By McManus Bringing Up Father On The Air To-day WlLLTOU STOP L-OOKlNC I BOT Okie OHV/E.U--IF I CAt^T there's mot a bark. I © GAR MU6T LIKE A SICK COW?'l'OU -^tlsl'T HA'OE OME-I IN) A DOfi-HOUbEFOU \ COULD EA'sILV KNOW THE DOCTOR GONN^ HURT FoPCET ABOOT IT- »U- UP SMOKJfJ told voo that too m ME-<T? Plat the radio to TH»<E) iSTHE DRIED U7 780 CAN’T SMOKE-SO ClT me MlNO ^ ■bea cigarette I HAD TO <bf*'.©KE WBZ TO OBSERVE T» *» SlfV,-, ,- Ditm Kilocycle* don't stand there OFF OF IT- com ram v broad- ONJ&S UKE Vurk ITS ANNIVERSARY New and moan to me- CAST.mg- --SlM ^^W—j^THAT ONie 5:15—Fireside songs. 6:30—Irnm Glenn, organ. Oldest Station in New 5:45—Stock quotatolns. 6:00—Raising Junior—sketch. England to Broadcast 6:15—Orchestra. 6:35—Baseball scores. Gala Program 6:30—Bonnie Laddies Trio. 6:45—Topics in Brief—Lowell Thomas. VERSATILE LEADER 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy—sketch. 7:15—Frances Alda, soprano; New England’s oldest radio sta- Frank LaForge, piano. tion, WBZ, will celebrate its tenth 7:30—l'hii Cook, songs. anniversary in programs over an 7:45—Believe It Or Not—Rob- NBC-WJZ network. Friday. Sep- ert L. Ripley. tember 18. from 11:00 to 11:30 p. 8:00—Comedian; orchestra. m,. and from 12:00 midnight to 8:30—Black orchestra. 1:00 a. E. D. T. 8:45—Sisters of the Skillet. m.. <g> 1931, Inl’l Feature Service, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved. In the first half hour of the cer- 9.00—Billy Jones and Ernie emonies. the station's recently Hare; Orchestra. completed studios will be dedicat- 9:30—Orchestra. ed the will be opened Cowan and plant 10:00—Whiteman's orchestar; MOM’N POP Back with a Bang! By Wopd to the public for inspection. Dur- Mildred Bailey, songs; Coming ing the second half of the evening’s Jack Fulton. Jr, tenor. festivities a program will be broad- 10:30—Clara, Lu and Em. York VO You *SEE cast originating in the New 10:45—Orchestra; Tom Brown, 7 IT'S THE latest ft TWM you ought a see Broadcast- AND SUE HAS Tod woCh "studios of the National songs. \NO.iNHLt Put youQ tme get ups the ANYTHING OIF9ERENV SENSE T‘ tET YOU, SWEVfi^3 ing company. 11:00—Slumber music. vokE-MKTE VWISE IF A COW SUfleETIE ?y Former WBZ announcers, now UfcC A toHWsweuJ Q\V1X DAWES 'ARE 11:30—Russ Columbo, songs. She h\snt wnkED GWE TONGUE- associated with NBC in New York, ■doing with -THEIR 11:45—Denny orrhestru. heO BILNCvS k MASSAGE y-1 will have a in the program. she's a part 12:15 a. m.—Orchestra. _locks Former Bostonians who will be AW model 12:30 a. m.—Dance orchestra. iggs y heard during the evening are: S. Young, John Holbrook, William Alyn Bach, Howard Petrie, John :<4» 8«0 Eundell, Vella Reeves and Ken- Meter* WABC Kilocycle* neth MacGregor. Mew l'ork Dance music will be furnished several NBC bands and Russ by 5:00—Jewish Art Columbo. NBC baritone sensation, program. will sing several of his popular 5:30—John Kelvin, tenor. song arrangements. 