Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, June 2, 1997 Volume 33ÐNumber 22 Pages 777±816 1 VerDate 01-JUL-97 13:33 Aug 11, 1997 Jkt 173998 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 E:\TEMP\P22MY4.000 p22my4 Contents Addresses and Remarks Meetings With Foreign Leaders France, NATO-Russia Founding Act signing European Union leaders-Ð782 ceremony in ParisÐ780 France, President ChiracÐ780 The Netherlands NATO, Secretary General SolanaÐ780 ``Thank you America'' Celebration in The Netherlands, Prime Minister KokÐ782, RotterdamÐ794 787, 794 The Hague Russia, President YeltsinÐ780 50th anniversary of the Marshall planÐ United Kingdom, Prime Minister BlairÐ796 788 Luncheon hosted by Queen BeatrixÐ787 Notice Radio addressÐ777 United Kingdom, greeting the British Cabinet Continuation of Emergency With Respect to in LondonÐ796 the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia Virginia, Memorial Day ceremony in and Montenegro) and the Bosnian SerbsÐ ArlingtonÐ778 791 Communications to Congress Proclamations Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Small Business WeekÐ810 Montenegro) and the Bosnian Serbs, To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the messagesÐ793, 811 Generalized System of PreferencesÐ808 Generalized System of Preferences, messageÐ811 Resignations and Retirements Most-favored-nation trade status for China, message transmitting reportÐ807 Federal Communications Commission, Chairman Reed E. HundtÐ781 Communications to Federal Agencies Assistance to Turkey, memorandumÐ795 Statements by the President Most-favored-nation trade status for China, See also Resignations and Retirements memorandumÐ807 Megan Kanka trial verdictÐ808 Interviews With the News Media National economyÐ782 Exchange with reporters in London, United Supplementary Materials KingdomÐ796 News conferences Acts approved by the PresidentÐ816 May 28 (No. 146) with European Union Checklist of White House press releasesÐ816 leaders in The HagueÐ782 Digest of other White House May 29 (No. 147) with Prime Minister Blair AnnouncementsÐ815 of the United KingdomÐ796 Nominations submitted to the SenateÐ815 WEEKLY COMPILATION OF regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, materials released by the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The week. charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- There are no restrictions on the republication of material lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments. 2 VerDate 01-JUL-97 13:33 Aug 11, 1997 Jkt 173998 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 E:\TEMP\P22MY4.000 p22my4 Week Ending Friday, May 30, 1997 The President's Radio Address reclaim their lives and their communities. May 24, 1997 But they can't do it alone. Some have de- pended on the kindness of neighbors they Good morning. This past week, the House didn't even know. The town of Thompson, and the Senate voted by overwhelming bipar- North Dakota, doubled its population when tisan majorities to endorse an historic, bipar- residents opened their homes and their tisan agreement to balance the Federal budg- churches and took in 1,000 people from et by 2002. This agreement brings us closer flooded Grand Forks, 11 miles away. Private to putting our fiscal house in order, and it citizens became angels, volunteering and do- represents a huge downpayment toward nating everything from essential supplies to America's future prosperity. evening dresses, so that a flooded high school Already, our economy is the envy of the could still have its prom. One woman quietly world. In the last 4 years, it's created 12 mil- donated millions of dollars for distribution lion new jobs. We've had the highest eco- to victims. nomic growth in a decade, the lowest unem- All that is welcome help. But recovering ployment in 24 years, the lowest inflation in from a large natural disaster takes more; it 30 years, the largest decline in income in- takes the combined resources of our Nation. equality since the 1960's. The deficit has That was the only way back after the earth- been cut already by 77 percent, thanks to quakes and fires in California, the flooding the historic 1993 budget and economic pack- in the Mississippi Valley and the Pacific age passed by the Congress at that time. Northwest, the tornadoes in the South, the And now, with a balanced budget agree- hurricanes in Florida. Right now, people in ment, our economy can continue to thrive. 33 States need some degree of disaster assist- We'll balance our books while we protect ance. Just imagine being in their shoes, hav- Medicare and Medicaid, invest in education ing your life's work swept away, your home and environmental protection, and give our gone, often in an instant. Think of your con- people a tax cut. It's a balanced budget that's cern for your family and your home. That's in balance with our values. why we need quick and effective govern- Now I urge all Members of Congress of mental action, from rescue efforts by the Na- both parties to take the next step, to finish tional Guard to financial and other assistance the job and write this agreement into law. from our Federal agencies. They've all done This is a proud moment. Our balanced budg- well by our people, and I am especially proud et agreement shows what we can accomplish of the work of our Federal Emergency Man- when we work together, across party lines, agement Agency, FEMA, and its Director, in the interest of the American people. This James Lee Witt. Now FEMA is a model for is how our Government should work. responding to disasters. When I took office, But today I have to talk about an example it was often criticized; now I think it's the of how it should not work and how it's not most often complimented Federal agency. working. Our Government is not working for After I visited North Dakota with the con- our citizens in the Dakotas and Minnesota, gressional delegation, including the Senators who are still waiting for the Congress to act from North Dakota, Kent Conrad and Byron so that they can begin the long road back Dorgan, who join me here today, and saw from the floods that destroyed their homes the impact of the floods last month, I asked and devastated their lives. James Lee Witt to chair a task force of our Tens of thousands of people suffered Federal agencies and come up with a plan losses in these floods. Now they're trying to for the region's long-term recovery. Now we 777 VerDate 01-JUL-97 13:37 Aug 11, 1997 Jkt 173998 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\TEMP\P22MY4.027 p22my4 778 May 24 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1997 have that plan to deliver help quickly while the help they need and deserve. We have we get maximum results for every Federal to act. dollar spent. I urge Congress to do its part and to do But to get that long-term relief to our peo- it quickly. Disaster doesn`t take a holiday. ple, we must have action from Congress. I Let's work together to bring relief to people asked congressional leaders for just that, in who need itÐnow. an emergency supplemental spending bill, In closing, I want to wish you all a happy the kind that we have had before when we Memorial Day weekend. Drive safely, drive had disasters. Many Members, led by law- slowly, and buckle up. makers from the flooded States, worked hard Thanks for listening. to get a bill to me, but I'm sorry to say, some Members of the majority tried to use this NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:08 p.m. on important bill for different purposes. And May 23 in the Roosevelt Room at the White House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on May 24. without taking action, Congress left town, and our people were left in the lurch. Hundreds of thousands of our citizens are Remarks at a Memorial Day depending on this aid so they can get on with Ceremony in Arlington, Virginia their lives. Even without action from the May 26, 1997 Congress, we're doing all we can to get im- mediate help to the victims. FEMA is using Thank you very much. General Foley, all the resources and authority it has to help Chaplain Schwartzman, Mr. Metzler, to the with food, shelter, and emergency services. members of the Cabinet, General But these funds are limited. They will even- Shalikashvili, and the leaders of our Armed tually run out, and they won't start the job Forces, to Members of Congress, and espe- of long-term recovery. cially to the members of the Armed Forces Unless Congress approves these disaster who are here, the leaders of our veterans or- relief funds, the victims cannot begin their ganizations, all of you who are veterans and long-term recovery; they can't rebuild homes your families, and all of you who are family and businesses; farmers can't dig out their members of those who have given their lives fields to plant crops.
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