Children and Young People’s Disability Register Lambeth Liberty Card PUBLISHED JUNE 2019 Organisations which offer discounts that may be of interest. Whilst we have endeavoured to verify that all the information below is correct at the time of printing, it is advisable to check before visiting any attraction. Please be aware, that in some cases organisations require extra proof of disability. You may need to show some form of Photo ID, a letter with your child/young person’s diagnosis or any other letter from an official organisation or hospital but do try using your Liberty card first. Please use the Lambeth Liberty card for any discounts or queue jumps not mentioned below, the more it is seen throughout the Borough of Lambeth and further afield, the more providers we are hoping will recognise and honour it. Liberty Disability Card ID No: Expiry: Lambeth Liberty Card Lambeth Council SEN Department PO Box 734 Winchester SO23 5DG Contact: Children and Young People’s Disability Register Coordinator Tel: 020 7926 9140 Email: [email protected] [email protected] 2 ChessingtonChessingtonChessington SurreySurreySurrey Tel: 0871 6634477 or 01372 731582 Tel:Tel: 0871 0871 6634477 6634477 or or 01372 01372 731582 731582 chessington.co.ukwww.chessington.co.ukwww.chessington.co.uk HeightHeightHeight and and and size size size restrictions restrictions restrictions apply applyapply for for forall all ridesallrides rides and and attractions.andattractions. attractions. Helper Helper goes goesHelper free free goesofof charge.free charge. of Guests charge.Guests must must Guests show show mustevidence evidence show of of their theirevidence disability, disability, of e.g. e.g.their a a blue/orange disability,blue/orange e.g.badge badgea blue/orange or or similar, similar, (as (asbadge stated stated or on on similar, their their website.) website.) (as stated Present Present on your yourtheir ticket ticket website.) and and disability disability Presentproofproof yourat at the the ticketturnstile turnstile and gates gates disability to to receive receive proof your your free atfree the helper helper turnstile ticket. ticket. In gatesIn addition, addition, to receive youranan free extra extra helper helper helper ticket.can can enter enter In ataddition,at a a concessionary concessionary an extra rate, rate, helper providing providing can the theenter second second at a is is required to assist you on to specific rides and attractions. concessionaryrequired to assist rate, you providing on to specific the ridessecond and isattractions. required to assist you Wheelchair-users should use the gates to the far left and right of the on toWheelchair-users specific rides should and useattractions. the gates toWheelchair-users the far left and right should of the use the gatesturnstiles.turnstiles. to the far left and right of the turnstiles. MadameMadameMadame Tussauds TussaudsTussauds MaryleboneMaryleboneMarylebone Road, Road, Road, London,London, London, NW1 NW1 5LR 5LR 5LR Tel: Tel:020Tel: 020 020 7487 74870200 74870200 0200 madame-tussauds.co.ukwww.madame-tussauds.co.ukwww.madame-tussauds.co.uk BookBookBook in advancein in advance advance for for for wheelchairswheelchairs wheelchairs on on on 0870 0870 0870 400 400 400 3000 3000 3000 CarerCarerCarer goes goes goes free, free, free, Liberty Liberty Liberty cardholdercardholder was was was given given given a a queue queue a queue jump. jump. jump. AltonAltonAlton Towers TowersTowers AltonAltonAlton Staffordshire, Staffordshire, Staffordshire, ST10 ST10 4DB.4DB. Tel: 0843 903 32694 Tel:Tel: 0843 0843 903 903 32694 32694 [email protected]@[email protected] TicketsTicketsTickets for for fordisabled disabled disabled children/young children/young people people people should should should be be purchased purchased as as be purchasednormalnormal online online as minus minus normal the the carer careronline ticket. ticket. minus On On the the day, day, carer head head ticket. to to the the On Pre Pre theBooked Booked day, headTicketTicket to the Collection Collection Pre Booked window window Ticket and and present present Collection your your supporting supporting window documentanddocument present ie, ie, DLA, DLA, your supportingPersonalPersonal Independence documentIndependence ie, Payment Payment DLA, Personal letter letter or or a a Independencecurrent current and and valid valid Blue PaymentBlue Badge Badge letter or a(your (yourcurrent supporting supporting and valid documents documents Blue Badge must must be be (your dated dated supporting within within the the last last documents 6 6 months,) months,) and andmust ask for your free carer ticket. An additional needs form can be completed be datedask for withinyour free the carer last ticket. 