, Bv Sarah E. Hall the faithful, as well as anyi^ne el.se who Herald Reporter feels like coming, spend hours "p lay­ In a drab back-room in one of the old testing” new ones.
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