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TRACKING SHEET 11111111111111111111111111 00000035 Object II) • o00ooo35 Object Name. Irish Humorous Poetry Author. Various Authors Project. Puhlishing In fA Date Created. 09/15/05 The electronic version of this text has been created as a part of the "Publishing in Irish America: 1820-1922" project that is being undertaken by the CUNY Institute for Irish- American Studies. Project: I>ublishing in fA Dale Created: 9/]512005 ObjectlD: 000000035 Object Name: Irish lIumorous Poems Author: Various Authors Date Published: 1885 Publisher: Worthington CO Donor: lonn College _~l -.:_.~~ IRISH -7- HUMOROUS POEMS: CO~[PR[SING "MOORE'S MELODIES," "SHAN VAN VOCHT," "FU:--r OF THE FAIR," "G\LLANT SA,RS. FIELD," "CROPPY BOYS," "RORY OF TIlE HILLS," "TIlE OULD SUD," " EI, r;'\ \L\ VOUIC'IEEN," "C1 TY ( )F LI\I E" l(' K." "FT;,\ F1':N TIlE RUVER." BY VARIOUS AUTHORS. NEW YORK: WORTHINGTON CO., 2S LAFAYETTE PLACE. L.,l- • ., C-'i,} " ,~ ]AA.~. COPYR!(H1T, WORTHINGTON CO. ! I, I From Press of THE STA~nAnn Pln~T1~G A-sn rtT.Lt~T1Nn ('0., 161-165 Franklin Street, New York. t I IN D EX. A A balladof.98 160 AdIeu, my loved harp.u 0 237 ~~1:~tt~hin~~fuK.~~i~:~:.:::::::.::::":::: ::::::::: :::::::: 2~~ Afterthe battle 17:J Ah I dark are the halls where your ancestors revelled ...•••• 168 Ah I the moment was sad when my love and I parted •••...•. 63 All mankind love praise '_0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,0. 203 An illigant wake ••••••... 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0. 10il An Irish girl in heart and souL 0 94 An Irishman's ancestors 215 An old castle towers o'er the billow. , ..••.. 0 29 Another dead ....•••.•. 0 ••••••• 0 •• 0 0. "0 ••••••• 76 Apart from all the nations stilI she stands _...•••....•• '" 14 A patriot's statue; amonumentbuilt .•••.••..•••..•.••..• 93 April 20th. 186J, ' 71 Arragh, honeys, my dear 150 Arragh, boys, it's meselfthat will tell ye ...•....•......•••• 180 Asabeamo'erthefaceofthewaters 19 As an Englishman, an Irishman 182 A 50ldler. to~night, is our guest 149 A song to sing .•.•....•..•....••..•••.••....•.....••.•• 10.3 A tale of '98 ~21 Avenging and bright lall the swift sword 01 Erin 37 A vernal ode 60 A wail (1847) H Awake, and lie dreaming no more ~07 Aye! name ~im no more unto loyalty's ear ••••..•..••..•••• 79 B Backward and forward, I'm reeling and tight 216 Battle of freedom ....••••.•........•..............•.••..•••. 172 Believe me, 1f all those endearing young charms .....•••••••• 14, Before the battle 39 Blacksmith 119 Blarney '" 203 Blinking Barney's recruits •••• _ 161 Borne across the sea whose waves receding 89 Brigade at Fontenoy ...•.......•••............•••..•••.•.. 219 Brightly our swords in the sun light are gleaming , 158 Buttermilk and praties '" ~.o By our camp-fires rose a murmur 219 By that Jake whose gloomy shore 2\l 2 INDEX. c Canadian boat~song ~ ' . 14 Can 1 forgetthee . 75 100 ~~::Jo~~lrUt1l~~~.~~~~s.e.s.~~:~~~~t:::::::0:::::::: :::::::::: 35 Come, pledge again thy hand and heart .. 169 Come, send round the wine _,_ 23 Come to me, dearest . 2U 160 ~~~~f!.:..~h~~.:.:::':.:':.::':::':.:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 69 D Dandy Pat 2~~ Dark's the cloud our mountains o'er . »avis ~~ Dear Erin, how sweetly thy green bosom ris\ s . Dear harp of my country 2~~ g:~:~~:~a%~e~~~~~~.