MeeƟng Agenda Package 18 Feb 2021 The documents following this page support the meeting agenda to be held on this date. Revision Control Description and Status of Revision Revision by Rev Date Created new Syfan A 18Feb2021 AgendaPack(18Feb2021).odt Page 1 of 1 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 21st, 2021 Meeting Minutes 1 Welcome, determination of a quorum and introductions The meeting was gaveled to order at 6:03 PM by President McAdon. Directors Director Absent Excused Present Absence McAdon X Syfan X Rittenhouse X Cote X Gardner X Carey Maffioli on Glenn St. attended the meeting 2 Announce results of issues from Executive Session No execuƟve session was held 3 Accept minutes of last meeting (Nov 12th, 2020) Directors Accept Reject Abstain Absent McAdon X Syfan X Rittenhouse X Cote X Gardner X 4 Financial reports 5 Updates on company projects: 5.aBasin Management Committee (BMC) 5.bOperations MeeƟngMinutes(21Jan2021).odt Page 1 of 3 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 6 Action items. For each action item (1) Board members discuss and debate each item after presentation. (2) Shareholders and public may make comments and suggestions. (3) Board members make motions and votes. 6.aProposal: Accessory Dwelling Units, Will Serve/Continue to Serve Letter Directors Accept Reject Abstain Absent McAdon X Syfan X Rittenhouse X Cote X Gardner X The board approved with a change to the wording. Where it states that the “GSWC's existing system…” will be changed to “S&T’s existing system”. 6.bProposal: Signature Authority The board made a motion to delay voting on this proposal until the February Meeting 6.c Discussion: Well #5 Nitrate Engineering Study-Cleath-Harris 6.dProposal: 2” Intertie Directors Accept Reject Abstain Absent McAdon X Syfan X Rittenhouse X Cote X Gardner X MeeƟngMinutes(21Jan2021).odt Page 2 of 3 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 6.eProposal: Hydrant Repair Directors Accept Reject Abstain Absent McAdon X Syfan X Rittenhouse X Cote X Gardner X 6.f Review of the Duty Month Schedule 6.gReview of meeting schedule 7 Shareholder and Public comments for items not on agenda Charlie introduced Carey Maffioli who is interested in becoming treasurer. 8 Board member comments. Board members may make brief comments, provide project status updates, or communicate with other directors, staff, or the public regarding non-agenda topics and discuss items for future meetings. MeeƟng adjourned at 8:09 pm MeeƟngMinutes(21Jan2021).odt Page 3 of 3 MEMO TO: S&T Mutual Water Co., Board of Directors and Officers Copies: FROM: Charlie Cote – Director / Treasurer / Certified System Operator DATE: 18 Feb 2021 SUBJECT: 8a: Report on Basin Management (Rev A) Basin Management Committee (BMC) meetings are scheduled to occur on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Meeting notices, agendas and agenda packages can be found at the BMC web site at: https://slocountywater.org/site/Water%20Resources/LosOsos/ Background: The Los Osos Basin Management Plan (LOBP)1 and the Los Osos Basin Management Committee were established by a Stipulated Judgement in San Luis Obispo Superior Court for the purpose of bringing the Los Osos Water Basin into a sustainable use for the protection of the economic, environmental and social health of the Los Osos Community2. Recommendations: I recommend that the S&T Board read this report, comment on the contents and provide direction and oversight for the S&T participation in the Basin Management Process. How to use this report: New edits to this report, new news, are highlighted by Edit Review Lines in the left margin next to the new edits. I leave relevant news and information from former reports in this document so that someone accessing the report can see new issues in context with other current information. If you are a Director reviewing this report on a monthly basis, you may choose to only look at the new edits. A. Contents B. Recent BMC Actions – some highlights ..................................................................................... 2 C. BMC Staff meetings ................................................................................................................. 