THE AMERICAN SEE PAGE IN THIS ISSUE. 13 i WHY YOU HAVE TROUBLE LEGION MAKING ENDS MEET By NATIONAL COMMANDER DONALD R.WILSON I thought was his favorite! This prideful pup should be flattered to find that Schlitz is his mas- ter's choice in beer. No other beer in this man's world enjoys a more faultless pedigree — a special taste that millions prefer and new mil- lions are discovering every day. Schlitz tastes so good to so many people, it's first in sales in the U.S.A. The Beer that made Milwaukee Famous © 1952,' JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. I my There's a big difference between a T) • • • and a • • • I J? —and there is a powerful difference, too, between gasoline and ff ETHYL19 gasoline! "Ethyl" gasoline makes a worthwhile difference . because * ' Ui there's nothing like top power . in traffic, on hills, or on the open road ! Because "Ethyl" gasoline is high octane gasoline, it brings out the top power of your engine. Try a tankful today and see if it doesn't make a powerful difference in the performance of your car. Ethyl Corporation, New York 17, N. Y. Otherproducts sold "Ethyl" (technica I] underthc trade-mark: salt coke . .ethylene dichloride . sodium (metallic ). .chlorine (liquid ).. oil soluble dye . benzene hexachloride , i/>e. d/'/ferehce. ih your SCALP THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE VOL. 52 No. 3 CONTENTS FOR MARCH, 1952 A QUIET STREET IN WASHINGTON (fiction) 11 BY DON TRACY It was o strange place for a Congressman's daughter. WHY YOU HAVE TROUBLE MAKING ENDS MEET 13 BY DONALD R. WILSON 50 seconds' brisk massage with stimulating For the full story be- The National Commander describes the danger of inflation. hind this month's Vitalis and you feel the difference in your cover, we suggest that scalp — prevent dryness, rout embarrassing you turn to the Edi- HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT HE WAS BUYING 14 flaky dandruff. tor's Corner on page 6. BY AL STUMP POSTMASTER: Please The story of a championship Junior Baseball team. send copies returned under labels Form 3579 to Post Office Box THE STRANGE CASE OF THE I.P.R 16 105S, Indianapolis 6. BY FREDA UTLEY •/he cfr'/fer&ica in your Indiana. The inside story of the Institute of Pacific Relations. The Americon Legion Magazine is the official publication of The Ameri- can Legion and is owned THE SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO MONEY-MAKING 18 exclusively by The Ameri- BY LESTER DAVID can Legion. Copyright 1951. Published monthly How big business creates opportunities for the little guy. at 1100 W. Broadway. Louisville, Ky. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in HOW TO SELECT YOUR FISHING TACKLE 20 Section 1 1 03, Act ol Oct. BY ARTHUR CARHART 3, 1917, authorized Jan. 1925. Price single copy, 5, Equipment that will help get the big fellows. 15 cents; yearly subscrip- tion, $1.50. Entered as second class matter June 30, 1 948, at the Post GET THE LARGE ECONOMY SIZE 22 Office at Louisville, Ky., BY BERTON BRALEY under the Act of March 3, 1879. Non-member sub- How to get more ond spend less in the long run. scriptions should be sent to the Circulation Depart- ment of The American Legion Magazine, P. O. THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE 29-36 Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Indiana. EXECUTIVE AND Ventures ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Indianapolis 6, Indiana SOUND OFF! 4 ROD AND GUN CLUB. ... 24 EDITORIAL AND EDITOR'S CORNER . 6 NEWSLETTER 25 ADVERTISING 10 seconds to comb and you see the differ- 580 Fiflh Avenue PRODUCTS PARADE 8 LEGION PUZZLE CONTEST 37 ence in your hair — far handsomer, healthier- New York 36, N. Y. PARTING SHOTS 64 looking, ncatlv groomed. (Vitalis contains WESTERN OFFICE new grooming discovery.) Get a bottle of 333 North Michigan Avenue submitted for consideration will not Vitalis today. Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons Chicago 1, Illinois be returned unless a sell-addressed, stamped envelope is included. VITAUS ALSO PROOF. GERMS DANDRUFF I is KHULS Please notify the Doncld R. W dson, Notional Commander ndionapol 1* Circulation Depart- John Sletle, McLeons- Lang Armstrong, Spo- L. Sears, Toledo, Ohio, Laboratory kane, Wash.; Charles George D. Levy, Sum associaicu^Jj, ment. Publications boro, Illinois, Chairmen kills germs the Legion Publica- E. Booth, Huntington, ter, S. Roland Coc dandrufl on conuu. Division. P. O. Box of C.J fectious can. tions Commission; Dan W. Va.; Dr. Charles R. reham, Baton Rouge mere oil dressing 1055. Indianapolis. a no W. Emmelt, Ventura, Logan, Keokuk, Iowa; La.; George D. Boron Indiana, if you have L. Dave H. Fleischer, St. your ad- California, and Earl Bethany, Conn.; Her changed Meyer, Alliance, Ne- Louis, Mo.; Emmett dress, using notice schiel L. Hunt, Austin braska, Vice -Chair men. Sa t ay, Jacksonville, use form 2 2S which you Tex.; Earl Hitchcock