~~t.z~.~r.~I.~:.::::::::::::::::::::::::58 Defending the green n 125 Dirge for Devin Reilly ~ Dirge of Olifeir Gras .. D~ ?f Shawn ,I?esmond l:g Drunm donn d,h . Drink to her who long 28 E Erin go bragh . 50 Erin, my own, my nativtt home .•....•..................•.• 210 Erin I 0 Erin 1 _ .. 23 Erinl the tear and the smUe in thine eye ..•... _ ...•.•.• 28 Erin's patriot ~ls .........•...••.........•.............•... 190 Exile of Erin (Campbell's) .. M Exile of Erin (Reynolds') , .. 196 Eve of Benburb " . 100 F Faith, my name's Jerry Wood. the young piper 177 Farewell, but whenever you welcome the hour ..••.•••... _ 17 Farewell, my gentle harp H9 Fillthe bnmper fair 20 ~:=~f2:~~~:::::::::::: .:::::::::: ..:::::::.::'.::::::: 1~ ¥Jag 0 Ireland I magic symbol 101 l'1y not yet; 'tis~ust the hour 15 ~orging 01 the p 100 reedom's sword ..•.•••••.•.••••••••••.•••••....••••••••.• IN Fall oftea when our fathers saw the red above the gres ..... 88 INDEX. c &,~~;e::f:daIl~~S.\:~i~~~:':::.::'::::.:"::::.:: ::.:.:::::::::i~i God save Ireland [another poem] _ 187 Go, Edmund, join the martial throng 62 Good men and true, in this hOllsewho ..1w.:l1. •••..••••.•••••• 160 Good peasant, we are strangers here , 199 Go where glory waits thee 2~ Green above the red .•..•...•.••••••.••••..••••.••..•.•••.• 68 Green on my cape ............................••••....•. 162 Green were the fields where my forefathers dwelt ..•.••••••• 60 H Harp that once through Tara's halls u lW Harp without the crown _ 14' Has sorrow thy young days shaded? 174: Have you not seen the timid tear? ..•........••.....•.. 13 He grasped his ponderous hammer, he could not stand it more 191 He is dead to-day in N ewgate, our hope and Ireland's pride .. ~30 Hero's fame ..••••..••••......•..........•.•.•••.......•.••. 132 Hope for Inhod ........•.........•.......••••..••••••.•• 209 How dear to me when daylight dies ..••••.....•..•.•...•.... 30 Hugh of Glenurra 61 Hurrah, boys, hurrah for the s\\,'ord by my side 229 Hurrah for Erin's isle .. _..................•....•••••..••••• Zi8 Hurrah for the battle of freedom 17:l I I'd mourn the hopes tnat leave m~ 2l lenteredthedismalblindt!dhouse 8' I 'listed wid old Blinking Barney 151 I'll never get drunk any more 128 I love my land 101 I love the bright sword of the fearless and brave , ..••.•• 194 [love to hear the gentle harp 99 ['m a lad that's forceu an exile 16~ I'm kneeling by your grave, aroon! the autumn sun shines bright 45 In comes the captain's daughter u 66 [n Dublin, that city of riches and fame.u u 106 In I'rin's isle, where griers a smile 11«) In the me~ month at June from my home I started ..•••..• 1'1 ~~:b~~e~~~8~~~.::::::.':::::..:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ m:~Ireland's$:~:~.~~.~future ••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.••••••••••.•.•.•:.:.:.:.::.:..:.::.::.::.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.::::::::.::::::ill218 I saw from the beach when the mornmg was shining .••••.•• 33 It cheers an Irish eXile's heart 190 It is not the tear at this moment shed un' 37 It is some years ago, I very well know ,_•• ' ,. 117 It was in the County Longford, two kn\.)wmgboys d~FI" 109 I've tried to fool myself into 85 4, INDEX. J J erry Wood, the piper 11~~ Join together, hand in hand .