WindWind PowerPower andand SkiSki ResortsResorts By:By: AlexandraAlexandra KotelonKotelon [email protected]@kentlaw.edu EnergyEnergy LawLaw 20092009 GlobalGlobal WarmingWarming andand WinterWinter RecreationRecreation WhyWhy isis itit important?important? * 326 Alpine ski areas and over 400 industry related suppliers across the country. * The 4 largest companies in the industry generate $1.8 billion in revenue annually. * Winter recreation constitutes 12% of jobs in New Hampshire and 7% of state’s economy. * Adds $750 million in tax revenue in Vermont annually. For every dollar spent on skiing, it generates an additional 94 cents in government spending. * Colorado benefits most with $1.7 billion in annual revenue and a $1.5 billion payroll (over 120,000 employees). AlsoAlso …….. Millions of people in a quarter of the countries around the world take to the slopes every season. For Nordic countries, skiing represents an important cultural legacy with thousands of years of roots. AndAnd MostMost ImportantlyImportantly …… SKIINGSKIING ISIS FUN!!!FUN!!! GlobalGlobal WarmingWarming “Downhill skiing could disappear altogether at some resorts, while at others, a retreating snow line will cut off base villages from their ski runs as soon as 2030.” -- United Nations Environment Programme 2003 Report FurtherFurther EvidenceEvidence AA majoritymajority ofof thethe ScottishScottish SkiSki industryindustry hashas vanishedvanished (more(more thanthan 50%)50%) SnowfallSnowfall PatternsPatterns havehave dramaticallydramatically changedchanged AlpineAlpine AreasAreas belowbelow 5,2505,250 feetfeet areare nownow receivingreceiving 20%20% lessless snowsnow ““WithinWithin 5050 yearsyears allall skiski resortsresorts belowbelow 4,0004,000 feetfeet wonwon ’’tt havehave aa chancechance andand willwill outout ofof businessbusiness ”” Michel Revaz of the Liechtenstein -based Alpine conservation society Cipra Austria:Austria: 75%75% ofof skiski liftslifts areare builtbuilt belowbelow 3,2803,280 feetfeet Snowmaking:Snowmaking: ArtificialArtificial SnowSnow NeededNeeded To prevent financial meltdowns, resorts are increasingly having to rely on making their own snow Prior to 1990, it was unheard of to use snow -making equipment in the Swiss Alps. Now more than 15% depend on them and this is increasing every year. In Italy and Austria, more than 40% need to make their own snow Many resorts now are making twice the snow, with half the money when compared to 15 years ago SkiSki ResortsResorts == LargeLarge CarbonCarbon FootprintFootprint SkiSki --tourismtourism inducedinduced traffictraffic pollutionpollution IncreasingIncreasing urbanurban sprawlsprawl ofof hotelshotels andand vacationvacation homeshomes VisuallyVisually intrusiveintrusive andand habitathabitat wreckingwrecking skiski liftslifts GreenGreen CommitmentCommitment BoostsBoosts BusinessBusiness PositivePositive FeedbackFeedback fromfrom SkiersSkiers OutdoorOutdoor EnthusiastsEnthusiasts moremore likelylikely toto choosechoose EnvironmentallyEnvironmentally friendlyfriendly resortsresorts ProfitableProfitable Partnerships:Partnerships: skiski resortsresorts dealdeal withwith aa lotlot ofof partnershipspartnerships andand sponsorshipssponsorships andand windwind energyenergy useuse hashas attractedattracted companiescompanies toto dodo businessbusiness withwith themthem TheThe Solution:Solution: WindWind EnergyEnergy PresidentPresident ObamaObama EarthEarth DayDay CommentsComments onon WindWind EnergyEnergy QuotesQuotes ““AmericaAmerica hashas thethe bestbest windwind resourcesresources inin thethe world.world. NotNot harvestingharvesting AmericaAmerica ’’ss windwind wouldwould bebe likelike goinggoing toto SaudiSaudi ArabiaArabia andand notnot drillingdrilling forfor oil.oil. ”” Ditlev Engel, Chief Executive of Vestas Wind Systems TheThe DepartmentDepartment ofof EnergyEnergy sayssays windwind couldcould provideprovide 20%20% ofof thethe countrycountry ’’ss electricityelectricity byby 2030,2030, aboutabout whatwhat nuclearnuclear powerpower nownow provides,provides, andand keepkeep 180,000180,000 workersworkers busy.busy. Department of Energy, Forbes Magazine, Blade Runner WindWind PowerPower ResourceResource MapMap ItIt ’’ss GettingGetting PopularPopular …… 2007: 45% Growth 5,200 MegaWatts installed Generating 16 billion kWh (AWEA) 2007=over 5k 2008=over 8k GrowthGrowth ofof WindWind PowerPower CapacityCapacity WorldwideWorldwide Jan 2003 Cumulative MW Rest of World = 2,803 North America = 5,018 45000 Europe = 21,319 40000 d e 35000 l l a 30000 t s n 25000 I 20000 W M 15000 10000 5000 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Actual Projected Rest of World Rest of World Year North America North America Sources: BTM Consult Aps, March 2001 Windpower Monthly, January 2003 