PAGE 2 Monday, Nov. 30, 1964 OLD GOLD AND BLACK THE Bones Needs Defense By RICHARD MD·IS There are three pairs of shoes sitting in the equipment room that won't be filled this year, but they might be needed as the Wake Forest basketball team begins its 1964, 65 season. The Demon Deacons are with­ out the services of the former wearern of those shoes, tri-cap­ tains, Frank Christie, Butch Hassell, and Richard Carmic­ Ranny Wotts Dick Myel"ll hael- all of whom were start­ ers for the ACC rwmers-up of Coach Horace "Bones" McKin­ ney. The loss of Christie ( 1st team, Ml-ACC), Hassell, (2nd team, All-ACC), and Carmichael (All­ AOC-Academic Team) doesn't have McKimley very worried as he sets out on another 26 Newton Scott game voyage. He cites the re­ Jim AHengartea turn of .second team all-con­ ference Ronnie Watts, All-ACC toUI.,ney Bob Leonard, and last season's "best sixth man in the conference," Richard Herring, as his chief arguments. Six Lettermen Back There are six lettermen with whom Bones can build this year and eight sophomores as ) well as two returning junior Caach Haroca "Bones" McKinney non-lettermen. The squad lists six forwards, two centers, and eight guardS. Dennis Maod~ With four conference games Dilly Smith in the ~first six, there will be little time for experimentation. Coach McKinneya has narrowed his !Starting choices to six. He will alternate sophomores Jim Boshart and Jim Altengarten at a forward spot, giving each of them an opportunity to nail the post down. The other forward is Her- AI Lazier Jahn Andenano ring. The center is Watts and Watts, and Herring are seniors. the Trustee Proposal as he of-~ Another source quotes, ''And the two guards are Leonard Bones :is not so ron:f!idenrt thalti fered to do last year, but he despite the fact that only two pe and John Anderson. Anderson, he would play for the passing of is quick to add that, "If the regularts return from last year's ar defense shapes up we could squad, we don't think Bones be strong, maybe even better will allow his boys to slip too than last seasOID.." much." It's useless to prognosti- ar The schedule is harder than cate, but this year"·s team will lu ever. Besides the 14 demand- have to get used to varied PI ing league games there are en- speculations. There are more fe FOURTH STREET counters with Davidson (two "if's'' than ever and because of IlE Greensboro, N. C. games, one at Charlotte and the_ dependence of untried ~­ sp the other at Greensboro), Vir- terial, more room for guessmg. ... it. ginia Tech (a home and home The biggest "if" according to ell series), Purdue, Georgia Tech, Coach Mc.Kmney is the de­ TJ BARBER SHOP St. Joseph's, Temple, and the fense. "I'm just afraid for the w Gator Bowl Tournament. defense. This team has got to a Features:* The Gator Bowl at Jackson- leam to take pride in it. But ville, Fla. hosts the Deacons first they've got to learn it. co for the fi:rtst time. Other teams There's so much to this game W< Thursday participating are Georgia, Flori- that they don't see yet. In da, and Texas. "If I knew we could master pi The "Yes; the schedule is tough," the defense, then I could tell fr< drawls Bones, "but there's no you a little better how we'll w. Fabulous Five point in trying to build yourself do. It is definitely the key to th up playing a lot of patsies. I our success. They have got to te think I'd rather lose to a good learn to work together, to help S€ Friday, Dec. 4 club than beat a poor one." each other out. They didn't do C: The highest pre-season rank- it last night (against the fresh­ pl ing Bones' boys have received men).'' m THE ASCOTS is third in the conference. One The Dea.cs will use both man­ tll size-up has it that, "The Dea- for-man 8111d zone defense. "We 1( Sat., Dec. 5 cons traditionally finish one- have better per.sonnel for the th two in the ACC, but their slip zOtlle, but our defense will de- may lbe showing this go-round." (ConrtJinued on p!age S) m THlEASCOTS w in On The Cover . \ bl Sunday Photographer Bill Vernor caPtures Ro,nnie Watts as the Ot Deac ace shoots over Duke's M~, Tison and Buckley in o1 last year's ACO Tournament finals. m 2 - 7 The Monzas 6· 7 · 12 The Casuals e~ (BOBBY AND WAYNE- PRIZE WINNERS!) cc: GASLIGHT LOUNGE pc Featuring HAPPY HOUR: 4:00 'til 6:00 daily A new service ;is now available Ito Wake Fore~St students and TUES.: