Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89578-1 - The Birth of Critical Thinking in Republican Rome Claudia Moatti Index More information Index Aborigenes, 118, 274, 276, 282 Annalists, 117, 119, 133, 135 abstraction, 332–5 anomalism, 173–4 Academic philosophy, 86, 170 Antemna, 283 Academism, 150 Antiochus of Ascalon, Academic, 50, 169, 315 C. Acilius, historian, 77 Antiochus of Syria, 47 L. Acilius, jurist, 27, 97, 144 Antipater of Tyre, Stoic, xix acta populi, 119 antiquarianism, 29, 94–8, see also collecting acta senatus, 102 accuracy, 128–9 acta triumphorum, 57–8 archival work, 129–32 acta urbana, 119, 219 as excavation, 150–1 action, 164–5, 179 Augustus and, 157–9 adelon, 331 collection of documents, 114–26 Aelius Aristides, 56, 287–8 citation, 117 S. Aelius Paetus Catus, jurist, 96–7, 99, 144 inscriptions, 116–17 L. Aelius Stilo, grammarian, 97, 294 material collection, 117–19 Q. Aelius Tubero, jurist and historian, 96, 114, 134 collection of tradition, 106–10 Q. Aelius Tubero, Stoic, 190 customs, 110–11 L. Aemilius Paullus, 33, 78 genealogical, 151 M. Aemilius Scaurus, 93 inaccuracy of documents, 131–2 Aemilius Sura, historian, 75 interpretation, 147–9 Aeneas, 18, 118, 273–7 origins of Rome, 134–6 L. Afranius, poet, 81 topography, 119–26 ager romanus, 262 antiquitas, 40, 72, 95, 114, 133, 135, 149, 153, 320 agriculture, 233, 251, 263–4 M. Antistius Labeo, jurist, 157, 162–3, 238, 251 Agrippa (Marcus Vipsanius), 125 M. Antonius Gnipho, grammarian, 174 Aigialeos, 72 Apellicon of Teos, 146 Alembert, Jean-Baptiste le Rond d’, 149 Apocolocyntosis, 305–7 Alexander Lychnos of Ephesus, geographer, 63 Apollo, 39, 77 Alexander the Great, 314 Apollonides, Stoic, xix Alexandria, 3, 47–8, 63, 124, 138 Apollonius Molon, rhetor, 49, 79 astronomy, 142 Appian, 17, 59, 176, 284, 288, 302 library of, 239 Appius Claudius, 99 poetry, 83, 225 Appius Claudius Caecus, 99, 138 scholars from, 48, 70, 72, 169, 281, 315 Appius Claudius Pulcher, 112, 185–6, 329 school of scholarship, 80, 145, 207, 236, 327 L. Appuleius Saturninus, rhetor, 14, 24 P. Alfenus Varus, jurist, 96 G. Aquilius Gallus, jurist, 224 Ameria, 283 Ara Pacis, 88, 159 amicitia, 222 Aratos, poet, 83, 328 analogism, 173–4 Arcesilas, founder of New Academy, 206 Andronicus of Rhodes, peripatetician, xix archaeology, 119 Annales maximi, 139–41, 205 archaiologos, 95 375 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89578-1 - The Birth of Critical Thinking in Republican Rome Claudia Moatti Index More information 376 Index archaism, 161 truth and, 176–7 archaisms (linguistic), 40–1, 214 autochthony, 281–4 Archias, 49, 303 autonomy Archimedes, 118, 327 intellectual, 167, 179, 193, 202, 322, 333 architecture, 88, 149, 240, 260–1, 318 moral, 35, 222 archives, 126–32 of disciplines, 7 land titles, 129–30 of Latin language, 85, 294 argumentation, 167–8, 197–201 political, 175, 209, 218 Aristotle, 198–9 avaritia, 31 Aristarchus, grammarian, 244 Aristotle, 4, 11, 70, 146, 207, 274, 289 Balbus, the surveyor, 230 dialectic method, 198–9 Barbarianism, 66–7 on techné, 236 Bentham, Jeremy, 243 systematization, 243, 248 Berosus of Babylon, historian, 72 Arval Brothers, 158 betrothals, 148 Ascanius, 275 