2 1 Ref: Los Osos Basin Plan document, January 2015, Web: https://www.slocounty.ca.gov/Departments/Public- Works/Committees-Programs/Los-Osos-Basin-Management-Committee-(BMC).aspx 2 Ref: Los Osos Basin Stipulated Judgement, §1.1, Page 1, 15 Sep 2015, Web: https://www.slocounty.ca.gov/Departments/Public-Works/Forms-Documents/Committees-Programs/Los-Osos-Basin- Management-Committee-(BMC)/Stipulated-Judgment.aspx 8a-BasinManagementReport(18Feb2021-A).doc Page 1 of 3 MEMO B. Recent BMC Actions – some highlights A. A BMC meeting was held on 20Jan2020 since the last update of this report. Director Cote and Director Gardner both represented S&T at this meeting (Cote had to leave early). Dan Heimel, the BMC Executive Director was not able to attend and the planned agenda for this meeting was shortened. I will only report on that meeting here: a. The committee (with S&T approval) accepted the presented budget update and payment of 4 invoices. S&T costs for the 2020 calendar year remained within the S&T budgeted spending for BMC. b. The committee (with S&T approving) voted to approve a proposal from Water Systems Consulting for the Executive Director budget of $69,940 for the 2021 calendar year. C. BMC Staff meetings Since the last S&T report, 1 BMC staff meeting was held on 8Jan2021. • The BMC staff discussed the results of the fall 2020 draft water level and chloride metrics that are destined for publication in the first draft of the BMC 2020 Annual Report (refer to the attached plots of these metrics) Director Chris Gardner, the S&T Staff Representative to the BMC, can provide a summary of what occurred at that meeting. The next BMC meeting is scheduled for TBD at 1:30 pm. Instructions for how to attend this ZOOM web meeting are available on the BMC agenda which can be accessed on the BMC website (the location of the BMC website is provided above in paragraph 1 on the first page of this report). 8a-BasinManagementReport(18Feb2021-A).doc Page 2 of 3 MEMO 8a-BasinManagementReport(18Feb2021-A).doc Page 3 of 3 MEMO TO: S&T Mutual Water Co., Board of Directors Copies: Company Officers FROM: Charlie Cote – Director / Treasurer / Certified System Operator DATE: 18 Feb 2021 SUBJECT: 8b: Report from Operations (Rev A) Recommendations I recommend that the S&T Board read this report, comment on the contents and provide direction for the content of future reports or updates. A. Contents B. Current operating parameters .................................................................... 2 C. Customer service and outreach .................................................................. 4 Company customer service activity ............................................................... 4 D. Maintenance work ..................................................................................... 4 E. Projects .................................................................................................... 4 General maintenance work ........................................................................... 4 Tank level control system upgrade project update ......................................... 5 Water tank drainpipe project ........................................................................ 5 2-inch intertie project................................................................................... 5 F. Legislation tracking ................................................................................... 6 CA Governor’s Executive Orders N-29-20-EO (17Mar2020) and N-33-20 .......... 6 CA SB-814 Excessive residential water use during a drought .......................... 6 CA Assembly Bill AB-756 (July 2019) ............................................................. 6 CA Governor’s Executive Order N-42-20 ........................................................ 7 AB 116, Protection of Underground Infrastructure ......................................... 7 AB 1668 and SB 606 (water management planning) ...................................... 7 8b-OperationsReport(18Feb2021-A).doc Page 1 of 8 MEMO B. Current operating parameters The meters were last read on 31Dec2020 for the 2-month metering period that ended on that day. The data from that reading was presented in this report at the previous Board meeting and remains here in this report without edits: A. The median water use for this period was 10,385 gallons, down from the 11,251 gallon median use during the previous metering period. B. 21 customer contacts were made regarding water leaks or excessive use during this period. C. Water production was 1.8 Million gallons during this 2-month period. D. The two S&T water storage tanks hold 0.8 days of water while maintaining the minimum requirement of 180k gallons storage for firefighting at the current customer water use. o The California Fire Code indicates that S&T must maintain a minimum 22.7k gallons of water storage at 20 psig or higher for fighting fires in the service area (when the type V-B construction homes are less than 4,800 sq. ft.). o This means we must maintain at least 17 feet of water level as read on the south tank level gage to store the minimum amount of firefighting water. E. “Unaccounted for water” = produced water – water metered to users = 30,095 gallons for this period. This amounts to 1.7% of the water produced during this period. This relatively large water loss was due to hydrant flushing during December. 8b-OperationsReport(18Feb2021-A).doc
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