• o. '0" _ " Just alter the war in the year '98 2'l1 L Lament for the land where the sunbeams wander .• 44 Lament of the ejected lrish peasant 0 •••••••• 0 ••• fl~ Last night, three genial friends with me •• o 8 Last outlaw •••••••••• o •••••• 0 •••••• 0 •••••••• 0 ••••••••••••• l:i'; I..ast Saturday night .••..•.....•. "0 ••••• 0 •••••• 0 ••••••••••• IH" Lay them lowly in the earth ..........•• t ••••••••••••••••••• as Leave me to sleep, Biddy. '0 •••• '.0 •••••• 0 •••••••• 0 •• 0 ••••• 2Hi Let Erin rememb~r the days of old o 22 Like an emerald gem in the breast of Ihe sea .• 0_ •••••••••••• 2111 Like the bright lamp that lay In Kildare's holy fane ..•... 23 I' Look out." said 0' Moore to his kinsmen afar .....•.••••.. 200 Lord Edward Fitzgerald 79 Lord Edward Fitzgerald's dying lament ...•••........•••.. 171 La! the days ofthe tyrant are numbered 171 Love's young dream .•.........•...••••••........•.••..... 21 M March to the battlefield 14~ Martyr'. day HI Mary, I believed thee true 16 Meeting of the exiles .•.• , ••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 00 Meeting of the waters 12 Molly Bawn 142 ~10urnful. mournful are thy glories, Erinn of the clouded eyes 96 Musing in the abbey ruins 124 My Fenian lady 8n Mygranddame was a tidy lass lOt) My heart and lute 11 My invitatIon .•..• _•.••••••••••••••••••••••...•.•••••... 184: My land 58 My light ofHfe is gone for ever 169 My name is Paddy Carnes 2~1 N Never forsake the ship 9( Night closed around the conqueror's way 173 NoraCreina 17 Now, come, sons of Erin, I'll give you asoug 217 Now. 'io~lemenJ w;Jll soon begIn 212 Now. twlXtyezan me 179 o O'Brien, the good 93 O'Donnell Abu 72 Ofn;'yself, n;'y de:>'"joy, d'yewish to be told !..::::.::::::::117 Oft m the stilly mght US INDEX. 5 O'Gorman 13~ Ohl breathe not his name 0 •••••• 0 ,_ ••••••••••••••••• U. Oh J come to my arms, my joy and my darlin' ••••••• o •• eo ••• 166 Oh I come to the New World. my Shelah ~ Oh I drimin donn dilis, the landlord has come u 4,9 Ohl Erin, mycountry ..........•• _••.............•....•. 65 Oh J for the bards, the glorious bards, the pride of the days of old 40 Oh I give me the auld love agin now ................•...••.• 214 Oh I Ireland, my country, the hour of thy pride and thy splendor hath passed ....•.............•...•.•.....••• 171 Oh t I have roamed in many lands " 65 Oh! Kilmuuymacmahon's:.t place you would bless ...••••.•. 215 Oh I lady fair 100 Oh f steer my bark to Erin's Isle , 65 Oh I the French are on the sea 155 Oh! then tell me, Shawn O'Ferrall. 59 Oh! the orator's voice is a mighty pO'." er .......••......•.• 41 Oh! the shamrock _....•............. 70 Oh I there's not in auld IreIand a boy half Sl.l free 176 Oh! think not my spirits are always as light ..... _....•..... 31 Oh I thousands shall mourn, and lhous::\nds "hall falL ...•..• 230 Oh! 'tis sweet to think ...................•....... 22 Oh J 'twas at the birot Donnybrook .................••.•..• 114 Uh! 'twas Norah l\IcFrisky I md on the rn.:td_ 108 Oh 1 weep not tor the men \",ho dit:d 143 On hearing the harp ..........••••••...... , '" ...••.•. 99 On the dread tempest's wing over the stormy sea ....•..•... 51 One blessing on my native isle 161 One bumper at parting ......•...........•.....•.......

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