bilingualism, 76–80, see also translation Asclepiades, grammarian, 146 Blossius of Cumae, Stoic, 49 G. Asinius Pollio, 124–6, 222 Blum, Léon, 10 Assyria, 72–6 Boethius, 246 astronomy, 142 Boethius of Sidon, scholar, 63 asylum, 120, 277–8, 295 borrowings, xx, 84, 293–4, 297, 304 G. Ateius Capito, jurist, 109, 113, 142 botany, 256, 259 L. Ateius Philologos, grammarian and historian, Boulainvilliers, Henri de, 136 48 Bromios, Epicurean, 208 Athenaeus, 48 Brutus, the tyrannicide (Marcus Iunius), 34, 103 Athenodorus of Tarsus, Stoic, xix Cicero and, 222–3 Athens, 49, 157, 296 De virtute, 103 Atticus (Titus Pomponius Atticus), 136, 155, 159, Buber, Martin, 227 170 Buffon, George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, 137 Aubigné, Agrippa d’, 32 augurs, 43, 112–13, see also religion; superstition Q. Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus, 49, 160 Augustine, 73, 189–90, 330 Q. Caecilius Metellus Scipio (cos.52), 29 on Varro, 150, 189–90 Caecilius of Caleacte, rhetorician, 155, 291–2 Augustus, 16–18, 37, 58, 154, 162, see also Octavian calendars, 3–4, 42–4, 99, 141–2, see also Julian antiquarianism, 29, 157–9 calendar clarity in writing, 214–15 L. Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus, 49, 209 creation of regions, 262–3 L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi, 117, 120, 137 deification of Caesar, 189 G. Calvus (G. Licinius Calvus), poet, 39 designation of calendar events, 160–1 G. Canuleius, 285 establishment of Pax Romana, 11 Caracalla (edict of ), 307, 311 forum design, 95–163 Carcopino, Jerôme, 194 Greek culture and, 156 Carmen Cumaeum, 44 horologium Augusti, 105–7 Carneades, New Academy, 170 Res Gestae, 158 Carthage, 45 restoration of Rome, 158–9, 161 Cassiodorus, 318 Secular Games, 44 Cassius Dio, 164 youth and, 38–9 Cassius Dionysius of Utica, grammarian, 82 C. Aurelius Cotta, 50 L. Cassius Hemina, 48, 70 L. Aurunculeius Cotta, 40 G. Cassius Longinus, Gaius, 209 authority, 2, 176–7, 192, 332 T. Cassius Severus, rhetor, 157 free speech and, 218–19 Castor, the botanist, 261 of jurists, 195–7 Castor of Rhodes, chronograph, 72 of nobility, 3–4 Castoriadis, Cornelius, 164 philosophical dogmatism, 192–5 catalogues, 123 rhetoric and, 204–5 Catiline, 36, 38 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89578-1 - The Birth of Critical Thinking in Republican Rome Claudia Moatti Index More information Index 377 Catiline conspiracy, 27 on Latin language, 84 Cato the Censor, 30, 38, 40, 55, 68, 70, 103, 116, on law, 22, 111, 153, 196–7 217–18 sacred, 109 Cicero on, 155 on monumenta, 115 De agricultura, 231 on Numa, 100 on Greek thought, 90, 193 on old age, 38 on Plato, 70 on partition, 248–9 organization of work, 231–2 on relativism, 178 Origines, 60, 106, 123, 218, 278, 283–4 on rhetoric, 132, 203 study of the Gauls, 60 on Roman accretion, 298–9 travels, 52 on Roman Forum, 86–7 Cato the Younger, 103, 211, 219 on Roman origin, 278 Catullus (C. Valerius), poet, 25, 36, 39, 214 on Roman state, 41–2 Caesar, see G. Julius Caesar on sedition, 16, 24 causa Curiana, 100 on social contract, 268–9 A. Celsus (A. Cornelius Celsus), encyclopedist, on societas, 269–70 325 on Stoicism, 184–5 P. Celsus (P. Iuventius