5:45—Jolly Jugglers. WBZ was founded in 1921 6:00—Orchestra. through the efforts of the late Dr 6:30—Jack Smith, songs. Harry P. Davis, "father of radio 6:45—Haring’s orchestra; male broadcasting." and is owned and quartet. operated by the Westinghouse 7:00—The Columbians. Electric, company. WBZ was orig- 7:15—Dance orchestra; Libby inally located at Springfield and Holman, songs. with WBZA was the first station to 7:30—Drama of Old New York. engage in regular synchronized 7:45—Morton Downey, tenor; operation. When the letters Orchestra. "WBZ" were transferred to the 8:15—Singing Sam. u. >.’ pat! itai Westinghouse plant at Millis. near 8:30—March of Time. Boston, the Springfield station be- 9:00—Dramatic Sketches with came WBZA. WBZ operates under musical interludes. fifteen kilowatts of power and 9:45—Casey Jones, aviation news DIXIE DUGAN—Final Doubts By J. P. McEVOY and J. H. STRIEBEL WBZA employs one kilowatt. flashes; Larry Murphy, Speakers and other entertain- tenor. features have not been an- ment 10:00—Toscha Seidel, violin; Theo rgOODNIGHT, HOMEY r 00 I REA LLV LOVE. RAV- nounced. lvnrle, tenor; Orchestra. I’M SO COW FUSED WED- 10:30—Hon Bons TOMORROW^ y0UR REALLV AND TRULY HOW 1 quartet. WOULD t STILL TO ?! orchestra. DING- DAY/-.SLEEP WELL WANT 10:45—Symphony DOES ONE KNOW WHEN ONE IS REALLY — .r. marry ray if he. SK«!K WTir l0fl0 11:00—Bing Crosby, songs. n'S A BIG DAY AHEAD didn’t ww Kllocycl 11:15—Davis orchestra. IN -CAN A GIRL EVER .(era OF YOU AND YOU WANT HAVE *2.,000,000 ?—- LOVE? Hartford 11:30—Lown orchestra. KNOW JFOR SURE? HOw DOES 12:00—Orchestra. TO LOOK FRESH AMD THATlS A HORRIBLE- -» WISH I HAD 12:30 a. m.—Ann Leaf, organ; blooming at your THOUGHT— THAT I MIGHT ONE FEEL ? 4:45—Sunset Hour. Ben Alley, tenor. TO THINK. ABOUT'T decorator. BE MARRYING- HIM MORE TIME 5:30—Hetty Moore, l:Oo a. m.—Orchestra. WEDDING- / I Go and WISH THE WEDDING->/NG- A 5:45—Happy, Lucky. 1:30 a. m.—Orchestra. FOR HI5 MONEY ,T _ | 5:53—Children's riaylet. A wasn't TOMORROW 6:10—Bulletins. DAY J —1«—* —I WISH 6:15—Serenading Strings. 1330 __| WISH WDRC K 6:45—The Stebbins Boys. ^ llooyrl*** 7:10—Baseball scores. Hartford 7:15—Mail Order Boys. Harmoneers. 7:30—The 5:00—Jewish Art program. 7:45—Through Lighted Windows 5:30—AVorld Bookman. Jane Dillon, impersonator. 5:35—Program summary. 8:00—Jessica Dragonette and the 5:45—Vocal Art Trio. Men About Town. 6:00—Orchestra. 9:00—Night club. 6:30—Jack Smith. 9:30—The Travelers Hour. 6:45—Comedy act. the Air. 10:30—Theater of 7:00—Kate Smith, songs. 11:00—Weather; bulletins. 7:15—Dennis King and orchestra. 11:10—Orchestra. 7:30—Time with Emily Mac- 12:00m—Silent. lvenzie, soprano. 