6 months,) An additional and needsask for form your can free be completedcarer ticket. onlineonline to to obtain obtain a a ride ride access access pass, pass, Please Please note, note, further further documentation documentation is is An additional needs form can be completed online to obtain a ride requiredrequired for for this, this, ie, ie, a a letter letter from from your your doctor, doctor, a a diagnosis diagnosis letter letter or or any any letter letter accessfromfrom pass.an an official official Please organisation organisation note, furtheror or hospital hospital documentation is is required required to to obtain obtain is required it. it. for this, ie, a letter from your doctor, a diagnosis letter or any letter from an official organisation or hospital is required to obtain it. 33 3 Shrek’sShrek’s Adventure Adventure London London RiversideShrek’sRiverside Building, Building, Adventure London WestminsterWestminster Bridge Bridge Road, Road, Shrek’sRiverside Building, Adventure London LondonWestminsterLondon SE1 SE1 7PB 7PBBridge Road, Riverside Building, Tel: 0871Tel:London 0871 221 SE1 221 2837 7PB 2837 Westminster Bridge Road, shreksadventure.comwww.shreksadventure.com LondonTel: 0871 SE1 221 7PB 2837 www.shreksadventure.comAll disabled guests are entitled to a free carer to accompany them on their All disabledTel: 0871 guests221 2837 are entitled to a free carer to accompany them visit. These tickets can be purchased at the attraction on the day of your visit on theirwww.shreksadventure.com All disabled visit. These guests tickets are entitled can to be a freepurchased carer to accompany at the attraction them on on their the day ofvisit.or byyour These contacting visit tickets or theby can callcontacting be centre purchased on the0871 at call the221 centreattraction 2837 or on 0333on 0871 the 321 day 221 2007. of 2837your visit or All disabled guests are entitled to a free carer to accompany them on their 0333or 321 by contacting 2007. the call centre on 0871 221 2837 or 0333 321 2007. visit. These tickets can be purchased at the attraction on the day of your visit Theor by contactingMerlin Entertainmentsthe call centre on 0871 London221 2837 or Eye 0333 321 2007. TheTheRiverside Merlin Merlin Building, Entertainments Entertainments County Hall, London London Eye Eye RiversideWestminster Building, Bridge County Road, Hall, TheRiverside Merlin Building, Entertainments County Hall, London Eye WestminsterWestminsterLondon SE1 Bridge 7PBBridge Road, Road, Riverside Building, County Hall, LondonBookingsLondon SE1 SE1 Tel:7PB 7PB 0871 222 0188 Westminster Bridge Road, Email: [email protected] BookingsLondonBookings Tel: SE1 Tel: 0871 7PB 0871 222 222 0188 0188 AllEmail: paying [email protected] disabled guests can bring a carer free of charge on both Coca-Cola Email:Bookings [email protected] Tel: 0871 222 0188 AllLondon paying Eye disabled and London guests Eye can River bring Cruise. a carer Blue free badgeof charge proof on is both sufficient. Coca-Cola All payingEmail: [email protected] guests can bring a carer free of charge on both LondonUnder 4’s Eye go and free. London For further Eye information River Cruise. check Blue website badge proofat www.londoneye.com is sufficient. All paying disabled guests can bring a carer free of charge on both Coca-Cola Coca-ColaUnder 4’s London go free. ForEye further and Londoninformation Eye check River website Cruise. at www.londoneye.com Blue badge proofLondon is sufficient. Eye and LondonUnder Eye4’s Rivergo free. Cruise. For Blue further badge information proof is sufficient. check London Aquarium websiteUnder at 4’s londoneye.com go free. For further information check website at www.londoneye.com LondonCounty Hall, Aquarium Westminster Bridge Road, LondonCounty Hall, Aquarium LondonWestminsterLondon Aquarium SE1 7PBBridge Road, County Hall, CountyTel:London Hall,020 SE17967 7PB 8000 / 0871 WestminsterWestminster Bridge Bridge Road, Road, Tel: www.londonaquarium.co.uk 020 7967 8000 / 0871 LondonLondon SE1 SE1 7PB 7PB All www.londonaquarium.co.uk disabled guests are entitled to a free carer to accompany them on their visit. Tel: 020 7967 8000 / 0871 Tel: 020Blue 7967badge 8000 proof is/ 0871sufficient. These tickets can be purchased at the attraction Allwww.londonaquarium.co.uk disabled guests are entitled to a free carer to accompany them on their visit. londonaquarium.co.ukBlueon the badge day of proof your is visit. sufficient. If you wishThese to ticketsbook in can advance be purchased this will needat the to attraction be All disabled guests are entitled to a free carer to accompany them on their visit. ondone the via day the of call your centre visit. whoIf you can wish be to contacted book in
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