I II Friedman,H. 1938. Furtherrecords from St. LawrenceIsland, Alaska. (Gambell)as a non-breedingbird (Gabrielson et Condor 40: 88. a/.1959), one male was recordedby Murie (1936) on 7 Gabrielson,I.N. & Lincoln,F.C. 1959. Thebirds of Alaska.Stackpole May 1933, and five birdswere reportedon 17 June Co. and Wildl.Mgmt. Inst., Washington. 1961 (Sealy et a1.1971). We saw one female on 1 June Hanson,H.C. 1953. Vegetationtypes in northwesternAlaska and near a pool west of Troutman Lake. comparisonswith communities on otherarctic regions. Ecology 34: 111-140. AC KNOWLE DG E M E NTS Hayman, P., Marchant,J. & Prater, T. 1986. Shorebirds:an identificationguide to the wadersof the world.Croom Helm, London. I would liketo thank MajorJohn Kellyfrom the U.S.A. Airforcefor his help in collectingimportant literature and Hesse,R.W.,Allee, W.C. & Schmidt,K.P. 1951. Ecologicalanimal geography.2nd edition. Wiley, New York. providingassistance in the field. Kessel, B. & Gibson, D.D. 1978. Status and distributionof Alaska REFERENCES Birds.Studies in AvianBiology No. 1. CooperOrnithological Society. Murie, O.J. 1936. The birdsof St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. In O.W. Anon 1953. Localclimatological data with comparativedata, Gambell, Geistand F.G. Rainey(eds.), Archeologicalexcavations at Kukulik. Alaska. U.S. Weather Bur. Univ.Alaska Misc. Publ. 2: 359-376. GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington. Armstrong,R.H. 1986. A new, expandedguide to the Birds of Alaska. AlaskaNorthwest Publishing Company, Anchorage. Nelson,E.W. 1883.Birdsof the BeringSea and the ArcticOcean. Govt. Print.Off., Washington. Badey,A.M. 1925.A reporton the birdsof northwesternAlaska and regionsadjacent to BeringStrait. Condor 27: 20-238. Nelson,E.W. 1887. Birdsof Alaska,with a partialbibliography of AlaskanOrnithology. Govt. Print.Off., Washington. Brooks, W.S. 1915. Notes on birds from east Siberia and arctic Alaska.Bull. Mus. Comp.Zool. 59:361-413. Sealy,S.G.,Bedard, J., Udvardy,M.D.F. & Fay, F.H. 1971. New recordsand zoogeographicalnotes on the birdsof St. Lawrence Darlington,P.J. 1957. Zoogeography:the geographicaldistribution of Island,Bering Sea. Condor73: 322-336. animals.Wiley, New York. Scott, S.L. 1987. Field Guide to the Birds of North Amedca. National Fay, F.H. & Cade, T.J. 1959. An ecologicalanalysis of the avifaunaof GeographicSociety, Washington. St. LawrenceIsland, Alaska. University of CaliforniaPress, Berkeley. Walters, V. 1955. Fishes of western arctic America and eastern arctic Fr•edman,H. 1932. The birdsof St. LawrenceIsland, Bering Sea. Siberia,taxonomy and zoogeography.Bull Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. US. Nat. Mus. Proc. 80(12): 1-31. 106(5): 259-368. Friedman, H. 1936. Notes on Alaska birds. Condor 38:173. Recent ringing totals compiledby Robin M. Ward Tables 1 and 2, overleaf,are ringingtotals listings received for the periodJanuary to December1989 inclusive. The nomenclatureand systematicorder used in the tablesfollow Hayman et al (1986).Totals given in parentheses are for chicks,where thesewere reportedseparately from full-grown birds. We wouldlike to encourageall membersworldwide who catch and ringwaders to sendus theirringing totals enabling us to presentthe global picture. REFERENCE Hayman, P., Marchant,J. & Prater, A.J. 1986. Shorebirds:an identicationguide to the wadersof the wodd. Croom Helm, London. 