7:45—Morton Downey, tenor; or- MeW>u«ht8vndK>U. teCjJt T. chestra. 454 fttto Meier* WEAF Kilocycle* 8:00—Pryor's hand. Sam. New York 8:15—Singin’ 8:30—The March of Time. Freckles The Cause! By Blosser 9:00—Sketches, talks, music. 5:00—Can the Constitution Meet 9:45—Program to be announced. -- r Our Changing Social and 10:00—Toscha Seidel, violinist. I'll 6o over, ms ship FOR TUE UF£ ] OWOV4 '•! A BLOWhJ dossone funny to me.... rilevs |nene a as Economic Conditions—Wil- 10:30—The Bon Bons. OMCE MORE TO MAKE SORE OF ME, I <TAMT 4 □ liam J. Donovan. 10:45—Bea and Natalie. plane RicwT side up.... everyth in* CYLINDER! nneul,THaT *wcv2 I DIDN'T SkIP ANYTH I NC- S. SEE VJHAT 5:SO—Interior Decorntion talk. 11:00—Bing Crosby, songs. Bilot bob IN SNIP SWAPS FORM AS FAR AS EXPLAiUS TVJIWSS!! A 5:45—Mountaineers Music. 11:15—Orchestra. SAS TANK SHOWS THREE _A BBoOfJWT HIM FOBCED 6:30—To be announced. 11:30—Lown’s orchestra. MURRAY I CAN see.AND NOT a SOUL. LANDING. 6:45—The Stebbins 273 in—WEAVE—1.100 Kc QUARTERS FULL,LL. SO IT dovjsi m Boys—sketch VNITWIN SUN BUT WHERE DID THEY Bowes' Family. 6:00—Children’s Corner club. FIWDS RILEYS SHOT.THIS HAS 7:00—Maj COULDN'T BE THAT...'Kiz..- Jt!? 60 7:45—The Goldbergs—sketch. 6:20—Concert Trio. m. SUESSIN- !' To? TWAT5 WHAT PLAME. !! ■ HNWV 8:00—Concert orchestra. 6:50—Youth at Any Age—Wil- L 1 CAM’T 6ET THROUGH 9:00—Orchestra. liam Woodbury. iLty 9:30—Orchestra. 7:00—Memphis Ramblers. BUT CILE.V, rtCn AAV DOME *0 10:00—Concert orchestra. 7:30—Motion Pictures—Mrs 'Sr 10:30—Theater of the Air. Thomas McGoldrick. FRECKLES, 11:00—Lopez orchestra. 7:45—Edward Rennessy, tenor. TASALOMS 11:30—Ray Perkins, songs; Landt 303 m—WBZ, Springfield—»90 kc Trio and White. 6:00—Sports Review. AMD OSCAR. rwv 11:45—Lee Morse, songs. 6:15—Dixie Jubilee Singers. iKECKteS 12:00—Orchestra. 6:30—Studio program. ARE 12:30 a. m.-Funk orchestra. 6:45—Same as WJZ. MlSSIMff 4119.7m—WICC, Bridgeport—600k 7:15—Musical Hits. 7:30—Same as WJZ. his Greater 6:00—Ted and Gang. 8:30—Home Circle. FGO/ft THE 5:30—Babe Miller and Joe Lu- 8:45—Boarding House—sketch. ciana. 9:00—Same as WJZ. SHIP H Krackerland. 5:45—Educators In 9:30—Dedication Tenth Anniver- 5:59—Correct time. sary Studios. 6:00—"Show World Cameos". 6:15—Gamboleers. V!«-. 6:4?—"Program Builders"—Pre- J sented by Linus Travers. HITS AND BITS ON 7:06—News. 7:10—Baseball scores. THE RADIO Out Our Way By J. R. Williams Our House By Gene Ahern 7:15—Beth Young, contralto. Boarding 7:30—Orchest ra. 7:45—Educational Talk. Strange places and people of : I dc,mT forget! 8:00—The Gossipers. South Africa are to be discussed f BOV ~ iM Mo SALE J-—-TH -fiT REDTE OF 8:15—Male quartet. by Carveth Wells, explorer and lec- AH,BQSTeR.MV Clinic—Dr R.
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