F I ; Clovis Copeland, Members of the Com- a . Falls, N. Y, may secure from Paul Glens i Rock, Ark.; mission: Max S I e p n Little Edgar G. Vaughan, St your Postmaster. Be Philadelphia, Pennsyl- B. Dague, Downingtown, Paul, Minn.; Harold A sure to cut off the vania; J. Russell Lor- Pc; Josephus Daniels, Shindler, Newburgh, Ind. address label on combe, Malta, Mont.; Jr., Raleigh, N. C; D. your Magazine and Director of Publications A dvisory Editor Advertising Director Vitelfc paste it in the space Gardiner Fred L. Maguire James F. O'Neil Alexander provided. Always New York. N. Y. give your 1952 Managing Editor Eastern Adv. Mgr. Consultant Boyd B. Siutler WilliamM. DeVitalU membership card Barton Jomes F. A rt Editor number and both M estem A dv. Mgr. Indianapolis. Ind. Al Marshall your new and your H. J. Prussing, Jr. Director ''60-&cohcf Workout'' old address. A ss t to Associate Editors Frank Lisiecki Robert B. Pitkin Detroit A dr. Rep. A Product Bristol-Myers of Editor Joseph C. Keeley living Herschbein John 0. Gillman The American Legion Magazine REMINGTON THE WORID'S NO.1 ELECTRIC SHAVER NOR* SHAM*** Sold and Hove Been Use fhnn Are in Who's Who in the Electric Shaver boosters of Remington Shavers, and who keep telling their Industry? friends that the Remington way is the most satisfying way Who has Made and Sold More to shave, without soap or blades, mess or bother. The amazing new Remington 60, the world's first and only Electric Shavers? sixty second shaver, illustrated, is the highly perfected result The answer to these questions of years of Remington Rand Leadership ... of Remington is REMINGTON RAND. Rand Research, of Remington Rand Know-how. These statements need no Dealer Survey to back them up. Its handsome appearance, smart packaging and superb per- The sales figures provide the facts — more than 8,000,000 formance make it the world's finest electric shaver. Buy a REMINGTON ELECTRIC SHAVERS have been made and Remington at all fine stores, secure in the knowledge that sold. The books of Remington Rand prove it. Our thanks go Remington is the electric shaver preferred and used by more to the men in 80 countries who are enthusiastic users and men throughout the entire world. BITES OUT Sound Off! The National Writers must give name and address. Name withheld if re- Joy quested. So many letters are being received it is not possible to promise answers. Keep your letters short. Address: Sound Off, Smoke The American Legion Magazine, 580 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N. Y. POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY, HELL! peratures than that. Zero degrees Centi- grade is the freezing point of water. Sir: The accusation of Republican Party Alan Schwartz politics at the Miami Convention by Alfred Los Angeles C. Edwards is more off than sound. Person- ally I am of and from the Deep South. My Sir: From my training as an enlisted weath- 46° people are Democrats by heredity. With er forecaster I think — C. would be this background, let me say: If the Miami about —50.8° F. Dick Duke Conv ention w as Republican in flavor, long Denver, Colorado live the Republic! Opposition to socialistic Sir: Better tell reader House to recheck trends, to governmental w aste, and to a soft his physics lesson and not confuse zero appeasement policy toward communism degrees Centigrade with Absolute zero. does not mean opposition to the Demo- Absolute zero, which scientists have come cratic Party. Any person with eyes to see, close to, is approximately 273 degrees below ears to hear, and mind to understand must PLEASURES IN zero Centigrade, or 459 Degrees below zero know that there are principles and issues Fahrenheit. William P. Kinter bigger than any party interest. Legionnaires Home, Pa. might well say: "Political expediency, hell, PRINCE ALBERT'S PATENTED* for a man who has fought in two World Mr. House's letter produced enough re- a sponse to prove that The American Legion "NO-BITE" PROCESS INSURES Wars and in Police Action, or in one World War, or in one Police Action. We Magazine would be an excellent advertising REAL PIPE COMFORT are Legionnaires. We are Americans. We medium for manufacturers of thermometers, are citizens. We are parts- men. To hell home freezers, refrigerators, frozen foods and with political expediency." other products associated with low tempera- If you smoke a pipe or roll your own. tures. Editors Moses E. Howell you'll find more Albuquerque, New Mexico smoking enjoyment NO WHITEHOUSE FAN in Prince Albert's Sir: I don't really believe Arch Whitehouse choice, rich - tasting tobacco, specially knows w hat aerial warfare is. He sounds treated to insure like a comic strip fiend. against tongue bite! Jack Fleming More pipe smokers Ex-Air Force WWII and men who roll Livingston, Montana their own buy crimp cut, milder smoking FAHRENHEIT, CENTIGRADE, ABSOLUTE P.
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