49 Table1. Reportedtotals of wadersringed outside Europe during 1989 Microparracapensis LesserJacauna Actophilorni*africana AfricanJacauna Rostulata beng halenisis PaintedSnipe Hirnanotopushirnanotopu.v Black-wingedStilt R ecurvirostra avosetta Pied Avocet Vanellus armatus Blacksmith Plover Vanellussenegallu.v SenegalWattled Plover Pluvialisfulva PacificGolden Plover P luvialissquatarola Grey Plover Charadriushiaticula RingedPlover Charadriuspecuarius Kittlitz'sSandplover Charadriusmarginatus White-frontedPlover Charadriusruficollis Red-cappedPlover Charadriusmongo lus LesserSandplover 1 Charadriusleschenaultii GreaterSandplover 39 Charadriusrnelanops Black-frontedPlover Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit 2 Numeniusphaeopus Whimbrel 44 Tringatotanus Redshank 284 Tringastagnatalis MarshSandpiper 11 Tringa nebularia Greenshank 7 Tringa ochropus GreenSandpiper 1 Tringag lareo la WoodS andpiper 13 Xenuscinereus TerekSandpiper 63 Actitishypoleucos CommonSandpiper 8 Heteroscelusbrevipes Grey-tailedTattler 18 Arenariainterpres RuddyTumstone 2 Gallinagostenura PintailSnipe 2 Gallinagonigripennis AfricanSnipe Gallinagogallingo CommonSnipe 24 Lirnnodrumussemipalrnatu AsiaticDowitcher 3 Calidris canutus Red Knot 3 Calidris tenuirostis Great Knot 2 Calidrisruficollis Red-neckedStint 4 41 Calidris minuta Little Stint Calidris temminckii Temminck's Stint Calidrisrnelonotos PectoralSandpiper Calidrisacuminata Sharp-tailedSandpiper ' Calidrismaritima PurpleS andpiper Calidris alpina Dunlin 11o Calidrisferruginea CurlewSandpiper 144 37 Limicolafalcinellus Broad-billedSandpiper 14 Philornachuspugnax Ruff 1 93 KEY A D.S.Melville, WWF, Hong Kong: Mai Po B W.Klau, Australia: Port Augusta,South Australia C A.J.Tree, Zimbabwe:Zimbabwe & E. Cape, SouthAfrica 50 Table 2. Additionsto reportedtotals of wadersin and outsideEurope during 1985- 88 A B C D E F G Haematopusostralegu• EurasianOystercatcher Himanotopushiamanotopu• Black-wingedStilt (38) Recurvirostraavosetta Pied Avocet (36) (271) Vanellusvanellu• NorthernLapwing 3 159 123 142 127 Pluvialis apricaria EurasianGolden Plover 11 1 3 Pluvialiv squatarola Grey Plover 1 6 15 5 1 Charadriu•hiaticula RingedPlover 2 16(45) 11 25 10 12 1 Charadriusdubiou• Little RingedPlover 2(2) Charadriu• alexandrinu• KentishPlover 1(21) 40(65) 10 Limosa lirnosa Black-tailed Godwit 15 Limosa lapponica Bar-tailedGodwit 16 Nurneniusphaeopus Whimbrel 4 Nurneniusarquata EurasianCurlew Tringaerythropu• SpottedRedshank 2 ?Yingatotant• Redshank (27) 60 10 60 39 Tringa nebularia Greenshank 4 1 3 1 Tringaochropu• GreenS andpiper 4 Tringaglareola WoodSandpiper 1 Actitivhypoleucos CommonSandpiper 20 1 Arenaria interpres Ruddy Tumstone 202 Scolopaxru•ticola EurasianWoodcock 1 Gallinagogallingo CommonSnipe 2 Calidriv canutu• Red Knot 47 59 Calidrivalba Sanderling 1 102 Calidriv minuta Little Stint 4 2 12 4 2 Calidrivalpina Dunlin 28 228 300 3O5 265 121 Calidrivferruginea CurlewSandpiper 14 36 3 4 Philomachu•pugnax Ruff 154 1 2 3 1 KEY 1988: A AnonimaLimoicoli Italia, Italy: Northern Italy (5 sites) B P.L.Meininger, Netherlands:Delta area C J.Onnen,Germany: Waddensea, Friesland D P.L.Meiningeret al, WIWO expedition:Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania 1987: E J.Onnen,Germany: Waddensea, Friesland 1986: F J.Onnen,Germany: Waddensea, Friesland 1985: G J.Onnen,Germany: Waddensea, Friesland CORRECTION to Table 1, page67 of WSG BulletinNo.57: ONC-CERA OiseauxD'eau, France (M1), ringedin 1988 757 Dunlin, 11 Black-tailedGodwits, 66 Bar-tailedGodwits and 141 Whimbrel. CORRECTIONto Table 2, page70 of WSGBulletin No.57: G.Nikolaus,FRG (E), ringed218 Little Stints.P.J.Dubois, LPO Paris (D), ringed2 LittleStints. D.Melville, WWF, HongKong (C), ringed no Little Stints. 51 .
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