Celsus), jurist, 194 on tradition, 21, 27–8 Censorinus, grammarian, 292 on truth-seeking, 328 centuriation, 4, 259–61 on writing, 102, 165 chronologies, 69–76, 136–41 religion, 330 Atticus, 138–41 sentence composition, 235 Varro, 137–8 translations by, 82–3 Churchill, Winston, 127 travels, 52 Cicero, ix, 33, 63–4, 219, 250 two fatherlands theory, 4–5, 308–11, 335 anthroponomy, 329 volume of writing, 102–3 Brutus and, 222–3 works Caesar and, 167–87, 212 Academica, 247 Cassius Dio on, 164 Brutus, 138, 265 consular candidacy, 229–30 De amicitia, 222 death, 157 De divinatione, 2, 181, 184–5, 194 deductive reasoning, 253–4 De finibus, 152–3 Greek thought and, 193 De inventione, 230, 235 Italian unification and, 268 De iure civili in artem redigendo, 265 Mark Antony and, 212 De legibus, 3, 117–18, 133, 168–71, 179–80, on action, 165 216, 238, 314–16, 332–3 on ancestral courage, 290 De natura deorum, 5–6, 185, 188 on Caesar, 46, 54, 221–2 De officiis, 35, 292, 308–9, 315–16 on calendar, 141 De oratore, 197–8, 206, 236, 253–4, on Cato, 40, 115 258 on civic religion, 181 De re publica, 41, 90, 168–9, 175, 190, 268–9, on civil war, 10, 222 323–4, 327 on concord, 13 De senectute, 39 on culture, 323–4 Topica, 228–9 on deification, 188 Tusculanae Disputationes, 179 on dialectic, 199–200 L. Cincius, grammarian, 71, 144 on divination, 181–3, 185–6 L. Cincius Alimentus, annalist, 115 on foreigners, 92 Cinna (C. Helvius Cinna), poet, 209 on free speech, 212 Cinna (L. Cornelius Cinna), 39, 302 on free will, 223 Cisalpine region, 225 on geometry, 246 citation, 117 on Greek literature, 79, 81 cities, 12–13 on history, 29 citizenship, 299–300, 302–4, 311 on Italian identity, 310–11 as legal status, 311–12 on kindness, 89 identity and, 310, 334 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89578-1 - The Birth of Critical Thinking in Republican Rome Claudia Moatti Index More information 378 Index Cicero (cont.) Q. Cornificius, rhetor, 204 naming and, 257 Rhetoric to Herennius, 235 natural law and, 316 T. Coruncanius, jurist, 99, 214 civil war, 10, 221–3 Crates of Mallos, grammarian, 244, 293 civitas, 315–16, 318, see also citizenship A. Cremutius Cordus, historian, 44, 157, classification, 251–5, see also systematization 211–12 centuriation, 259–64 Critolaos, Aristotelician, 49 Crassus’ system, 243–8 Ctesias of Cnidus, historian, 72 genera, 239, 242, 248–51, 261, 265, 330 culture, 296 Greek thought, 245–6 curiositas, 152–3 loci, 258–9 custom, 289–90, see also tradition naming, 255–8 antiquarian collection, 110–11 politics, 256–7 negligence of, 27–9 species, 239, 242, 248 universalism and, 308 Claudius (emperor), 295, 305–7 Claudius, historian, 134, 210, see also Claudius debate, see also rhetoric Quadrigarius dispositio, 232–5 G. Claudius Marcellus, augur, 56, 186 freedom of speech, 210–12 M. Claudius Marcellus (cos.I 222), 162 philosophical, 207–10 Q. Claudius Quadrigarius, historian 39, 231 deduction, 253–4 Clement of Alexandria, 70–1 definitions, xv, xviii, xxi, 4, 7, 18, 101, 144, clientela, 52 148, 213, 238, 240, 244, Clitomachus, philosopher, xix 248–50, 252 Cloaca Maxima, 119 deification, 188–9 Clodius (P.
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