FREE Roasted Peanuts CE Chester Mayfield i1acu1ty men. The latest tedmiques iln mens' ha1r styling and THURS.: lOc for 25c mug 'b cutting are tpl"l~ by both Mr. Bobby Baker and Mr. SAT. Afternoon: ACC Special (reduced irl Wayne Bowman. Having recently studied .in New York City, prices during the basketball games!) Ul g; they are offering to you a service norma!Uy fotm.d only illl a: SAT. NIGHT: Couples, stag women, and gl large metropolitan area. Why not i!et a reall professiona[ do MUG CLUB members only! Only 45 aJ * your stylin.g am ·cutting? Collegiate, Executive ~and many FREE REFILL to all MUG CLUB MEM· a1 Minutes Drive more styles to make you a more manly man. BERS Every Night When The Clock Sl Alarms! sc b OLD GOLD AND BLACK Monday, Nov. 30, 1964 PAGE 3 Gallins Vending Co., Inc. 'Vishes to express its appreciation for the For Good Season patronage of Wake Forest Students and Faculty. OP.ENI NIGHJL Y T·IL 9! :· : . ~ ... :.. : . .. .· .. SEARS ·.· ROE.BUCK AND co.· • Bob Leonorct Richard Herring Special Offer!! TO· ALL WAKE FOR·EST STUDENTS Sherrill Whi~aker Present This Coupon For Savings Jim Boshart Ass't Coach Jack Murdoch! 1111 Joyaer Clark Poo: Bill Owert Jimmy Snyder <Continued from page 2) In the rebounding depart- that there will be work, for pend strictly on the team we ment, the numlber two man in there is more to Bones and his are playing," says Bones. the ACC returns in Watts. The 16 ibasketball players than red 33% RPM - H.F. No Prayers Needed forwards must prove them- sox, rfire, and brimstone. There Coach McKinney, who is also selves, but all of them have is perfection as anyone who is an ordained Baptist minister, the size and ability. Leonard, around at ACC Tournament despite his 6-2 frame, is one time knows. Stero Albums has been suspected of mixing prayers with his plays on of­ of the best rebounders in the THE PERSONNEL: fense. But there will be no league. Bob Leonard - 6-2, 187, need for that this season if No Major Changes guard, junior of Kingsport, speed has anything to do with There will be no drastic Tenn. the leading returning J99 and 299 it. "We are faster than any changes in the McKinney sys- scorer, 14.4 pts. per game, 47.5 club I have had in a long time. tem, despite the departure of shooting percentage, a~so pulled This large record assor.tment has been made available This will be a fast break team. assistant Charlie Bryant (now down 145 rebounds, hit 72.5 We will run, throw it aroUIIld frosh coach at N. C. State). per cenrt from foul line, higjh. to 1Jhe students at Wake Forest for one week following a little, and shoot - but fast." "We might use three guards scorer in six games. Bones' this ad. There are many records to choose from, alii. when we want to hold a lead. comments: "Bob was sensation­ Shooting is no problem ac­ types and styles of music. Hurry to Sears for youxs to­ And," laughs Bones, "I might al at the end of last year ... cording to Bones, but his losses day! change the color of my socks. has picked up right where he were heavy in that department. I'm rumrln:g oUit of rthose red left off, gained 15 pounds, could In Christie, the team l1ad a ones.'" be the best all-around player Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back player who could drive, hook ~n the ACC." 1 from the pivot, and jump-6hoot Anderson will call and set up the playos and Leonard will Ronny Watts - 6-6, 210, cen­ Shop at Sears 801 West Fourth St. 1 with equal ability. Hassell had ter, senior of Washington, D. C. the deadliest jump-shot on the be my court leader. I want to and Save SEARS Winston-Salem, N. C. give Leonard the freedom to . second leading retur'lling team and a passing knack that (Continueldl on page 15) ) set up many scoring plays. improvi•se and work one-on-one ) Carmichael was a hot and cold when he has the chance,'' con­ player, ,but his "on" days won tinues balding Bones. many a ball game. Together, ''This schedule is getting the threesome accounted for more and more demanding. We 1091 points, well over half of have :three games in IIJhree days the total Deacon output. in one stretch. I'm not sure 50/o DISCOUNT Scoring this season will be we can get to all of them, let more evenly balanced. The for­ alone play them. By that third wards are steppilng into start­ game, we'll just.
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