Europe Europe FunFun FactsFacts aboutabout WindWind The U.S. contains enough useable wind resource to produce more electricity than the nation currently uses. The majority of this usable resource is in the Great Plains region. North Dakota alone has enough suitable wind resource to supply 36 percent of the electricity consumed in the U.S. In addition, development of major global wind energy markets could significantly impact jobs—recent studies show that each billion kilowatt-hours of annual wind energy generation creates between 440 to 460 jobs. SkiSki ResortsResorts HaveHave 22 choices:choices: CreditsCredits v.v. TurbinesTurbines ImpossibilityImpossibility v.v. CostsCosts PremiumsPremiums forfor CreditsCredits KirkwoodKirkwood SkiSki ResortResort nearnear LakeLake TahoeTahoe isis lookinglooking atat installinginstalling 2020 turbinesturbines VailVail ResortsResorts inin ColoradoColorado In August 2006, made a commitment to offset 100% of their energy use by purchasing 151,311 megawatt -hours of wind energy credits annually for all 5 of their resorts Makes them the largest purchaser of 100% wind energy credits in the travel and leisure industry in the US, second largest in all categories Their commitment will avoid about 211 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions every year This equals: taking 18,000 cars off the road or planting over 27,000 acres of trees WhatWhat isis aa REC?REC? RenewableRenewable energyenergy creditcredit (aka(aka ““greengreen tagtag ””)) IsIs aa legallegal representationrepresentation ofof aa measuredmeasured amountamount ofof renewablerenewable energyenergy enteringentering thethe energyenergy systemsystem AA RECREC representsrepresents oneone MegawattMegawatt --hourhour ofof renewablerenewable energyenergy enteringentering thethe powerpower gridgrid andand displacingdisplacing energyenergy thatthat wouldwould havehave beenbeen producedproduced throughthrough burningburning fossilfossil fuelsfuels suchsuch asas coalcoal oror naturalnatural gasgas RECREC continuedcontinued …… EachEach RECREC reducesreduces approx.approx. 1,4001,400 lbslbs ofof greenhousegreenhouse gasesgases emissionsemissions WhenWhen aa individualindividual oror companycompany purchasespurchases RECsRECs ,, theythey areare payingpaying aa voluntaryvoluntary premiumpremium inin orderorder toto supportsupport moremore renewablerenewable energyenergy inin thethe systemsystem AsAs aa result,result, theythey getget toto claimclaim thethe legallegal creditcredit forfor supportingsupporting thethe environmentalenvironmental resultsresults associatedassociated withwith theirtheir purchasepurchase TheirTheir dollarsdollars helphelp increaseincrease thethe amountamount ofof renewablerenewable energyenergy inin thethe systemsystem andand reducereduce pollutionpollution WindWind CreditsCredits 2222 resortsresorts inin 77 statesstates useuse windwind powerpower creditscredits toto supplysupply 100%100% ofof theirtheir electricityelectricity TogetherTogether thethe areasareas produceproduce 305,074,498305,074,498 kilowattkilowatt --hourshours ofof cleanclean electricityelectricity andand keepkeep aboutabout 372,383,234372,383,234 poundspounds ofof carboncarbon dioxidedioxide fromfrom enteringentering atmosphereatmosphere TheThe emissionsemissions --reductionreduction efforteffort isis equalequal toto plantingplanting almostalmost 1515 millionmillion treestrees oror eliminatingeliminating nearlynearly 150,000150,000 roundround --triptrip flightsflights betweenbetween NYNY andand SanSan FranciscoFrancisco WindWind CreditsCredits continuedcontinued …… WindWind powerpower creditscredits costcost moremore thanthan conventionalconventional electricity,electricity, butbut participatingparticipating resortsresorts describedescribe thethe financialfinancial premiumpremium asas modestmodest SugarSugar Bowl,Bowl, forfor example,example, consideredconsidered usingusing onlyonly partialpartial windwind energy,energy, butbut discovereddiscovered thatthat premiumpremium waswas soso reasonablereasonable thatthat theythey decideddecided toto gogo 100%100% DifferenceDifference waswas onlyonly aboutabout $30,000,$30,000, whichwhich toto aa largelarge resortresort likelike SugarSugar Bowl,Bowl, thatthat amountamount cancan bebe easilyeasily spentspent onon aa radioradio advertisingadvertising campaigncampaign HowHow RenewableRenewable WindWind CreditsCredits WorkWork HowHow WindWind TurbinesTurbines WorkWork Yaw drive : ensures the turbine is producing the maximum amount of power by keeping rotor facing the wind (for horizontal axis turbines) CommonCommon DesignDesign Most common design is the three-bladed turbine. The most important reason is the stability of the turbine. A rotor with an
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